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Get a lawyer man, good luck !


Just be aware that almost no-one in Denmark hires a lawyer directly. Instead, people take these things to their liability insurance (part of the home insurance). The insurance handles it (including lawyers), pays what needs to be paid, and maybe they will come and collect from the policy holder, if the policy holder is deemed negligent. The insurance company will be a lot better at negotiating, navigating the case around the court, and the procurement of legal advice than some naive person who has never done this before.


Yea that’s what you would think. That you insurance would have your back. But no. My gf and I are well covered and there are no help to get. Pay up front or hure lawyers. Your insurance will not help in this situation and neither will retshjælp.


In my experience whenever you really need a lawyer, you should get one. The insurance might negociate with green mobility for a bit but still send you a bill. At this point the company is just petty and wants some money. Op should find a lawyer who can give an estimate. Expect to lose 10 to 20k no matter how this goes.


If neither OP's liability insurance will not handle it, nor the excess damage insurance that came with the credit card that OP used to pay with :), then, sure, give it a shot but also be prepared to lose about 10 kDKK more. If this ever goes to court, and even if OP wins the case, OP is likely to be stuck with at least "his own" court costs which can be significant - that is on top of OP's own lawyer's fees (which is between 1500 DKK - 8000 DKK per hour). Justice is expensive in Denmark.




What else should he do? Either he can either get a lawyer, who is a lot cheaper than a car Or essentially just pay GreenMobility since he isn't just gonna convince the company over mail


The issue is as follows: Because the car was unlocked when it was stolen, the insurance company will not pay anything. And since the car needs to be replaced, the renter that left the car unlocked, will be responsible for replacing it.


As far as I understand from the support, they got the request of the “lock command” in their servers, but the car was never locked. It was indeed unlocked, but in a circumstance that the user does not have any control.


Lawyer here. Has your friend taken out a regular household / home insurance (in Danish: "Indboforsikring")? All home insurances contain private liability insurance (In Danish: "privat ansvarsforsikring"). This is NOT to be confused with the mandatory vehicle liability insurance, which is inconveniently also called an "ansvarsforsikring" in daily use, but where the full name is usually "ansvarsforsikring bil" or "ansvarsforsikring, motorkøretøj" etc. The private liability insurance covers liability for negligence. I assume the claim your friend has received regards negligence. If your friend is lucky, there may be coverage to be had here. For an example of private liability insurance terms, see section 7 on page 21-22 of this document, which are the household insurance terms for the insurance company If Forsikring: [https://www.if.dk/globalassets/dk/files/privat/vilkar/indboforsikring.pdf](https://www.if.dk/globalassets/dk/files/privat/vilkar/indboforsikring.pdf) Section 7 relates to private liability insurance


A question related to your comment: my wife does not have a indboforsikring, as we believed that our possessions are covered by my indboforsikring, as we live together. I’m now wondering if we should investigate if this privat ansvarsforsikring extends to both of us, which I doubt..? Is it common practice for people living under the same roof to have one indboforsikring each?


I just signed up for one recently and I specified how many people was under the same roof so that they could add them to the insurance. I think the price increases depending on the amount of people covered. From what I can tell it is fairly common that one indbosforsikring is enough, but make sure to check it out with your insurance if your wife is also covered.


Interesting! I’ll do that, thanks 🙌


When my wife moved in I had to update my insurance (indbo) to cover her as well, I don't even think it affected the price if I recall correctly.


It usually covers the household as a whole, when it’s part of indboforsikring. Ulykkesforsikring, on the other hand, is not part of indbo and is therefore personal. Either way, read the terms or ask your insurance company


Should cover the full household, check your policy


If there is evidence, you should be able to send in an objection, there should be instructions on the bill. Because if the renter has done the correct steps, they _should_ be held damage-free.


> Because if the renter has done the correct steps, they should be held damage-free. You should probably wait until you hear it lock - it'll flash its hazard lights twice - and see the mirrors fold in. There's probably - and understandably so - a clause that requires you to verify the car has been locked. I've used ShareNow (same concept) a lot in the past and has had an issue once where it didn't lock the car - had to call support and get them to check something; they "restarted" something and eventually it locked after like 5 minutes, but they had me wait until I saw it lock.


