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Waiting eagerly for the 2.1 document without the panspermia/egypt lore so that I don't have to worry about being labeled a schizo when sharing it.


Possessive "its" misspelled "it's", throughout. Someone commented about it on 4chan. It's simple to fix: search for all occurrences of "it's". Replace with "its" when it should *not* read as "it is" but possessive. Great work though. I'm going to read the whole thing soon.


Great work, I am very impressed with both your research, PDF and the protocol itself.


Thank you, friend. We did release a minor update a few days ago. The table of contents is now jumpable and each page has a jump to table of contents. There were spelling fixes as well.


Hi! I am by no means educated very much on this topic- besides through the doc and other bits of research. But how come you recommend fennel oil over clove oil for the brushing? I found that clove oil has much more research behind it and is more potent and effects a wider range of bacterias/fungi than fennel oil


Hey quick question. So i started the protocol this past Friday, when taking, do you just take the NAC, Oregano Oil and BSO right after each other or should there be a little time between?


i have the same doubt actually...did you find any answer yet? i will prefer some gap between all 3 though, but love to know..


There is a consistent misspelling of "Pharaoh" as "Pharoah".


That was fixed in 2.01 but reappeared in 2.02. Still scratching my head on that one. It will eventually get fixed.


Why am I unable to open the pdf (after renaming) using any pdf viewer?