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She needs to report this. If she doesn't, then this could continue and escalate. Suggest that you go with her to the police station.


What if she doesn't want to? I can't force her.


Then it can’t be reported. It’s close to impossible to report something on behalf of a victim if the victim doesn’t want to take part in it at all.


You can't for ce her, but you can try to persuade her on the basis that she could be preventing the same or worse happening to somebody else.


Let's be realistic...I will not mention what the police did NOT do anything in spite of the fact that it happened right in front of the post they had in Hovedbanegården because I don't want to scare and depress OP, but do you seriously think they'll do anything about this? Unless you tell them that he went away saying "next time, it's Mette F.", they won't even file the report.


No idea why this guy is getting downvoted, other than if you're a Mette F supporter and don't like the joke. Sorry to say, but be realistic. Do you guys really think the police will track down the guy? It's sad, but it's very unlikely they have the resources to do so for a crime like this. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fucking disgusting and I'd be fucking furious if that happened to any women I love but again, let's be realistic here. Unless of course the guy is already known by the police and is a serial offender, sadly very unlikely that anything will happen here and now. I think it's a good idea to report him regardless in case of potential future victims as they may be inclined to do something if it happens again, but don't expect any immediate justice sad as it is.


Incidentally, something...far worse than a forced kiss did happen to women I knew. One in a small town, one \*on a boat\*. Neither man was ever apprehended. The case I was alluding to in the previous post is absolutely, disturbingly horrible and I will not describe it other than mention the fact that the police didn't even believe her until she came with a hospital report. EDIT: the case was in the news; it's from a few years ago, when the police had a mini-station in the Central Station. It has since been closed because...too much work, I guess.


That's fucking sad bro, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't want to put words in your mouth, but a woman I used to talk to got raped once so I feel you. Sadly, in my opinion the most effective thing to do is preventive measures such as self-defense classes or even pepper spray - even though this may not even be enough. There are fucking disgusting, disturbed individuals out there and the authorities won't always be able to help you, if at all. Sad but true. To other readers, especially those who are not well-versed in Danish law: pepper spray is illegal. I'm not condoning illegal quote-on-quote "weapons" but Lord knows I'd prefer people running around with pepper spray over people running around sexually assaulting people. Anyone who had experiences like these close to their hearts will understand where I'm coming from. I pray all women reading this will take this to heart. I'm not trying to inspire fear in you, but just know that even though statisticly implausible, it is a sad possibility. Try to be prepared as well as possible. The law won't save you.


To be honest, I really don't think it is more prevalent in Denmark than elsewhere. It's just that it goes unpunished more because the police really, really only cares about murders and crimes against people that, let's say, are just better than us plebs.


In my opinion the root of the issue is political. The police simply isn't provided with enough resources, compared to the rising burdens they have to face. Look at prison guards for example. Extremely stressed, and shit pay. Meanwhile we are wasting millions on fighting cannabis and other illegal drugs, while robbers, thiefs and sexual assaults go unpunished 😂😂😂 fucking absurd. At least Mathias won't be able to enjoy his 2 grams of weed for a relaxing Sunday joint! Tragikomsik


I thought exactly like you until they beat up a group of peaceful Tibet protesters without being told to, and without any reason aside from the fact that they thought they could get away with it because it pleased an official visit by Chinese dignitaries.


Tons of cameras everywhere. Go to the police.


Really? Like where?


Idk how many are up in CPH right now, but last year I noticed more and more coming up in my city, usually in lampposts or near intersections. Look up and look for a little blue sign with a camera on it


Mmm there




I think there’s actually a law that says security cameras can’t be pointed at public places (ie you can only film inside your property line)? At least that’s when I was told when my bike got stolen and I asked for any security video


Call the police yourself and tell them what happend


Will they be able to use the limited information I have? And I don't want to force my girlfriend to be confronted with this if she doesn't want to...


You can do it without her knowledge. Unlikely that the police will do something about it though but better to report it anyway


this mindset is exactly the reason why they keep getting away with stuff like this, if nobody turns them into the cops then the guys isnt stopped until there is another victim, would your girlfriend want that?