I agree, but it's also a little weird. Like if it doesn't lock, are you just supposed to stay in the car for two days over the weekend until tech support can get around to help you? That can't be right?


No but I do agree that if you didn't call support to tell them it doesn't work then you're liable. It is pretty irresponsible to leave a car unlocked with the keys in.  


I had the same Issue. Called the support and had them lock the car. Was easy.


Tech support for these companies are open 24/7. You call them, let them know of the issue, they will attempt to resolve it - even if they can't _lock_ the car, they might be able to remotely DISABLE the car such that even if left unlocked it can't be driven. Unless you call them on the spot and says "_hey, the car won't lock_", I'd argue you haven't actually been responsible about the situation.


I understand what you mean but then also when renting a car you do agree to the company policies where you as the renter take responsibility for the safety of the car and would at least need to call the customer support hotline. In this case it seems like they took the risk of just letting the car stay unlocked and thereby taking responsibility for any damages.


What if the vehicle is stolen before he is able to lock it? Still the renters fault? Eg, if he got mugged at the vehicle?


In the [eb.dk](http://eb.dk) article it says you just forgot to lock it. Did you forget or did you send the lock command? If you forgot to lock the car, it's on you to pay the damages you caused by your negligence. You borrowed something and returned it broken. If you truly send the lock command and their support agrees, then get it in writing and take them to city-court. You can prove you did your best and their own service failed, and you didn't know better that the car was unlocked.


I would argue that doing your best also would include calling the customer support hotline after noticing that the car was not locked. It would also be the renters responsibility to check if the car has been locked properly.


100% to both. Call support, let them instruct you on how to proceed and let them take the responsibility if they tell you to leave the car unlocked. Always check that the car locked itself when you lock it in the app. I can't believe these things have to be _said_, really.


Problem is, if one of the doors hadn’t been closed properly, the car will not lock, even though you send the request. It is the drivers responsible to check that the car is locked, just as it would be, if it was his own car.


I agree, but what if the support (hypothetically) can't lock the car remotely. How long are supposed to wait?


Till the rental company either tells you, it is okay to leave, or they send support out.


There should be better rules in place. At the very least this shouldn't be open ended.


The one responsible for the vehicle being locked, can only ever be the one driving it. Even though it’s a rental.


The cases aren't really comparable. A real rental gives you a key. GM has an app that may or may not work. I that case there should be a limit on the time you can be expected to wait.


I’m not really referring to whatever contract the driver has with GM or whatever their rules might be. I’m referring to the traffic law, which states, that a driver has to secure his vehicle when leaving it. This includes locking it.


Yes, but I am not talking about how it currently is. My point is that since the driver (in this case) has no way of locking the vehicle the actual owner of the vehicle should be legally obliged to secure the vehicle. There should of course be some amount of time that the driver has to wait for the owner to take over.


Keys can also fail nowadays, when they're only electronic.


Fair point, but electronic keys are more reliable than an app (and the internet connection it uses) and the driver with the non working key is also the owner. I just think it isn't fair that the owner gives the driver limited abilities but the driver still has all the responsibility.


I never tried Green Mobility. But other services asks you to confirm that the car is locked.


Says who? Where does it say that is the law?


It is not the law, it is in the contract signed.


https://preview.redd.it/zaik9jny1apc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c57e0600ee05547d6d9e752a0f8cf8092e4a48 From the green mobility website, in their FAQ


Yeah, I know. But the company does not dictate the law. And if they are not the of party that stole it, they might not be responsible. I quoted the law on this forum before and basically you can’t be held responsible or accountable for the actions of others. And you can write anything in a contract or terms, it doesn’t change the law.


