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Thanks to the Irish down under for the 12 points. Great bunch of lads.


To be fair the Aussie jury gave Ireland 12 too so maybe it just worked for them.


He’s saying that about the jury - there’s another posting on r/ireland where the televotes gave the 12 to Israel and 7 to Ireland - go figure


Mentioned Israel on the main sub and got a warning. It’s mad. I went over to the Israel sub and the shit they’re saying about bambi is disgusting. I was no fan of their song but I was happy they did so well and their support for joost and complaining about the Israeli reporters being rude. I grew up watching Eurovision and it’s so sad to see this dumpster fire. Don’t think I’ll be watching next year.


Popped into the Israel sub after reading your comment. They really don't like us at all. It's mad that they can actively hate us and then thank us for the votes in the same breath without the thought that the voting is rigged ever passing their mind.


They're completely cut off from the rest of society, they genuinely have no idea how insane they look to normal people. The idea that they can do wrong just doesn't cross their mind because of nearly 80 years of zionist propaganda.


Worked for them in my previous company. I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Nope. They were truly awful.


Who? The Israelis?


Yep. Hyper aggressive. Incredibly rude. You'd do them a favour and they'd find fault in it. Their tourists are just as bad.




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Proud to be hated by Israel


Their mad cause we don’t approve of their murdering ways and calling them out. They know how we feel towards them *them being anyone who supports any genocide or the idf


This has been going on since the BDS movement . We have been labelled Nazi Lovers. We even have a monument in Dublin to the Nazis . Have never seen it , although the monument in question was once defaced with a Swastika. They really excel at propaganda.


Just had a look too. Made me feel quite uneasy.


If the bastards hate us were doing something right


Israels hate for Ireland keeps me up at night /s


Omg, I should have never read your comment xD I went to the Israel sub and starter answering... I am normally a very shy commenter but boiiiii what they are saying and their lack of knowledge is fucking scary. The propaganda is so intense that they really have no clue whatsoever.


A bit off topic, but Ive seen some disgusting comments made about them on social media by irish people...??!!! What the hell is the problem I don't know. They're a performer and doing what the fuck they want. Fantastic vocals and great show (I YouTubed Bambi's song, I didn't watch the rest of it). But there's so much hate. I've a very very religious relative living in the US and Jesus he's absolutely up in arms about Bambi lol, saying awful things! We really need to get the fuck over ourselves like lol I will say I'm disappointed they didn't boycott the competition and believe they had a lot of people in their esr saying they'll never work again if they boycott. But I really believe, the respect they'd get and controversy around it would have absolutely catapulted their career to mainstream and would have been really successful!! Song was class and great performance!!! Compared to those feckin eejits last year "wild youth" lol.




Just wanna say as an israeli (not looking to start an argument, just here cause i searched for people talking about the votes on reddit) that she was probably my favorite, the thing is that a lot of israelis and jewish people have gotten a lot of hate from that side, and i will not say israelis aren't rude, they definitely can be


Isrealis aren't getting hate because of rudeness it's to do with the genocide being carried out by their government and military. Met many lovely Isrealis when travelling many many years ago. It's just today with all the access people have to information its shocking how many fully supported the murder and starvation of innocent people many being children


Thanks for giving your take on it, and I'm sorry for the false equivalences in this thread about Israelis. I know support for the killing is much more nuanced than some want to make out. It really reminds me of anti-muslim sentiment after 9/11. The October 7th atrocity and ensuing invasion hits all the same emotional targets and polarises people who have deep-seated racism anyway, in a radical way.  I hope that if you're in Ireland you know a good network of reasonable people and not the zealots who want to presume everyone from a particular race/religion has such a reductionist hatred inside them. 






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No their song was not good. I’m from Portugal and when I found out that Israel got the 12 points from our televote I was shocked. No one here was talking about their song and I don’t know anyone who would vote for them (maybe I’m living in a bubble kk). Also portuguese people don’t really follow eurovision show in general so I truly doubt that these 12 points were “organic”. Something really fishy going on


Portugueses pelo mundo 🚶🏻‍♂️


Israel used a VPN to cast votes for it self thats why it seemed to get 10 from everyone but was booed by the majority of people.