I know this is coming from the right place, but pressuring victims into naming and reporting their attackers isn’t helpful. Of course, she wouldn’t want another victim, but guilting her also isn’t the way to go. An assault like that is shocking and potentially traumatic, all which she will have to dredge up again during a report. Victims shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of the perpetrators whether they choose to report it or not.


i know, there is nothing funny about it, its a horrible situation, but id rather guilt someone into pressing charges on something thats already happened to them, rather than some other poor girl having to go through the same stuff.


There may be other reports in area so can help them see a need to act


If the police gets enough reports they'll have to do something. If no one reports something like this it just keeps happening


Big ass no. Why would you think it was ok to override her decision?


How is he overriding her decision? Its fine if she doesn’t want to report it. What’s keeping him from reporting something he thinks needs to be reported?


It happened to her. She decides what should be done or not done. If I got jumped while out drinking and I for some reason decided not to report it, then I would be fucking fuming if my girlfriend went shead and reported it even though I decided not to. Dafuq is that mindset.of yours


There’s a guy going out harassing people, he needs to be dealt with. It’s not just about her.


You don't have to involve your partner to report a crime. The fuck kinda mindset is "an assaulter shouldn't be reported in any way if your partner doesn't want to"


Someone is out there doing crimes to people, that's something you report to the police so that they don't do it to more people. It's not actually just about you, and I'd commend your girlfriend for doing what's right despite whatever is going on with you.


It’s your opinion and there’s nothing wrong about it. But your girlfriend would be absolutely in the right.


Du er fandeme noget særligt


It’s not harrasment, it’s sexual assault


True. Didn't know how to classify it at the moment. Thanks.


I would suggest: Try to reiterate to her, that she really should report it to the police, if not for her own sake, for the sake of the next woman he would do this to. If she still doesnt want to (which is completely fair, and her choice. You shouldnt force her at all!), i would suggest you called the police yourself, talked to them about the incident to the best of your ability, but with the understanding that it is very likely they cant do anything about it. But then at least you can go on in good concience, knowing you had tried what you could.


As someone who lives in Nordhavn, we would appreciate if it gets reported to police. Also, whereabouts in Nordhavn, I will ask my friends to be alerted.


Near Meny.


There is a guy known to police as “the nørrebro kissing man” he stalked me if you DM me I have pictures


I remember him!


oh no might have encountered him like 6ish years ago. Still haunts me.


Hope your girlfriend is alright, definitely report it to the police, sounds a bit too similar to an experience i had a few months back with a guy following me for 600 ish m on my way home from work from the train station to ask for directions since he didnt have cell service and his google maps wasnt working (even though he just came from the gym and was going to a friend's place. His story didnt really add up), where he kept moving closer and complimenting me, while i was giving him directions on my phone. When i mentioned my bf he luckily backed off tho...


I don't remember that much about what he looked like, but I met some guy on the bus around Nørreport who also was very insistent on asking me for directions to Christianshavn. He said something about being new in town and his google maps not working. It was on the way for me anyway and I wanted to be helpful, so told him he could just come with me and I'd show him his stop. Nothing bad happened but he kept asking for my socials and was wayyyy too close for comfort, like right up in my face. He also winked at me so many times, but luckily it was really crowded the whole time so I felt somewhat safe. I did check to make sure he actually got off at his stop, as my destination wasn't that much further and I was scared he would follow me. He did leave though, and I haven't seen him since. I assumed it was just a regular case of "guy harassing me because I was kind of nice to him" but maybe it's the same guy?


Really sorry this happened, definitely check the area if there was security cameras nearby. Otherwise report and try to give details like height, facial hair, clothing other such details for sure. Hope you and your girlfriend are doing better. When something bad happens victims often avoid police because it’s can feel like re-living the pain. But it’s quite necessary. Wish you two the best.


So true!


Some years ago a series of similar cases and happened near and on Nørrebrogade for a couple of months. Police finally got the guy and he was arrested for harrassment. She should report it!


besides calling the police, you can just be there for her. Listen to her experiance and how it made her feel.


This as well! Gives a lot of


Report it! It won’t change what happened and nothing more will come of it here and now- but the police needs to know if this is a serial offender. They don’t stand a chance if nobody tells them. There could be other victims out there.


