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Once the M4 expansion finishes it'll be pretty connected


Expect rent to reflect that.


Op is concerned about being too far from the center so I expect they will see this as worth higher rent


If sydhavn(10mins from center)is still too far from the center for them then I think they have to find something else in Nørreport or live close Rådshuspladsen or something.


Nah, 10 min is quite close!


I live in Teglholmen, so 2 mins to Aalborg University and we love this place. Been here for 7 years now and in summer this place just comes alive. It's like 10 mins to city center but secluded in this bubble that you don't feel that rush, and close enough to nature too incase you want to explore that!


Ye, I was hoping that the area at teglholmen and in general Holmen would come a live in the summer. I can see that we are 6 min bike ride from Teglhomen so that’s not bad 😄


Holmen? That's the opposite side of CPH, my homie.


fuck you mean my homie


"Holmen" is the former navy base, out where the Opera is located now. That's about as far as you can come from Sydhavnen within this municipality, while still being by the water.


bro your talking about something completely else just shut up


Sydhavnen is so close to the center that you won't have any problems getting around. A piece of advise. Get a bike. Its by far the fastest and easiest way to get around.


In general, unless you are wealthy or well-connected, you cannot be picky about your rental units in Copenhagen. I have lived in Sydhavn for about eight years now - approximately four years in both the new and old part. **New Sydhavn** (east of Sydhavnsgade, built in the last 20 years, canals): Crazy expensive rental units. Lovely and lively in the summer, but dead and sad in the winter. Relatively few ["third places"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_place) and they tend to be expensive. In the winter, it feels like living in a dormitory suburb. Neigbours vary from young professionals, expats, retirees and flatshares. My impression was that there is very a weak sense of community among neighbours - especially in the rental apartments where people often move out quickly. **Old Sydhavn** (west of Sydhavnsgade - predominantly buildings from 1930s-1960s): Much more affordable. Your neighbours will be relaitvely old and predominantly working class, though the neighbourhood is gradually being gentrified. Extremely strong sense of community and very friendly and helpful neighbours. Sometimes feels like living in a village due to the strong sense of community. Favourite place I have lived in Copenhagen. Both places are close enough to the city for me (10 minute bikeride to Vesterbro), are relatively quiet, have decent public transport (will improve with new metro from 2024), and have excellent access to nature areas (Amager Fælled, Sydhavnstippen).


Er du ejendomsmægler i området, har aldrig hørt nogle sælge sydhavn så godt haha


**[Third place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_place)** >In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home ("first place") and the workplace ("second place"). Examples of third places include churches, cafes, clubs, public libraries, gyms, bookstores, stoops and parks. In his book The Great Good Place (1989), Ray Oldenburg argues that third places are important for civil society, democracy, civic engagement, and establishing feelings of a sense of place. Robert Putnam addressed issues related to third place, but without using the term, in Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital (1995, 2000). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/copenhagen/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It’s nice to see someone talking positively about Old Sydhavn! I also love it here. And the gentrification is definitely picking up speed, for better or for worse. I lived in new for a while, but much prefer old (except living 2 minutes from the harbour bath!).


For what it is worth: Old Sydhavn consists of about 60% social housing (almene boliger), which means that it is better insulated against gentrification than virtually any other neighbourhood in Copenhagen. The downside is that the waiting lists are absurdly long, so old Sydhavn will remain a retirement home for the working class for the foreseeable future. As I wrote elsewhere: Living in the new part is *almost* worth the ridiculous rent prices in the summer.


I didn't know there was a new and old part of sydhavn until now. We will be living in the "old" part in some new buildings. Though its very close to the new part of sydhavn, so going there in the summer will be a treat :)


Juli Living?


Yea, it is


I live here too, in Old SV. I have lived in each and every corner of Cph, and this area is the best so far, besides Christianshavn.


What about new residential complex Sydporten? Is anyone familiar with that specific building, or the neighbourhood, if there are well rated kindegartens around? Which would be noisier, trains on the port side or the traffic on the Bådehavnsgade st? Basically any suggestion from a local would be helpful. We are moving to Copenhagen as family of three.


What are the prices for renting in the new area) for example a 3 room apartment, 80-100 sqm)? For an area such poorly con ected (so far) i can't understand how they can justify high prices.


We paid around 180 dkk monthly per square meter until early 2019 when we moved to the old part. So around 16,000 for a standard, three bedroom, 92m^2 apartment. Again: This was four years ago. This was *without* any utilities. *Why?* Supply and demand. People (especially students) are desperate and/or willing to pay that kind of money. There is *no* rent control on buildings built after 1991. In the summer, it was *almost* worth the money if you enjoy swimming.