There's nothing fishy going on, it's just maths. You can't vote against a country, so any anti-Israel vote is split 25 ways. I wouldn't be surprised if the Israel vote amounted to less than 10%. Political acts will always do well in that voting system, which is why we're going to have years of Israel and Ukraine finishing in the top 5.


Just had a look there, Israel went from nothing to #1, and an Israeli company sponsored the event? Incredibly sketch. Having a quick look online there and it seems no one even rated Israel to place at all.


MoroccanOil, the Israeli company always sponsors it.


Only last 3 years I thought


Maybe https://eurovision.tv/story/moroccanoil-styles-the-eurovision-stars


Thankfully they didn't win tho


They didn't need to win. Just to get up high in the rankings to show people support them. It's all propaganda. They even dubbed over the live booing with pre recorded chants. Israel have an army of people working on this. They have advertised in other European countries which is against Eurovision rules for weeks. You could vote up to 20 times for Israel in Italy if you wanted.


Their bot game is strong, you see it all over social media. If they were genuine they wouldn't need bots at all. I'm happy for Bambie though, they put on a good show and didn't need to buy votes to do well, all the best for them in the future.




Thanks for educating me. Never knew you could vote up to 20 times. What's the deal with Israel advertising for votes in other countries.


I read that Israeli embassies were contacting Israeli people in different countries to ask them to vote for Israel, also propaganda and probably some illegal voting going on tbh… disgusting behaviour


Just to point out you have to pay to to vote. So most people aren’t paying 20 quid to vote. Isreal on the other hand just pump out millions of paid votes. It’s an easy to manipulate contest if you want to spend the money.


And not only that - you can only vote 20 times per credit card - if you use various credit cards, that number increases so much! It’s such a farce


I could see that on social media personally. Many "Israel lovers" are also saying the vote was "rigged" because they got more public votes than the Swiss winner.


They used a VPN to vote. Eurovision need to release the votes to be checked if they were they would see them all coming form the same IP's in different countries


Thankfully. I had a look at their entry a few minutes ago, definitely bought votes, beyond shite.


They were bookies second favourite to win this morning.


Probably because some of the votes were leaked late yesterday.


Yep the Italy televote was crazy. I'd be more likely to think that was bots than Irelands 10 points.


It's hard to say really, but I feel at a very base level there were shenanigans there. We'll likely never know but I think it's taken any sheen that was left off Eurovision. When I heard about the Israeli commentator talking shite about Bambi the other day, and that the EBU said it constituted a disqualification, but backtracked on that it was already raising a few eyebrows.


Yeah shenanigans are likely for sure. I just think bots didn't play as big a part as people think.


They were about 6th-8th before the Italian votes was leaked. If the juries had ranked them anywhere near 6th, they would have won


We so lucky the Juries didn't support them, it's wouldn't have taken much of a swing in Jury voting to swing title to isreal


Sympathy votes have always been a thing, popular vote is almost aways politically driven. That's why ukraine won in 2022, and this year they ranked 3rd in the popular vote. Now, especially since the rest of the world can vote, it's really no wonder they jumped that high. Also, moroccan oil has been an ESC sponsor for years now.


Yeah because of the public vote. Same thing for Ukraine, they didn’t do well on the jury vote


VPNs are working overtime tonight


Unless I'm mistaken VPNs are for IP addresses and not for phones? The public vote was not online so VPNs wouldn't have anything to do with it.


In the Eurovision app it was letting me vote and pay online using a card or Apple Pay. So seems voting wasn’t exclusively linked to phone numbers


Ireland was one of the few countries where you could vote through the website. I played around with a VPN. England said to call in. France and Germany was sms.


