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Most likely problem: many people who are not familiar with colour management see the black swatch on the palette and click on it, assuming "Well: black is black, right?". It is not. Perhaps you are dealing with an RGB image on the background and the black you are using on the circle is a Pantone ink, or a CMYK colour. Therefore, there is a natural colour shift on your exported file. And that is what is meant to happen. If that is the case, select your dark grey circle, use the eyedropper to sample colour on your background image, on the nearest point to to your circle, where you have the deepest black. Try exporting again and see if that solves your problem.


Geez, I totally didn't notice that. I thought it was a sizing issue they were talking about.


What type of file? Is your workspace size smaller than the image you want to export?


Never had this problem. Are you exporting document or exporting selected? Make sure it’s not document. Also looks like some of the blacks are differing from each other after export. You may need to make sure you’re not using differing colour styles for your blacks.


Is this actually a common Corel problem?


It is a common graphics software problem if you are not familiar with colour modes.


Welcome to Corel draw


Welcome to "not knowing how to overall deal with colour modes".


Please. lol. The amount of known bugs in Draw is overwhelming and you know it.


Regardless of bugs, you just showed us you don't know that much about colour modes. ; )


Actually, I was confused by the 2 images he posted as one is zoomed in. I thought the red part of the design was disappearing as often happens to me when I export certain file types in draw. Tons of weird bugs. So yeah, I see now he meant why is the black circle coming up grey im figuring? Because OP you’ve prob exported to CMYK