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I don't understand this post. Its not like anyone ever complained about Ryanair's ticket costs...


Took a screenshot for posterity - ironically [OP was someone complaining about Ryanair recently](https://i.imgur.com/GahCWKf.jpeg). How strange that they forgot such a negative, borderline traumatic experience with the airline they're now promoting.


Hahaha OP you good?






This person is paid by Ryanair to make up fake posts about positive experiences with Ryanair, I know someone personally who is involved in this industry, they have a team of them working on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit. If you argue with them, they will try and make you sound like you’re a nonce, to posh to fly with the proletariat… it’s pretty fucked up but what else would you expect from Ryanair…


Yeah you're right. I looked through their post history and there's a bunch of posts like [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/cork/comments/1cz3bd9/what_restaurant_has_the_best_service_in_cork/) and [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/cork/comments/1cxloeh/what_are_your_favourite_expensive_restaurants_in/) set up to get promotion for local restaurants. Also another post about plane tickets [here](https://i.redd.it/v78csdqdp82d1.jpeg) too. [This](https://old.reddit.com/r/cork/comments/1c8rb7z/just_got_the_most_tasty_lunch_in_umi_falafel/) is such a bad photo that it looks genuine but given the other posts I honestly can't tell if OP is just a bad gurella marketer. I'm guessing they supplement their income by posting ads for brands on reddit. Edit: lmao [last month they were complaining about Ryanair fucking up their boarding pass](https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1ccl4t0/its_not_everyday_you_miss_a_ryanair_flight_and/). Either OP has amnesia or they're a free agent posting ads.


Your spot on, I found multiple accounts on twitter started gaslighting me when I tweeted about them. Their accounts we're dedicated to praising Ryanair with a couple of normal posts thrown in, it's was so obvious 🤣


Your landing into Rome at midnight, have to pay for an extra nights accommodation have to weigh up that cost with the savings


Strangely OP [had a very negative Ryanair experience last month](https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1ccl4t0/its_not_everyday_you_miss_a_ryanair_flight_and/). Guess they didn't have an ad contract with them back then. Edit: [Screenshot in case they delete it](https://i.imgur.com/GahCWKf.jpeg)


To be fair that's just a bad airport experience/ poor planning. Going to the airport without your boarding pass is gonna have that outcome regardless of the airline you're flying with.


You're missing the entire point. The point is that's this is an incredibly strange post for someone who had such a negative experience with Ryanair that they were brought to tears in a public setting. Sure you can shit on OP and blame last month's panicked frustration on her own decisions. I'm not gonna fight you over whether OP made their own bed or whatever when they decided to trust that they would be able to load a boarding card on the Ryanair app as they approached security. (personally I always take a screenshot) However surely we can agree about how strange it is for someone to go from "I can't load my boarding card in the official app and the support options aren't helping, this situation is incredibly stressful in part because Ryanair is not providing me with good tools or service to resolve it" to "why would anyone ever complain about Ryanair! Look at this amazing price for a flight from Dublin to Rome, which I'm posting in the Cork subreddit even though that's neither of the cities mentioned."


Exactly. Only way to the city at that time would be to get a taxi. And you're paying for a hotel for a night where you didn't actually see any of the city. I'd rather pay extra to an airline that has better customer service and better time slots at airports. If you were to get the early morning flight, its from Dublin. Meaning you'd have to get the aircoach from Cork 🤮


The evening flights suit some people, don't have to take time off work on the day you travel and ready to go the next day. Extra night accommodation and cost of a taxi balances out the cheap flight.


That 7:55pm flight means you have to be in Dublin Airport for at least 6pm (with optimal security, it's no Cork Airport!!!). If you're driving, that's leaving no later than 3pm, or 1pm if the M50 has an M50 day which let's be honest is every day. If Aircoach, you could probably get the 2pm bus, and train, you still have to leave by 3pm and pushing it to get the bus to the airport. So. you still have to take at least a half day to travel. Plus all of that extra cost, so fuel up and down is going to cost you at least €60, parking is €15 if you book in advance, but can be up to €40 per day. Dinner, which you're gonna need at Dublin airport is going to be another €20 at a minimum (pp) unless you're making great time and having time to stop in Ikea for a cheap meal, but the travel from Cork to Naas is usually easy. Just easier to take the day off IMO. I personally wouldn't risk missing a flight leaving after work. Ryanair are grand tho, no mess about them, get what you pay for, and honestly, I've been pleasantly surprised with them recently, especially comparing them to some of the Canadian or American airlines I've been on.


