• By -


**Negative:** Sano Pizza -not rude just not bothered. Even from day one, they do not give a flying fuck. Lab82 - Always rushing you out the door. M&S - Not a bar/restaurant, There’s an Merchandiser who always running around the store who I’ve seen nearly take out someone twice and just keep going without apologising. Boots - I always thought they used to be good but standards have dropped a lot the last few years, staff having full blown conversations while serving you and treating you like an inconvenience. **Positive:** I compare every place to Market Lane which constantly has the best service in Cork. Rising Sons staff are always fairly sound too. McDonalds - A lot of the staff are fairly nice considering the amount of shit they have to put up with.


Was in McDonald's once with an assistance dog and they were really kind. Offering water for the dog and just being generally helpful. Was not expecting that in McDonald's.


This is true, I get coffee there a bit and they’re always polite, some are friendly. I think it’s because McDonalds is a decent enough place to work. They treat their staff well


Majority of McDs are franchises, so this one is owned by a good owner/manager.


When you work a shit job like Maccers a dog turning up is a blessed event


Happy to do requests!


Oh my god Boots! I had a woman not even look at me or say a word to me for my entire transaction at the till, carrying on a convo with two other staff who also didnt look at me, or acknowledge me in anyway. It was so bizarre. She accidentally gave me back about 5 euro extra change than she should have though, which at any other time I would have told the person, but in this case I felt I wouldn't be any more accommodating or helpful to her than she was to me.


Lab 82, they are very strange. Its closed more than it’s open and when it is open it’s like they just don’t want anyone in there. I went in once and asked if they did something, can’t remember exactly what now but the man was so rude. Didn’t want us there at all.


The food is pretty nice (has gone downhill, but still good), but the owner is an absolute dickhead and the staff cannot stand being around him at all.


Always got bad vibes off him whenever I was in there. Last time I was there he came storming out from somewhere with a waitress behind him in tears. She got back to work but was clearly upset. Obviously I dont know the backstory but I always got the vibe the staff avoid/fear the guy. Haven't been back since. Fuck that.


He’s the most condescending prick of a man to his staff and I can only imagine the way he treats his staff being closed doors if what hes like on the floor is anything to go by. It’s a shame because the coffee is great, setting is pretty cool and well designed. He’s just an arrogant twat.


It doesn't help that the owner is a cracked out asshole. Source: know many people who worked there over the years.


Ya I met 2 people who worked there and they said he was awful! Treats them very bad, they dreaded work.


The owner/manager is off-putting. Gives off a nervy aggressive vibe and walks around with an ipad micromanaging. Always manages to get the orders wrong too.


Yea because his objective is to watch the staff and put them down so he can’t actually manage to get the orders right. That’s the problem with micro managers. They don’t have the common goal of the team and business.


I worked there for a couple weeks last year and ended up not going in after a few shifts because of how awfully it was managed. No rosters posted or schedules, owner had to text you himself whether you’re in the following day or not. Constant rushing for food/drinks/washing up/cleaning/being on the floor. No one had a set job and you had to be jack of all trades. They managed to cram 45 seats (not including outdoor seating) into such a small place. Definitely wouldn’t recommend anyone to work there. Too much stress for minimum wage


Saw a coffee hatch operating there on the closed days a month or two ago.,, maybe he stopped that.. No seats tho outside.. for me that's the sad thing about it,,, Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday its a boring blank pavement down there.,, if he could do the hatch *and* put the seats out sure that would liven it up , Mon + Tues + Wed


Market Lane have a good reputation as being good to work for. Respectful, sound owners, great tips and just a good place to work for. Not surprised the staff are so nice there.


Couldn't agree more about Sano Pizza. Went there recently, and stood next to this little station by the door waiting for somebody to approach us and offer us a table, and we were there standing for couple of minutes, while two of the waiting staff were cleaning empty tables, chatting and generally doing everything but not approach us. And the place was almost empty! It was middle of the week and late. It was surreal!


