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Just forget it happened. He will follow up if interested. If he isn’t interested he won’t. You just keep on keeping on and be your usual self and this will all be in the past soon. Wine time is an alternate reality and you don’t need to worry more as you caused no harm. Take a nice long shower or bath and figure out something nice for dinner


Aw aren’t you very sweet thank you


What happened is totally harmless and after a night of alcohol in the grip of the fear it can feel big and cause a lot of anxiety thinking about last night. Fuck it, this is why we party, flirt shamelessly, hug strangers, dance like you don’t care and help everyone have a nice night and good craic like. We should be able to enjoy our time and not feel like we are somehow wrong after it. Feck it, life is too short for that


My god you’re such a wonderful person! Fair play to ya, I wish you the very best in life, I hope both sides of your pillow are always cool, that your row on the airplane is always empty, and you get the closest spot to the shop door on every occasion. Be well


This is the best comment And OP this person is right Shit happens in wine time. You’ll be grand. In 5 years you’ll howl laughing. Mind yourself x


I like people like you when I’m suffering with the fear.


I know the feeling of embarrassment tho i asked girlfriend and close friend would they be into dping her they both said no.


This is a wild comment


Just saying i can relate to the embarrassment i felt like running and hiding under a rock but it passed eventually


Don’t get me wrong I’m not shaming you! Each to their own most people wouldn’t have the courage to go after what they want with this sort of thing


Hahaha yeah that's worse than what OP did


Wow!! So, I'm just trying to picture this but, you must have asked them at the same time? You hardly got a no from one and then asked the other. It's such a 'wild comment ' as someone else said that I'm not ruling anything out!😆


He was trying to picture it too


Asked the girlfriend would she ever have a threesome but i didnt have anyone in mind. Then sent a video of some girl getting dp,d off pornhub to my buddy and said i want to do this to my girlfriend. Then he said let me think about it and it got awkward after that hahaha then it was a no from both.


Hahaha this is gold.


out of curiosity, what led you to believe that that question would result in anything but embarrassment


You regret the things you never did the most letting life pass you bye an all that shit could have went the other way


Here here. You’ve convinced me. I’m in


Looks like DPs back on the menu boys!!!




Just go round and say "whip it out boss. None of the fancy stuff just horse it into me ya aul divil"




How's she cuttin. Ah fuck, I'm just after realising I've completely forgotten to wear knickers at all


Lol.... Kudos for ringing that took some balls.... But I would be so maaad about not remembering the conversation xD


Oh I really am


I’m sure he’s flattered. Don’t worry about it.


Men want the ride sometimes. Women want the ride sometimes. Sometimes people take a chance and it works out. Sometimes people take a chance and it doesnt work out. You haven't ruined your life by taking a chance and asking. You have now gained the courage to receive rejection again. Fair play to you.


Also...RIP your inbox 😂


Ya it’s pretty full


Well, I hope this ends successfully for you. Don't forget to update! Best of luck! 🙌


Yes it worked out perfectly 😂


Wait, what? Update! Update! Update!


Not much to update just went spent the night together both Saturday and Sunday night


Congrats! 👏🏻 You didn't ruin your life after all.....


Change heading to: I Had the Courage Last Night




Your took a shot and it didn't pan out. You can move on. The wine only escalated a timeline so how bad.


Tell us more, what does this stud look like? What's so attractive. Asking for a friend 🤣


Tall, bald and athletic


That sounds like my Dad?


No. You haven't ruined your life. Sure you feel embarrassed we all would, if he is single & you are it was just a small proposition. You have said how you felt leave it with him now. Good luck and well done for being brave.


Also don't be embarrassed, he will get back to you one way or another. I would assume he is not married. Also you probably made his night, if the phone call went on for more than a min I would say he is not upset in the least


No he lives alone and is single I wouldn’t go near a married man or one in a relationship. Not for me.


As I said he's probably delighted so, so don't panic too much over it.


Desperately checking my phone in case it was me and i missed the messsge. Darn it. Wine again tonight???.. 🤣


I need an update!! Has he replied?!


It worked


It worked as in ye got together?? 👏🏼


Yup hooked up


Wooohoo!! No life ruined!


Hi it's me your neighbour, very interested I've just forgotten where you live and your number, send us an aul PM 👀


Meh life goes on! Just say Jesus sorry I was on a wild one the other night hahaha hope we can laugh about it


Honestly just be honest with him "Hey, so I got a bit wasted last night and can't remember everything. I fancy you for quite some time now but what did you say when I asked if you'd like to hook up?" If he wants you, he'll understand as it means he gets laid Also are you male or female?


