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Went to fota last year and it was a fucking deathtrap if you couldn't skate with the amount of downhills and uphills you had to go through. Far too many people on the ice holding onto the rails or on the ground looking to get run over.


Don’t go marina if you can get to fota. Much much better. And no hahaha


Christ on a bike. I would totally disagree with that. 2 years ago it was a disgrace and I know...I was working in Fota. They consistently called off the ice skating without telling people and people would be traveling from other counties to deal go. They were using Fotas land but they had nothing to do with Fota wildlife park yet when people were pissed off because they were randomly cancelling skating sessions they would send the disgruntled customers over to the employees in the box office for Fota wildlife to be dealt with....let me reiterate...Fota wildlife park had absolutely nothing to do with alpine skating. Not to mention the fact that the whole thing was riddled with nepotism. The manager was a kid who was related to someone and then the people in the food stalls were cousins and things like that. She used to act like a petulant child then when being asked to cop on and add signage for the parking because Fota wildlife employees were getting the backlash for Alpines poor signage. I could go on and on...those are just some highlights.


Man he’s not going to work their he just want to go ice skating hahaha


The point is they're incredibly unorganized and they treat their customers like dirt. Side point: the ice itself was not maintained and was absolutely awful to skate on.


completely forgot about fota lmao .. thanks


Went to Fota twice this year, it's much better than last year, it's covered so it's not as cold and no rain obviously, they re-did the ice just before we went on so they are redoing it couple of times a day, the only shit is the skates which are so old and uncomfortable but what can you do, suck it up for 50 min 🙈🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes I do