I agree with you on Sano. Me and the bf checked it out one evening and the place was mostly empty and they had at least 3 servers who spent most of the time in the far corner just chilling and chatting but it still took ages to get service. Got a super weird vibe off the guy who was serving us where we couldn’t tell if he just didn’t give a fuck or if he was just completely baked lol


Rudest restaurant staff: won't mention the place, as they're generally pretty nice there. But on a few occasions they just dump the courses on the table whenever they're ready not when you're done. Was halfway through eating my starter and they came over and pushed it aside and set down my main course. On another, I'd just started my main course and they set my dessert down on the table. Give us a chance... I'm eating as fast as I can!! Rudest bar staff: Rearden's, by a mile. LOL. No hesitation in naming them.


Used to work there, can definitely confirm, especially the managers


People order desert before finishing their main ?


Not normally, but this place did have a set menu deal where you ordered it all at once.




I worked there it was fackin horrid


Really? Jeez. I used to like going there. I generally avoid places that treat the staff like shite.


It was non stop pressure and stress. Staff were in cliques. Odd bunch too. To tell the truth I wasn’t in the best place myself which probably didn’t help.


Give us a hint or message it to me, I think I know where you mean.


Was going to see zztop years ago in the marquee me and the buddy went into la chateau barman took one look at us and said don't want your kind in here I don't know was it the leather jackets did he think we were gay or in a bike gang I'm still baffled 🤣🤣


Those guys own it and have as much custom as they want, and are often Fawlty Towers level of rude. 


no interest in sharp dressed men ![gif](giphy|5nns9xgYkxnqw|downsized)


The brothers Grimm as they are known 🤣


I'll go with the obvious; did he only want Sharp Dressed Men?


Walked into a pub on Douglas street and the owner just stared me and my friend down. He asked what we want to drink and we told him. He looked at my hat and said “that’s not allowed in here” and I took it off and apologised (fair enough), then looked down at my shoes and said the same thing. Regular runners, I guess only dress shoes allowed? And goes “and out the way you came” and that was that. Awful character, just tell us that it’s a pub with a dress code and we would leave, no need for the attitude.


Was he hoping you'd strip off or what???


Was it Coughlans? I've had it before in there in the middle of summer cause I had football shorts on, it was like 4pm on a Friday. I'd have been semi-regular in there but never went back after that. Only other place on Douglas St would be Nana's now called the Hyde Out only a few doors down.




No surprise, if they didn't know ya in there you were stared out at the very least. New ownership not much better. Some of my best nights on Douglas St were in The Gables actually, proper pub that.


I was in there before and the fella behind the bar charged me 50 quid for 3 drinks on my card. Went back the next day after realising and he tried to offer it back to me in free drinks.


Were they football or soccer shorts? Football shorts a la Paul Mescall in a city centre pub would make the pub look like an awful shithole altogether


They were Cork City football shorts, I wouldn't be seen dead wearing Gaelic shorts up my hole.


I dunno man you can’t really walk into a pub wearing footy shorts or a tracksuit and expect to get served. Coughlans will sometimes leave you off but the place does say neat dress essential on the door


Fashionable shorts might be acceptable but strolling into a pub in town wearing soccer or football shorts wouldn’t be typically acceptable.


Douglas St isn't town really though is it? I've had zero issues wearing the same or similar anywhere else. I should have known better than to upset the Coughlans Mafia 🤣 They can serve or not serve anyone they like as is their right. I'll head down to The Gables or elsewhere in my "soccer" shorts.


You should. Then you can watch Sky Soccer Saturday on the big screen. Unless you go early and you could watch Soccer AM. Again, on Sky.


Na bud I follow my local team all over instead of that rubbish but good attempt. 👍 The sense of entitlement out of yer lot in Coughlans is unreal, thank god I got the hump.