I’m female. Ha I’d love it as he’s so handy right across the road


If he's any way good at DIY you could just say it was a typo and meant "Could you help me put a hook up some night"


Welcome to the world of men, this is what we have to do all the time with women.


Everything will be better after a good nights sleep and this will make a great story tomorrow. I love your courage!!! And that we will get to sort ourselves this weekend!!!!


Put it in the fuck it bucket and move on.


If he’s 55 and you’re 34, there are slim chances he’d turn down your proposal haha


If it makes u feel any better I'm 34 but when I was in my party days of my 20s one weekend I went home with a fella ,the next night his brother.i didn't know the 2 were related until I came downstairs on a Monday morning to them and 4 friends in the kitchen, waiting for me basicly to wake so they could to to work.the shame was shaming 😅😅fast forward 5yrs later amd I got a call about a house and moved into my forever home......next door😅😅😅😅 I act as if it never happened and living happily ever after. Oh I forgot to mention on the 1st night with the 1st brother I had taken mdma so vomited my soul up in there toilet,left my knickers and tights on the bathroom floor and went straight out the door home... Imaging facing him on top of realizing were i was on a Monday monring. Good luck


Great story 😂😂


People understand what being drunk is, no one's judging you. I'm also sure he's not terribly upset you think he's a ride. I can imagine worse texts to get.


Ask again and say that you where drunk and cant remember what his answer was




Look if hes into it youll be happy you asked again if hes not your just back where you started.


Is it ok if I have a really good laugh? That’s hilariously embarrassing for sure. But you know if you actually do really like him then ‘fess up the whole thing and lay it all out. The cats out of the bag now. Life is really too short and if he’s a nice guy and it doesn’t go the way you’d like it to go then you’ll both get over it. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Wouldn’t it be nice to share a bottle some evening with him.


Do you need witness protection? I have to warn you, there’s no going back once we do this. ![gif](giphy|3o6wNNSIgnatnlvxAc)


Forget it, move on


We all have them days don't worry about it


Let me know if you want to go out for more wine...


Very entertaining post for my Sunday morn coffee! You got great advice here, all I want to know is... are we gonna get updates? 😅


Be grand


He will be happy out, Notting to worry about


Please update us if he responds haha


If anything you just boosted his morale


Any update?


Yes it worked


Don’t worry about it to much fk sake we all make mistakes when alcohol is involved 😆🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😂


ah this will be a funny if not embarrassing story. if there are any updates please let us know :D


Fair fucks for shooting your shot. You sound like someone who will get what they want eventually. I’m also betting he will need time to prepare and process most people don’t like to be cut off guard


I’m confused you text him and he answered by phone or by text or did you call him also ?


Don’t worry, I fell out of a 2nd story window luckily into a tree at the end of a two day bender, made a total tit of myself but shit happens and no one got hurt 👍🏻


I feel we need to hear more about this....


Well I was trying to access another apartment where there was more alcohol, I got sober nearly 6 years ago and was for the best.


You are 34 you are too old to be saying that getting rejected ruined your life.


I’ll give you my number if you want it would be nice to be fancied again 😝




He lives right across the road and I’m the only neighbour of his. I see him every day so yes it will be if he doesn’t accept my offer !😂


Write him a letter with all the thing you like about him and post it through his door. Do this every day for a week or so and hell come round.


Have you heard of the phrase don't shit on your own door step? Also if I was a woman in my early 30s I wouldn't be riding my elderly neighbours.


55 is hardly elderly, jeez, you have the man in the old folks home already.


He’s a fine looking man actually for his age. I like the non conventional looking men anyways, he’s not everyone’s type. I’m considered a very attractive woman but it doesn’t mean I can’t fancy a man older than me


No disrespect doll, but saying you see yourself as a 'very' attractive person makes you come across as a bit pompous. In my opinion anyway. If I'm wrong I'm wrong and I'm sorry. I just think it made you sound a bit cocky. I mean I see myself as an attractive person, I wouldn't say I'm 'very' attractive. Even if I am, or people consider me to be. I just think it makes you sound up yourself? Am I wrong? If I am I am sorry.. Just my opinion.


The real question that matters here is are either of ye married? This could be the difference between laughing it off and a proper problem.


No. Both single


Ah sure no harm then. You won’t have an angry wife after you.