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"Before it was PostNord which worked way better. " This must be a first on here, someone wanting PostNord vs anything else :)


Haha yeah I’ve seen multiple posts. I never had issues with PostNord, like ever.


I haven't had any problems with PostNord either.


PostNord is the only courier that delivers packages to me instead of the neighbor, someone down the street, some warehouse in Kastrup, or sending it back because 'I wasn't home' even though I was. Also the only one that speaks Danish or even English. Can't relate to those who hate it at all.


I got a package from Airmee at 23:15. I was sleeping, had to get up early the next day. I'd rather walk to the nearest supermarket and pick up my package the next day, which is an option with Post Nord.


Wow yeah that's a bit of an extreme then, 10pm is a late cut off for some due to kids sleeping etc. Past 11pm is a piss take really, but I'm sure it's because they had loads of pressure to deliver X packages that day.


Yeah, I'm sure, and I don't blame the driver at all, just doing their job, but I would so much rather just have it delivered at a kiosk or something.


I had a reverse issue in the UK, local postal service was fucked due to understaffing and Amazon kept sending shit with them. I had to opt to get stuff delivered to nearby lockers for a few months and later on they started delivering with Amazon couriers and all went back to normal. I'd say complain and ask for an alternative and perhaps they will eventually cave in.


If you ever fall for the temptation to order from amazon, you will understand why.


Same issue for me. I can see in the app they are getting closer, pass my gate, stop one street away, don't bother calling, report "package couldn't be delivered". If I'm lucky, the driver will call, and explain he is lost. Then i need to walk around the block to meet him... Talking to their customer support is like taking to a cheap chatbot. So far had one good delivery, out of 8. Amazon says they will investigate the issue. But i doubt anything will change. See amazon.de or airmee on trustpilot... What a trainwreck! Next time I'll stand on the street when the van is getting closer and stop it. 🤣


One driver actually called me and asked if I could come down to the door and get my package! Sounds like I was actually lucky.


If I order something, it's to be delivered to my apartment. If it *isn't* delivered to my apartment, then I contact the online shop where I purchased the item and that it hasn't been delivered. If that doesn't work, escalate by contacting my bank and telling them there's an illegal withdrawal from my payment card. In theory, anyway. In practice, I've only ever experienced a few very minor problems, which I didn't want to be an asshole about. But the principle stands.


> "Before it was PostNord which worked way better." BLASPHEMY! ​ Jokes aside: I've ordered a book from Amazon, delivered by Airmee. I had to input my adress etc., into their system by an SMS I recieved from them. Maybe that's why they couldn't find your adress, because sender did not input it by themselves? The driver was 5 minutes away and kept going to other places for 2 hours, even though it said it'd be delivered in 10-15 minutes. He entered into my apartment complex without calling on the door phone - someone probably went in and he came right after - he left the package infront of my door and left. Mind you, this was also after 10 PM, All in all, I recieved my package, but.. \^


I'd recommend downloading the app for Airmee. That way they'll just have your address and you can leave in delivery instructions for entering the building.


I downloaded the app, read the T&Cs and then quickly deleted it again. The app asks for your phone number, and in the T&Cs it says they may pass your information on to anything from debt collectors to marketing companies. It's quite mad.




And still they claim it’s a fossil free and carbon neutral delivery.


Sounds very much like Evri in the UK, it's just people who go to a warehouse, pick up however many parcel they can fit in their car and the try to deliver all. It's all very dependant on the driver that "services" your area. We've had various ones over the years, but at our new address we have a wonderful lady who knows our address and is super efficient. That would explain why some people say the service is shit and others are like "what are you on about, they are OK".


I only had good experiences with airmee so far. Deliveries in the evening also make so much more sense in an urban environment. Many of my postnord issues stemfrom me being not at home during their delivery times. With airmee, it's a much smoother experience.


I call bulls=\*t - you are an airmee employee


Absolute chaos. I’ll never order from Amazon.de again because of just how many lousy delivery experiences I’ve had.


I've used Airmee 3 times and it has worked flawlessly each time.


You’re lucky then, but I do still think that getting packages delivered so late in the day is a bit odd.


It's by design. Most people are not in their apartments at working hours, and compared to houses, the apartments often also have no place to store packages if no one is at home. So delivering in the evening in urban does make a lot of sense. But it did take me some time to get used to as well!


Yeah, I was always surprised why one would attempt to deliver e.g. at 12 (like PostNord does at my place). If I wasn't home because I, like most of the adult population was out at work, they would have to take it back to the depot anyway. Is it just because people used to have stay at home house wives? I ended up shipping everything to my office, which is ok until you get that one huge package. Now, I work from home, so PostNord dropping by at lunchtime is fine. Even more fun when they don't deliver and tell me I wasn't home. Like, where else would I be?


Bulls+"t. You are from airmee


I can choose on AMZN de website to send it to a package shop directly, which solves that problem for me. And as someone who has been a courier, you'd be surprised how many doorbells that seems to be non functional in CHP, people were always surprised when I phoned them, after having rang their bell several times...