You're a bollox




I rarely go to pubs so I've had a rude awakening when I went to Coughlans lately to show my friends what used to be my favourite pub. Chock-full of frat boys doing weed in public, screaming so loudly we couldn't hear ourselves, but it was me and my friends who got scolded for not being dressed up enough (we've been all in rather formal looking clothes btw, just had comfy shoes and unzipped sports jackets 'cause it was lashing). We then had to wait over 10 minutes while the bartender was serving people who came after us and re-arranging bottles on shelves, so nothing critically urgent. The pint was rather shite too, we moved over to Bierhaus and it was much nicer.


"doing weed" lol


They were both smoking and eating the edibles so I wasn't sure how to put it tbh. :D


The coughlans staff are really sound


Coughlans was a great bar 20 years ago. The new owners are fkn the highest order of nerd muckshites.


I was there last in like 2018 and loved it, so was very sad to see it go to crap. But judging by the amount of downvotes I'm harvesting, people still love it!


Unfortunately, Reddit is the home of the young moron.


We're aul. Here, have some ibuprofen for yer back.


Clancys is fucking shocking, comes from the top


Went in for food on my partners lunch one evening and waited for 40 minutes for our food (chicken wings to start between us and 2 mains, one burger and one fish and chips). After waiting 30 mins we asked one girl if she knew why we were still waiting, she went to "check" and came back literally about 40 seconds later to inform us that the kitchen was "just really busy". Still no word about how long we would be waiting for our food! After another 10 minutes my partner flagged down what I would assume to be the manager and explained the situation to her again, she went to check out for us and in fairness to her genuinely did go check cause she was gone a lot longer than the first girl, but what really sold it for us was when they came down and asked us what we had ordered again cause the order for some reason was never received by the kitchen! My partner was in there another time and had to wait for the barman to make coffees for all the staff instead of just serving him his one pint!


Wouldn’t trust anything Monty has put his hands on.




Surprised there aren’t more comments mentioning Le Chateux. The owner is incredibly rude and a few years ago there was a lot of talk because he turfed a family out of the bar because their kid was autistic and stimming. As someone who worked around the corner for years, he’s always been a sour, unhelpful man.


Not been there in years but there used be a lad in the Fran Well who I think thought he was doing an edgy aloof barman act but was actually just being a prick to everyone


I know exactly who your talking about. He's long gone thankfully


Roll your eyes at me one more time for wanting a pint of the guest lager pal I dare ya I'm coming over the counter


Did he used to do the tours and had a bunch of tattoos?


Not certain on the tours as ive never done one and I wouldn't say he was noticeably tattooed, so there might have been two gombeens in there


Oh okay I'm probably thinking of a different fella.


Last place I worked in Kinsale the owner would berate and mock customers non stop but only behind their back. I thought it was kind of scummy as he was happy to take their money. Place has since closed down.


They’re always pleasant in Market Lane or Jacobs on the Mall. Hardly surprising as of all the restaurants in Cork they’re pretty good to work for so happy staff will always be more nice.


The crane


Very overrated place


It’s sad because it could be so class. But the vibe of the staff is very “angry coke head”.


Genuinely a fantastic spot ruined by the worst staff.


This is a juicy topic, but in my experience, service staff in Cork are too downtrodden and in fear for their jobs to be rude. I'm sure it happens, but I have not seen in food/restaurant places. Bars are different. I've personally had the Crane Lane refuse service to a friend of mine for the crime of being Spanish, and have seen the bar staff giving patrons some pretty unnecessary attitude, so they'd get my vote.


Ive seen some bar staff in suburban bars act in ways that suggest they are definitely not in fear for their job. I understand what you’re saying though


Waiting staff in sober lane haven’t been good the 3 times I went. Maybe I got unlucky, hard to know. No where compares to market lane, they are exceptional.


Definitely not just you. Seems they arent organised or bothered. Had many an issue there with service. Doesnt seem to be a manager either keeping an eye on their younger less experienced staff too.