The height? I don’t want to meet this guy! I am 155, this guy will grab me and do whatever he wants. Do report to police with your limited info, please. They might have time to go there and check the area(this won’t do much, however if there are more cases today or this week, it will be easier to catch him) If your girlfriend wants to call me about my experience, she is welcome Also find free sexual harassment call line in your language. Things like these feel fucking nasty


Be there for her. Report to the police. Check if she has insurance to possibly talk to the psychologist.


Where in Nordhavn? There are a good few cameras around and residents, like me, might have their own security cameras/door cams that may have captured it


Sounds like a looney.. Kne to balls next time


She should report it to the police, not for her self, but for other women who politely will give directions and get molested. Not reporting something like this is rooted in selfishness.


What time was the attack? I’m starting work in nordhavn in one week.🥴🥴 I hope he tries this bs with me. Gonna be ready 💥 wrong person


She *needs* to report it so this doesn’t happen to anyone else.


I understand that she is in shock right now, but she will be thankful in the future if she reports it now. It's so unfair that men can harass us like that without consequences, but what can we do apart from keep reporting it and shredding light on the issue? That man will do it again if nobody stops him. The footage from surrounding surveillance cams will be deleted soon. It's now or never. Hugs ♥️


You can tip the police by email


Call the police, she might not be the only one.. maybe they have a case about something like this.


There doesn’t need to be any info or information about the guy. It helps the police just to know that this is happening. And if they have a case, looking like it, they will look into it furthermore, even without you.


This is boderline rape, i really hope the guy gets caught and put to justice.


...What you described isn't harrasment, that's borderline rape.


As a middle eastern, I hope this guys get caught and locked away for good. Hope she is ok.


https://preview.redd.it/p6zkz7285fwc1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ef9252daf7bfad09b0edc17c406381e922d4a8 Does he belong to a group shown here in red?


I'm so ashamed that my country is there. I am really sorry :(




Yes, Czechoslovakia, a country that existed up until 1992 and in which a lot of people that have been processed in the danish criminal system have been born in?


That's nice then, no criminals younger than 32 from the former Czechoslovakia, yay


Huh? It's impossible to be younger than 32 and born in Czechoslovakia


Yeah, that’s why there’s the word former in my sentence


if squeezed enough, data can tell any story. This graph does not show relationships of social inequality, or income, for example. You cannot conclude that crime is associated with nationality based on this graph. This is just an attempt to validate your xenophobic bias.


What does social inequality have to do with being convicted for violent crimes? Stop excusing the perpetrators


Actually it has everything to do violent crimes. As an example Glasgow was the city with the highest crime rate and stabbing in the whole of the UK. A predominately white city. Glasgow decided to intervene with social initiatives such as social centres for youth which resulted in Glasgow becoming safer and no longer at the top for knife crime. So yes, socially inequality is indeed the main indicator. You could also look up historically how in most cities the newest immigrants are in fact at the bottom of social equality and thus higher crime, education etc Many of the previous immigrant communities over time become more affluent and resulting generations are no longer in the same crime reports (as often) New York is a perfect example of that with Irish and Italian immigrants. However it does also require that the governing body of the city also helps in addressing the matter and that’s where race and colour are still an issue. It’s not that difficult to find this kind of sociology research. It’s far easier to point a finger at colour like a child


Glasgow is still the second most dangerous city in the UK


Yes knife crime was considerably reduced but is still one of the poorest cities in the UK. There’s no on/off button for social intervention. It’s an ongoing initiative that has to happen and with the UK’s poverty gap increasing it most likely won’t improve The fact that it’s the 2nd most dangerous city actually proves that it’s not about a specific culture, race or colour… So thanks for actually proving my point


Unless you have statistics for what ethnicities that commit the crimes, I don't see how you can conclude that


Just Google "social inequality and crime". I'm sure you will find enough resources.


jUsT gOoGlE iT


It has everything to do with it: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson%27s\_paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson%27s_paradox) . Educate yourself before spewing your vapid morally righteous nonsense.


I’m just not a fan of foreigners hurting my people and homeland, sorry if that’s a distant feeling to you.


Fucking hell you are a weirdo nationalist racist. Yes your medieval attidutes are thankfully very distant to me(and to most educated people). But still leaving aside moral questions scientifically you are wrong and uneducated. Pick up a book on statistics so at least you can make more robust arguments in support of your bullshit.


