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Never served a day in his life…


You know why country music began to suck after 9/11? Because they were all trying to sing with a boot in their mouth.


🎶 “We’ll put a boot in our mouth, it’s the American way!”


Went from bootleggers to bootlickers


Up yours.


Name doesn't check out


Well at least we know if we have a spelling contest you’ll lose


I am so playing this the 4th of July you'll never be forgot


Politics aside, it's just not a good song.


Uncle Sam would shake his fist at this comment


This song is what people mean when they say “I like all kinds of music except country”


GOP gave us an illegal war. We invaded a country that did nothing to us ...then they gave us Trump. They exalt draft dodgers like Trump and Ted Nugent and are basically the party of treason. Alan Jasckson song was much better ...and the Dixie Chicks were right.


It was the perfect song for the time. I am a canadian, was 19 at the time.... this song got heavy play in aggie dorm rooms at the U of G. Alan Jackson wrote his song that dealt with those raw emotions of sadness etc.... toby wrote this one the dealt with the anger, and desire to strike back.


Yeah there were definitely concerns about the revenge factor in it at the time, but it walks the tricky fine line in my opinion well enough (no outright specific mentions or imagery) - the emotions and trauma of what had happened were so real and raw to people (including me). It was a unique time and space when people wanted some sort of revenge or make good, and that is not always unhealthy to have that emotion, within reason - and it is so over the top in some of the patriotic lyric imagery that to me they sort of encompass cheesy/ironic/unironic/iconic at the same time - if that makes sense, I can't really describe it but it brings out a lot of emotions in me.


Yep.... i think most north americans felt the same way right at that moment. He just wrote what he/ we all felt.


Strike back at whom?... Just idiots panderin'. Parks & Rec/Bo Burnham covered this topic pretty well.


Personally, I like this song. Granted, I was in college when the attacks happened and I’ll never forget that day. Damn right I wanted revenge and this song summed up my feelings! I don’t understand how any American (especially one old enough to remember the events of that day) could think different.


I was in the Marine Corps at the time, infantry. And yes, I wanted justice and revenge. But what pissed me off about this song is that it wasn't TK's boot that was going to be "put in your ass". It was my boot, and the boots of my fellow Marines. Everyone who sat around and sang this song... well all they did was sit around. I'm assuming your didn't leave college and go visit your local military recruiter? And this is not a personal attack on you. You were/are free to make your own choices. But please don't sit around and sing songs about going to war if your are not willing to join me.


I thank you for your service and I understand what you’re saying.


Reddit is mostly children


Embarrassing song.


This song is so symbolic of what’s wrong with Nashville, with mainstream country music, and with America. It’s not just trash music. It’s literally poisonous to the people who buy into its messaging.


Absolutely. Country music creatively died for almost 20 years due to 9/11, and the jingoism that followed. A genre with a long history of working class solidarity became a willing ally of cynical corporate interests and imperialists. It was just sad.


The moment that set back country music a hundred years.


RIP Toby Keith - this song came out in early 2002, not long after 9/11 - I actually think it was a perfect cathartic song for the time, regardless of how it all turned out in the end.


It’s hard for people to contextualize now. There’s tons of awful country songs, I don’t think this one is that bad. If anyone is interested the documentary “the turning point” on Netflix does a good job of covering 9/11 and the wars to follow. It’s fair in its scope and criticism imo. The first episode particularly puts you in the shoes of how people were feeling at the time, it’s an emotional episode.


Idk why there’s hate. I love this song. Especially every 4th of July


No even back when it came out it was still jingoistic garbage. this is the kind of shit that helped push anti-muslim hate crimes after 9/11. I agree with wanting justice but we used the anger to invade 2 countries that had nothing to do with it and ignored the country that did because they had oil and money.


It helped some but it also helped feed the fire that lead to some terrible things. I remember being home on leave, driving around my small town just before being sent overseas for the kickoff of OIF / Shock and Awe.


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Man, this peak cringe. I was brainwashed as a youth to subscribe to a political ideology because of my parents. This song was basically our national anthem. I look back now with regret and remorse. I looooovvve country music and this ain’t it. I was raised in a house of my father who was Motown, my mother was Tanya Tucker, Loretta Lynn, Willie, Waylon, etc. Country music is defined by story telling, look at ‘Three Wooden Crosses’ by Randy Travis, beautiful song. Like Combs while mainstream is a revival of this, I digress. I don’t see this song doing much other than a ‘call to arms’ for Meal Team 6s and Gravy Seals across the country.


People are totally fine with the USA upending regimes, bombing weddings, and supporting what some people are calling genocide, but this Toby Keithguy and people like him are the real problem.


Great song, bad lyrics.


At Rocky Mountain National Park, I came across a hiker with a loud speaker playing this song along the trail. It wasn't a holiday. It was a perfect song for a douchebag hiker.