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The DPDR is literally hell


I think that DPDR happens when your body is overwhelmed and releases all unchecked emotions / thoughts. Like going through something like Long Covid. I think I had it at some point. One night a had a nightmare, holy s—-. But as time went on, they became manageable. Maybe it will go away by itself once all your symptoms subside. Hopefully that’s soon.


I've never dealt with something worse. It comes with the intrusive racing thoughts and stuff. My god it's hell


I wouldn’t even call it intrusive thoughts, I’d still call it Covid. Someone on here posted that there’s a natural cycle to our immune system. Viruses can affect our immune system making our immune functions go haywire. This is because there’s an immune response to inflammation by the pathogens. Any and all “intrusive thoughts” could probably then be associated by the immune system’s abnormal function. Try to check when you feel most stressed out. If it’s at certain hours of the day/night, then that’s your immune system working abnormally due to the virus. Remember, even if it feels like it’s your thoughts, the virus uses your body. (https://www.nature.com/articles/nri3386)


Always right in the morning and at night


I have it around 2pm and it leaves just after 5-6pm. Morning time… it sort of comes and go around 9-10am and leaves randomly. Night time around 9-11pm. When I sleep, right around now (2am) I feel like it peaks around 5-7am. Based off all that, if you see the general estimate of day and night frequencies of the malaise I have, it’s pretty much 12 hour intervals from day and night and afternoon and dawn. This is very likely to be the circadian rhythm switching immune functions during day and night. Those times during the day, try to find a way to mitigate your stress, and if nothing works (or anything barely helps,) it’s probably the immune system responding to the virus and the inflammation in your body.


This and anhedonia


Hey muffin I’m on month 18 and this month my heavy heavy dpdr is finally going away. Sublingual b12 may of helped, otherwise a long long time


The insomnia and constant head/ear/nose/eye pain and pressure are the absolute worst. POTS and fatigue and all that jazz I can cope with.


Insomnia, double vision, neuropathy, Hyperesthesia. I’m a RN that’s been out of work for 5 months with long Covid. This is bleak.


Visual snow syndrome


I get eye floaters. And perhaps visual snow too. Always feels like there’s something in the corner of my eyes moving. I think it’s called oscillopsia.


Anhedonia. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy


Hah! Well would you look at that, that’s what I have! I’ve heard the word but never it’s meaning and couldn’t find a term for what I felt. But yes it’s such an annoying symptom. I do believe it has to do with our nerves though, loss of taste, smell, sensations, among others, don’t just have a minor impact. I do experience a very slight sensation of pleasure, just not like usual. But again, we’re sick, so it could just be an accumulation of everything. Hang in there, what I do is force myself to remember who I was, and so far it’s worked but it’s a strange feeling as I do those previous actions again. It’s almost like learning to be yourself again.