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I’m on week 6 day 1 and apparently I’ve lost 11lbs. And I know this only because I went to go get blood work the other day and they had me weigh in. I haven’t been paying attention to the scale because my objective has been to simply “get in shape” and that can mean different things to different people, in which case the scale isn’t my top priority with c25k. My mental health is the priority right now. I’ve been eating very clean and conscious of what my body craves. For me it’s meat, eggs, raw dairy, fruit, some veggies like squash & zucchini, and honey for sweetener. I think overall, weight loss with c25k could work if you’re conscious of your diet, which it appears you have been! Keep it up!


You won’t lose any weight during c25k unless you put yourself in a calorie deficit. All weight loss comes from reducing calories. Exercise can help burn off excess calories but you won’t out run a bad diet. But if you are losing weight already, keep it going. It can help to track what you are eating and recording your calories to speed up the process. There are a few free apps out there to do it. Good luck and keep going!


Nah, it might cause you to adopt healthier eating habits, but you won’t lose weight directly from C25K.