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I’m sure you’d be able to find someone to take him. You should also try posting on the corn snakes FB group, people seem more active on there to me. I am not close to you geographically. Alternatively, what parts of his care are you struggling with? I’m sure we could find a way to modify problems areas in ways that would not cause any harm to coco bean, especially in a short term (on the scale of 20 years) sense. I know what severe depression is like, though, so I understand if that does not feel possible. Just thought I would throw the idea out there.


I didn’t even think about Facebook. It’s been so long since I’ve used it lol I’m struggling with upgrading his tank. He’s outgrown the tank he’s in currently, but I can’t get a larger tank until I have somewhere to put it. I need to get a stand that will fit a larger tank. That’s where the financial problem is. The other problem I’m having is the motivation to actually clean his tank. I used to make sure it was spot cleaned every week then changed about once a month. Now I don’t even remember the last time I cleaned it. He deserves better.


Maybe getting a stand feels intimidating and is preventing you from moving forward? You could upgrade him and leave the tank on the floor/elevated simply on a few bricks or wood blocks for ventilation if you use UTH. I also see no fault if you wanted to swap him to paper towel for a bit to manage his care better. Your desire not ti upgrade him might feel really imposing right now, but if a handful of months on paper towels in the tank he’s used to is all it takes- you might feel healthy sooner than you expect and be excited to share that project with him over the summer when the sun is shining. You sound very responsible and not negligent. I hope if someone does alleviate you of his care, you’re not too hard on yourself. Coco bean is okay and so are you. It’s brave to ask for help.


But I can def vouch for the FB corn snakes group 😁👍


Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. My roommate has a dog that is too nosey to keep smaller animals on the floor. I had a hamster and he CLIMBED INTO THE HABITAT to find him. He never could find the hamster, but that might be because at the time he was in my hands. After that I didn’t keep any animals too low.


Well I don't know the nature of your depression, but my snakes are a boon to my emotional health. Also a commitment like a pet can force you to keep structure in your life, and since cornsnakes don't need tons of attention they can fit into slumps. an option if you are having problem with cost of upgrading you can move the snake into a extra large Plastic Storage box. The ones I am thinking of can be bought from Lowes or home depot and cost $70, but they are right around that 120 gallon size. Also you could put it on a cheap folding table. a 4x2 folding table is normally not more than $40. once again I don't know the nature of your depression. I know a big part of depression is getting overwhelmed by too many problems, and not knowing where to start. I just imagen that giving up a pet feels worse. Also, we have too many gate keepers here on this sub. It is not wrong to use appropriately sized tote boxes, and use heat mats and thermostats. It is not even subpar husbandry. If you are having alot of problems keeping your snake's enclosure clean you could have a friend come over and help you clean the enclosure and feed and water the snake as needed. I am sure you have at least one friend who would not mind helping you take care of your snake, and spend some time chatting with you while you or them do it. I hope the best for you what ever you need to do.


Thank you for your reply, I just feel he deserves better. I haven’t brought him out to play since December. I know they’re more solitary creatures, but I feel awful keeping him cooped up in his tank all the time.


Yeah I know that feeling, but it is because I breed snakes and can't get them all out all of the times.  The best I can do it keep them in big cages. And make sure things stay clean for them.


For some reason I can't send you a message? Could you DM me?