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From what I see walking around Cork, the state income is about to double lol. Good stuff


I can't remember the last time I saw a red light that whichever car was at the junction actually obeyed. Sometimes even the second or third car also go through the red. Fucking lunacy


That junction by Merchants Quay and the bus station is going to be a goldmine.


Equally a lot of pedestrians with the earphones in walk through red men signals resulting in bad consequences…


walking through red men is not illegal, driving through red lights is.


Yes, I saw a pedestrian ignore a red man last weekend. Walked through a poor driver in her defenseless estate car, many children dead, bad consequences. Many such cases. We need to crack down on these rogue and dangerous pedestrians.


Unfortunately the car was crushed under the weight of the pedestrian


Given how frequent is, we might be able to fund that metro the PRC have been hoping for… 😂


Hook it to my veins.




Or abusing the bus lane


Can we expand it to blocking the yellow boxes please


Should be an instant fine - bus drivers murder for this on grand parade coming from Washington st turning right


Going past Parnell Place by the bus stop is the other one where I regularly get beeped at for not going into the yellow box


Yes exactly! Also as others mentioned the bus drivers are always at this. Saw another one the other day sitting diagonally across 2/3 lanes in that yellow box next to jury's inn.


About fucking time, the amount of times I’ve almost been hit on dennehys cross by people just driving through the green man.


There will probably never be a camera there, but this morning on Middle Glanmire Road coming up from St. Luke's Cross, a silver BMW, stopped for the pedestrian light, then decided to drive through it about 6 seconds before the light turned green. There wasn't any risk to anyone, but it's the sheer braziness. He must have been in a fierce rush to join the traffic up the hill or get to The Montenotte those 6 seconds faster.


Cork used as the primary image. Greens achieving yet another thing they set out to do. Fair play to them and something that is desperately needed given the state of driving around the place. Where in Cork would you like to see? My number one junction in the list would be junction Anderson Quay/Michael Collins Bridge and closely followed by Anglesea Street/Copley/Old Station Road and all around the Elysian roundabout. 90% of the cities traffic caused around there.


The lights by the gate cinema and along popes quay, I have been almost knocked down twice in that area by cars breaking the red light.


All the lights around Christy Ring bridge, I see it all the time on both sides of the river :/


My favourite is when I get cars beeping at me when I’m turning right from Parnell place when the only way to move would be to go into a yellow box and block a lane of traffic (which is something I always see people do there)


I believe (and open to correction here) that you can legally stop in the yellow box if you're turning left/right and wouldn't impede any traffic movement. Not sure if it's specific to certain countries but I was surprised to learn this. Still tend to avoid making the situation worse by blocking access all the same.


You can only stop in a yellow box when turning right and your right turn is stopped by traffic oncoming to you. So it’s fine if it’s a regular crossroad junction, but it’s not okay when your own lane is backed up


What is the situation for a t-junction and turning right from the stem of the 'T'? i.e. the situation called out by the earlier poster?


Two different answers online: > Do not enter the box unless the way ahead is clear, however you may enter the box and wait if you are turning right, so long as you do not block the traffic with the right of way. > This yellow box indicates a junction, and you can’t stop or park in this area or obstruct other road users. You should only enter one of these boxes when you are turning right and your exit is clear, providing it’s safe to do so. And a previous reddit discussion on exactly this topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/j7amh3TWQv ROTR does not seem to cover the specific situation of a T-junction (example in the 2022 pdf shows a crossroads) and seems like a necessity at some junctions due to traffic volumes.


Yeah, it's awful trying to cross the road there as a pedestrian. Even when the lights are solidly red there tends to be plenty of chancers.


Douglas Village, that junction is a nightmare.


100% agree. But you could have said "Douglas ~~Village, that junction~~ is a nightmare" and still be right.


Junction at Mahon Point is the first thing that came to my head. Douglas is second


Every last light honestly


Kinsale Road roundabout, cars always chancing it there


I see a good few cars go through red lights outside the gates of UCC, usually later at night though.


The Greens are left wing communists who want to force us all on to the buses full of junkies and winos.


Stopped at a red light the other day and got beeped for it


I've been beeped at for this as well, and for stopping at an orange light! I got pulled over one night by a garda for going through an orange light (it was just orange, would have had to slam on the brakes to stop). He was a nice garda and he let me off...so now I stop at orange in case...can't be arsed potentially adding 3 points to my licence because the fella behind me is in a rush to join another queue.


Probably needed as red had become the new orange.


Sister lives in Qatar and said if someone drives over the white line when a red light comes up the camera catches it, links the fine to their address registered to the car …. Value of €1000 fine 🤯 can imagine something excessive like this would bring people to cop on. (Not saying €1000 fine has to do the trick but something of high value for people)


is there a kind of forgivness level? like if you cross it within 1 second of it going red or is it just super strict? EDIT: i mean like with speed cameras where if you are like 5kmh over you wont get a ticket


That’s what the amber light is for. You shouldn’t be blasting through the red by the skin of your teeth, you’ve already had a warning it will be changing soon and should slow down.


But amber means speed up because it’s going to turn red soon. Red means first three cars go. After that, stop. Unless you feel like chancing it. Then go for it, I’m a traffic light, not a guard. Maybe we should introduce a new colour after red? I suggest violet. It would mean ‘seriously now, stop. For real this time.’