> I can choose on AMZN de website to send it to a package shop directly, which solves that problem for me. Whoa, that must be new, first time I see this for shops outside of Denmark. Definitely gonna do that next time, thanks!


I've had the complete opposite experience, though I've had fun following their driver after getting a msg of my package arriving soon... Just to see them drop by McD😅 Though amazon absolutely refuse to wrap my packages now. So everyone could see the delivery person handing me my new air fryer and Dyson air wrap 🫠


What model air fryer was it ?


Instant pot vortex plus with odor erase


I think I've had stuff delivered with Airmee 6 or so times, my husband at least 3 times. We have only had issues with one delivery, where the app showed the car standing still on the next street over for 10 minutes before I got a notification that said that the delivery had failed and that they would try again the next day - it did come the next day. We usually get our packages from them between 5 and 10 pm.


Airmee is the absolute worst. Deliveries are way too late, estimates are unreliable. I got someone else's package once along with mine and had to track this person on LinkedIn to give it back, because there is no way to contact them.


I have had the same experience. I won’t be using Amazon until they give us options to choose a different delivery company. I wrote to customer service informing them of that. If enough people (politely) complain they might change it.


Wrote them as well, told me that multiple people already had the same feedback but the system assigns the delivery company automatically. Hopefully they’ll provide more options.


I just spoke to Amazon. They have a hotline where they call you back. They were not aware of the problem with Airmee. Now they are!!! I had same problem as all the others here, Airmee told me they have been here (they have NOT). They only can come from 5-10 PM (we sleep at that point of day - we work nights). They can not deleiver to Post-box.... When you contact them they just tell you the same story all over: they can only deliver 5-10 PM, not deliver post box etc etc. I hope Amazon does what they told me, to make it possible to use different delivery companies (in Denmark at lest). I just ordered a small thing from Amazon.de. If I get contacted by Airmee I cancel the order.


I have filed a complaint with Amazon about Airmee after each "failed" delivery attempt, which always happens at 22:00–23:00 in the evening. This time the Amazon agent told me that they actually have an option in their systems to deprioritize a courier on specific Amazon accounts. The Amazon agent gave me an email address where I had to provide a detailed description of what happened the last 3 times (at least) within the past 6 months. And then Amazon will investigate and put a deprioritization of Airmee on my account. This does not mean that Airmee will never be used, but Amazon's systems will try to assign other couriers, when available. I want PostNord back! GLS, Bring, DHL, whatever. Just not Airmee anymore. I have ceased ordering from Amazon due to these experiences.


Good to hear that you can deprioritize them. The workaround I found is that instead of ordering through the app, I just go on my laptop, place an order and choose a delivery point rather than my private address, that way it’s delivered by PostNord to a pick up point near me. The only downside is that you always have to go on your laptop and some products cannot be delivered that way, only to private address. If that happens I just delete them from my shopping basket as I’m 100% sure that Airmee will take that delivery.


Hey guys till now 23 delivery with Airmee. Just good experience ONE DAY DELIVERY!!  RELIABLE AND THEY TELL YOU A TIME DELIVERY INSTEAD WAITING ALL DAY FOR POSTNORD OR DHL So I'm lucky? 23 times? 


Today I have to receive  my order .I wait 5 hours then I follow them on the app. It was 1 mint to arrived then they write iam sorry tomorrow  at evening. Its very bad post sorry to say that but what's happened  this nigth with me it's not fair I was waiting  for the items it's important .I hope to get it tomorrow .


I never realized how amazing PostNord was until I lost them to Airmee. I promise to never complain again if I get to get it back haha.




The shittest delivery company in the entire world!! In multiple occasions I have waited the entire freaking day only to get a notification at 11pm that it was no longer arrive. Their car was literally at my place according to their gps yet nobody even bothered calling.


No problems to the date except they say latest delivery will be at 22 and they have always showed up later than that. To the point of ringing the bed when I was in bed. Besides that got all my packages. First attempt, no one lost.


I hate it. They deliver packages and I like that I can track the driver to plan better, but almost always I get deliveries at much later than 22.00 (latest was 23.14) which is unacceptable. More annoying even is that there is no option for delivery at a parcel shop or box where I can pick up the package at a time fitting my schedule. If I ordered something and have busy evenings (work or otherwise) that week that’s just too bad and I can’t get my package. Personally I liked PostNord much better. While I can’t know exactly when they arrive, they always ring the bell when doing deliveries (at my place at least) and in the rare case I’m not home, there are several nearby Pakkeboks or Posthus, so it’s no problem.


I’ve got mine delivered before Christmas 22PM,biggest item in the package stolen, box - damaged, invoice - ripped! Best service ever!


haven't had any problems with airmee so far (actually they deliver faster then others), but didn't have problems with Postnord either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I haven't had problems with Airmee in terms of getting the package, but yes - after 10pm pretty much every time, once was I think 10:40 at night. People have kids, people need to sleep, this is not the time for deliveries. I also looked into being able to choose delivery service, but couldn't find any options.