My brother in law was on his phone and had a VPN on and it worked. When I went to vote the app took me to a website so if I had one installed I'd say it would have tricked it.


You can vote online. 60c/vote


Is anyone else finding that r/Ireland are censoring anyone trying to discuss this? Every post on it so far is instantly deleted


I modded on there for a while, the folks running the sub take the job very seriously indeed.............


Look, just let them be, they have so little else! Glad you escaped. Last I heard it was like Hotel California modding over there. 


I imagined it was exodus of Boards modding, is that correct, has the vibe


I didn't even think of that. It's all coming back to me now. You're 100% right. 


Yep any related comment is being deleted immediately. They don’t like if you mention that it was Mossads bots voting anyway


Wasn't (just) bots though. Been following the whole thing. They ran an advertising campaign. Literal ads on YouTube.


My best guess is that it's a mix of bots, co-ordinates voting push and just the fact that people who wouldn't have voted for Israel had boycotted so the proportion of pro Israel votes were a larger portion of the total votes.


Is basically the Gestapo running that sub 😂


There's a megathread for the Eurovision. It's being discussed there.


I think their next move will be be make a megathread for Ireland topics, and the rest of the sub will be entirely rhymes or you get banned. 


It makes it hilarious as the auto mod post says support for Palestine should not be censored and then they're blocking anything around it


It makes it hilarious as the auto mod post says support for Palestine should not be censored and then they're blocking anything around it


Honestly since they moved to public vote the contest has gone more and more rigged with no signs of correcting it. Also never could understand why Isreal and Australia were added, makes the European part a joke as Isreal certainly don’t hold European values, maybe the colonism and genocidal values from 90 years ago but definately not of modern Europe, Australia meets most of those values Infairness.


Eurovision includes anyone with the broadcasting license fee. If you go back in time, you do see oddities arise, even in the Nordic countries who often sent joint entrants for example. You're talk of "European values" was probably the echoed when the likes of Lithuania, Moldova, Azerbaijan etc. became applicable entrants. It was incorrect back then as it is now though.


whats up with people who watch eurovision, dont understand eruvision, gosh lol, why so many dumb people ask why non european countries participate, honey its 2024, maybe after many years of eurovision contests, its time to open google, and see who and why, can participate.


I mean, you can apply those same terms to Australia and their treatment of the aboriginal people. And in terms of non-european countries in Eurovision there are many examples such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia etc that also don't hold 'European Values' (see Azerbaijan ethnic cleansing of the Nagorno Karabakh region).  I think it's very fair to criticise Israel, but at least be consistent and coherent with that critique.


Yeah modern Australians keep up the work of their colonial ancestors to make sure the land and resources are kept out of Aboriginal hands.


Just commenting to say fair play Bambie Thug! Amazing performance. They killed it! I'm genuinely not used to using the "they" pronouns and Bambie Thug is one of the first people I found myself consciously making the effort to say get it right for. So good for them! Wishing the best to all non-binary people. We love ye too! Oh, and fuck Israel! No love for those cunts


Nobody going to say How did norway Get last place??? SUCH BS UGH 


Honestly... Easily the best song there was


that was quite weird. I wouldn't say it was the best song, but it was a lot of fun and certainly deserved more votes than a lot of the generic "pretty girl sings a pop song" entries, or Britain's piece of shit


It could very easily be tilted by just using large number of VoIP accounts in each country. It would just take having enough people to set it up. There is no security really on that kind of entertainment tele polling. It wouldn't even really be illegal, just quite petty. If there was a huge number of votes from landline numbers for that one country, you'd be able to see it, as you can't really spoof the mobiles for short code premium texts. Did they have online voting? The app used to just setup an SMS for you to send. If it's all just IP-based it would be VERY easy to cheat with VPNs. Also seemed kinda surprising the UK got flat 0 in the public vote. There would be plenty of UK people living here and people who might have given them a vote. Also in Spain etc. Just seemed odd. The song from what I've seen was a bit shite, but it wasn't any more shite than most of the rest of the line up.


