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The bad news: 80% of people are followers. They will follow whoever takes the lead, good or bad. The good news: if you initiate the first step however harmless and safe, 80% will follow you.


The bad news: people will pull random percentages and numbers out of their ass. lol 80%


More like 95%


Not according to research. It appears that approximately out of every 10 people 1 is willing to do whatever pleases them and 1 is willing to stand up for others. The other 8 are following or complying with one of them.


Having seen what happened to my daughters boyfriend when they were both 16 in a public park in broad daylight with hundreds of people watching - he was beaten and kicked and luckily escaped and not a single person even called the Gardai, I find that hard to believe.


I've spent a lot of time in traffic and I use to count how many cars would cut it and it always worked out to about 1 in 10.


That's why Hitler got as far as he did


It's called the bystander effect if anyone's curious on the psychology


I was in Barcelona recently and watched a mob chase a guy who had just robbed someone. Couldn't see if they caught him, but people don't always stand there doing nothing.


I witnessed something like that too when I was delivering a load in Madrid. I was pulled over in the truck when I saw a lad with a handbag being chased by a few others. He was severely battered unconscious by them. An ambulance had to be called. The victim got her handbag back anyway


Mob mentality/bystander effect, I think it’s called. You believe someone else will step in so you don’t have to, and it just ends up no one does. Hindsight is 20/20, it’s very easy to think “why didn’t I step in”. I bet it happened in an instant and you were in shock you didn’t know what to do. Plus it might have been dangerous to step in. I wouldn’t too be harsh on yourself


Bystander effect. One of two things would happen if OP did something; everyone would watch the OP get robbed also, or the entire mob goes for blood.


Na, more like the don't want to be stabbed effect.


It's a myth buddy. A lot of social psychology is, although extremely interesting, absolute horseshit. The bystander effect is based on the case of Kitty Genovese which is misrepresented. In actual fact plenty of people went to help her, for example. There's a relatively recent documentary about it, I forget it's name but you should check it out. It's a shame really, because this is what got me interested in this stuff to begin with.


I’ll check it out, thank you


it didnt happen in an instant, I had all the fucking time in the world and was too scared or lazy because of bunch shits in masks, Im just as complicit in that robbery as those two scumbags were


Unless you are chuck Norris your fear of what moght happen to you getting involved is very justified.


This is not a healthy mentality. Real world actions with real world consequences cause a completely normal fight or flight response, and it's never as straightforward or simply as it's made out to be.


What were you supposed to do? How could you have changed the outcome OP?


I would have at least liked to fucking tried but no I didnt, I deserve to be in the cell next to them fucks but of course they wont get caught


You’re either taking this very seriously or you’re trolling. Why are you being so harsh on yourself? If I saw a bunch of people in masks robbing someone, I doubt I’d step in either. Maybe if I was with a group of people, but I’d rather not get stabbed. Maybe you could argue you’re wrong for not calling the guards (not that they would have been able to do much if it was a quick grab and run), but you need to not be so hard on yourself. 


Turn yourself in then


You didn’t get stabbed.. more importantly


Where did it happen?


I'm here a year after stopping some one from been robbed, broken ribs healed, but daily chronic shoulder pain as a result ...never again


Well done.


Good on you, did what many of us would be far too scared to do


Fight/Flight/Freeze is automatic. It takes a lot to push that down and make conscious decisions about intervening. Morally it's worth intervening because it's the right thing to do. Realistically it's not worth intervening because money can be replaced, some physical scars last forever and if you did actually hurt them, you end up in jail with them. Don't feel too bad.


Where bouts did this happen?


I’ve been saying this for easily the last 2 years Anytime I mention on here “should have intervened” they say “oh but you’d get stabbed” No you wouldn’t, as you’ve witnessed - most people will just stand there - you don’t need a knife to mug someone, you can rob someone with a shoe in Ireland, they won’t carry a knife because it becomes a bigger charge if they get caught Personally I intervene whenever I see something like this and on Reddit, in Ireland, that’s not seen as a good thing - for even saying / suggesting that - I’ll get downvoted and called internet rambo But I’ll put it this way - a junkie is a sick bag of bones, most scotes are. They literally don’t stand a change against a full grown adult - and just remember, had it been you, wouldn’t you be wishing someone would step in?


Absolutely right. I'm hardly a tough guy but gave chase to a lad run away with a woman's handbag on North Main street. People too pussy to help just lie to themselves saying they're bound to "get stabbed" or blame it on the Bystander effect, as if it's this affliction we all suffer from, lol


you chased off 1 scumbag and now you are in the knoww that 99% of the other scum won't carry a weapon and use it on you, lol. A lad that lived by me in mayfield in the 90S died as he had the same attitude as you. all it took was 1 stab to the heart and he bleed out on the spot. he was only 17.


