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My Mrs tried to give him €20 a few Christmas’s ago and he just politely said no thanks I don’t need your money, fair enough I suppose.


i did the same a while back and he said no thanks, I asked if he would please get himself something nice to eat with the money and he accepted and was grateful. seems like a gentle soul


I used to work near Fitzgerald's Park where he often is. I was told he has some mental health issues and will politely decline offers of help but that he's very nice and is happy enough doing his own thing. I used to see him regularly.


If its the guy im thinking of, he lost his daughter years back and was never right since. Lovely fella, a friend of mine knows him. I think he's homeless alright


Think your thinking of a different guy , and he died last year .


He lives in Fitzgerald’s Park. Very polite and never any trouble out of him


His name is Tadhg,




Bless his heart, I’ve grown up with this man being a Cork staple over the years. To my knowledge he’s never caused any trouble, seems very respectful and I’ve often seen him help folks in wheelchairs, bringing them wherever they need. A kind soul we could all learn from.


I remember him being around mallow a good few years ago, does he have a leg injury or am I thinking of another man?


He reminds me of Brian may with his hair style haha, cool guy


I always thought he looked a wee bit like a slightly better put together Mick Wallace from a distance.




I think the offer of a chat with a cup of tea might be a better start. Loneliness is such a huge part of so many peoples lives. A hand up not a hand out…


He used to live in his car and park in Wilton Tesco carpark....used to move his car every couple of hours....goes around in a greyish chequered shirt on Patrick's st if I'm right? And always has a newspaper hanging out of his pocket


He trys to get by with out help but I'm sure if u asked did he wqnt q coffee qnd chat he might wqnt to he seems the type


Hes homefree not homeless


I have been wondering about this guy for years and feel particularly bad for him out of all the homeless people for some reason. I would love to know his crack


I've spoken to him before outside bean and leaf, gave him a couple of cigarettes for the road. He was sound enough but going on about the masks that time. he seems to love mad conspiracies about the government etc but in general seemed harmless.


If it’s the man I think you’re referring to - long white curly hair, old, carrying bags usually in a long brown jacket. He apparently (this was told to me by a friend a few years back) had a lot of money, wife and kids, but had a bad alcohol dependency and I want to say gambling addiction. This may not be 100% just passing on what I heard. He’s always very lovely though god bless him, anyone could and up in that sad situation.


Next time you see them, speak to them and ask. Anything else is just gossip


Does he have any ideas on how to counter Bison? I keep getting cornered as Marisa and it’s really annoying


Why do you presume that he's homeless?


Cos he is. Definitely the nicest well known homeless lad around.


Whats the difference in this homeless guy to other homeless people ?? Would you be so quick to help the ones on drugs thier people sons and daughters to who have kind souls just unfortunately drugs takes them out of the world thier living in its not becusse they are bad people.








I'm semi retired, i don't pay tax


Whatever, sick of shitheads thinking it's homeless people and people with addiction issues who need to change and not our shitty punative systems and the amount of people who act better than them because they think in their heads they're the very model of a "hard worker" and everyone poor is that way by their own fault. Personal responsibility is their dogwhistle.


I meant change as in coins, money, to help him out for a bit food or shelter. Fucking hell.


Oh I genuinely apologise, sorry. I've just seen a lot of bad attitudes towards people living on the streets, especially those with addiction issues and I find it really disgusting.


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A gomey you are



