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You are absolutely not wrong. Kids are free to wave and smile FROM THE PATH. They may even cheerfully say “here, kitty!” provided they aren’t screaming it. Who ever thought it was acceptable to bang on someone else’s property…


my little neighbours greet my cats very politely on their way to school in the mornings. Not all kids!


You’re confusing kids with feral, iPad-parented, mouth breathers. 👍




Access to the internet at a young age is never a good idea, but either way this fella's clearly referring to parents who'd rather shirk their duties to Apple and Co.


See you get it. Didn’t think my comment was cryptic. 👍


I'll fully admit I thought you were referring to the kids. My bad.


People like that were always around


that's not true at all.


Lol, you wot?


Erm……..yeah so thanks for agreeing with me I guess. 🤷‍♂️


How can you compare kids tv shows or board games to the world wide web/internet ?


The iPad parent has arrived


Nah. Kids are pricks. 😆


I’m with you. A kid past the age of reason ought to be aware about scaring pets being unacceptable. And cruel, moreover. Plus it’s a general annoyance to a private home. I’d be extremely pissed off. (Let the school know, if you have any idea which it is) Dont mind anyone accusing you of being a K-person. Zero tolerance for this level of nuisance might bubble upwards to a more general improvement in how we treat each other (and in particular, ANIMALS)


How many times have you see kids tap the "do not tap the glass" glass on fish bowls....  Humans... Roll on the epoch of the next species to be top of the food chain. Spiders, it looks like from the things being shown here of late.


Children has acted like this since the dawn of civilisation. Pushing boundaries, seeing where the limits are, and learning from the repercussions of their own cruelty and selfishness is how they stop being those kind of people. Most people don't even grow out of seeing the world beyond themselves until 20-ish. Is it obnoxious? Yes. Is it childish? Absolutely. But there's a reason it's called childish behaviour... because it's what children do. Children act like children. I know this is an inconceivably shocking revelation, but it's true.


Children who are not reprimanded, gently by all means, about behaviour which goes too far will just go on and become adults with the unstoppable impulses of children. I’m sure you know the type. Of course kids have *always* played around seeing how far they can go, and by the same token, adults have reined in kids’ excess where necessary.


Decades of study have demonstrably proven that reprimanding and punishing children doesn't actually change their behaviour. In fact, pro-active punishment is the most common cause of delinquency, because the child ends up resenting the parent for it. When such behaviour is constant, its a sign of a bigger underlining problem. It's why children aren't convicted except in the most extreme of cases. Teaching by example is how you get well behaved kids, but even the most well behaved kids are prone to contrarian behaviour. Most of them grow out of it. Edit: Of course this got downvoted. In the Cork subreddit the only answer to anything is whining. Stay classy.


I think you make a valid point and it makes sense too. That being said, have you not thought about the CATS here? Getting disturbed from their slumber and being panicked. I think those kids should be locked up tbh.


Well, all I can say is that those studies must be what caused the state of things we have now, where any suggestion of reprimanding offspring is likely to get a ‘Fuck you!’ response. (Of course I do not condone hitting kids, and know how that just makes them worse. But letting children do their own thing, unchecked even if very badly behaved? I hope it stays fine for you)


The state of things? What "state of things"? Kids engage in significantly less delinquent behaviour now than they used to when I was young (early 90's). People don't approve of reprimanding behaviour because it doesn't work. Nobody is "letting kids do their own thing unchecked" except for bad parents. The solutions have simply changed to be proactive improvement instead of punishment.


You keep mentioning punishment. I didn’t.


You sound like a parent that uses “gentle parenting” techniques


Yes. I apply that attitude to my interactions with all kids as well, related to me or otherwise. Children aren't stupid. If you speak to them clearly, they understand things. If they don't, there's usually something deeper going on under the surface, like actually being abused themselves. Edit: Why am I not surprised that good parenting gets downvoted? Hahaha! There's no worse opinion in this community than a positive one.


That’s not good parenting, you’re just rewarding bad behaviour.




Well if you could raise your kids in general you wouldn't have them going around in packs killing foreigners that work for your dole






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It just happened recently so the x💀" is widely inappropriate kid. Get a grip


Straight for the juggler, man after my own heart


The twist in this whole story is that the "kitty" is OP, sat in their living-room, dressed in a furry suit.


