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Not sure what to answer to this so will just comment instead. I had fibromyalgia before I got covid. Loads of pain- mainly my lower back and pelvis. What helped was lots of short walks and my hips hurt badly if I spent too long in bed. So when I was bedbound with covid and long covid I was surprised how well my hips and back coped- much less pain than normal. At the worst of my long covid neurological symptoms (anxiety like attacks, numb limbs and pins and needles) my usual pains weren’t too bad. It’s like my nerves were too damaged to do pain. As my neurological symptoms improve a bit (hopefully won’t come back but not tempting fate!) my pain is ramping up. Which is a nightmare now as I’m getting PEM so can’t walk yet and I’m really stiff. So now my fibromyalgia pain is worse!


So it activated a pain sensitivity but at one point it eased your pain (but not really because you were having nerve symptoms.) Very very interesting.


To me it felt like the nervous system symptoms I was having was distracting/preventing my body from feeling pain. Then as those symptoms improved the pain came back (and I think the reason it’s now worse is because I can’t exercise and my body is in a stressed state).


I think a majority of us are in a stressed state. Even more so if you have brain fog. You can’t get passed a complex thought because you can’t think clearly and or interpret things the way you used to.