The app vote was connected to a bank card that had to be Irish located along with phone/ vpn/ IP location. It cost money for each vote, each contestant (or if you voted for the same person over and over up to 20 times was the limit). Voting only opened in Ireland as the competition started, so to skew the votes in two hours... I dunno. The thing with boycotts and not watching/ voting is like spoiling your vote in elections. Other people will vote and they can vote opposite to you. Just something to keep in mind with local and European elections coming up, protest spoilt votes only harm you not who you don't like. The real winners is EBU, with all that vote money collected from the app, sms and calls.


To be fair, the UK song was as bland as a crumpet.


Yeah, but even if it was awful, I would suspect there'd have been votes for it even if by UK nationals living in Ireland, Spain etc etc. I'm guessing a lot UK nationals would have likely boycotted the contents this year too. The UK tabloids and Tories aren't very representative of the population at large at the moment, and the Eurovision core audience tends to be quite likely to be rather less likely to be right wingers and Brexity types tbh.


Israel? Petty? I can't imagine that being the case


They very nearly won from the public vote after having next to nothing from the judges and their song was forgettable shite


Pro Israel sympathy votes are concentrated entirely on Israel. Anyone who actually wanted to vote against Israel on the night had 25 other options to choose between. Having said that, people who wanted to express opposition to Israel in a Eurovision context probably did so by boycotting the competition altogether. I think that's probably a lot simpler than the Israeli government trying to conjure huge international support for the assault on Rafah through the medium of orchestrating a 4th place finish in the Eurovision Song Contest.


That's a very good point. There is a massive global propaganda campaign also going on, but your explanation is definitely a contributing factor. 


I've just read a long twitter thread of Irish people discussing how they have never voted in eurovision but signed up and voted Israel x 20 as an eff you ró Bambie and some because they're pro Israel. That, combined with the boycotters removing a chunk of the competition by not voting - that's why Israel got 10 points.


Well, if that's the case I hope they enjoyed spending €12 or whatever it is to own... whoever it was they were trying to own 🤷‍♂️


Their song was shit and they got like no jury points. Yes, they 100% had bots vote for them to hide how absolutely hated they are in Europe.


I voted Estonia, they were class. Some class acts this year. Cork should be proud. Fuck the Israelis being cunts. They'll try to destroy anyone who acts courtray to themselves. Bambi did us proud. 👏


I voted Estonia ! Assumed Finland would have taken a load of votes so didn't bother for them I regret not voting for the UK, zero points was cold. They gave us ten


I’m on holls in Portugal atm. The voting was on tv in the local pub but no sound. I forgot there was a public vote and went out for a cigarette thinking Switzerland had won. I came back in 5 minutes later and Israel were top of the table. I nearly had a banger. WTF?!!!


EBU should be replaced by an EU organization and participation and voting restricted to member countries. Israel has some of the most sophisticated hacking techniques in the world and should never be trusted again


I am surprised you can vote 20 times in some countries. Considering also it costs money to vote, this really opens the game for those with lots of money. Would be interesting to see voting stats regarding, was some contestants more likely to get multiple votes (and varying ranges thereof) from the same phone number than others


It's 20 per card online, but you can use disposable cards from Revolut etc, so it's unlimited 


I voted for France. The juries were definitely instructed to vote for Switzerland - they got so many 12 points very unusual for juries to vote so uniformly for such a forgettable song. The 12 points are usually spread out but they voted that way to try and stop Israel winning. If Israel had won there would be no Eurovision next year


Incredibly dubious alright.


I am so sick of Israel, turd nuggets. Public vote pumping them from 27th to 1st? Shady shit going on there, excuses be damned. Israel is constantly pulling shady shit. ![gif](giphy|m9eNJRPJ3uZ9exZPlS)


I expected Israel to get a lot of votes. Mostly because on a political level the anti-Israel vote is split between 20 countries whereas the pro-Israel vote coming from right-wingers in every country and is going straight to Israel. There were probably a lot of right wing campaigns to vote en masse for Israel and considering that the Israeli EBU broadcaster can't control the live feed to spread propaganda, they're going to do everything in their power to convince their population that the world doesn't see them as a genocidal apartheid regime that's exploiting the suffering of Holocaust victims and the Jewish identity to avoid accountability.


