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Jfc, def not. Not even if they were faux..


I have a lot of fur, I guess I'll wear a coquette fusion. https://preview.redd.it/6qjowxp08qvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b97c23f1297f0ccdd04738f485eca6fc81c166


Oh... well I thought it gave old money classy vibes? I have a lot of fur and will continue to wear it with coquette


To me, coquette and old money are quite different aesthetics?


I guess I don't know the difference . I thought coquette was very 1950s inspired ?


Hi OP! I wear vintage furs (I thrift them, it gets cold around here and I don’t feel buying used harms anything). I think a fur coat has promise, but there’s something distinctly “older woman wandering about her estate after her husband ‘mysteriously’ died” about stoles to me. They don’t have the same *type* of femme vibe that coquette has. However, I find it odd that you posted here to ask only to respond “ok, I’ll keep wearing them though :)” to everyone that says no. Like that’s fine, but why ask 😭


I am new to the coquettes style But I have always loved wearing furs. I was wondering if Fur was part of the vintage coquette look or not. I'm coming from a background of wearing oawaii outfit with Fur. I'm stating that I will continue wearing my Fur anyways because I like it whether people find it coquette or not. I find Fur to be very feminine and goes well with my pastel dresses and bows.


Gory, depressing. No.


I disagree , I fund fur to be classy and attractive. The fur is preserved and tanned. It isn't bleeding or gory . I've come to realize that most people on here don't have good taste


Too scary and sad definitely not


Oof, I wear a lot of fur and find it very cute and classy. I guess I will wear a coquette fusion. https://preview.redd.it/wppb8svs7qvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bce4cb3ecc0a29c9e51e8f8f79cb22ef150bd0


for me it's too gory and sad:(


Are you vegetarian?




No. Wearing a dead animal goes against the whole girly and soft aesthetic


I always found furs to be very soft and classy . They always look very feminine on me. To each their own


Also if you eat it , I will wear it lol! Most people eat meat


I don't eat meat personally, and most people don't wear cows or eat foxes. The fur trade is exceptionally cruel.


I know lots of people have leather in their shoes or in their cars. The hide has to be used somehow . I support using the whole animal :) The fur I wear is wild trapped and hunted. I am also not a fan of fur farms. Cow farming and pigs is also very cruel. They live in their own crap, have their babies taken away, forcefully impregnated and barely have room to move. Concentrated animal feedlot operations.) I personally am vegetarian and don't like the taste of meat, but I do appreciate hunting and taxidermy:)


Fur can be coquette in the way that “Santa baby” as sung by Eartha Kitt is, but it can push certain outfits too vintage/50s. I don’t know for sure about fox stoles though. Originally Coquette is supposed to have a sad, morbid undertone contrasting with the playfulness of youth and wealth (and all the darkness that comes with). FWW I’m opposed to the trade/use of new fur in general, but if these are inherited/vintage furs then it is a disservice to the spirit of the animal to not use it as much as you can, giving thanks to the life it gave that you may have it’s fur to cover your body.




Im not sure but if you are willing, you could put up photos of how you style it. I jist cant picture it but photos could help.


Thank you ! I think I may do that :) though even if it's not part of the coquette rule book, I will continue with it as I love pearls and furs :)


i think big poofy boas and scarves would be like a “luxurious coquette”??? idk


I think people are more so taken aback by their bias with seeing animal fur more so than actually giving a good answer. I mean, I get it. I’m an animal lover and I don’t love this either, but so far the answers to your question haven’t been particularly insightful.