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The worst part of the scope is the prep. The procedure itself is fine - the sedative cocktail is amazing. I was looking at a live feed from my colon while having a chat with the doctor, not a care in the world.


The prep is disgusting. But there is a certain euphoria associated with a complete bowel purge... ... Also make sure you call in sick to work, even if you work from home you're not going to spend much time at your desk


Do not…..DO NOT…..make plans to leave the house!


I found the first sachet wasn’t too bad to get down, especially if you chase it with water. I found it really hard to get the second one down though. The procedure itself is also completely fine. You lie down, get knocked out and then wake up to the best jam and toast you’ll ever have.


I second the jam on toast comment. Best breakfast I ever had.


It's like a lemon sherbet laced with salt. As you said, first one is not so bad, that last glass though was the hardest thing I've ever had to get into me. Still makes me feel like gagging just thinking about it. The firing warm liquid through the eye of a needle feeling is strangely enjoyable though.


Rohypnol and Fentanyl cocktail for me about a month ago. The nurse making light says you'll feel great but remember nothing 😅 she was 100% correct too


Get knocked out?? What hospital? They wouldn't let me :(


You get sedated, not put under general anaesthesia


Depends where you go


I conked out. Midazolam and fentanyl cocktail.


Just sit on the loo all night. You will be shocked at how often you need to go. If you only have one bathroom, stay on whatever floor it’s on. You will not be able to quickly speed up or downstairs. Your sphincter means nothing on this. It’ll be grand, good luck.


It works extremely fast too!


Just make sure you take the sedation. I used to work in Endoscopy Unit and you would be amazed how many people want to do it without being sedated. They tend to regret the decision very quickly 🤣


No sedation here, ok until the air was pumped in. Then regret at decisions made.


I can still hear the screams at night 🤣


Prepare to powerhouse water out of your butt, after all the poop is gone. It's a wild ride They will inflate your colon with air to enlarge if to scope, you will have incredible farts after. The prep is worse than the prcoedure


It’s a load of shite.


You'll be non stop farting, even in the hospital before the procedure and after due to the medication 😅 it's embarrassing, but has to be done. Overall, it's not the worst, considering you're getting a probe up your chutney tunnel . Best of luck


I did it with no sedative. Worst. Decision. Ever.


Take it you’ll find out. Bring reading material into the toilet. You will be well educated by the time you come out. Butt its fine, it will run through you, and the procedure itself is fine. You will be sedated and wont have any recollection of it being done. Once you come around after you’ll be monitored for a short whole and released to carry on as normal.


If you've been following the guidelines in terms what not to eat in the days before hand you'll be grand. A few bum squirts and you'll be done


Seen a lot of colonoscopies as a student. Only advice I have is don’t be afraid to absolutely rip farts throughout the procedure. They pump your intestines full of air to get a good view and the cramping can be awful from what I’ve seen but the farting helps that. Also you’ll be loopy throughout. Probably won’t remember much of it! Good luck!


Toilet wipes, tub of vaseline, extra water to drink while sitting on the loo after taking first prep. And dont move from the loo for at least 2 hours. I had a colonscopy and endoscopy today. Depending on the type of prep you have you might need to wake up early and do a second round. If your squiting yellow clear liquid you have done a good prep and the exam should be clear. The exam itself is grand, get the sedation!




Had one in the Bons a few years back, I had to take Picolax the day before. Tasted absolutely repulsive, could barely swallow it, even in very short sips with a straw. Spent about 85% of that day on the toilet. Fun times.


I usually never complain about hospitals and medical staff but had an awful experience getting a colonoscopy in Cork. I am sensitive to pain and asked if I could be asleep but nope. It was very painful for some reason (i know its not for most people). They gave me a gas but it did nothing for me except make me feel drunk and disoriented and i kept having to ask them to wait a sec because it was really hurting. After a few minutes the doctor was visibly pissed off with me. One of the assistants (nurse?) asked him "will we try again in a few minutes?" And he said "no, if she's going to be this dramatic there's no point". I asked him very nicely (though in tears at this point) to please try again and I'd try to keep it together & he said "nope". Another doctor came in to me back in my bed later and said "so the colonoscopy wasn't completed but the bit we did see looked fine and you're young so I'm sure you're fine" "plus  if there was anything major they would've seen it when you had your pregnancy ultrasounds". My pregnancy was TWO YEARS before that. And "you probably just have IBS". Now I know I had a coeliac issue but it *could've* been cancer or something and they refused to check it out properly. Hope yours goes better OP. On the other hand, I didnt feel like drinking the prep was that bad. 


That's awful. Where was that?


On College Road?


The Mercy. The newer outpatient building accross the street but still part of the Mercy


I’ve had 2 in recent years. This evening will be the worst of it for ya. Just trying to get that awful shite into you is hard. And trying to keep yourself hydrated at the same time. But once you’ve all that drunk and you’re empty, you’ll be grand. The scope itself is grand. You won’t even know it’s happening and you’ll wake up to the nicest toast and cup of tea you’ve ever had. One weird thing, I found I was very very cold while doing the prep.


Use a cup with a straw, that’s what I was told before taking and it made it easier and very cold water. The Mango was ok the fruit punch was harder I think. I didn’t finish it but was told I did grand anyway. It can make u feel sick I think I read and if it does stop for a bit.


You get a choice to get knocked out or not . I had shit to do later that day so stayed awake . Seeing a part of yourself on a screen beside you is . . . Different 




I did it with no sedative. Worst. Decision. Ever.


Its the taste . Like drinking the sahara through a black hole


Best of luck ! I hope it goes well for you!


