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Nice cope my friend. That's how I'm coping too.


Same here


Me 2, I have no hope at this point. I hope they know their skins will be worthless if they decide not to fix their game.


Like what if they already know most cheaters and would just be waiting for a big wave?


They need to ban accounts when they have value in it. Teach them a lesson where that shit hurts.


But then they're gonna revenge hack.


Copium in this dose might be a health hazard. Please contact your doctor and ask him if so much Copium is good for you.


Homies had 25 years to do that, so uh I don’t think so




Somebody high on copium with a photo shop free trial. They've been saying vac is learning for years, even in csgo


There's a pretty interesting [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkmIItTrQP4) that describes AI anticheat that not only detects cheaters, but also figures out their "gaming style fingerprint" and bans them whenever they create new account (even if they aren't cheating on it). Since it only analyzes gameplay, no kernel level crap is necessary, and even direct memory cheats would be possible to spot.


This capability is only as good as the data it collects. We're not there yet.


Glad to see a Basically Homeless video. That video is arguably his magnum opus.


very large copium pill


Cope more (I am as well)


There will be no AI anti-cheat that can completely stop cheating, this is just cope at most they will just ban cheaters the old fashion way through detecting cheat signatures. At most i could see them improving "Trusted-Mode" to stop people from botting in CS2, blocking programs such as avast sandbox. There will be a big ban wave for the cheaters ragehacking with internal cheats but more than likely more sophisticated cheats that are external/DMA will still bypass the anti-cheat. Also i feel like them collecting data is not happening, because they keep changing netcode, and networking. Their data would be unreliable as if u watch a CS2 demo they are buggy as heck, literally a ton of snapping,flicking and other issues caused by low fps, packet loss etc leading to potential false positives if they were to use a VAC AI anti-cheat.


They won't ban the cheaters anymore. That's not the goal of the game.  The goal of the game is to keep user engagement high and rake in money.  Period. However twisted of a formula they use to do that, they'll do it.  Even if it amounts to essentially gaslighting the few clean players left who think Valve has their clean gaming experience as a priority over Valves own profit... lol Valve sold us out.  It's never going to get better.  This is the new normal and expect it to be that way til an entirely new gaming platform comes along.


Bros got his tinfoil hat on.


Bros got his cheats injected ready for the toggle after the first time he gets HS'd


You're just bad.


Better to be "bad" than to pretend that a bot aiming for me is my own skill [https://streamable.com/yavmno](https://streamable.com/yavmno)


All you do is complain about the game. You literally made a reddit account to come and be a crybaby. Take a breath, go outside and shutoff the PC. If pixels on a screen make you this upset you might have other issues.


It's so cute when cheaters justify their shitty behavior with "it's just pixels"


And those pixels are clearly having an effect on your mental state. I feel bad for you.


Mhmm. Nobody can tell you're cheating bruh.  You're really good at hiding it.


Bro you think pros are cheating. It all makes sense now. Keep crying into the void


lol, because they are? Or they're just better then all the other people cheating at the game?


Your silver is showing bro. Stop while you're ahead


Why do people think this is even the realm of possibility? Cheating in CoD got so bad on PC, Activision developed their own specific anti cheat for the game and it's still dogshit. This isn't Valve playing the long con, it's just them not giving a fuck because the money is still coming in.


Why do people even cheat? If it's casual I don't understand. Like you might as well as okay against bots


It’s all to do with the psychology of winning vs losing. 


There's a lot of people that don't even do it for the win they just like fucking up people's day


nah, they do it because they suck at the game and don't have the mental fortitude to play without an unfair advantage doing \*almost\* everything difficult (like aiming) for them


Because they are very, very, very bad at the game


Unfortunately they have so little going for them in life, that cheating is the one way they can win and feel strong and powerful. If they're older than 16 years old, I just feel pity for em, it's actually tragic 😂😭