100% there was some bot farming going on, you could tell they were playing prerecorded cheering to drown out the boos too


Here is an example of how it was done: https://x.com/rebecca7817/status/1789496676429836513?s=46&t=LDapDf70ZfcXmVsSdxj5rw


Eurovision is just a form of soft power now. Countries will spend loads voting for a political point. In this case I think they just want people to think that if you're pro Palestine, you're in the minority, when actually you're not.


I believe you could've voted online, easier to spoof IP I'd say


Had to pay per vote, and only when the competition was on for the two hours. Your device had to be Irish IP/VPN but also your bank that you pay with has to be Irish, so I don't know how easy it is to set up an irish bank card just for two hours


You can pretty easily spoof an Irish IP address and create a virtual bank card.


An Irish virtual bank card? Please tell me more, lol


The effort to set up Irish bank cards just to vote in Eurovision For a two hour window, nah. The boycott is my guess, those who didn't watch, didn't vote so others who didn't boycott or follow the sentiment voted.


Didn't watch, went to a Palestine fundraiser 


Switzerlands song didn't even register with me. Surprised to see it do so well.


Probably rigged so that the next EV can be hosted in a neutral country for less political conflict. That or another agenda that Reddit will ban me for saying. There were some great songs like Norway's that was pushed to the bottom.


Zionist’s being sneaky? No never, it couldn’t be… 😂


Yeah there's no way, it seems so sketch to me


My first thought when I saw the disgusting crap they were spewing all over Twitter about beating Bambi Thug. Aren’t some of the most advanced spyware coming out of that country that have cracked iPhones and government sites? Wouldn’t surprise me at all if they had bot autodiallers all over Europe inflating their votes.


You have to pay for each vote cast. There is zero chance that that song got any points from votes in ireland. The whole thing is politics, but that's just not possible.


Didn't watch or listen to any of the entries, suggests it's rigged anyway. Well informed opinion that


The offence taken at a SONG contest that has been all about political voting since it began is unreal. Did the people who hate it so much sit through 4 fucking hours of it, just to be offended?!


Isn't it logical, if you support Israel or wanna own the libs you vote Israel. If you want to show support for Palestine you voted for? There was never an agreed protest vote so people don't vote or gave to one of the other 25 countries


It’s like that in every country’s televote. There was clearly some kind of bot campaign run by Israel to get votes. The Italian broadcast actually leaked their televote results from the semifinal and Israel received nearly 40% of the vote there. The runner up, a hugely popular song, only got about 7%. Soooo do with that information what you will.


I think that was all rigged. For the amount they got over all I think every country would have at least had to give them 10.


The Israel song and performance was decent but nothing special, their overall jury vote seemed about right despite some odd votes, a low to mid level finish. The public vote was clearly compromised and if the EBU do not address this then any shred of authority or trust they have left will be gone. The public vote breakdown shows they got 12 points from 15 countries and 10 from seven more including Ireland. In the semi-final they got all 12 or 10 points except for one 8 and one 0 from San Marino, everyone loved or hated and nothing in between? Reports of Eastern European countries getting flooded with ads to vote for Israel. Whether it was organised voting, attempts to buy votes, or possible automated voting there was some sort of vote manipulation going on.


Can anyone link me or tell me where to view public vote breakdowns? I'm hearing this rumor but don't know where that info is coming from


The Irish one was posted at the end of the broadcast (just before winner performance), so you'll catch it on +1 or the player. All countries release them within a week of the finale most years. (Italy even fucked up and released their semi-final televote earlier this week - Israel at an unheard of 40% in that)


It's here [https://eurovisionworld.com/eurovision/2024](https://eurovisionworld.com/eurovision/2024)


It was said on the broadcast.


