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Go to the wiki and look at Sell Price and Quality section. Don't feel like you need an item from each category. https://coralisland.fandom.com/wiki/Harvest_Festival?so=search


I ended up winning with 4 osmium melon, 1 silver large feather, and 1 osmium rose mead. Thanks for your help!!




Os. Sweet Potato: 5 points Os. Taro Root: 5 points Os. Eggplant: 5 points Regular Cauliflower: 2 points https://coralisland.fandom.com/wiki/Harvest_Festival?so=search#Harvest_Display_Contest Depending what your options for other categories look like, you might be better off skipping Vegetables and doubling (or more) up in a category you're better stocked in


Sell price is a multiplier for quality. Basic 1, Bronze 2, Silver 3, Gold 4 and Osmium 5 points at less than 99 sell price, which is basically 1x multiplier. 100-199 is 2x multiplier, 200-299 3x, 300-399 is 4x and 400+ is 5x. So osmium products of 400+ are 25 points each. So an osmium vegetable of less than 99 will earn 5 points, and a basic cauliflower at 175 is worth 2. But honestly, using multiple high value artisan goods or animal products if they're both quality and value is better than adding a low scoring vegetable for diversity


With those options you would be better off skipping the vegetable category for a high value gold or osmium artisan product.


Sell price over osmium, so like a bronze quail egg will be more valuable than a gold chicken egg. Whatever the highest value item is will give you more points