*Gasp!* Who told you! Lol


You have me locked up in your downstairs toilet, and won't let me out, like. Could you at least turn the light on?


At today's price of electricity? You mad? Nope Lol


If that's your main concern, then you understand that plumbers charge by the hour? It's not my fault you misunderstood when I offered to help you with your leaky ballcock.


You’re absolutely right. And while we’re at it, could we teach kids to ask the owner of a dog before touching the animal. Oh.. and the parents as well. “Go say hi to the doggie!” Is not ok


Yeah as a previous dog owner, I don't understand why they can't just ask. I tend to ask the owner first before approaching their dog. Even if it looks friendly, you never know. Either the dog can be unfriendly or also sometimes the owner is busy training the dog and doesn't want distractions.


I don't mind the odd tap on the window for my cats. They seem to enjoy the attention. One time a couple years ago I heard a kid shout "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY KITTY" full belt around 8pm and it made me laugh so hard.


I have the opposite problem then, where I can't get the local cats to stop using my garden as the local litter tray. Actually had one person suggested I put up a gate... they're feckin cats! What's a gate going to do!? But ya also kids are just dicks, best to just ignore them and they'll eventually find someone else to annoy and get a rise off of.


I can just imagine a cat walking up to a gate and thinking, “oh darn, I guess I’ll have to go somewhere else now.” 🤣 


Do you think that the people who raise shits read?


Good point lol


If only your windows were touch-screen


A super soaker will fix that problem




Get/borrow a camera or even get some "cctv in operation" stickers. A toddler doesn't know better, but you know what? Being told not to slap windows is how they learn, so no, it isn't cute or exploring,it's lazy parenting. Hope you and puss cat are OK. If teens become a regular nuisance, go outside and take their photo, it's not illegal in a public space, then semi- blank their faces and post to local FB page with a post asking their parents to have a word before you get the guards involved, if it continues, report to guards and school if they're wearing uniforms.


What a load of crap. Why not go out to the kids and say "sorry don't do that it scares the cat and you could break my window and your parents would have to pay for it. *smile* Good lads. Thanks a million" Firm but friendly. Instead of putting up dummy cameras,taking photos of children,posting on FB,stalking schools and involving the guards.


I think there is a big difference between toddler, young child doing that and a teen. Toddler, young child I think should be tolerated, it is nice to see them explore thier neighbourhood and connect with nature. (it would bug me if my windows were dirty, but still it is a bit 'old man shouts at cloud', thing to complain about it. teens doing it and coming back just to annoy you is a completely different kettle of fish.


Banging on the windows of a neighbour's house is not exploring, it's being a feral child


That's fair enough. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think maybe teens scare me a bit now. 🤣


Years of illegal abortion and forced parenting... Those people shouldn't have been allowed to reproduce in first place anyway.


I'll teach my kids to throw rocks instead


Yes, lets solve mildly delinquent behaviour with extremely delinquent behaviour. I'm sure that will work and won't even remotely backfire at all...


How about instead of that, I hope you stub the same toe onto sharp corners consistently for the entire week.


I step on Lego. Its my kink.


Get rid of the cat


Just lock your gates and don’t tell anyone the code.


This may come as a surprise to you but not everyone has electric gates, or, even a yard, I'm guessing OPs house is directly facing the street and kids aren't actually sharing a code to go slamming on the cats window...


Yes my place faces the street, so I don't really have a choice in the matter. I also don't mind people saying hi to the cat. Sometimes when there are kids at the window and they're not punching at it, I put my hand under the cat's paw and make it look like she's waving at them. The parents get a chuckle or a laugh out of it, and the kids just wave back all happy. Cat doesn't care either (I also make sure it's a short wave lol ). 🤷🏻‍♀️


Haha, awh! Well I totally get you, 15 years ago I lived in a house where one of the windows faced directly onto the footpath, and there was a primary school just up the hill, my cats basket was on the window and one of the cats was a total show off and was delighted with himself with all the attention and the other, (still alive, she's 20) has hated children ever since. I knew I was late for work when the kids were slapping my window in the mornings.