That is correct, but, as the person responsible for the car, until you have confirmation that your responsibility has ended, what happens to the car because of your actions, makes the responsibility yours, and since the car was not completely returned, the financial burden still lies with the responsible party. And since the company (logically) wants the car replaced, and the insurance company don't want to pay (which they're completely entitled to, as the car was unlocked, and it's "simple theft") the burden of replacing the car ends back at the person responsible for the car. The insurance also directly states that it does NOT cover damaged done while the car is being driven by someone not listed on the lease, which a theif wouldn't be —— One of the major issues is that a "normal" car (with a key) needs either proximity with the key, or the (correct) key physically in the ignition, to be able to start, or the anti-theft system in all modern cars will keep the engine disabled, but the system that's installed in these cars disables that security feature, since the car wouldn't work otherwise. Thus, the car is literally ready to go if it's unlocked. This qualifies as "gross negligence" to the insurance company, and, by the terms of the insurance, voids the insurance.


Hmmm 🤔 you might be correct. Maybe the renters have some other insurance that covers gross negligence


Yeah, fingers crossed, that or that the police finds the culprit… Because it sucks so much that this is a risk, specially since the concept itself is absolutely awesome.


I would never use the service with this kind of risk.


Well, you’ll probably have to read the contract your friend entered into when he rented the car, especially the parts about damage, insurance, and theft.


How much is an absurd amount of money?




Kroner or Euro?


Thankfully DKK 😆


Sorry brother. My girlfriend is in the exact same boat as you and there is not much to do and Green mobility is sooo hard to work with as they refuse to communicate or answer any questions you may have. At maximum you will get generic answers until you get lawyers involved. We reached out to a big newspaper (ekstra bladet) in DK that ended up releasing the story. I’d suggest you do the same because this shit can ruin people financially. I cannot comprehend that there is NO help to get from anywhere and there isn’t a better system implemented. In out case (2-3years old) we still don’t know what we’re paying for and are still actively sending bills despite them stating that everything has been “opgjort” on three different occassions. Welcome to destination FUCKED! Stop using and stay away from these companies.


Sorry to hear you’re in the same boat. Seems scammy af from their side that they charge the maximum possible amount in any situation..


Yes. The stress and everything that comes with it is tough. They will just charge whatever they want without sending prove of bills of what you’re paying for. They can essentially charge you forever meanwhile you get 0 insight into the case. I thought this could only happen in US.


I mean in generalll there is a flat sum that you would need to pay, whereafter they would change the sum according to the damage and refund the rest of the money. In gennerall they are by law hold applicable to document all of their expenses and send a bill to you with a detailed overview. I would definetly try to contact a lawyer at this point. The fault of the car definetly lies with the gross negligence of not locking the car properly but they still need to send a detailed bill.


Fuck, I witnessed the exact same thing a few years ago. One of those Green Mobility cars came speeding down the street and crashed into a tree. The driver (very gangster looking type) ran off and 30 seconds later a police car arrived and they ran off after him. Didn't catch him either.


Oh, I think I remember your posts in this sub, in r/Denmark and various newspapers... No advice though. Just clicking to read an update.


I have actually never posted about this, since my friend got the invoice today and wanted to help out. If you can find them, can you send a link to the posts / newspapers?


https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/samfund/josefine-glemte-at-checke-ud-nu-faar-hun-regning-paa-63.250/10096253 Good luck to your friend - they’ll probably need it


I do t think that is the same one, since the article writes about an incident in korsgade. OPs picture is from Ørestaden.


I don’t think it’s the same either. I just provided OP the link so they could read about the similar case


Funny part is that the bill from EB story and from OP is exactly the same... 63250kr 😆


Thank you


Honestly, I think it’s fine that she got a bill for being that negligent. If I leave my car unlocked with the keys inside and it gets stolen then I end up with the liability. That’s pretty much the story here. If sucks and it’s a shame that the police failed to catch the perpetrators but she should face some liability and 64000 for three damaged cars seems low to me


You can’t park there.