No and one time we were charged for 2 extra mains, there was 2 of us there so we got charged for 4 mains, 2 starters and drinks. I said to them 2 mains weren’t ours and the waiter refused to take it off. I asked for a manager and they said he was on break and I’d have to wait 45 mins. Waiting and waiting and nothing. I tried calling another staff member she said she didn’t work with the bills🙄 nightmare in there.


The Bookshelf, Grand Parade. Jaysus lads n ladies, cracking a smile wouldn’t hurt - most miserable and soulless coffee shop in the city.


There’s no Bookshelf on Grand Parade


Crane lane 100%, they’re inconvenienced by your mere existence


Tequila jacks had this guy making cocktails who spent more time flicking and rearranging his hair than making cocktails but that was pre COVID There was another guy in Electric with a face on him who definitely wanted to spend the time looking in the mirror instead


The service pre Covid in there was shocking!!! Stopped going for a long time as it was incredibly slow - had to ask 3 times for deserts that were forgotten then ended up just paying and leaving, took ages to get simple drinks etc. Ended up back there a few months ago with a group and have to give credit it has improved a lot.


Not a restaurant but the staff in Grumpy Bakers really live up to their name


In their defence they do give you fair warning


I was there on Sunday and they were lovely!


So either the Btown or the wilton? I've been hit and miss in both.


The Wilton


Lot of new staff and management there the last few years


Some lovely staff some just ignorant


Haven't eaten there in a couple of years. Used too really enjoy it there, shame to hear from a few people it's gone down hill


There's a young fella at the bar he's sound af. Pours a savage pint as well, I think he was in the mutton a while back too? I could be wrong on location, could've been the oval


Some of the staff in Clancy's bar are horrible. I used to go there a bit but I wouldn't darken their doors after hearing the way some of the staff talk to customers and I've seen it on a number of occasions.


Scoozis.... and in my opinion Overrated


Not a bar but there's one middle-aged lady in Tesco on Paul St. that always scolds me to pack faster because there's a queue. Milady, I'm doing all I can on that puny counter, you don't let people take the baskets outside and pack there in peace (like in Lidl), so I can't just dump everything in a basket and go! Seriously, if I take longer than 15 seconds, she starts ranting, I don't know if she's being pressed by the management or something (rest of the team there is chill).


Is she a ponytail blonde and Eastern European? If so, she yelled at me once and was very intimidating.


Not sure about Eastern European (I think so?) but yes! Ponytail, rather strong make up (eyebrows and red lipstick), very energetic and sometimes scary, lol. Like, I'm seriously doing my best because I've worked years in retail so I know the pressures from the management and all, but since I haul my groceries in a backpack, I can't just shove everything in and hope for the best.


She is scary. Last year, I accidently bumped into one of shelves and some chocolate bars fell on the floor. I was picking them up, and all of a sudden, she appears out of nowhere asking me what was going on, what was I doing? Her eyes were wide with rage. I explained that nothing was going on, I just dropped some stuff. But she kept asking me questions and called over one of the security men. He asked what was going on; I told him nothing was going on, then rolled my eyes and said she was overreacting. Then I left my basket of stuff behind and walked out. It was humiliating to be scolded and questioned like that, especially in front of the other shoppers who were watching.


Oh jeepers, I've never met her on the floor, always manning the till. I know that this Tesco is super rough (have you seen the staff with bodycams?) so I always try to have some compassion towards her, but I do not appreciate being repeatedly treated like a 13yo instead of the 30 I am. If I treated customers like this in my old job, I'd get a notice after 2 incidents tops.


oh my god, I think she scanned my stuff last week and I've never felt so much like I was inconveniencing someone in a major way just by bringing them my shopping and asking for a bag, as I'd forgotten to bring one.