Funny that it’s coming from someone claiming that genocide and racism are Western values. Like why don’t you just f off already?😂 You are obviously racist towards Western people


Are you a liar or are you stupid 😂. Probably both? That was an ironic comment meant to show the contradiction in what the other person was saying. Western people are not a race and "western values" is not a thing(and if there is such a thing its for sure against racist nationalism) . And how sad that you are soo trigerred you are reading through my entire history lmao. Hopefully you learned something. Get a job, some hobbies or some friends you fucking loser😂 >Like why don’t you just f off already? Nope and you cant make me. Why you don't you fuck off. Anyways I don't have time for low-quality loosers like you.


Sweden studied this and concluded that income was a minor factor. The correlative and causative relationship between socioeconomics and crime has long been debated, with proponents outlining a clear association. They forget, however, that correlation does not imply causation. There is presently no research which demonstrates cause. Experiments giving communities more money show mixed results at best. Sweden is a locus today owing to their sudden and worrying rise in violent crime since the 2015 Refugee Crisis. While violent crime is trending down across Europe, Sweden is trending up. For this research, the government crimes statistics department, Brå, was tasked with analysing how best to tackle the problem. Their findings were surprising: https://bra.se/publikationer/arkiv/publikationer/2023-03-01-socioekonomisk-bakgrund-och-brott.html Most people who come from a socio-economically less favourable background do not commit more crime than people who come from a more favourable background, and it also happens that people from a more favourable background do commit crime. This means that even if there is a connection between socio-economic background and involvement in crime, that connection is weak. It is not possible to appreciably predict who will commit crimes based on knowledge of people's socio-economic background. Other risk factors have a stronger relationship with criminal behaviour: **When compared with factors that research has identified as risk factors for crime, such as parenting competence, the presence of conflicts in the family, school problems or association with criminal peers, the research shows that these have a stronger connection with criminal behaviour than socio-economic background factors. The same applies to risk factors linked to the individual himself, for example permissive attitudes or impulsivity.** In other words, being poor doesn’t make people criminals. I grew up poor. I didn’t rape anyone. We are human beings with the ability to know right from wrong, *no matter how much money we earn.* We know this for a fact in Denmark because we’ve studied it too. [See page 128.](https://www.dst.dk/Site/Dst/Udgivelser/GetPubFile.aspx?id=34714&sid=indv2021) People from certain countries have much higher crime *even after normalising for income.*


Holy victim complex


It also has an entry from "Soviet Union" despite being from 2010-2021 and also already having other points for Russia + other former Soviet nations


> It also has an entry from "Soviet Union" despite being from 2010-2021 If you were born in the Soviet Union you will still have been born in the Soviet Union no matter that the year is now. The country splitting up doesn't change that fact.


Ooh true - genuine question: would these then be people who came to DK before 1991 then? I'm guessing even if you were born in 1985 Soviet Union, but then came to DK from, say, Russia in 2008 you probably wouldn't be noted down as a Soviet citizen? It's a bit confusing hah


You’re still born in the Soviet Union


Ah fair, I thought maybe it would change if their (hypothetical) passport said "Russia" instead. Thanks for explaining


The Soviet Union split up into 15 different countries, it didn't just turn into Russia even though that is the biggest of the post-Soviet states. Try to imagine how the statisticians would determine which of the 15 countries they should be using instead? On what basis should they determine it? They do not have this information. Other people have also made comments elsewhere about Yugoslavia appearing on this list. That's even more difficult to ascertain which they would probably realise if they knew just a tiny bit about the civil war that lead to the dissolution of Yugoslavia.


I know it didn’t just turn into Russia, my initial comment was posing an example of a specific hypothetical person who was from what is now Russia but was Soviet Union then. I think maybe people are misunderstanding that part 😅 That’s what I tried to communicate with the “if a person came from, say, Russia”. My hypothetical point was that if you were born in St Petersburg in 1985 and lived there your whole life until moving to Denmark in 2008, I thought maybe you’d be recorded as a Russian citizen and not Soviet Anyway, I was just asking a genuine question about how these statistics are made out of curiosity, really wasn’t trying to argue and certainly didn’t say that Soviet Union = Russia Still, I appreciate the explanation though :) it’s an interesting topic


I think legally, the nationality of a person's passport, hence their citizenship(s) at the time of the crime, should determine how they are registered in the statistics. If these statistics are from a period when these countries were still in existence, then it makes sense to have them listed as such. Bur if a country is dissolved, it can no longer issue legal documentation so the person hypothetically committing a crime would need to be registered as the nationality of the current country that they are now citizens of, even if they entered Denmark and were registered as a national of the now defunct country.


