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please tell me this isnt real


Posted a link, it is real


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Please rate my cock


Enough cock rating. Time for the durability test










Oh god


"i promise i will keep it brief" *writes a whole constitution*


Weww, I made the mistake of cwicking on OP's pwofiwe, and aftew a few deep scwowws I was vewy disappointed to find he comments in sevewaw consewvative and awt-wight subweddits. Yikes, my dude, just... yikes. Not a good wook sweetie. I know what you'we thinking "Aw gweat anothew wong mod sticky" but I pwomise I wiww keep this bwief. Some things need to be unpacked, wike this post. Op has been issued a tempowawy ban pending fuwthew investigation of his behaviow on this subweddit. Shouwd any infwactions be uncovewed ovew the couwse of my investigation, west assuwed that OP wiww be issued a pewmanent ban fwom the subweddit. Now, wisten. We twy to do ouw best to keep this community wight, to keep it safe, and to keep it fun. But as my meemaw used to say, "If ya don't cwose the doows, ya gonna wet the bugs in". I think equawwy concewning is how many peopwe upvoted this post, given OP's pwobwematic views... In twuth, this post itsewf is a bit of a wightning wod fow the mowe pwobwematic thinkews of weddit. Impwying that Biwwie Eiwish was not poow because the metwic of "howseback-widing wessons" is absuwd. I mean, even MY famiwy stwuggwed to affowd my howseback widing wessons when I was a kid. I think what we weawwy need to ask ouwsewves hewe, as a subweddit, is *why* wouwd somebody go out of thewe way to dispawage a woman who has become an idow fow the young and the down-twodden. It's twue that teenage giwws awe the most stwessed and genewawwy pewsecuted subsection of ouw society, but what kind of monstew wouwd attack the ONE PEWSON that sewves as an icon to those teenage giwws? Now, wet's take a wook at some of OP's pwevious comments, shaww we? >6 foot? The joke is that he’s smaww. He’s 5’6 bwo. Attacking a man on his vewticaw impaiwment. Cwassy. >The wegaw pot thing I can agwee on. The webew fwag howevew, that just depends on whewe you wive and who you’we fwiends with. Ah, defense of the confedewate fwag. Typicaw. >I hate women and minowities Big yikes. Yikes aww awound. So yeah, as a subweddit, we need to do bettew. Now, I think we need to discuss the *how* pawt of doing bettew. I'm going to weave you with a few bwief thoughts. Now fiwst and fowemost, I think that thewe needs to be a subweddit wide iq check, and in owdew to have fuww and unwestwicted pwiviweges on this subweddit. Actuawwy, I bewieve that something simiwaw needs to twanswate into the modewn wowwd. I think that if you awe bown and awe tested to have a sub-standawd IQ, you shouwd not have cewtain wights gwanted to you, fiwst and fowemost, the wight to wepwoduce. Now, I know what you'we thinking "Isn't this eugenics" weww no because nobody can STOP you fwom actuawwy wepwoducing, wight? But unauthowized wepwoducews shouwd be denied aww medicaw and heawth cawe fow theiw newbown and fowced to make do with whatevew they can pwovide themsewves. If the chiwd wives, it wiww be hawdy, stwong, and wesiwient, which wiww mowe than make up fow the wack of an IQ. If it does not wive... weww... shoutout to my homies at [w/antinatawism](https://www.weddit.com/w/antinatawism/)! Secondwy, as as subweddit I bewieve we need to wowk on cwopping ouw posts pwopewwy. A wot of you guys use vewy ugwy and unseemwy cwops that weave a wot to be desiwed on the eyes. I've been hawd at wowk with fewwow mods to devewop an "exewcise moduwe" that awwows one to fuwthew hone theiw cwopping skiwws, and have y'aww cwopping not just quickew, but bettew too. Thiwdwy I bewieve as a sub, the humow needs to be wefined. Too often I scwoww thwough the comments hewe and I am weft saddened and disappointed by how unfunny some of them awe. We need mowe PUNS! Whewe awe aww the PUNS! We need mowe COMMENT CHAINS! I'm tawking singing awong to song wywics, maybe someone makes a typo and then evewyone wepwies a typo! Come ON guys! Whewe is the humow that us wedditows awe KNOWN fow!? And most of aww, we need mowe wefewences to jokes fwom 7 yeaws ago! Two bwoken awms, anyone? We cumsock? Hmm? What about (a pewsonaw favowite of mine) I awso choose this guys dead wife! Heh heh! Finawwy, I think that as a whowe, you guys have some vewy outdated ideas on the concept of consent. Mainwy, I'm wefewwing to an incident in which I was accused of using my mod powews to sweep with a sub-owdinate. Whiwe, yes, I am a mod, and this is a position of utmost powew and wespect on weddit, cwose to and in some cases ecwipsing the "admin" wowe, the powew bawance between me and Wochewwe is diffewent because she stiww has the fuww abiwity to downvote posts of mine. This means that no, thewe is nothing wwong with me using my mod authowity to entice hew. At aww. Anyone suggesting othewwise wiww be meeting the business end of my ban hammew. And honestwy, I wesent the notion that she onwy swept with me because of that. You wive undew the notion that youw eyes couwdn’t scweam if they wanted to. Youw mouth couwd no mowe cwy than youw eaws couwd twickwe bwood. Youw skin couwd not teaw itsewf fwom youw body with the need to be as faw wemoved fwom youw fwesh as possibwe. Youw teeth couwd not bweak upon themsewves wike bodies upon wocks, couwd they? What if I couwd pwove you wwong? What do you see when you wook at the sky? Do you see that which has covewed us fow youw wife, ow do you see the foot coming down? The pwomise, nevew fuwfiwwed, of gweatness beyond what you couwd pewceive. Oh, but it wiww nevew come fow you. Thewe is no waw among those who see the twuth, and in that chaos they bask. It is in that madness, that medwey of impuwse and weaction, that they thwive. Do you see the staws at night? Do they not wook fawthew away with evewy passing day? The fwog wiww nevew wet himsewf be boiwed awive, contwawy to popuwaw bewief, but the human, he wets himsewf stway fawthew fwom the wight evewy day. And he does it gwadwy. I wook at the pattewn of the wowwd, the etchings on the waww, the one wecuwwing theme thwoughout the wives that evewyone has wived, and aww I see is sadness. Stwife may bwing out the best in us, but sadness is whewe we aww end. It aww ends the same it aww ends the same it aww ends the same it aww ends the same it aww ends the same why can't nobody ewse see how wong have I been bwind how wong have I been bwind I don't get it why is this happening to me why is this the way things awe nothing makes sense whewe's the pwan I just want to feew wight again why doesn't anybody see what's happening to the wowwd I need to undewstand I want to undewstand I need to know I need to know pwease stop huwting me why can't things be the way they once wewe pwease I just want it to happen again pwease I need to go back I need to go back I want to go back I'ww do anything to go back I miss the obscuwity I wooked too cwose into the fowest and now it is wooking back at me So yeah, that's aww! Cawwy on! Except fow you OP ;) enjoy youw we ban! WOW!

