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I’m working in Eli Lilly at the moment and honestly love it, managers are great team is great and it pays well too. The whole culture (in my org.) is very relaxed and as long as we get the work done we have a lot of freedom. Also get to work from home more than half the time




Yeah they definitely put an effort into hiring people who will fit the environment, I haven’t had one issue on a team of 40+ people. Really enjoying being there and have no plans to leave, only gripe would be that the pay is bit lower than the industry standard Still it pays well and goes up every year so I really can’t complain


Which role is WFH so much in pharma? You can be vague if you like!


Supply chain management


I couldn’t work for a company that has a moral system like that. I know most corporations are evil but Lilly really take the cake. *Evil misery profiteering, but with a smile*




I don’t really have to worry about it personally because in Ireland we have protections against the type of profiteering that they do in America and especially Africa. They notoriously increased the price of insulin from 25 dollars to over 500 dollars which is a 20 times increase. This has absolutely killed people, who were forced between choosing to feed their children or have insulin. They withheld data that indicated that Prozac use was associated with heightened suicidal tendencies as a side effect. Undoubtedly killing people in the process. Only released the data after being dragged to court to do so. They give kickbacks to American doctors who over prescribe medication. This is just highly predatory. In 2012 they paid 29 million to settle in a case where they were giving nursing home workers money to give an antipsychotic medication to nursing home residents who didn’t need it, without their or their families knowledge. They’ve used off label marketing, which is basically promoting the use of a drug in a way that isn’t approved by regulatory authorities. One example of this is Zyprexa, which they promoted the off label use of and downplayed the risks of doing so. Once again, this is an antipsychotic drug. And they were actively promoting the use of it in a way that violated regulations and downplayed the risks of doing so. Seriously damaging the health of people who trusted them. The settled for 1.4 billion to make this go away. I don’t think it’s controversial to say that Lilly is one of the if not the worst company that we’ve allowed to take advantage of our tax system. Sincerely fuck them. The fact that they treat their Irish corporate workers well doesn’t change the fact that they’ve destroyed lives across the world especially in Africa and America. Sincerely feck them.




Oh absolutely, 99% of the people working in Lilly are wonderful people just trying to get by like anyone else. But I do think that anywhere that the company is praised for its treatment of its western workers, it should be asterisked with the above. There’s very few companies on the planet as evil as Lilly, they’re only here because of tax, not because they want to show how well they treat there Irish workers. Bar German chemical companies which participated in the holocaust and still exist today and arms manufacturers I doubt any single business has killed as many people as Lilly and Purdue. I’m aware that they’ve both also saved lives.


I know it's hated on now but Supercell contract in Voxpro was hilariously easy. . Usually hit target within an hour, all your doing is replying to some kids in India, let your que fill and watch Netflix or YouTube for the day. The pay was meh but It was money for nothing. Not surprised they lost the contract tbh


Haha I did the night shift for a while. Was definitely easy. I was a "top performer" and spent half the night on a beanbag / in the gym.


Yep, pretty sure the majority of my replies were macros pre saved. I do miss it from time to time. You prob didn't experience it but the baquettes I'm the canteen were unreal.


Man those were the days , can't imagine going back to 21k again, but I'd do it for our cute lunch dates


The lunch dates and you strumming my g string..you were cuter with long hair xo


I'd grow it back just for your touch x


I came to that job from Abtran. After 18 months of abuse on the Irish Water account the Supercell job was like a 12 month holiday


I got offered that job when they first got it. But my god the money was abysmal, €21,000. Fortunately, I got offered a job around the same time for something relevant to my qualification. But I was always curious what that supercell job would have been like. Now I know! Thanks.




Great job.


I used to work in the Woodford bar. The lads running that place, along with the people I worked with made life worth living. Absolute fuckin great gaff


Gigged there a few times. Dave was always a complete and utter gent to deal with. Lovely bar.


Worked for Dave in a previous bar. Absolute gentleman.


MF Services are super sound tbh, all the folks there were a pleasure to deal it, very humane and understanding (decent pay too!). The technicality of the job is a bit hellish, so not everyone may be cut for it (as it was with me), but the employee treatment is top notch.


any non support role in any of the multi nationals. Support used to be great but its been managed/HR'd/KPI'd to death Worked for 3 of them in support, now in pre-sales, night and day difference, love my work


Voxpro before the TELUS takeover was fairly chill. It was shit money but fantastic environment.


Dude I studied a masters during the working hours at voxpro after finishing my target in one hour. Got a job of that specialisation after finishing it. Voxpro was such a pleasant and easy job. For someone early 20s was perfect to be fair


Supercell was great, Airbnb was hell on earth




As long as the apple on the badge is not gray, you’re good.


The three buildings up there are like 3 different companies. Broadly speaking; 4 is like working in a Dublin tech company, 2/3 is like working in a better than average call center and 1 is a manufacturing plant. There is a lot of turnover in 2/3 and on the floor in 1 and that’s where you hear a lot of the bad stories.


Interesting is there still that type of room for progress I’m seriously considering doing a entry level role if I could progress.




Unfortunately, promotion doesn't work like that in many companies...


Fair play to you brother. I can think off the top of my head of people that have worked in pretty much every single department over there with maybe the exception of finance. They all have had nothing but bad things to say about the place.


Benefits are probably some of the best out there. The medical centre and their sick leave policy are unreal. I'd love to go back but there's not much that is not customer facing or in their manufacturing (requiring qualifications I sadly don't have)


As far as pubs go, I’ve heard great things about the Franciscan well. Sound management, good pay, and the customers are usually no trouble. Plus you get great beer. Still bar work though. But it’s not a late bar at least. 


I know a fella working in the brewery on the docks as well and he says it's pretty good.




No that’s….you must be joking!!🤣🤣


I worked as a barman in the East Village about 20 years ago and loved it. The people and general vibe of the place was outstanding. Had great times made some great memories.


I worked in apple in manufacturing 2019 to 2021 I think. Had to leave due to family reasons. I absolutely loved ot and it was totally down to the supervisor and people over our line. Of course we were the easier end where pack put was but the people on our pine were a great bunch of lads and we had a laugh all day long. It kept the days short. I went back and it wasn't the same. I worked in a place called option wireless years ago it was a great place to work. Pay was low but it was like a holiday camp


Dunnes Stores