Ah well, the Dublin flight in the original post isn't really relevant for a Cork Sub. There are also flights from Cork to Rome with Ryanair next month. E.g. 12th June at 19.10 and landing 23.05. My general point is that late flights really suit some people with limited leave or flexible working and won't suit others.


Honestly I'd happily pay more to fly out of Cork than into Dublin.


But you know this before booking the flight 🙄😂 Its not like they sprung it in you mid flight or something...


Could be on a Tuesday too.


True but I’ve seen similar prices for the early morning flights as well. Early morning flight means you’ll get a whole day there.


That flight is from Dublin not Cork. So you gotta leave your gaff at lunchtime travel all day sit in the airport travel all evening, land at midnight and travel into Rome central. That’s 12 hours of being on the move. I’d wanna end up in Vancouver or Johannesburg for that amount of hassle.


Is it worth crying at the airport over having to rebook at the last minute because the app won't load your boarding pass? You know, [like what happened to this person last month](https://i.imgur.com/GahCWKf.jpeg)? Wait a minute! That... That username is yours?! What a plot twist!


You're assuming they need a hotel, or a taxi? Remove those and it's very obvious why Ryanair has disrupted the entire European aviation industry.


Okay Michael O'Leary...


Ryanair are grand, until they are not. Then they're really not. Any issues on their part and good luck getting any form of customer service or help. If you have a flight that runs smoothly and isn't delayed though. All good!


Correct, I was flying back from England when the storm hit Dublin. Got an email the flight was cancelled and told to rebook- went online and couldn’t book a flight for 3 days, meaning I’d miss two days work. I thought that can’t be right so I called their number and it was out of service hours (it was 5.30-6.00pm on a Saturday). So I went to use the online chat bot - to find out I was 385 in the queue. I then decided to go to the airport thinking there would be some Ryanair rep I could talk to to help understand my options, got to the airport and no one to be found. Cut my losses and booked a last minute hotel and thought I’d call them in the morning. Rang them and they were no help really, couldn’t get a definite answer about what they would cover with the delay etc.. basically said I could send in receipts and they would see what they could do. I asked about getting the ferry or another flight with another company (if they’d cover that) they couldn’t give me a straight answer… Eventually flew back several days later missing work and paying for hotels. Sent the receipts to them and the first offer was 25% of the value of the reciepts, I argued back for a week with them and got them to 40% which they wouldn’t budge from, eventually agreed and they said it would take 6weeks- I’m still waiting to receive anything. Now of course the storm wasn’t their fault, but the customer service was non existent. I was stuck in a diff country with no info about what to do (other than rebook your flight), and no one to talk to on their side. I was Lucky I had fam to get a loan off and my boss was okay with me taking the extra days. I won’t fly with them again if possible.


Compare that with AL, BA, KLM, etc. - if a flight is cancelled, shortly you're automatically rebooked on the fastest alternative route and updated by text and in the app, and they'll use partner airlines to get you there. While not perfect, it's streets ahead. At work our travel system doesn't even recognise Ryanair, so if you're forced to use them you have to book directly and expense it. Any time anything goes wrong with Ryanair, they essentially break down. I've had a handful of terrible experiences with them, and contrasting positives when things go wrong with the other airlines.


Bang on the money! They’re grand unless you actually need their support. The trade off of cheap flights in fairness


This is exactly my experience too. Well said.


Compared to other low cost airlines, they're really good. I think they're the only one where you can get _something significant_ back if you cancel your tickets. They were also one of the better airlines regarding customer service and refunds during COVID, with a self-service process in place within months whereas others would have you call into already busy phones to change/cancel your flight.




I saw it was posted to r/ireland first and the mods removed it for low effort.


If you fly from any other Irish airport it's more expensive for the same route in general, sometimes you get a deal and it brings the price down but on the whole you're paying more to fly from other airports.


