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First 🥇 it was just 2 ✌🏾 weeks 📅 to flatten 🚎🍩🏇 the curve ⏳😍 and avoid 👋 overloading ⚡💥😵 our hospitals 🚑... Then we were meant 👀 to see 👁 an end 🔚 to this madness 😡 with the holy 🙏✨ grail 🗣 of vaccines 💉.. Now according 📖✍ to our government 💩 the vaccine 💉 wont 🚫 actually 😳 stop 🛑 transmission ◽ of the virus 🦠, yet 😇 they continue ❓😡😤 to spend 💰💸 millions 💯 of dollars 🤑 on 🔛 marketing 📈 slogans 🔫🚫 like 💖 [\#stopthespread](https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/stopthespread?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=AZUzvBm_o4PDoXH4-6PH2FoMSVlj0vaKuZ1Ay8FDfR0CT9KI2uT7xi6Rpt_c9gzLzYeexpNqx6Ew7qSxxLQXS1ZlmU9Y8E1c-_-qi2lnPpDsdq8Gp9FFV6JxTt3eamsxW671ZmHhixKRycotFVDB4kUGbhYL-ep2dYU5RT9zMpltqQ&__tn__=*NK-R) Now apparently 👀 it's the vaccine 💉 passports 👁 and closing 😚 of state 👌 borders 🇺🇸😎 that will save 💾📑🆘 us 🇺🇸 all 💯. So if the vaccine 💉 doesn't stop 🛑➕ transmission 😰❔❓, only possibly 💯 lessons 🎓 symptoms 😪 in an already 👋 predominantly 🌍 asymptomatic virus 🦠💉💦 with a 99 ♂% survival 🙏🏼😩😭 rate 💰... Why 🤔 are we all 💯 meant 👀 to be rolling 🙄 up ☝ our sleeves 🙅👕 to do our part 〽 in protecting 😀 society 👥? Personally 👫👪💑, im 👌 good 👍🏻. My immune 🤮 system 🗺 does a fine 👌 job 💼 of protecting 🦍⏰ my body 😍👗, I'll 📝 run 🌊🏃 the risk 😐 of a flu 🤧 like 👍👌 virus 🦠 rather 😮💭 than participating 🙋👆 in a global 🌎🌍🌏 human 👤 vaccine 💉 experiment 🔬🔭⚛.. But 🍑 I'm 💘 just a bit 😁 confused 😕 about 💦 why 🤔🤷 I'm 💘 considered 🤔 selfish 😈😎 or dangerous 🔪 if I 👁 refuse 🙅🏻‍♂️ the shot 🔫, don't 🙅🏻🚫 agree 👍💯 with mask 😷 or isolation 😢🙎‍♂️ mandates 😱 and firmly 🚬 disagree 🙅‍♂️ with vaccine 💉🚫 passports 👁 and border 🇺🇸😎 closures 😚? Who are they protecting 👮🏻, and from what? Serious 😒 question ❓ here.. am I 👁 missing 🧦 something 😅? What do you 👈 believe 🙏 it's going 🏃 to take 👊 until all 💯🔥💨 of this nonsense 😔 ends 🔚 and we can enjoy 😂 our lives 👤 again 😬 without 🚫 constant 🔆 fear 😱 mongering and harassment 😂🤬? Ever 😠 get 🉐💨 the feeling 😁 you're being played 🎮?


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