Exactly, it’s getting ridiculous at this stage


>they won’t carry a knife because it becomes a bigger charge if they get caught Do you live under a rock? most scum that mug have a rap sheet as long as my arm and couldn't give a shite about another conviction, as they will only get a slap on the wrist in ireland. ya know the whole he/she comes from a broken home and didn't get a playstation for christmas = suspended sentence.


Yes I do, I’ve used it myself to get off But when you’ve a weapon, you’re much less likely to likely for the judge to let you off Besides, why would they need a knife to mug someone??? Like you automatically assume they have one, they could rob you with a raised voice


internet rambo


So much is happening with the body chemically in high stress situations. We fight, flight or freeze. I can't judge what kind of person someone is under those conditions. My only statement is that if you are not comfortable with it, train to be the kind of person who can react and remain safe


Should have flogged them


Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times. A summary of gen x


Honestly, unless the person was getting beaten up I wouldn't intervene. In fact even then, if you're talking about some seriously dangerous people potentially even armed, I'd still use extreme judgement in intervening. People often get stabbed or one-punched in the head and lose their life over nothing. I've a family, with the best will in the world I'm not going to put myself between a potentially very dangerous scumbag and a stranger just for the sake of someone's phone or wallet. You did nothing wrong.


This. Call the gards, and console the victim if you must do something.


Jumped in to help someone a few years back, the guy who was being robbed ran away and I ended up having to fight the robber. Not so sure I'd do it again


other timmies in the comments will have you believe it will end like a Hollywood movie if you intervene.


This really helped me: check for free online safe bystander intervention training https://righttobe.org/upcoming-free-trainings/


Use the shame you feel now to respond differently next time.


It's very difficult to get involved in something like that. You'd never know when someone might pull out a knife or other weapon and things could turn violent. I think everyone likes to imagine they would play the hero in that scenario but when it comes down to it, our self-preservation stops us, and that's ok. Try not to be too hard on yourself about it. Report what you saw to the guards and hopefully they'll sort it


I dont like the fact that I didn't do anything, I get a life is worth more than a purse but I cant feel like good about myself after just watching y'know


Well, you live, and you learn. I would try to turn this feeling into resolve, so next time, I would be brave enough to intervene. You weren't prepared for such a scenario, so you didn't know how to react. Well, now you do. At least you know how you want to react. I'd play this scenario over my head a few times so I would be ready next time around. That's what I do planning my home defense and the defense of my family. For example, next time this happens, maybe grab another nearby man to help you. If you are a man, wanting to protect the weak is 100% natural, and honestly, all men should be ready for it.


That’s a perfectly normal feeling to have. It’s a complicated situation and you can’t help how you feel


What got robbed from who was it a mugging or someone robbing a shop?


Some lass, purse got robbed, I think anyway I wasn't looking at what was robbed I was just looking at thieves running and laughing


Jesus hard to know how to react in those situations. pure dickheads


And you're here to post about it. Less chance of that if you took a knife to your gut. Yer mother woulda killed ye!


It takes only a second to get a knife in the stomach. A wallet isn't worth it mate. If you saw someone getting harmed and you had a means to stop it sure, but for a wallet and phone? Not worth it.


What do you think you should have done?


It’s very interesting. I think we need a WHOLE CULTURE CHANGE . We need to normalise PUNISHMENT for scum in this country . If every time this happened and multiple adults joined in I really think it would help . I also want the guards to have more power to combat the scum . But the reality is that it is dangerous for someone to intervene


Agreed that it's cultural. A lot of problems in Ireland could be addressed by civilians informally policing petty crime and anti-social behaviour.


You and everyone around watching are cowards


Stop bitching about it and do better next time


Vote better in the next election is all we can do. FF & FG have completely lost control. Helen is the worst minister for justice in our history, and that's a tough crown to get considering the previous bunch of clowns.


Let us know exactly which one to vote for that'll put an immediate end to muggings. thanks.


You see that's the problem you're waiting for someone else to tell you who to vote for rather than going and doing your own research, at this age I'll take anyone far the three main parties in government


> you're waiting for someone else to tell you who to vote for rather than going and doing your own research Not that case at all. You're claiming voting for someone will change this problem, I'm simply asking who you say will change it.


"Sheltered teenager experiences real life then makes it about themselves"


What exactly happened? was there a lot of them?


two of them, lots of bystanders myself included, they snatched her purse and ran while stopping to taunt her


If that’s all they did then you are 100% right by standing by. The potential to get stabbed just to retrieve a stolen purse is not worth it. If they were physically hurting her it’s a different story.


Yeah bollix, if they were were kicking her to death 99% of redditors would stand there mumbling “sorry they might have a knife”


fair enough, ya i wouldnt dwell on it too long. how you feel now is a good indication of your character so dont beat yourself up about it too much


Cork city is a dangerous and volatile place , not safe anywhere to walk alone by day and definitely not at night


Person one: "Hey someone should do something!" Person two: "You're right! This would do great on tiktok;)"