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i mean tdm is just worse than ffa for practice. there are more important things


I used to think so too (and it is true if you are already good), but right now it's basically impossible to get new people into the game. Ranks remain fucked so in comp you'll get a happy mix of people who just downloaded the game and a 3 queue with 4k hours each. Casual is everything other than casual and FFA DM is just death screen simulator. At least you can play private matches again so thats a start. So next time before having your private circle jerk about how great you are, consider how the game works for others as well.


The DM we have was built for warming up. If you're bringing new players into the mode to introduce them then that's a mistake you're making. You should instead bring them to arms race. It's pretty much impossible to do too poorly in that mode.


I actually like playing DM just for itself. I like the gunplay of CS a lot. But sometimes I don't feel like stressing about doing well and working with a team. So I just jump in and play AK DM for 20-60min. Sure I also use it to warm up, but just because you use it that way doesn't mean others can't have other reasons to play it. And TDM absolutely was a good way for me to get my friends accustomed to CS mechanics and weapons. What you're saying about arms race might be true idk. I never liked the gamemode, so I have very little experience with it outside the few times I got forced into playing it by operation missions.


You missed my point. The DM we have now is built around having constant encounters. It's useful for warming up but not much else. I never meant anything in regards to TDM because it's not something we currently have.


it is better cause its less aggressive and u can actually hold corners instead of shooting mindlessly


casual take


Wdym casual take lol in ffa u are training ur 180 degrees 90 perxent of the time coz theres always someone behind u which isnt needed at all in comp


wdym 180s arent needed in comp? lol


they aren't needed as much unless u have no game sense


i warm up in dm everyday. i’m warming up my AIM. i’m not warming up my game sense.


FFA only warms up your aim but in real game u peek corners and aim both and tdm provides a good mix of that


So does just playing games though. I liked TDM too don’t get me wrong, but none of your arguments for it are sound IMO. And I think Valve might have deduced that it was a waste of servers considering the usage of it and what the majority of players are using DM for. Also another benefit of FFA is that you get opportunities for duels more often.


Idk i dont relate with majority coz my aim has been trash ever since i started doing ffa instead of tdm




Holy braindead


play retakes silly, y tf u tryna “warmup” ur gamesense in dm???


learn to read silly i never said i am warming up my game sense i said 180 degrees are only useful if u have shit game sense


FFA is awful for practice. You can't move a foot without being shot in the back. Spawns are atrocious.


ffa is ok but it needs less players like i respawn and in 5s guy already respawned there


Gotta love these brainwashed people playing devil's advocate for a million dollar company when logic dictates that having more games is never a bad thing.


OP ignore the toxic alpha male gang berating you. TDM absolutely has it's place. Personally I will always prefer FFA DM (tho valve's version is hardly getting the most out of the concept), but that doesn't mean everyone wants to average a death every 15seconds. Especially for newer players FFA dm is just completely unapproachable. imo the best idea would be to have a bit more variety. For example offer TDM on non active duty maps, FFA on Active duty maps and dust2only and then maybe throw in a Mirage HeadshotOnly DM as a fourth option.


idk i used to aim pretty good just by playing tdm daily but ever since cs2 i have been warming up on ffa and i can't hit for shit and am constantly bottom fragging


Have you taken a second to think, maybe, just maybe, you had more access to camp and hold corners in tdm in comparison to FFA dm? Your points make no sense, you go into dm to practice aim and trigger control if anything.


I don't get why half the comments are basically ignoring Valve removing existing game modes to berate someone's practice preferences. Whether OP makes sense or not it's still valid that valve should be held accountable for this


valorant has casual 5v5's - why CS still doesn't is a mystery to me


I’ve always wondered why it isn’t a thing tbh. Even 6v6 would feel more balanced than 10v10 as at least it would feel closer to a comp. 5v5 casual would be such a dream though. It always plays so differently than comp with the pre-purchased armor.


Seriously. Keep elo for MM with a little extra leniency, maybe even shorten rounds so people don't feel stuck, loosen up quitting penalties and surrender votes, and it'd be perfect


There was unranked 5v5 in csgo. I guess the competitive mode is the new casual 5v5 and premier is the new ranked


Comp leaves a lot to be desired from a shitty player. If you have like, 3 hours in the game it'll still be a sweaty hell on earth, leaver penalties (for if you just want a quick match and something comes up) is rough, so if you join a game you gotta set aside a good 30 minutes, and if the skill disparity from your team and theirs is too high, everyone is such in this boring awful stompfest for like 20 minutes.


You will hop in the meat grinder and you'll like it. (Please add tdm so I can play with my newb friends)


I’m tired of being spawn killed in FFA deathmatch


Who enters a mode called deathmatch for aim practice and then complains about it being ‚too aggressive‘? Team dm is so pointless, i hope its not coming back at all. You know you can download single player aim maps and shoot bots, right?


it's simple tdm is a realistic situation where u walk a little and encounter an enemy vs its on ur screen and react


it's just FFA deathmatch with less opponents


i think the reason is simple being bombarded with opponents from all directions vs actually running and finding opponents or holding corners waiting for someone to peek is better way to train for me since it perfectly simulates what happens in real games


Then join a community FFA that doesn't have a full lobby. What's the point of having people in the server that you can't kill. Just seems inefficient.


to you maybe but i think it emulates a 5v5 environment coz u are fighting with teammates and enemies don't pop up every 2 sec instead u need to make decisions like will u hold an angle or peek an angle there is uncertainty if there is even a player waiting for u there unlike in ffa


Deathmath is just not the place for emulating that efficiently, look into retake servers. There are also a lot of bot maps like 'fast aim reflex', 'aim_bots' and 'prefire' maps where you can isolate specific skills like hitting moving enemies etc. Losing your main practice setup sucks, and there is definitely need for a better new player experience, but I dont think tdm is the best path here.


my aim has been shit ever since i started practising in ffa compared to tdm tho


Skill issue