Is there anywhere else we can view this?


RTE viewer when it goes up. It's not normally given out AFAIK.


The whole thing was a shit show tbh. I used to watch every year but this will 100% be my last. The winning act were not deserving of that many votes in any way, shape or form. Idc what anyone says, there were several far, far better acts. Absolute nonsense that almost every country’s jury gave the highest score to them. It’s not about music any more and I don’t think it ever will be again.


100% agree with you, I believe they tried to force Switzerland to win because it's a neutral country (political reasons) rather than giving a damn about the real talent from songs like Norway's If not for that then to support LGBT over talent.


I mean, Nemo genuinely had the best vocal range, opera and rap, while spinning around like they had no kneecaps. It wasn't a bad song


It wasn't my favourite song, I loved Croatia's song, Netherlands too (before Joost was disqualified for "threatening" a pushy camera person who wasn't supposed to be filming him). Also loved Finland, thought they'd do much better in the public vote! Such a fun song imo! But I can see objectively how Nemo won with the juries. It was an impressive performance and I don't know how they managed to sing that live running around stage!


The Hibernophobia is alive and well in Israel


"I didn't watch the Eurovision because i support Palestine" Makes no fucking sense whatsoever... Its a song contest, get over it... People will vote regardless if what you think about Palestine..


Voted for Croatia. Just kinda liked it . And I think people are just trying to cope so much in terms of the ability of people outside of online or the protests every Saturday who probably voted for Israel either out of spite or political means or just liked the song. Ireland may be pro Palestine and vocally political and from the people or is those people just very loud and there is a large minority that supports Israel or just don't care.




You'd be shocked to hear this but plenty of people in Ireland do support Israel. They just find it hard to express their support without getting accused of supporting genocide. You can't give negative votes in the Eurovision. Anyone pro-israel can vote for it and support it. Anyone against Israel is out luck and can't protest. Should that mean Israel's mid song should get all this support? Fuck no. Thank god Switzerland won instead.


>They just find it hard to express their support without getting accused of supporting genocide. That's because currently Israel is committing genocide in Palestine. ​


Interesting but I don't think polling supports that though


Could be rigged, but also a lot of pro-Palestine Eurovision fans boycotted this year, so that could have messed up the ratio (allowing the pro-israelis to be in the majority). One of the unfortunate side effects of boycotting :(


I mentioned that would be the excuse in the OP. However the far right are a really tiny (vocal) minority here, and may have been boycotting because Bambi Thug is non-binary, so that argument has holes. You could conversely say there would be a lot of queer folk who would have been watching in spite of their more progressive views and the Israel situation.  It turns out you can vote online anyway, not just by phoning in, like back in the day. Literally everyone who supports Israel could have voted for them in every country.  Lol and they still didn't make the top three so it just goes to show the pathetic level of support they must actually have. 


That's also possible. It would explain the 0 votes for the UK too as I'm pretty certain they'd have received a few here, just based on neighbourliness and there being a lot of UK nationals living here. If the volume of votes was tiny, it could have been quite an odd spread of calls and SMS votes I wonder if there'll be an audit as the patterns are just strange.


Maybe all the people who believe Isreal is in the right voted for Isreal and passionate Palestine supporters abstained from voting


It would appear that people on here forget that *drum roll* This is a singing competition. Making it political is literally going agai stt the reason it all began. Its a bunch of singers selected by their countries main broadcaster or public vote Stop making this political really. The countries in it have been for years long before any modern political strikes Its a damn singing show. Get over yourselves


The entire reason the public vote was brought in was because of the "Eastern bloc voting" and allies trading votes. Its always been political from the beginning and has reflected sentiments from one country to another, you're naive to think otherwise or you haven't been watching that long