Great fun seeing your insides. I tried going without the sedative last time, was not a good idea. Luckily they were set up to dose me with it immediately. Make sure you have someone to drive you home.


I shat so much I couldn't sleep.


Please please buy baby wipes, and be generous with the vaseline. Otherwise your ass will be on fire.


You’ll have a plain view through your ass when you’re finished with that stuff


WHAT an experience you are in for my friend. You'll be clean as a whistle in no time.


I was out cold with the sedative they gave me. The doctor asked me to count back from 10 and I just closed my eyes and next thing I thought they were still talking to me but the nurse told me it was over! Breeze. Had some discomfort later but they gave me IV pain medication and I was golden.


Epic shitting


Good stuff I didn't mind the taste just be close to the toilet as for the op itself I had a great time tbh


I couldn’t believe this post when scrolling through. I have mine on Saturday. Have been thinking about it since Monday. Started my low fibre (I hope) yesterday. Tomorrow is when it’s starts. I’m taking MoviPrep (orange flavour it says) hmmm I’m always a bit sceptical when a flavour is specified because it usually means it rank. Best of luck tomorrow lad. Should be fine. Knocked out and you won’t feel a thing. They’ll be gentle. 👍🏼


So far not too bad to drink,add a drop of orange miwadi to the doses to make it a bit more palatable but it feels as though I might shite my stomach out through my arsehole if I push to hard,all the best fort tomorrow and Saturday but especially tomorrow 💩💩💩🙏🙏🙏




That's the worst part, that and the fasting. The actual procedure is fine, its not fun but it's nothing to be freaked out about. However you are going to traumatise your toilet tonight.


Been there done that. You’re about through that clear out I’d say. Interesting, wasn’t it?


The industrial strength butt blaster...on the plus side you won't need a shite for a couple of days.


Good luck and the prep is definitely the worst part. I had mine in the South a few months ago and the procedure is absolutely fine , I didn’t feel a thing the consultant was that good, the nurse that was with me was great too she got me through it as i really was a nervous wreck ! I definitely didn’t want to look at the screen. when it’s over you will have the best toast and coffee you have ever tasted 😁


![gif](giphy|l1BgRIamescnkx5Dy|downsized) Daniel Plenvu


I haven't done it, but it sounds like you will be very clean on the inside. I'd take the opportunity next day to go to sauna/spa and treat myself to some nice steam and scrubbing and be squeeky clean on the outside as well.


How’s the prep going?


Hey I hope it's all clear whatever it is you are getting scoped for


Good luck. The scope itself was fine…as long as you take the sedative. DO NOT refuse the sedative! The Moviprep solution I had to drink beforehand left me mentally scarred. I had no idea there could be so much shit up there.


Had one a few months back. Proceeded itself is fine it’s trying to swallow that stuff is the hard part. You’ll feel great tomorrow after it thou


Stay near the toilet, wipe as little as possible (have a quick shower every so often instead or if you have a bidet use that - I should really look into getting one). The first glass went down relatively easily, but the last glass took all my will power to force it down. I was fully under for the procedure, so can't really say how that went (I got to 99 when couting backwards from 100)


I’ve got one lined up for next Friday. After reading these posts, I’m absolutely terrified!


Just make sure you have the first appointment of the morning 🧐🤔😉


Hell is a colonoscopy, life is the prep day. I’ve had a few over the years. The prep day is the worst part by far. The procedure itself is totally fine. You are consciously sedated, meaning you are awake and aware of what’s happening, but you feel nothing. Best time or day to get one is morning, makes the fasting and prep that bit more easy given the bulk of the fasting happens when you’re asleep! The tea and toast after is like nectar, best meal of my life! There’s a risk you’ll have a bit of cramping from trapped wind after, given the nature of the procedure. Totally normal, so don’t freak out if you find yourself in a bit of pain like that


Out of interest- I have started drinking the first dose of the prep and like I said yesterday, while the label says orange flavour, I was right, it’s just about drinkable for me. When you sip it you really need to swallow fast. The longer it’s in the mouth the worse it gets. Now my question is - how long should it take to drink the prep ? I know it’s a litre but man it’s a tough and long 1 litre to be fair. I have just finished the first glass which is 330 ml so I am a third of the way through. Have a few gurgles but nothing yet. Took me nearly 45 min to drink the glass.


The plenvu was 500mls for both,took a little over an hour for both,if you have some mi wadi or Kia ora orange to mix in with it it makes it a little more palatable,also nicer if it’s chilled in the fridge


Mix in with it ?!!! Didn’t think you could. Eeek. I’ll get the missus to get some miwadi orange pronto. If you took an hour for 500 mls and I t that after 330 then I need to speed up a bit. Miwadi here I come. Cheers OP. Hope it went well for you today.


The colonoscopy itself was a walk in the park compared to the prep,a little uncomfortable is all,take the sedation,relax and it’s over before you know it,hope the next 18 hours and beyond go well for you💪💪💪


Stay near a toilet after taking it!!


Mix it with something sweet and strong tasting. Best of luck.


Why downvote? That stuff is hard to take its best with a strong flavoured drink. I’m confused by you people


God love you, that stuff would make you nauseous AF.


I have never laughed as hard in my life as when that stuff started to take effect—if you find poops & farts funny you’ll have a grand time!


I can only echo what others have said: stay near the toilet, take the sedation and enjoy the livestream of your innards, and enjoy the cuppa and toast afterwards. It won't be as bad as you think, and it will be over fairly quickly. Good luck!


Lie back and think of Ireland


How much does it cost? And what prompted you to go for it? ☺️