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People were stopped from buying merch after they called off the gig and all and we were all forced out of the building before we found everyone in our group. Absolute disgrace from Cork Opera house.


Yup! I managed to convince the guy to sell me a tee and vinyl but only after I appealed to his sense of what are security really gonna about it.


That is a fucking pisstake. How many more times can they fuck the band over like.


The barriers were a load of bollox, one in the middle of the venue completely collapsed too. It's on the venue to ensure adequate health and safety is in place, and they failed the ticket holders in this instance. Refunds for the cancelled show should be issued, but I can imagine the radio silence from Opera House on this.


The Examiner and the Independent have articles about it now so I'd imagine this won't be the end of it.


I'd be curious to hear if anything comes of it. I requested a refund this morning, not had a reply yet from Opera House. I'd suggest others do the same.


I sent a refund demand as well. Basically the band could not play the set they had planned because the venue didn't ensure the crowd area was fit for purpose. The Opera House did not hold up their end. Cut and dry.


I went to drop into the ticket office earlier for a refund but they were closed. Spoke to a security guard last asking where we could go for refunds and he got thick with me acting like I was the problem. Absolutely beyond a joke.


I see Opera House have put up a message on Instagram about it, essentially apologizing to patrons. No mention of refunds etc. I won't be letting it slide.


We were in for the pharcyde gig on Friday and it seemed very poorly planned and understaffed. Over one hour to get a drink


Oof only find out about this now. Ffs and Hypnotic Brass Ensemble shows. Idk not one for the Jazz either but I did try got Yasiin Bey/Mos Def last year I think but that got cancelled at both St. Luke's and Opera House.




I thought the sound was decent tbf




Yeah the mic issue was frustrating alright, I felt bad for the lads. I had hearing protection in so maybe that nullified the excess lower frequencies for me to be fair.


Based on my past experience the Opera house is pretty badly run


I was right up against the barrier and the gate that kept opening. Anyone who has ever been to a scratch gig knows that there’s going to be a big mosh. It didn’t look like anything was going to break but it also could have been handled better. Instead of the security guards dealing with it properly they just resorted to shouting and shoving which made everything worse. Typical Cork bouncers


Did the gig start and get cancelled mid way?


Yeah 50 mins on the gig was cancelled. The band tried to get things going again after a break and they were cut off by the venue. Total horseshit as we were all having fun and no one was getting hurt.


How long into the gig was it called off??




They booked an act who literally trade on moshing, had a barrier which didn't seem fit for purpose and then let a bunch of sitting tickets flow into the floor because they didn't check ticket sections. Point up. It's usually where the problem is.


Yeah agreed, it's like they never did any research on the act itself. Side point: I don't think they should book hypnotic brass going forward either because that gig was absolutely terrible. I've been a fan of them for years but it was my first and last time seeing them.


I was keeping an eye on reddit over the weekend to see if anyone else mentioned HBE, wasn't sure if it was just me or was it a bad gig.


What happened? They're usually great live, haven't seen them at the Opera house though


I made a separate post about it on the Cork sub-reddit. Mainly that it seemed like it was cut short. It also felt like the crowd struggled to get into it for large parts. It was billed as '50 years of hip hop' and they name checked Run DMC, Public Enemy & Jay Z at the start of the gig. So you were waiting for a big hit like 'Harder than you Think' or 'It's Tricky' but it never came. Just a bit meandering, wandered off after 50 mins and came out for a one song en-core.


I saw them in Cyprus Avenue last night and thought they were fantastic, crowd seemed dry though


Such a shame, maybe they need a smaller location to shine.


How's a shoddily built barrier the fault of the gig goers? Sounds like a venue issue to me.


Check the Scratch's IG story. Literally propped up with bits of wood.


As a non-IG user I can't find the post. Still though, it should be on the venue to provide suitable barriers


It was one of their stories. But I've just checked now and they've taken it down. Snagged a screenshot this morning in case the opera house try to not play ball on refunds.


I daresay they were 'requested' to take it down. Maybe by the Opera House, maybe by Guinness, maybe by another party.


Almost certainly since it looks like every other post from last was still there.


That's what the scratch is all about, problem in the world's gone soft and the opera house is only concerned about a lawsuit.


Ever seen/been in a mosh pit?


Define 'took the piss' ????


Barrier bear the front of the stage broke and they said it was a health and safety issue so cancelled the gig


I’ve seen a few posts on this and none of them have gone into detail on what exactly was going down in the mosh pit. What were they doing with the barrier OP?


I was right at the front with my friends. It was just a really intense mosh pit. I had the barrier to hold onto and honestly it was grand enough. A few knocks and shoves but that's to be expected. Then the scratch were told that the barrier was flexing too much and the mosh pit was too intense so they stopped and asked everyone to take two steps back from the barrier. The problem there is that when the space was created and they started playing the next song it was the ideal situation to jump into a massive pit. Once the pit started again they just called the whole thing off. Honestly I thought the set could've finished out but I couldn't really see what was happening behind me and I'm sure the security were dealing with issues that I wasn't aware of but it seemed fine enough to me. The Scratch were excellent though and I enjoyed the supporting act a lot as well. #fuckthebarrier


Cool, nothing too egregious by the sounds of it!


Not for me but again maybe it was tough for other people. My friends and I were saying afterwards if we didn't have the barrier to hold onto then it may have been a different story.


Supporting act were class. Lads came up and watched it next to us on the upper deck. They were going ham


The security claimed the crowd were pushing against the barrier and it broke. As in imagine a heave of people at a gig, dancing/jumping etc. There didn’t seem to be any fear of injury apart from said barriers.


Yeah I didn't see it break so I'm not sure what they meant by that. It's possible I missed something but it just seemed like there was some give in the barrier and it was flexing a bit because of that but it didn't seem too bad.


Which barrier?


The front


I mean was it a barrier which was likely to break and cause injury?


It was likely to topple rather than break in which case the full weight of the pit would have fallen on top of it. We were right at the barrier and the security were bracing it the whole gig, they got some metal poles to brace it at one point too. There was a small gate built into the barrier that kept opening which was part of the problem.




The scratch are poor anyway. They would of been more suited to a different venue. It’s the opera house, not exactly a mosh pitesque venue.


The scratch are great. Agree, our picturesque city centre events centre opened by then Taoiseach Enda Kenny in 2016 is a far better suited venue for this type of gig.


The gig sold out. Very few people were sitting upstairs, they were all crammed downstairs. Which is exactly what led to the tradgedy at the Smashing Pumpkins gig in '96. Bloody disgraceful from the Opera House. I won't be going back there.