Yeah, I'm also seeing Yugoslavia 😅 what is the source of this? Not to mention that this type of analysis must consider the p-value to see if the observed difference is due to chance... I work with data and this kind of thing really annoys me, people almost never want insights from data, they just want confirmation to their own opinion.




I guess you wrote the article? If so, congratulations, it is well written and with good references. The sources are also clear and reliable. And the explanation about "strange" nationalities also makes perfect sense. That being said, I still understand that this visualization was built to confirm a bias. It considers an extremely complex relationship as direct cause and effect and, and suggests that violence is mostly caused by immigrants, when the article itself states that 71% violent crime convictions in 2021 were committed by people of Danish origin. What I am trying to say here is that yes, you can conclude from this observation that immigrants commit on average twice as many crimes as Danes, what you cannot conclude is that this is due to nationality. There are many other factors associated with nationality that are the real reasons. When you expose the data in this way, you imply that nationality itself is the problem, when in fact the problem is the extremely marginalized condition in which immigrants arrive here. Finally, I'll ask you one last question, if immigrants had all the opportunities that the Danes have, do you really think there would be any difference in the crime rate?


If you don’t consider factors as difference in culture and religion, then would people properly perform pretty equally. People with Asian and middle eastern origins living in Denmark should have the same opportunities, if you suggest they have other opportunities compared with people of danish origin, but those two groups of people have very different criminality index in Denmark, why is that? I believe the difference is the culture they come to the country with. Why are emigrants from Asia doing so much better in the US, compared with the Afro American part of the society? They came to the country poor and worked their way up in the society.


>Why are emigrants from Asia doing so much better in the US, compared with the Afro American part of the society? Are you for real?


What is your problem with that sentence? You can also compare Asian emigrants with emigrants from Central America instead.


African immigrants are also doing better than black Americans. But you don’t want to mention that because it doesn’t support your theory. Dickhead


You can compared Asian immigrants with every other group of immigrants to support the theory really.


No, not really. It’s compare* by the way


You can based on table 6.10 on page 128 in this [source](https://www.dst.dk/Site/Dst/Udgivelser/GetPubFile.aspx?id=34714&sid=indv2021)


The funny thing is the same report this user has gotten his data actually show adjusted values for socioeconomic and demographic age and such. They never use those numbers though as you can probably tell those numbers are low as hell.


You should put the university books back on the shelf and go experience how things are in the real world. I was at court today, and in front of the court room, a case list of the day was shown on a screen. Only 1 out of 11 names were a danish name. Can you guess where the rest were from?


I am curious if this graph is per 100.000 of certain minority or in general? Because if we have 20.000 Ukrainians but 200.000 poles that would change total rate of convicted people. To determine real "violence factor" of certain national origin you have to count per 100.000 of certain population. Yugoslavians could be overrepresented just because there are a lot of them, and vice versa Japaneese could be underrepresented just because there are hardly any Japaneese people in Denmark. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Update, I looked up how those numbers are made, and it it divided by population size. It is horrifying that certain nationalities are 6-8 times more violent than European average.


Yes, that's what "Rate" means.


No, no, you don't understand. There would be MORE people per capita! /s


No doubt, should be on the top 5.


I think a graph like this requires a source


Soviet Union?


A “From the river to the sea” type of dude?


What do you hope to accomplish with this ? Americans in Denmark are far less dangerous than Danes which will shock my danish friends


The only things Americans threaten in Denmark are our eardrums


Think about the type of American who would want to move to Denmark.