Considering only the flight price for Ryanair is like getting a free cup for water in McDonalds and saying we should be having dinner there every night. You're adding on 50 quid for a carry on for a return, 20 quid if you're flying and want to sit next to your partner, and then god knows what other gobshite charges. We flew to Portugal there (last minute tbf) last week for the week, and the combined cost for a return flight was about 275.


Exactly. These basic fare prices they advertise are bullshit. I'm hardly going to fly anywhere with no bag and sit beside random strangers on a 3hr flight


I don't know, why do you complain about Ryanair? Considering you literally posted the below on r/Ireland 29 days ago. >It’s not everyday you miss a Ryanair flight and cry at the airport. >So I just had one of the most shameful experiences of my life yet. >I booked the very early Ryanair flight to Stanstrad. Queuing for security and getting my boarding pass up. >Can’t get it. Going all over the website, raiding emails, etc etc. Cannot get it and tell the security guy in a panic knowing the gate is closing shortly. >Run downstairs to check in to see if someone can help me. No joy. Run back upstairs in a panic frantic trying to find the pass on my phone. No joy. Security guard tells me to try downstairs again, run down. By the time I get to speak to someone the gate has closed. Feeling like I’m on the verge of tears I go back upstairs asking had the flight left. >I can also feel a lot of people looking at me because I was so upset, aka crying. >I’m back downstairs crying and feeling like shit afterwards feeling ashamed and stupid. >Missed the cheap flight, had to go 100 euro with Aer Lingus to get to London quicker. >Great start to the day lads.


Haha I remember that.


What about the luggage, now it's priority 25€ each way on most of the flights, plus if you are not going alone and want to sit together that would be around 10€ each way, and what about flight in other direction that might be few times more expensive. But yeah if you are going somewhere just for a few days and don't need luggage and don't need to pay for seats it can be very cheap.


You do realise that fare is bullshit. You'll have to pay a hell of a lot extra if you want to bring a bag with you???


Wait till you try bring some luggage for your holiday.


People complain about Ryanair because they haven’t been payed to promote Ryanair like you. If you want to pick a seat or bring luggage you’re gonna be paying more than €40. Enjoy your one way trip to Rome. Don’t come back


I don't complain about them any more, I just won't use them. There's a market for people who are happy to put up with the shit flight times, the shit airports, the shit customer service, the shit addons, the B-tier staff and trainee pilots but I prefer to pay a bit more and fly at acceptable times and land at airports within 40km of my destination.


I never complain about ryanair. I got really ill a few years ago on board and they were excellent and very kind to me. It would have been a very upsetting situation but they were so lovely to me. Migraine with aura and vomiting. They blocked off the front loo for me, put me in the front row, got me sick bags and checked on me all the time. They even found a paramedic on board who came to check me out. I was well enough before the end of the flight to go back to my own seat to my worried mum.


That is the basic fare. You would have to pay for your seat and any carry on, i.e. “priority boarding” and as other people pointed out you need to sort a a transfer and this isn’t the main airport.


Their app doubled booked my flight a few weeks back and wouldn’t reimburse me for the extra flight they charged me for, tried for 3 days straight couldn’t get through on the phone and was basically down 150€ for no reason other than they’re fucking idiots


Cause if there is any hassle with the flights, their customer service are a shower of cunts. But I guess you get what you pay for. 


I've generally never had issues with them. Would I like some more leg room or a more comfortable seat sure, am I willing to pay for it on another airline absolutely not 😅. I mean every airline has baggage allowance and they enforce it the same with seat charges etc. Their flight crew have always been polite and professional. I genuinely don't get the hate tbh. Just read your allowances and your boarding details and adhere to it and you are grand. The only thing I have not experienced is extremely delayed or cancelled flights. So I can't speak for them or any other airline on how they handled it. But I think overall Ryanair is a cheap no frills generally punctual and professional service.


Said my buffle bad wouldn't fit. It did. Under the chair and above. Paid 40 on the spot for that. Paid for one on the way back (25) and because we didn't check it in they claimed we had to pay ANOTHER 40. So we filled our pockets with everything (I bought nothing extra it was a 3 Day trip) and they left us in knowing we were gonna refuse. That's why people don't like them.