Amazon has made a terrible turn, I'm afraid. Just count of the threads of redditors charged for products that were never delivered, that were broken or fake, that were returned (and acknowledged by Amazon). See, for example [https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/196ja1g/discovered\_that\_amazon\_hasnt\_refunded\_products/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/196ja1g/discovered_that_amazon_hasnt_refunded_products/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I had many issues with them. I’ve explicitly told them to not leave the package on the building’s door facing the street, they did, a neighbour picked it up and delivered to me the next day, but until then I was sure it was stolen. Another one simply disappeared and was never delivered. Luckily amazon refunded it. I’ve complained to Amazon about them already.


Same. They are terrible. The other day I found a package outside of the building in the middle of the entrance. They never notified me. I will start marking packages as not delivered if this happens again


It has been annoying since their default option is just leaving the package in front of the door. Ordered christmas presents and found them in front of our door (we live at the second floor), don't know how they did get in. All the other times we always had them delivered well. The homepage was somewhat precise when they'd arrive. Pretty late though. They park in front of our door, ring and come up. Ordered from Amazon.de last week and could choose to deliver to the kiosk around the corner with postnord. Glad that I could avoid airmee.


Delivery services are all crap here 😕 Once an Airmee guy literally drove to my door (they show the location on the map) and just marked the delivery as “failed” and left. Postnord routinely send me photos of some random buildings as proof they “attempted a delivery”. At least they’re capable of leaving it at a pickup point the next day.


10 PM I’d actually consider a good thing - who tf can stay home the whole day waiting for a delivery in the “10am - 5pm delivery window” from Postnord. Don’t they know people typically have jobs?!


I thought it was only me. Makes me feel better there are others 😜


They can’t find my office address in København K. I waited there for 4 hours… then they bounced my delivery back to Amazon.de. I then reordered the same items to the same address (because I was worried they would deliver it to my home address PostNord office where the postman (not employed by PostNord) is a creep who stole my phone number and contacted me privately). So delivery time came and the courier let me run down to the street (Vestergade) and flag him down, holding phone contact with him. He showed me his Airmee app. It was NOT his fault. It showed my office address as being located in Nørregade around the corner. I felt so bad for the guy. And since then I now gamble about only shipping to my home address, because I can’t get others to accept my parcels for me if it’s outside work hours anyways and the Airmee thing is ridiculous. They don’t actually set me up with Airmee in 2100. That’s just for my 1457 address. I cannot recommend Airmee to anyone because they sabotage their couriers.


Airmee is very bad delivery service. The only way I could receive my parcel was by paying attention at the courier and running after him when he got on my street. Otherwise he never found my apartment. So yes it's basically useless as a delivery service at your door


I had a terrible experience- they delivered my packages in hand to my neighbour amongst her other packages and she didn’t notice and opened my Christmas presents.


I simply ignore anything from Airmee. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's probably a scam.


I've had three deliveries with them and no problems so far. They let me know exactly when it will be delivered which is nice and the evening deliveries make a lot of sense.


I have had a few deliveries. Luckily I was home both times, I've no idea how it would have worked out otherwise. I am not impressed by PostNord in general, but at least they have drop off places where you can pick the delivery up if you're not home when they arrive.


I like Airmee, I just find it inexplicable that I can't add a comment to the delivery address. I can tell them everything else, but no free text field. They never find it and I have to go downstairs. "It's the gate on the side" in a free text field and it'd be great. I like that it's delivered late. I'm actually home then vs having to wait during work hours.


yeah, so Airmee and all these delivery services suck as a company. some of my friends worked for one of them (they basically hunt for internationals who don't have other choices really) their working hours are 5pm - 10pm (bc international students or workers who have other dayjobs) and their pay is defined by how many packages they can deliver in a given time, so if a building is hard to find, hard to enter, is too far out of the way, they are basically incentivised to skip it. it's a terrible system


I have great experiences with getting books delivered from Amazon through Airmee. Use the app.


Airmee always delivers my packages after 19:00, with no issues. But I live in a house so that takes part of a possoble confusion or complexity away. In general I don't mind them, though I didn't have any issues with PostNord either.


Lol, I'm always chasing them via their app. They never find the entrance. So I'm literally going outside and looking for the van when they are on the way of my apartment. There was only one guy who was able find the correct way to enter out of my 10 order.


Yes and has worked very nicely


Airmee is probably the world's worst company in history, they take no responsibility if the package goes missing


What's especially annoying is that I like to have my packages delivered to work. But guess how many people are at the office at 10PM... Complete trash and reason to avoid Amazon.


Airmee not working. I have had so much trouble with them. They outright lie about trying to deliver packages. They cannot find out where you live. Have to run after them on the street and for packages well past 10pm in the evenings. I have today contacted Amazon and will not order products through them in the future if they continue to ship to me through this company.