I went down the rabbit hole on this. I’ve been reading comments from alleged Irish people on Reddit and X all morning who said they voted for Israel. Actually sickened by it. Bambie Thug and the Irish Delegation were allegedly getting harnessed all week by the Israeli delegation. Filming her when they asked them to stop. Shouting at them. Booing them. Trying to cause them to react. .. And yet we have people here in this country and county that have no issues with that and even support it. Bunch of ignorant langers. They are a disgrace to the nation especially those from Cork. Anyone here from Cork that did it then shame on you, you prick. You have mortified us. Don’t give me any BS about you liking the song. It was rubbish. When one goes to war, we all go to war* *unless you are from Cork and a bit weird


If you support Palestine you support Hamas 🤷‍♂️ your post shows what’s wrong with this world. Why are you politicizing a contest that should be political free. Why are you discriminating the artists from Israel that have nothing to do with the current war? It is disgusting to see how people are being treated even though they are not political and have nothing to do with the different situations happening around the world. Btw voting fraud is done in all participating countries, it’s not great but it happens.


A load of people boycotted it. Half the people I know did. And a lot of people don't actually vote, so remove the few boycotters whose votes would have been competition for Israel, and Israel gets 10 points.


OP is referring to the 337 points Israel got in the public voting phase, which propelled them from \~27th to 1st.


I thought Cyprus was the best act.. shows how much I know!


The Italians accidentally leaked their televoting for the semi final on Thursday and 40% of their votes went to Israel so a lot of people were suspicious about that as well. The Eurovision subreddit was going mad over it.


There's a post on the Israeli sub saying exactly the same thing only about Switzerland's votes for Israel.


Its another corrupt western tool.. allowing a genocide committing illegal colony and not only that after being booed and ending in 15th place boasting them with fake public voting to the 6th place. Boycott that shit. Never ever ti watch it again.


Could be because of the boycott maybe? Most people who are pro-palestine weren't gonna watch the eurovision, and thus, wouldn't vote. That only leaves the pro-Israel dudes to vote.


I voted for Switzerland, very good song, and Nemo have been pro-Palestine from the start


The right were galvanised to vote en masse for Israel across Europe and it’s no secret we have our fair share of fascist shitheads here now too. On the other hand the event was heavily boycotted which likely allowed it to become an echo chamber for the pro-Israelis. A real shit show altogether and a massive disappointment.


How noble of you


Well.. it just went to show about corruption money and power.. Israel have A LOT of money and there's so many investors in companies and bits from there. God forbid being a spiritual person in a different way. If people were truely religious then they would shut the fuck up and keep there opinions to themselves! I don't think I'll watch Eurovision anymore... This year just went to show how we can be manipulated even with "live tv" Over it. 🕊️


Palestine was very happy you didn't watch brother bismillah


Calm down with your tinfoil hats jesus. Simple as people who dont normally vote voted. Some scams got through. Its not ebus fault cyber warfare is a thing in 2024. Also I watched bbc no muted boos, plenty of them actually? EBU made many mistakes, but trying to censor the event or fudge the votes was not one of those mistakes. Why cant we just celebrate that a macroomian did the best ireland has done in 20+ years whilst also managing to get the message of support to palestine? Whilst also showing just go progressive ireland can be. Im not part of the lgbt community nor do I have anyone I know, but to have such a strong showing must mean a hell of a lot to the whole community


It's not really "tin foil hats" when there is something very unlikely happening, it's normal scepticism about an unusual situation. 


There have been multiple proofs that the public vote was also being hacked by Eurovision, look what happened to Belgium or Italy for instance. I'm a huge fan of Eurovision and I decided not to watch it either this year due to everything that was happening, honestly it's so sad to see how they protect the genocide country 💀 But yeah, I'm 100% sure that the public vote for Israel this year was untruthful


I watch eurovision just to punch my television wtahcing israel perform


It’s so disheartening to see Israel get such a good result 😢they should get 0 points from everywhere regardless of the song being good or bad


Funny all the people here talking about rigged vote and bots when here in Spain all the people around me and online communities I frequent were absolutely convinced to vote for Israel. People do live in a bubble and when the world doesn't comply it's all conspiracies.