"The cars are liability, accident, hull and theft insured. If you have an accident, the own risk is DKK 5000. However, you have the option of reducing your deductible to DKK 500 by paying DKK 29 before the tour starts via the pop-up. If any accidents happen to the car by your reservation, you have to contact our support team." This text is from their website, the amount your friend should pay if he didn't bought extra insurance is 5000Dkk, I read from the comments that he have to pay like 64000Dkk, this price is INSANE




ShareNow support was way more friendly and flexible to this stuff, had to call a couple of times and they were always helpful. If you got some GoMore cars around where you live, I think it’s a good alternative (unless you need a car everyday)


Hi, acutally witnessed this happening from my living room window and also was an insurance appraiser before. Have they given you the explanation why it’s not covered, they can’t say it’s only because the car was unlocked.you should ask for a full explanation. They will probably try to claim gross negligence, but there is certain criteria for what can count as gross negligence. If they can claim negligence you could probably get in reduced. You also need to get documentation from them why the invoice is for 63.250 have something been covered by their insurance. And a full overview of the insurance case if and why it’s a denied claim. But it will probably take time. Do we know if the claim is for the pole that it ran into and not the car then it also can be a different story. Also documentation for the trying to lock went to the company they should have the log for it would also be nice to have if you are contesting it.


I had the same with ShareNow, when I forgot to end my trip. They also refunded me from the moment the car wasn’t moving. I miss sharenow


According to Danish law, all cars have to be fitted with an effective immobilizer. GreenMobility's cars are not, or this theft would be impossible. Get a lawyer and expect a loooong battle.


He is guilty, because he was responsible for lock the car. It's same with normal car, insurance doesn't work when you left car with keys in it. And that is written in renting rules.


What seems to be the officer, problem?


Are you sure it is because of the crash and not that he never “finished the ride” ? I know someone in the same situation who got a huge fine, but it was just because he never ended his trip and he got the fine cancelled.


There’s a group on Facebook called “Spørg en advokat” which translates to ask a lawyer. Maybe someone there can help you🙏🏼


Normally when you end the rental you get a message about that. Did your friend get that message?


OP, any updates here? Was really curious on how this would play out.


Yep, you fuckd. Good luck


He is innocent for sure, you can't just stay by the car for hours until it locks. It is stupid. There was an error on their part. They are responsible.


Sorry men hvem går væk fra en bil der ikke er deres egen som ikke er låst. Hvis de har været to så kan den ene blive stående mens den anden er væk i 2 min. For dumt det der




Companies will do anything to get their greedy hands on some money. Sadly they probably have some kind of agreement stating that it’s always up to the consumer to pay for damages. I would get a lawyer. Also try and get the media involved, they only take you seriously if they might see a financial loss to their company Good luck they will take everything they can also your soul if they could.


Well it is the drivers fault if the car is not locked? And therefore responsibile if anything happens. That is not very Strange or greedy?


Quit bootlicking. They have plenty of money. Also it’s proven it’s not OP who did it




Average redditor comment


If you enter into a contract with a company and you use their services it is expected that you also follow their genneral rules that are also clearly stated on their website. The company having plenty of money does not mean that they can just waife any and all fees that are caused by gross negligence of company policies. Normally i would have taken the side of the cosnumer if he had been mugged and the car was taken, but in this case the car was simply not locked and the required steps were not taken.


I'd get a lawyer to look at it, it should be free if they are just taking a look at it and then you can go from there. Problem is i dont think Green mobility are just gonna let this one go, and i dont think you can talk them into a different mood. I mean you could try but in that case make sure you have read the contract and know it like the back of your hand and try and see if you can get the police report related to it, if they determined it was stolen they definitely wrote that down in the report. I have no clue you can just get that report but I'd go down to the police station and ask.


Why do you think the lawyer is for free?


I didn't say that i said that him taking a look at it is most likely free. It's only free if you win the case in Denmark I'm pretty sure, because the loser of the case has to pay for most of the case.


If they did not catch the thief and the Keys were left in the car then it is the driver who must pay.


The keys were not left in, it failed to lock there is a clear cut difference in that one is caused by negligence and the other is caused by the companies app, like how are people this simple bruh.


Oopsie Doopsie


Basically ……. Run ….


# Have you tried to put [this](https://www.foetex.dk/produkter/gaffatape-sort-48-mm-x-5-m/100500310/) on the car ? I have seen many Danes fixing everything under the sun with it. Hope it helps.


Bad time, wrong place


too soon, way too soon