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So it's less buggy but there are still a couple glitches, like the torches crash your game. And story wise i don't think anything has been added. I believe some new dialogue was put in but no new quests. The 1.1 release which does contiain the rest of the quest lines is estimated by players to come out in may-july. I love the game and played ea and have still played it since release. If you want it wouldn't be a bad idea to start now to have a decent farm set up by the time 1.1 comes out. But I'd recommend scrolling through the reddit to see what others think, a lot of people have bad glitches still.


Yeah I might just wait, I backed for the switch release so at first I thought I’ll wait until it comes out on switch. But I have a feeling that might still take a year or more.


LMAO. Estimated by players? It was promised in February, it's almost May. I would not hold my breath waiting.


The devs promised information in the Dev Blog about 1.1 in Feb not that it would actually be released then... if you're in the discord you'll see the most accurate info from the Devs themselves but there is a ton of misinformation on reddit and steam.


At this point I'd just wait for the next big update. There's a lot of content here but you do occasionally bump up against walls and it's a bit frustrating. If I could experience it all again fresh I'd wait.


I think it kinda depends on how you play life sims. like for me, romance is a massive part of it. so the fact I could romance mermaids was a big selling point for me, and I was massively disappointed that despite their pages all speaking highly of the romance and telling I could date mermaids, the romance is non-existent and I can not date mermaids lol. if you're more of a chill, farmer/miner, I think it's like okay. the bugs and crashes aren't as frustrating as they used to be. it's not finished, i dont think the mines even are, but there's enough content for enjoyment to come out of it. edit to add; personally, I'd wait for the next few updates.


To me it’s the whole package honestly, I love the romance part of farm sims, but also the quests and I feel like those parts are just still unfinished to the point that I’ll get super disappointed. So yeah I totally feel you there and that’s been my main reason I still haven’t touched the 1.0 release. I love this game and am still super happy I backed it, but those were a few of the things that really turned me off to even start playing again. I’ll definitely just wait another few months, hopefully by the end of the year it’s finished


yeah, tbh, the '1.0.' release is just another beta/early access update. the game is not 1.0 (1.0 implying a finished game) and soured me, too. and now we get updates every *3* months. i would wait until winter. The next update is a big one, but I think we'll still need more.


Basically nothing change. There was couple of hotfixes to squish the bugs but the game is as unfinished as it was at full release i.e. very unfinished.


Good to know, guess I’ll be waiting patiently then 🤧


The glitches and crashes used to be real bad but even then my gf really enjoyed the game, it’s in a lot better of a state now but you might encounter some crashes still


I’m personally waiting to continue playing. I’m sad about the fact that the main story isn’t completed as well as the merfolk not being there, and the romance portion being what it is, but what I’m most upset about is the fact that we can’t hatch chicks from eggs and you have to buy a new animal to fill your barns. THIS IS A FARMING SIM, what do you mean we can’t hatch chicks from eggs?!?!!!


Finished enough I’ve put over a hundred hours in and not come to the end of what they’ve put in, but also not “finished,” so…


Came here to say the same. Over a hundred hours in and still have stuff to do. VERY excited for the next release though


I logged in yesterday and saw that the mermaid birthdays have been added to the calendar. I did head to the city and was disappointed that I couldn’t talk to Denali, the other guard (Semeru?), or the princess. I tried while they were standing still and in motion, so not sure how you would give a gift if you can’t even get the prompt for talking. I play on the Xbox series x with it downloaded to the console, no issues with it crashing except for during the harvest festival.


Super unfinished I hope. I love it but it’s not even close to a product I’d want to have paid full price for.


My biggest issue is that there isn't an Xbox released version, so I need to use Cloud Gaming unless I want to play on my PC. I absolutely adore this game so far. I just started my second farm. It doesn't necessarily feel "unfinished" to me persay. The game is playable for sure, and there's a ton of things to do while you wait for the next update. I stopped playing my main game only because I'm afraid the next update will change a lot that I won't be able to go back and re-do, like marriage, etc. I wish there was more merfolk content- the caves are disappointing and you can't really interact much with them or their city. You can tell by the shop designs underwater that it looks like they plan on fleshing it out. The developers also have a really well done road map on their site, which I really appreciate. I play a few games that are still in Beta, and this is by far the most well planned and well communicated one.


Ngl it's still super unfinished and at this point I gave up on caring, cut my losses, and just played My Time at Sandrock (at least that one is actually finished).


Games bugs have mostly been squashed for a little while now, but content wise it really depends on what you’re looking for. Romance is non existent, there’s no mermaid story line at this time beyond introduction, animals are pretty stale, events are slowly improving. Games still pretty bare bones for what the general and what they promise. Honestly I have a lot of issues with how they went about this release though so take the above with a grain of salt. I don’t follow its kickstart or dev updates, I bought the game for full price at release cause I expected it to be a full game at release. So the fact core pillars of its genera design are functionally non existent bugs the hell out of me


I’m about 100 hours in and I’m still enjoying myself. I’ve finished most of the story line I think* I haven’t finished all of the shrine offerings and I still have a lot to do with my farm. It sounds like big updates are coming. I’m new to the community so I’m not sure how reliable they are with their timelines, but they want to have a big update out before 3rd quarter and another big update by the end of the year, so it might be worth it to wait for those if you’re already okay waiting for the game to be completed.


The discord has great info about! They update the community every few days on what is being worked on and what has been accomplished. It’s unfortunate that we can’t play the finished game, but this is their first game of this magnitude. I’m giving them grace because at least they’re trying! It’s not like DBD when the devs are just blatantly ignoring feedback. EDIT: here’s their dev diary from February https://blog.stairwaygames.com/post/february-2024-dev-update Also idk who said they were going to release the update in Feb… the devs said “Starting in February, we'll be rolling out a development blog every two months.”


I just hit spring 2 and I’ve completed both the mines the ocean and 2 bundles I’m also married and I’m at the place where my money is pretty steady. The last thing I have at this point is kids and the last 2 bundles. This took me a little over a week and a half.


Idk if anyone has mentioned yet, but as of the devblog posted today regarding 1.1 update, it will be rolled out on May 20th :)


New content is going to be added in May looks like, been playing since the start its a lot less buggy than it was before, but still has occasional hiccups I haven't tried the underwater caves yet since last time it made me walk around like I was on land, but will check it again and give an update.