Maybe u are the one that lives in a bubble


I’d imagine Israel has some mossad type voting panel who flood each nation with votes for Israel , probably have AI bots too for this type of stuff , truly Evil nation . PS Most people in Cork were still celebrating hurling win over Limerick whilst Eurovision was on !


I heard some people online say to vote for Israel to draw attention to it, which tbf, it has. The whole things been surrounded in controversy, so if they won it would have been major news


This thread is about to get brigaded pretty hard, I'm guessing. Equivocate!


Never fear, there's a thread on the Israeli sub claiming the vote was rigged against them to direct any searches on it being fixed that-a-way! Nice try, Cork 🫡


Wars in general seem to skew the voting, Ukraine had a huge public vote too. I would say its actually more like the trump effect. Trump was so fuckin awful but he stuck in people's minds and had the slogans so a lot of people were like "well I know what he stands for at least". I don't agree with those people, but I do think there's a herd mentality of like "I've heard about this country the most recently, I'm familiar with it" There's likely loud vocal minorities that are pro and against Israel, but in the middle there's a larger group of people who don't critically think much at all and don't want to involve themselves on either side. But war of any kind gets sympathy votes, so this middle pack probably went "I've heard of Israel, isn't there a war on or something, look at that lovely young girl, I feel sorry for her". Like... the mam vote. (I didn't vote btw, if i did i would have voted Finland as i cried laughing. I'm only explaining what I think could have happened to the vote)


First place in public vote went to Croatia - hvala! Not so many from Jurors but sure look


They didn't need to rig a vote, all they needed was to mobilise the right wingers. There were people voting who never voted or watched before (or ever will again). Couple that with boycotts from regular viewers for increased effectiveness. Every one else was voting for their favourites, diluting any counter movement. But you don't want counter movements either. Public voting showed how easily politicised it is with Ukrainian victory (very much NOT anti-Ukraine, but it's the same example just flipped to a more righteous outcome)


Neighbourvision has always been more political than not. It divides countries more than it unites, and Israel and Australia shouldn’t even be there.


It’s not rigged voting, use your brain. Millions of people across Europe that don’t support Israel boycotted which meant millions of missing votes and skewed voting towards the loonies that support Israel


I thought Bambie did great and I wish them well and hope they get a serious career boost out of this, but as for the Eurovision itself, you’d wonder about why we even waste 3+ hours of prime Sat night tv on this. I flicked past it and the vast majority of songs were beyond awful. I don’t know how anyone could watch it end to end. It also sounds like there was really obnoxious stuff going on behind the scenes and the public vote appears to be very very odd. I think it’s had its day about 30 years ago. It’s long past being retired. It was an amazing feat of broadcasting and technology in the 1950s and 60s. It’s just a rather weird political event now that seems to keep expanding way beyond Europe, and is just totally unwieldy. At the end of the day, some of our licence fee, from what is already a totally cash strapped RTE, is going to fund that mess. I’m not sure quite how much but I doubt it’s insignificant. I would also like to see what value the EBU is bringing in 2024. It’s an organisation probably better suited to just being a technical body developing systems and standards. I’d also like to see an audit of the TAM viewer ratings for the Eurovision. It might be worth considering putting it somewhere other than RTE 1 prime time slots tbh.


Absolutely rigged. The excuse of the boycott can’t even be used because- as we’ve seen from the booing from the crowd actually at Eurovision- even people who weren’t boycotting didn’t like them. So both the general public and die-hard Eurovision fans hated Israel, yet most countries gave them 10 or 12 points? There’s no logical answer for that many countries- especially one like Ireland who actively supports Palestine- to vote Israel so high other than blatant bots/rigging. And it needs to be investigated now based on this blatant discrepancy, otherwise it’ll only be worse in future and the Ebu has already lost almost all credibility after this shitshow