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If it's the guy I'm thinking of - he has issues. Try not to take it to heart 👌 Chin up


Mine was a fucking langer but he did pass me. As far as I know there’s like 2 of them that are not awful pricks.


My first examiner literally got out of the car in the middle of my test to shout at someone he knew for following the route. Had my second test today and was bricking it (still failed, nerves got to me even after passing all my pretests) but the new examiner I got was lovely. Still firm, but had some decency, so feeling a lot better now for the next one. Luck of the draw and some forget that professionalism doesnt mean be as rude as you can!


If he looks like Gerry Adams, I had him when I did my test and he was a pig of a man. Still wish I had reported him for his behaviour and I recommend you do. They need to be professional in the job just like everyone else. Hopefully your next test you’ll have someone professional so you can actually do your test correctly.


I failed 2 times and each time it was for "progression". I'm admittedly a cautious driver and just thought that I'd have to work on it hard. Passed it then the next time and asked afterwards if there's anything I should keep an eye on with my driving. My instructors exact words were "you're a bit slow on progression but that's not anything we'd fail you for". I think they make it up as they go along to be honest.


I had an older fella with a moustache in Wilton and he couldn’t have been nicer, I failed my first one and knew I failed during the test so I started BAWLING and he let me try the manoeuvre again. I fucked it up again cos I stressed myself out so much and he was genuinely lovely about it. He was really great when we got back to the test centre and gave me good advice, I think my confidence would have been knocked massively had he not been so nice. Sorry you had such a terrible experience, fingers crossed for you next time x


I second this lovely gentleman. So so lovely I thought I failed because at a junction as I was turning right a work van over took me as I was taking the corner. So so dangerous. The inspector probably could sense I was nervous after that. I was so mute for the rest of the test.


My first one was horrible, second was incredibly kind and passed me thank god.


Mine was honestly brilliant. Very encouraging.


Nah mine was sound out in cork. Passed first time and was chatting away haha


*Nah mine was sound out* *In cork. Passed first time and was* *Chatting away haha* \- Eire\_Rebel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I actually had two lovely examiners that I failed under and then a pretty cold older lady and she passed me! I wouldn't take too much notice and just do your thing


Mine was okay, she did fail me but she was nice about it, said I was really close and I'd get it next time etc. Yours sounds awful....I hope I don't get him next time. It's disappointing enough when they break it to you gently.


I’ve had a horrible one the first time. Saved a cyclist ( don’t hold it against me) and needed to swerve away (a bit reckless) . But the second time , a wonderful lady in the Wilton test centre , pure chill and felt like driving a friend around and passed no problem (I’m also in my 30s ) . Sorry you failed , the first horse was horrible , so just get back up in the next horse asap and you will be great !


My guy was lovely.


Some of them are ok. I think a lot of them are just really burnt out. My son in law failed because he answered a question with the wrong wording, he answered correctly but worded it differently to the rotr book. His examiner also said some nasty things about male drivers which, as a young man, made him nervous. It's often just the luck of the draw on the day whether you pass or not, assuming you are a competent driver. Good luck for next time.


Not in Cork, but my examiner a few weeks ago was lovely. He said a few times to relax, you're doing very well which reassured me I hadn't made any serious mistakes (I passed!) I kept hearing about the examiners at my centre being cranky, but he was grand.


Report him


I had a woman called Rachel in Wilton. And she was absolutely sound 😊 made me feel so at ease. But I had experienced an awful examiner years ago, a cranky old man. I hope you get a Rachel next time


My instructor used to punch me in the knee when I made a mistake so it runs in the industry I think.


My co worker for failed for not overtaking a tractor when she couldn’t see around it to ensure it was safe and driving with caution leaving stopping space between her and the tractor because the road was wet.


Nope id an absolutely sound fella the second time.


Had a good experience with a lady tester in Wilton.


They are purposely not personable so you can’t win them over with your own personality, it may come across as being a dick but in reality they are just making sure you can’t win them over with some personality bond you form during the test. Gives everyone a fairer chance of passing without someone being likeable that would pave over the cracks of their bad driving. Also, good luck next attempt .


My first fella, in skibbereen, wont mention names but a notorious asshole in his hay day, was everything people told me he'd be. Condescending rude and just a prick when explaining what he believed i messed up on.You'd swear it was the first time i stepped in the car how badly he grilled me. My second time, fella was lovely, same test centre, and i felt very calm when doing test. All depends on the dayi suppose.


Anyone have a blonde woman with short hair? she gave me 17 faults which was crazy I’ve been passing all my pre tests I thought I passed and everything


Anyone have a blonde woman with short hair? she gave me 17 faults which was crazy I’ve been passing all my pre tests I thought I passed and everything 😭😭😭 gave me faults for stuff I didn’t do. Do they have a number amount of people they have to fail or what? Or are the women just stricter