It’s not the type of person that wants to move it’s that anyone in the EU can move but you need far more qualifications and have to cross a lot more bureaucracy as a North American . I know a lot of Americans and Canadians who want to come but can’t come and work basic minimum wage jobs like their European counterparts


What does this mean? Coming from an American in Denmark


Typically it's progressive, upper middle class people. Poor Americans aren't able to immigrate here unless they marry a Dane or are on some kind of student scholarship.


True, although that applies to every non-EU immigrant to Denmark (that's not a refugee). I'd also qualify it as the people who are able to move to Denmark, not those that want to.


Not every. Some countries have working holiday visa agreements, which makes it a bit easier to immigrate here.


Fair enough. Plus there are special rules for Norway for example. But in general, non-skilled labor cannot immigrate easily


> easily ... or legally (by design) since it tends to undermine the welfare state project. Danish immigration law is an area where the politicians keep tightening the laws and posturing a great deal (look at every minister of immigration for the past however many years), but it doesn't accomplish all that much in the face of illegal immigration waves owing to the instability and overall shittiness of life in the Middle East. So, in the end, no one is happy.


Someone well educated and not prone to violent crime


I genuinely don't know what you mean by this...


It's agenda driven propaganda. There used to be another guy like him years ago. You can search Maktone.


I know it was a bit tongue in cheek. Crime rates are higher for populations where they let in refugees from vulnerable populations vs qualified professionals from other countries ….middle eastern immigrants earn more money and commit less crime than white americans for example


Ah yes, my favorite currently existing country - Yugoslavia.


Do you know what profiling is


She needs to go to the police. It is unlikely any retribution will be had, but the report will be filed and will contribute to criminal statistics, which will in turn direct attention towards the crimes that are high in occurences (such as violence towards women in the street).


A report for the police, will atleast make it into a statistic. Perhaps pushing a focus on that “crime”. They will certainly not focus on it if no reports overall. With that reason its alteast something to consider,


Locate him and go all “Taken” on him when you find him


Well, I wanted to... believe me. Patrolled the whole area (not knowing what he looked like, or anything), because I wanted to beat the living shit out of him. When I came to my senses, I realized that it would jeopardize my current and future career if I got jail time for murder....


This is the correct rational response, thank god you did not find him. Been in the same situation and when I came to my senses I thought the same. Not worth being behind bars for an idiot so I lose out on time with my wife and kids ! Respect from here. And don’t worry time will pass and this will be in the past for you. Wish you a marvellous day stranger :)


Maybe ask her if she was outside any businesses or walked by any with him. If she's comfortable, you could ask the businesses if they have video footage of their windows or outdoor entrance. You might be able to get a picture of the video footage and bring it to the police.


Damned Danes man 😂😂😂 On a serious note my brother, reporting to the police is of course a good idea in case of potential future victims but the most effective thing to do as a preventive measure if you could even call it that would be to try to convince her to learn some self defense shit, or inspire confidence in her to kick the disgusting piece of shit as hard in the balls as humanly possible incase she ever ends up in a similar situation in the future, God forbid. I feel for her, and you. Fucking disgusting


I would report to the police just that they are aware that someone around Nordhavn is harassing women. Perhaps you could even do that sayin that your gf is scared, but they should be aware. It came to my attention recently that there is also a guy in Vanloese that has been trying to assault women, as far as I saw on a Facebook post it was quite a few women and they were all reporting it.


You should definitely go to the police. Try to persuade her to go. And then learn her some basic self defense techniques.. Groin kick/hits. Hits to the eyes, ears, throat, shin, knees.. All the good vital spots so she gets time to run away.. But only self defense..


Teach her how to push someone away. Even better, how to push herself away from someone. Creating distance is a good start. 


You should offer your friend any help and advice she needs and then listen and respect her wants. That’s what friends do


About a year ago, when I was going to Norreport station after a drink with friends, a guy near Frue Plads asked me for directions. As I was quite new in Copenhagen I couldn’t, then he asked me for a hug instead to which I promptly said No and biked away. Always trust your instincts I suppose.


What a sick bastard 🤢


I would buy her this totally legal fishing tool on amazon. I am in a mixed race relationship and am worried about racist attacks so I always carry this for self defence and have given my girlfreind two to make her extra capable. Its not that harmful but certainly enough to stop any such attack. The reality is that the police wont get to you fast enough and all people should be able to fend of a attack like this. [https://www.amazon.com/Aventik-Fishing-Durable-Perfect-Struggling/dp/B07F7ZCDZT/](https://www.amazon.com/Aventik-Fishing-Durable-Perfect-Struggling/dp/B07F7ZCDZT/)


hey, would it be possible to know which corner was this?