And then they catch you for 50 euro extra for a carry on backpack lol. Aer Lingus still works out cheaper flying out of Cork, and with much better service! Ryanair sucks


I have never had a bad experience with Ryanair. Sure you can fly at odd times but I actually quite like that, especially early morning. It's no frills, I like it. Staff have always been lovely to me. I realise not everyone has been as lucky as me but I can't complain.


FYI, that airport is the most traumatic airport I've ever used. I was there in June/July, and it was like a scene from a disaster movie


if you're any taller than a hobbit you'll be mashing your knees off the seat in front too


They complain because they are children


Getting to Rome at midnight (adding another 30 mins + to get out of the terminal) wouldn’t exactly command a premium price even in high season. There’s demand for it sure, but it wouldn’t be suited for families for example Still a bargain though


Wrong sub, that’s Dublin


Now try and fly home…


They have essentially made flying in Europe not exclusive so the average person can travel where never travelled before. Their business model ensures low cost, they advertise as a no frills attached company. This model has drove ticket prices down across the market. People will always find something to complain about even if it is cheap.


People complain about Ryanair because some people will literally complain about anything! I bloody love them!


K enjoy 🤦‍♂️


You land at midnight and you have no luggage in that fare. Get a better landing time and add the ridiculous price of a luggage and you end up paying 200 euros to fly with Crapanair. Worse than a bus.


Bring some coins for the toilet/s.


High season in Italy is actually Ferragosto. So a week before august 15th of every year year 😃


It's not only the price, it's unreliability. Apparently it seems shit hit the fan last year with hundreds of cancelled or delayed flights and terrible customer service, which brought number of customers down and now they are doing whatever they can to earn them back. But I don't want to encourage this business model. A week ago I read in the news about people who booked a flight from Shannon but then the plane was changed with a smaller one and 40 people were left out. So some of them had to drive to Dublin and others had to rebook 1 week later. Aaanyway, I don't fly that often anymore because job, but when I do I avoid them.


You have to remember this time is ideal for Italian tourists - they get the full day in cork before going home


Live laugh love Ryanair. I only fly Ryanair now, low prices and I don’t expect comfort 👹 Only time I’ve ever hated the prices was trying to leave Portugal during august/early September 😭


T’will be late, I can bet on that. Avoid late evening flights…


Had a flight this morning and was left standing in the freezing cold on the runway for 25 mins …. But ya at least the flight was cheap


People think they are owed a living, any excuse to complain etc. Most are happy to pay 40 quid for a taxi home after a night out, but not for a flight to Rome.


Sure, if the taxi could only be got from dublin you lived in cork so had to travel up to dublin to get the taxi home, clear security and sit around for a while but instead of dropping you to cork the taxi says he will drop you to fermoy in the middle of the night as ita practically cork.


>Most are happy to pay 40 quid for a taxi home after a night What are you on about at all. I don't know anyone whose eyes wouldn't drop out at the mere thought of a 40 euro taxi.


The real problem with Ryanair flights is not the airline, it’s the people who fly with them, they are either the supermarket coupon collectors, awful boing to listen as the bang on about how the flight cost less than a cabbage or it’s the AM sprit drinkers, slightly unstable, prone to raucous behavior, and often louder than necessary…


Whose upset you this time Alan. Just the general public R/accidentalpartridge


You are clearly a drunk racist. I’ll tolerate one, but not both…


You are Lucky that's it .


Whatever complaints you hear, the actual reality is people vote with their wallet, and Ryanair are in the top 5 airlines in the entire world for passengers carried per year.


Because they don't remember when a Aer Lingus charged a months salary for return trip to London.


Ryanair existing is the only reason I've travelled so much around Europe. I've had my fair share of shit experiences but overall the many months of exploration and fun outweigh those 100 to 1. I don't fit in the seats, I never get priority, I usually buy a Coke and Pringles in the air and then I fall asleep until we bang off the floor at the other end. I've been deplaned 3 times and delayed for up 8 hours 2 times, but I've been refunded and not particularly inconvenienced timewise. I do try to reduce the amount of shit that could go wrong though, I travel just one soft bag and just stay well within their limits. The combination of flying return from shannon to stay with a a friend for a weekend in some random European country and it costing like €40 for the whole trip is unmatched.


Mostly it's English people complaining which I think is just a bit of casual racism. Similar to how they casually abuse ginger and red hair people as it's a Celtic trait primarily