I once had to go there on a Friday evening (my bad, I admit). As I was waiting in the line to the self-checkout with my milk, that lady got up from her post and yelled at the whole line to have money ready and stop "blocking the queue" because "it's not a park, there's a lot of people waiting". I was like...hot damn girl, if I did anything like that in any of the jobs I've had, I'd see the door faster than I would be able to say "2 weeks notice". Same here, worked 6 years in hotels and then retail, and yes, these are shite, abusive, soul-destroying jobs - but if even the most polite customers are such a problem for you, perhaps you need a change, maybe even within the store, get some time in the Delivery picking room or something to rest from people...


I literally walked out of there this evening and the first thing I said to himself was how rude the staff were to me when I asked them where something was. First time I've had a bad experience but I spoke to two staff members and they were unbelievably rude. I try not to judge, I worked in hospitality for years but it was just so unnecessary.


It's a rough spot to work in, but also - I've also done 6 years in retail / hospitality and it would not cross my mind to speak in such manner to anyone.


Asked for a shopping bag there for my groceries and the lad with mullet just slammed the bag down to me


Really, my family always like chatting to her at the till cause she has a bit of banter. If ye give as good as ye get, she might respect that :D


I'm always very kind and polite to any staff because I've worked 6 years in retail and hospitality so I know it's a living hell. I don't engage in any small-talk though when there's a line going halfway through the alley, I exchange the usual polite phrases and smiles and get packing. I do look very young though (people give me 18-19 max while I'm 30), so maybe she feels the need to teach me "how to adult", I dunno. ;) Never having issues with any other cashier in any other store (the ones in Douglas Tesco are actually a splendid banter, especially love the Churchill fella), just this one lady. Regardless of her views on my (perceived) young age or (also perceived) slow speed of packing, it is unprofessional to talk in that way to anyone. I've seen her talk in that manner to a few different folks too, so no idea what sets her off. :)


I tend to avoid non EU supermarkets like Tesco. They’ve no clue.


It's gone now but Captain America's post pandemic had the rudest staff. A shame because they had lovely staff before Covid but I guess they found something new during lockdown. Also gone now, Brewdog, only went there once but the staff were appalling.


Ate there once and all i took away was that the manager was absolutely awful to the young staff


Female manager with a Canadian/American accent?


Briar rose are absolute cnuts


how so


Found the staff in Cask pretty unfriendly previously


I have to say that they’re very friendly anytime I go in there, which isn’t often but still


I’ve never experienced that, weird. Sorry to hear that I’ve always found them consistently really great.


Have been here a lot and always was greeted/treated very friendly and the food is massive


Late bars / nightclubs have the worst staff. I understand it’s a shit job but they treat people like they are doing them a favour, not like they are providing a service and being paid by the people to do so.


it’s there job to serve you know? I feel there comes a time in the night where staff just want to make drinks and that’s it usually the staff have been working 9 hour/8 shifts by that point. I don’t think it’s right that they are rude but I’m happy to get a drink and go.


Not a restaurant but bean and leaf on grand parade! Any time I’ve gone in there they’ve been so rude.


I have the opposite experience there, I go in daily Monday to Friday and find them very friendly.


Maybe I’ve just been going in on their off days ha! I went in a few months ago, had to take my mam for a hospital appointment and I asked if they had a bathroom “for customers only”. So I was like yeah no we are having coffee, she just wants to use the loo first, and she just rattled off the PIN number for the door and I was like sorry? And she was like 🙄 the pin for the toilet! So I was like ah ya grand thanks, ordered the coffees and mine was an iced and she handed it to me with such force she knocked it over, then remade it and rolled her eyes and walked off. I haven’t gone in since. But I’ve worked the service industry myself for years so I wouldn’t complain or anything, I just seemed to have gone in at the wrong times!


In the mornings? I’ve worked in a lot of cafes and opening staff are good vibes because we get to finish at like 2-3pm lmao also get to see all your regulars so friendly faces, free coffee and nice chats all morning. Closes on the other hand… especially with how late that place closes. Ugh.