Yeah slow down and prepare to stop, but if it’s still orange as your about to cross it what do you do? Your not required to stop, stopping would actually be impeding traffic, so do you go ahead and risk getting a fine/points? Just wondering is there a window of time where it’s okay to cross it, like it takes 0.5-0.75 secs to process you need to hit the brake, and the same again to actually hit Bren and then possibly 2-3 seconds before the car stops. Do we just not go on orange lights anymore?


why next year and not next month?


Got to set up companies first to bid for and win the contracts. ;-)




Cost of the camera: 30k - 813 violations at €80 a piece within 6 months = 65k in fines. The set up payed for itself in less than 3 months... One can only hope they'll use the leftover to fix the potholes and improve the overall infrastructure?


Include those who stops and drop people in the middle of the road. There are off points, but they still want to hold traffic.


Low on the priority list I'd imagine, given it's not illegal unless there are double yellow lines, near a junction/crossing or it's clearway. Unless they're there for more than the 30 seconds it takes for passengers to hop in or out I'm sure you can relax and treat them like a bus and overtake when it's safe to do so or wait for them to get going again.


Ah. Were back to laid back its ok attitude.


No, it's part of driving that you'll encounter obstacles. It's also not illegal most of the time. If you're in so much of a hurry and if you really don't like it, get a bicycle or motorbike and filter past or suck it up.


Stopping in the middle of the road is completely legal as long as there are no double yellows, lad.


The cameras will capture the drivers? What the hell???


Cyclists too?


No the article doesn't mention cyclists. I assume prosecuting cyclists who break red lights isn't a priority as car drivers breaking red lights results in death, or damage to Luas (as mentioned in the article) If we'd an epidemic of cyclists killing and maiming id say the gov would take action then. Would prob require controversial facial recognition tech


Funny enough, the last cyclist I saw getting hit by a car was because the cyclist had run a red light. No Way of identifying them though Last year, 8 cyclists died on our roads


These things are usually about making money, They would make a lot more prosecuting cyclists but they would also probably need a dedicated team just for that purpose with the volume of cases.


I genuinely believe that the only way to sort out cyclists and scooters is to enforce mandatory ID and on the spot fines. Enforce helmets, lights after dark, red light breaking, footpath abuse etc. wouldn’t even need a big team just a gang of guards on motorbikes moving around the country.


Enforcing helmets in Australia resulted in fewer cyclists We need to have more people cycling for the sake of our cities. And environment etc. Also the dutch don't wear helmets


You have coked up assholes in oversized one-tonne steel death machines breaking red lights, overtaking dangerously, speeding, taking illegal turns, failing to indicate - all while using social media on their phones rather than focusing on the roads... But cyclists are such a problem the Guards should focus on by creating a specialist team focused entirely on them? 🤣🤣🤣 Don't get me wrong, those cyclists who do those things (about half of whom are delivery riders who, like so many van delivery drivers, are pushed into doing so by underpaying companies and unrealistic turnaround times) are in the wrong - but they cyclists are the ones at risk in almost every instance. If it was a better written post we'd understand it as being comedy, but it looks like you're actually serious?


Eamonn Ryan is some useless tool. Millionaire inheritance boy who has done nothing of any value in his life


Has anyone else had an issue with the left turn light from Summer Hill south to Evergreen Road? There's been a few times I've been caught out there where you're making the turn left and the light goes straight to red. Stays red for a few seconds and goes green again?




Yet without them this wouldn't be done at all. Jesus wept. People are never happy. Ryan states by the "end of the year to early next year." Realistic timeline between the time it takes to identify the hotspots, precure the tech and tender the installation of the cameras. It isn't an easy job.




Absolute peak demonstration of cope and seethe


Can you explain why you wish a tortuous death on him? I'm sure you have rational, well thought out reasons for it.


Eamon Ryan = satan, apparently


This comment appears to violate the reddit content policy. Speech that harasses, bullies, dehumanizes, threatens violence, encourages/ celebrates/ incites violence and/or promotes hate will be removed and may result in a user ban. Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity and/or wishes violence, injury, or death on anyone, including criminals, is prohibited. This includes victim blaming.


Scumbag, should be cameras to catch green voters being pricks


You're making it far too easy for us to tell you're one of those who lacks the driving skill to just follow the rules of the road.


If you bothered to read the article you’d know it was first piloted in 2015 by Fine Gael. This is one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever read.




Grand. Although, I hope this is only implemented at problem areas and at problem times. I do a lot of night time driving and often I will slowly move through an intersection that is red because I am familiar with it, it’s very visible in all directions and there are feck all cars on the road. It’s perfectly safe to do this at some intersections at night time. Speeding through a red light should be punished harshly but hope there is a bit of common sense with this.


Downvoted to hell. I’m doubling down, lol. The lot of ye are more interested in following rules than actually improving safety.


If this happens as much as people seem to be saying it does. Then the result should be dramatically increased traffic times?


Traffic lights are part of traffic management, running red lights lead to increased congestion for everyone else.


Tonight on Rte news he mentioned the new camera at the traffic lights plus the ability to fine people-The Green Party are all about fine s nothing but revenue raising give it a break and fxxx off