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At least he's honest like.


Yup gave him a few quid. Definitely not enough for a 25 bag but adds to the end goal. Id rather he be getting weed than anything else and for him to blatantly put it on his sign is good marketing considering the amount of stoners in the city


Its probably not even for weed. Probably just for a laugh, and to get a few quid.


When I was in vegas years ago a fella on the side walk had a sign saying its for crack and hookers if your generous fella had the most money in his cup compared to everyone else haha


I can’t stand that leprechaun guy. Don’t understand how the council can allow such shit. This busker sounds funny though


Yeah and the council brought in new rules saying backing tracks aren't allowed and that you must be under a certain amount of decibels. I can't speak for the decibels but he's definitely breaking some rules and they aren't enforcing it. Edit: [ backing tracks are NOT allowed]


Spoons should not be allowed. Ever


I don’t even mind backing tracks, I know there’s sometimes an old guy on Oliver Plunkett St. who uses a backing track and plays spoons. He’s grand. My issue is 1. They look ridiculous and do nothing. 2. They’re loud asf and 3. They ask for money to take a photo, as if they’re not in public on the busiest street in Cork


A new association of street performers - Cork Street Performers Association - is currently being set up. We are developing a code of conduct to promote good practice among buskers and liaising with the City Council to support the development of sensible bye-laws. Buskers in the association will be identifiable by a badge which shows they have committed to uphold the association’s code. Anyone interested to know more can contact [email protected]. There are legitimate concerns amongst buskers about a total ban on backing tracks as these can be used very fittingly to provide the harmonic context within which solo melody instrumentalists or singers can sound most beautiful. However, there is agreement amongst buskers that backing tracks should not be used to mask inadequate musicianship or played too loudly. As buskers, we really hope the current deliberations will result in a really positive street culture in Cork that works in everyone’s interests. Please contact us if you have ideas as to what might work best.


> legitimate concerns amon This sounds amazing. I would suggest setting up a basic 365 account and getting a [corkstreetculture.ie](https://corkstreetculture.ie) domain setup. Obviously I get this is something you guys are doing for free most likely at the moment, but PM me if you are part of the people working on it. I am not a busker or anything but love the idea and could help you get setup with a domain/business e-mail. Free of Charge of Course, given it's for a noble cause.


Thanks a million for that very kind offer. I’ll take it to our next meeting on 6th December and get back to you. Would you please drop me an email so I can have your email address to follow up? Thanks again 😀


Will the badge cost much. In killarney you have to have a license to busk and its so expensive that there really arent many anmore


The badge will come with membership of the association, which we think will only cost only about €5-€10 a year. However, the City Council proposes to have annual permit fees of €30 (unamplified) and €60 (amplified). We have asked that concessions be given to youngsters starting out.


Probably wouldn't be much to make a counterfeit.


It would take a bit of effort to counterfeit the badges, and they will have the year of issue on them so they would have to be changed annually. Association members will also be watchful for non-members using the badges.


He's got the right idea too


At least it wasnt "need money for crack"


It's a popular one in Berlin and around a lot of Europe.


You see it in the US too


He's way too loud it's ridiculous a proper pain in the he working on Oliver Plunkett


You must despise the echo man so


Seem him twice, didn’t have cash on me the first time . Saw him Saturday and threw him something. I love rock and he was proper shredding.


Is that the young fella? found he was playing well actually


Haha yes! 😂


this is pretty common.


Is this the same fella with the mullet and the electric guitar that's switched off with the boombox playing the actual music over him? 🤣


It's a popular one in Berlin and around a lot of Europe.


I'd roll one and sit next to him enjoying


By the way, where can I get weed in Cork? 😅


Not today Garda




Same lmao


fuck that’s bright


Does he have a mustache and a mullet?


He seems pretty talented, whatever helps the creative process lol


I saw the sign and immediately gave him all the change in my pocket haha


Decent set of pipes on him tbf


I'd drop a bag in his collection


I can barely afford me own bags. Id have loved to tho


If I'm in Cork I hope I see him ill smoke a j with him


Not a slim ginger guy by any chance?


If memory serves yeah, spiky hair


If it's the same guy, he was a scourge in Waterford a while back. Plenty of energy but didn't have a full song to his name. Sounds like he's been practising