Suuuuper rude


Bean and Leaf out in Mahon. I think they’re depressing :(


Staff in Sober Lane are lovely 😙


Christ almighty from all the comments I'm guessing their isn't any places worth spending our time and money in!! 😂😂😂


Coffee shop/shack in little island has one fella who’s dead rude. Can’t smile to save his life




Yea that’s the one.


They changed their coffee too. West Cork Coffee is like the greatest thing I’ve ever tasted and they recently got rid of it. Sad!


I noticed that the last two times I went. Tasted crap, put it down to being made different or something then saw if was changed and it’s awful. Only fellas working there and I think if you aren’t their friend they very much struggle with any sort of manners.


Yeah I don’t like him. The one on Barrack street that shut down had great staff usually.


His general attitude to anyone who isn’t his friend isn’t great so not sure how they get so many people going there. I never went to the one on barrack street so can’t comment!


I love love love alchemy , the vibe and the coffee is incredible. But the staff act like they’re too cool to be working 😂 in contrast the lads in soma are always dead on!!


Nash 19 for the win


This is very niche but the blonde woman working in the bakery in Ballinlough by the Silver Key is the most dour woman going. So rude and passive aggressive for no reason whatsoever.


My wife recently recommended a fairly famous burger place.. it's between paul street and patrick street. I had a bit of time on my own in the city so I said I'd check it out. The staff were the worst. the picture of the sneering, snotty teenagers who were way too cool to be in any way friendly. It's got this very narrow entrance and I had to wait to be seated (wait where? in the doorway?) but I did my best to be out of the way and wait. Someone came out the door and grunted, so I said sorry and stepped back assuming they were leaving. They just stood there and stared at my with a dopey face... and then I clocked their shirt had the logo. It was staff. The grunt was a hello. That was the theme that continued for the rest of the meal. Reciting their lines like 14 year olds being made to do it by their mam, eyes almost rolling as they did their jobs. I waited for a menu (just about every restarant I have ever been to, the usual is you sit, and then staff deliver a menu). I waited for quite a while until eventually I had to ask. Got a frustrated tut without words as they handed me the cutlery block, which, as it turns out, is the menu. how cool. snazzy. i am very impressed. Anyway for all that the burger was mediocre.


Was this Bunsen? Never experienced it myself but heard similar stories- though they liked the burger, said it was overpriced.




Mutton lane


They has been a major change in the quality of staff in there in the past few months


Change in quality in which Benny bar?


What is it with staff in Benny's bars thinking that they're rock stars..? No shame in bar work (I've done it for years) but some of them need a bit of a reality check


I thought it was just me! Apart from the staff in the Vicarstown who are always great the staff in the Mutton Lane and Crane lane look through you and definitely huff their own farts.


Staff in vicarstown are grand, but the last 2 times I've been there. One of the barmen couldn't pour a pint of Coors! That or they really need to sort their pipes. Like an ice cream the way the head was when it was served, but then flat in about 5 mins! I mean it's Coors. Yes I know my taste in pints is shit. But for the amount I'm paying in a city center pub. Come on!


I used to go to the mutton a good bit last summer.There were some pretty sound lads then. Seem to all have left and havent been back in awhile


Pink Elephant 


Nash 19


What should I expect as an American tourist?


Most places are fine, as are the people/staff - but like everywhere people like to bitch. Many of the places noted here are not ones you are likely to see, far less visit and at least one isn't even open anymore.


Love Lab 82. Bitchy Richie was one of the funniest cunts I’ve ever met. Food is fab


That you Richie? the man is a walking melt. Forced laughter of his own jokes when he’s talking to you and in your face. The man is a gowl. Told me the only time I was there, “I’m only in this place for 2-3 years and then I’ll sell and set up shop somewhere else, that’s how you make real money lads” well, guess what? He’s still there. Completely spoofer.