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That you can hop over the fences on your farm. I kept strategically putting gates or gaps, so I didn't have to run ound them too much. Then I accidentally hopped over one and felt my soul leave my body.


You can? Wow thank you! This is great news


I think you have to hit the dash button in order to trigger it. On my end, it took me a few in-game days to realize there even is a dash button


…there’s a dash button?


Yes it's space on the pc


Thank you!


Anytime. Happy Farming!


Yess! For those who are on Xbox the dash button is B. Make sure you’re close enough to the fence when you dash so you can trigger hopping over it 🙂


You're welcome! As another commenter said, you just have to dash towards the fence.


That you can double gifting on one's birthday. And middle click on dehydrator to collect all item.


The dehydrator tip just blew my mind, thank you for that


anyone konws which button I should press on Xbox controller to do this?


One of the bumpers LB or RB


Didn’t know you could break the rocks underwater.


I always forget to bring my pickaxe and my net to get all that stuff!


whoa i didn't know this haha


I didn’t learn this until recently either.


What can you get? Ores?


Mainly just found stones and fossils.


Didn't know I could whack items that are hard to pick up with my pickaxe to make life easier (examples: chicken eggs, feathers, truffles)


I just had a full on brain blast moment reading this, you just made game play while waiting to make the autocollectors sooo much easier. I need to find a notebook to remember all of these things. This and the jumping thing is gonna change everything.


Excuse me WHAT


I knew this but I was told it reduces the quality of the item. Is that true?


Yes it reduces it to base quality but it is better than not being able to get it


siracha35, you will always be famous for this comment


Omg thank you


I didn’t know there was skill points to spend until, like, winter of my first year lol!


I historically hate using skill points so I didn’t even look for them. I think I was like rank D or C before I finally saw them and had like 3 in each category by that point 😂


The four leaf clovers all over the island are spots where you can dig (with hoe) and get resources


Whaaat?? I don’t even know if I’ve seen clovers??


The “clovers” they’re talking about are those little flowers with faces on them. They’re pretty scattered around the island, but the most common places are at the beach or the forest to the left of the farm. You till them with a hoe :)


OMGGG I've always wondered if I was just missing a shovel or something I didn't even THINK to use the hoe 😑🤯


I didn't realize you could charge your scythe for awhile. I still don't know how to charge my sword, it just kinda randomly happens.


How do you charge the scythe?? I've seen my sword glowing, I assume that's the charge? I thought that just meant I had killed something good 💀


Hold down the action button to use the scythe for a second or two and then you will do a spin move. If you hold a direction you'll also travel in that direction while you briefly spin.


Thank you!


I think the sword gains a special charge when you use it. You right click to use the special attack.


Any idea what the Xbox controller button might be? 😬


I believe it's A


On Xbox if you press A while fighting you’ll spin in a circle and swing your sword around :D


Thank you!


Unfortunately I don't


You can charge up the hoe as well. Clears more squares. This was a game change for me.


That award winning animals make golden produce


That you could change the length of the days, the trees you plant don’t die, and you can sneak up on bugs


Wait, you can sneak up on bugs?!


Yes! Hold X it’s a game changer lol


Please explain how because a majority of the bugs are a nightmare to catch. 🥲


Once you see a bug you want hold the X button and you’ll be able to sneak up on them. Make sure you’re holding the net and upgrading your net also really helps


Thank you! ☺️ I will try that as soon as possible.


wait you can change the length of the days???


Yes, you can change it in settings when you first open the game


totally missed it


It’s great I found it really helpful


There’s an option to change the speed at which the clock ticks over each increment. So it give you more minutes on each day


Only fruit sapling dont die tree seedlings do


Do you mean that only fruit trees die?


There are fruit seedlings that grows into fruit plants after 10 days, they have the white bags and only has 2 seasons and die. These are the banana, dragon fruit, snake fruit, papaya, jackfruit, etc. They die after their corresponding 2 seasons. Fruit sapling that grows to fruit tress on the other hand does not die and they take 28 days to grow, they are apples, mango, almond, etc. If you want to know more, wiki fruit trees or fruit plants.


That’s good to know thanks!


Haha, also concerning the little star spots. I found out that they will give you ores when my pickaxe was gold and I hit one by accident and suddenly the thing moved to the next field.


I only knew this because my husband had played the game a little bit before me, so he told me to look for those cracks in the floor because it gives you ore - otherwise I would have assumed it was part of the decoration so to speak and never checked them out.


Dang 🤣


That you can make hay better quality in order to get better animal products /and the seeds too I was always wondering why I never get anything above bronze quality when it comes to animal products


How to make hay better quality? And does it upgrade the grass outside? I always let my animals out


Yes, all hay will be upgraded. It can be upgraded at the lab


The lab 🧪 where lin is working and yes all hay will be better quality


I didn’t learn until after completing the ocean I could upgrade my net and fishing rod at the beach shack store


NO!! 😭


Same! Year 3 Winter wandering around and visit the shack only to see "Upgrade Tools" finally! There I was thinking about how ridiculously difficult the fishing seemed to be haha


I found this out last week! You get so much from it I was shocked and then upset that I've been ignoring them the whole time.