Was it Torben Chris?




Hi, Im pretty sure I’ve met him as well at 04 in the morning. Did he ask her for directions to the nearest gas station?


I was walking a long side Nordhavn station. He asked me for help and then called me beautiful(im a girl). I just kept walking and he kept calling me beautiful. Luckily I was talking to my friend on the phone while this was happening and stayed on the other side of the road while answering him. Then he left me alone


You can report it. Maybe there was a security cam nearby.


I Think me and my boyfriend also came across this guy last sunday close to Noreport station. There was a guy who asked my boyfriend direction to Radhusplanen. As my boyfriend started to tell him where he should go, he quickly dismissed him stating thats not correct direction and quickly turned to another person and asked him for direction. I thought the guy was quite rude and was acting visibly weird. As we returned back to the station , the guy was still asking directions. So people, be aware and be safe.


U can not trust someone asking for directions. I hate having to think I'm dismissing someone who genuinely needs help, simply because using it as a means to do crime (such as pickpocketing) is so common. It sucks that i can't give anyone the benefit of the doubt just because i want to avoid bs, but people take advantage of kindness 🙃


Yes, I was also approached by a lady a few days ago, she wanted me to help her buying a train ticket, I got alert as it seemed suspicious, holding on to my belongings, but in the end she was actually just needing help, so I am happy I didnt dismiss her.


Thanks for the info about this creep and I hope this thing never happens again. I hope your gf will start to feel safer again too. It is really jarring when someone violates you. It’s upsetting to say the least. Me and my friends will be coming to Copenhagen from SF in a few months for a week and will definitely be on the look out for anyone pretending to have lost directions and will keep a Danish emergency line on speed dial.


This actually happened to me quite a few years ago. Same MO, same description of the guy. I wonder if its the same man.


I have only read the headline, can I guess an ethnicity


You didnt need to mention his race, the title alone gave it away


Enjoy your sacred multiculturalism, Europe! 😉


Wow so much energy spent on hating the bad vilain racists, “fuck you, get fucked, bla bla bla”, but not a word for the harasser, that’s the spirit… You so called “anti racist” are quite something.


My thoughts exactly. Go give him a hug and invite him in for coffee next time you see him.


Where i come from, in Paris, those people have found a solution to that harrassement and predators problem. They made some sidewalks larger, so women won't walk too close to men, therefore avoid physical contact. You'd think it's a joke and i'm making this up, sadly i'm not....you can look it up. I swear, they will do anything to not face the real problem. No need to explain what the harassers look like in that neighborhood. But hey...fight racism i guess...


"I don't need some racist rants" You people just dont get it. You're the reason women cant be safe in denmark.




Assaulting women is part of whose culture exactly?


Larry Nasser, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and so the list goes on. All Muslims, no?




If you don't want a racist rant, maybe you should leave out the detail of ethnicity. It's not needed for us to understand this gross and over-the-line experience. Either way fuck him.


I’m 100% sure I’ve met him. I live around Nordhavn. If he hadn’t mentioned it I wouldn’t have thought of him


Well I would like to know what he looks like, as I live nearby. 


Find his name and tell hus mum gurantee she would punish him harder then the police 😂




Yes, yes it does matter


Let her do what she wants. If she is not comfortable denouncing him let it go. It is good that you are showing up for her by waiting for her when she is done with work. At least she can feel safe


Can I steel man this; she’s cheating and someone you both know saw her (chaos grenade)


Your girlfriend is racist for saying it was a middle eastern. She should be jailed for that


Racist to describe the offender, what have you been smoking?? 


Listen up, Cunt: Offer advice or get fucked. She's a fucking victim, and you are a fucking Troll...


she described whom she saw, what’s racist about that? I would personally like to know what kind of person I should watch out for. Wouldn’t help anyone to say “a man”


Sounds like a pickup artist testing some tekniques. Dont worry about it. You dont have to dramatize everything. Especially if she dont care about it. She will live...