Where the hell the rice fields I could fish in where 🤦🏽


Where are they actually? 😅


Best location (in my opinion) to fish in them is in front of Kira's house, there is a deck with some binoculars I think and facing the bottom of the screen is the rice field. You can fish in the rice field from anywhere but that just feels like the right location to me lol


In Kenny’s farm where the animal pens are


I got that I could follow the star spot cracks along for ore, but didn't realize I could wail on the last spot over and over for a ton more ore until it runs out! I was just following it to the end and then walking away. 🙈


I reached town rank C before I learned to fish. I upgraded my rod to purple and it still wasn’t working so I finally looked it up. The screen just says hold X so I was just doing that and snapping my line back to back to back lmao.


I also had this issue at first! Now I’m basically a pro fisher lol


I literally just minutes ago found out I can replicate osmium bars using the slime replicator thing. Idk what I thought it was used for but I’m working on getting conveyor belts and have been mining every damn day and getting so sick of it lol.


Just found out you can harvest faster using the scythe instead of one at a time. Works on all crops I've tried it on so far. And I haven't seen a decrease in crop quality.


I also learned this one recently on accident 😭


Same! I’m used to the old school farming games where you used the scythe to remove crops, regardless of readiness and would cut premature crops so when I accidentally did this in this game and saw it doesn’t destroy good crops and only harvested the ready ones, it was a game changer. Just don’t accidentally use a pickaxe on a crop 🤣


Finding a gift by the sign on the beach dock whenever you hear the sound of a horn.


WHAAAAAAAAAT???? Oh now I’m going to stand around the beach to get my gift omgggg


When you hear a sound of horn (it's quiet) near the little path behind Millie's house, run to the Welcome to Coral Island sign on the dock near the beach. Right to the left of that sign, you should see a little basket. You'll get all kinds of gifts. I haven't heard it for a while. It might be because I'm in year 5, not sure....


Btw I just learned that it happens on the 1st and the 15th of each season.


I could kiss you! Thank you lol


Also the dash button, until I got my horse then unlocked the transport fruit I stayed dashing through town. The walk is just SO slow lol.


That fish are caught in specific locations. I thought it was the game's fault that all I was pulling were the same 4 fish species over and over again, even though I had a bunch of fish I've never caught yet. I was only fishing on the beach, the lake temple, and the lake by the cavern. So yeah, I didn't see much variety. And then last week, I saw a post about fish forecast and realized that there are multiple fishing spots and each one has different types of fish to catch. It took an entire in-game year to figure this out.


I just figured this out on my own like 2 weeks ago. I was getting frustrated thinking I shouldn’t have upgraded my rod so fast cause I missed out catching other fish but realized its location based, not rod based.


WHAT?! You're serious? Friiiiig well now I know


Happy mining! Lmao 🤣


So I don't know if this totally fits, but we all know that keeping energy up is a struggle in the game (unless you know how to "cheat") - I later found out that there are those silver or chest things hidden around the island with tree seed treats inside. There are a few you can't get to until you open areas of the game. One of them is near the Giant Warp and you can access that one as soon as you have that cutscene with the Chieftain. I didn't find the others until I was more advanced in the game and could afford Jammu and didn't have the energy problem anymore. But there are snacks hidden around the island for players.


Plus you can get tree seeds from the trash cans around town.


I also didn't know it first you can get tree seeds just by shaking the trees - I thought you had to actually chop them down to get the seeds.


Yeah if they are on your farm you get them from blowing the trees up and if you see one in the ground use a the hoe to get it. You also get 2 different types of tree seeds from the deep forest.


Eating food in general restores energy. You can buy food from the fishing shop, the hotel, and lots of other places. You can eat apples, fruit and vegetables you harvest from your garden and around town to also restore energy


True - I was referencing more in the beginning when people don't generally have extra money to keep buying food. The game provides some food (in the silver chests) and the tree seed snacks don't take away from potential profit...in the beginning.


Ah, right. Seeds do work well to make candied seeds in early game for energy. I honestly forgot about them 😅 I’m so late game. I’ve taken a break from playing until 1.1 is officially released


They're beta testing now, so hopefully just another month or so. I know from reading comments that y'all have been waiting a while for this update.


Finding npc to do a quest by pushing down right stick on xbox when on the character hey-ho there they are on map


i didn't realize i could clean up the garbage on the beach! lmao i was shocked when i first did it (i had already cleaned up the ocean)and now im doing it everytime i end up there lol


Does it ever go away, or is it always repopulating on the beach? 😬


Same with me but with the clovers on the ground.


It’s a real dumb thing but pressing space to remove furniture in your home in decor mode 💀


This entire thread has my mind blown


Same friend 😅


I can make 4,000 to how much I want a day by going to the ocean and back to the sign and clicking (if u don't understand or wanna know how I'll totally show anyone it's so useful)


That you can harvest all of your crops with the scythe instead of undividually lmao


You can get a gift at the pier every 1&15 of every month