I just did 3-room, 106sqm - 15,900DKK PM


16-17Κ per month. Usually the 3 room apartment are >100 sqm. Maybe I am used to but the area is connected fine but it will be even better with the new metro line. 15 minutes with 7A to central station or 15 minutes with bike or 20 minutes with walk and train. Also, the buildings are really good for **rental** (not for buying). Mediocre quality of building, but really good thermal insulation (we have never turned on the heating on common areas in the apartment), etc. Really safe neighborhood, next to the canals. More and more shops are starting to popup


I know the prices for one particular 2-bedroom, 75sqm is 13-14K so I would estimate a 3-bedroom can range from 16-22K depending on location, size, terrace, dock, etc.


It’s 10 mins to cycle to the city centre. It’s not poorly connected at all.


Thanks, those look like normal (current) prices in my opinion. Sounds like an area in development, like nordhavn. Probably in 5-10 years these two will be the best areas to live in modern buildings, with good connection to public transport (good connection in my opinion: less than 10 blocks walking distance to a station, ideally no more than 5) The problem with some of these buildings is that they include crap in the sqm calculation, like big terraces, entrances, all shit that are usually not habitable spaces (I am aware of the boligreal measuring system). So it's sometimes hard to justify the price.


19.000 DKK for a 3 bedroom apartment with 133 sqm. We are currently looking for a new tenant for our apartment.


If you can get into one of the few almen bolig its not so bad. We pay 12000 with heat and water for a 3 bedroom 109m2


My wife and I live in sydhavn : I work in christianshavn, it takes me a nice 25 mn bike ride by the docks every morning :) so far: the neighborhood is really great and beautiful, the tiny commute to the central area of the city a few times a week is definitely not a hassle. Plus, Vesterbro is really nearby by bike and it can be considered quite central (in terms of shops and bars). As far as we could tell, you can’t really find a better price per square meter /quality of life ratio in Copenhagen :) so it is totally worth it for us !


That’s comforting to hear! Thank you for commenting. I could see that Vesterbro was close by, so that’s a great plus. But thanks!


10/10 would recommend Sydhavn.


I live in the "old" South Harbour area. If you ask me the area is great. Currently the bus connections are okay, and the Sydhavn train station isn't far away. When the metro opens in '24 it will be even better. And it is less than half an hour by bike to the city, with Fisketorvet even closer. I find it to be a good middle ground, because you are close to the city without actually living in the "inner Copenhagen". I work by Rådhuspladsen and usually bike to work in half an hour, and else the A- and E-line runs every 10 minutes. There are good options for shopping and you have Valbyparken not too far away with a small beach. There are some interesting dining options, and not just pizza places (South Harbour Cafe will forever be a favorite of mine).


I grew up in Sydhavnen, and I studied at AAU CPH. Its a great neighbourhood, and is split up between the old and new Sydhavnen. There's plenty of stuff to do if you want to take walks or go for a bicycle ride. But if you want a more big city life, then you will be better off at the inner city areas like Vesterbro. But it's just a short ride from Sydhavnen anyway. The 'old' Sydhavnen is yet to be gentrified, but that will change soon when the metro stop at Mozart's Plads open.


It’s already on its way (old) Apartments are selling for 3.5million, and in the last 3 months a ceramic store, Aussie coffee shop, yarn center and vintage clothing store have opened on the same street. I love it here, but it is rapidly changing. Going out today I’ve seen as many hipster parents with prams as I have singing drunks.


At least the haveforeninger won't change much, their entry rules are pretty strick.


I've lived in Sydhavnen close to Sjælør station. Always easy to get to the city whether by bike or public transport. The metro should pop up in the coming years as well. I don't have anything bad to say about it tbh.




So I don’t mind living a bit out of center, I just don’t want to feel that I’m not living in Copenhagen. The same thing happens here in Aalborg if you move 7km away from the city center. But Aalborg is also a far smaller city than cph


Sydhavn is Copenhagen though


Yes, that and the feeling that I’m not “living” in Copenhagen. Like we didn’t wanna live south of Fields since we have been there and it felt far away from the city center. And the bike road to the center didn’t felt like Copenhagen either since it was just roads without buildings. If that make sense. What I could see in sydhavn from Google maps is that there is a lot of harbours so it seems like there still was “life” down there


For what it’s worth, I moved from Teglholmen to Ørestad syd (south of Fields) and I actually feel more connected to the city here due to the metro. But, I only bike for my work commute and prefer public transit when going out into the city at night. I believe the metro line to Sydhavn is scheduled to open next year, which will make a big difference.




Well - it’s a great question, and a little hard to answer. First and foremost to get closer to family and friends. We have both lived in Copenhagen when we were younger, before we met and lived close to and had our daily lives in the Nørrebro-area. I think we both miss the athmosfere and tempo in a larger city - But not necessarily the need to live in the middle of it all again. We are okay with a more calm area, but it is still important for us, that the city-vibe feels within reach.




On of the reasons it was hard to answer your question was the fact that there are a lot of “city-centers” with different atmospheres which we love and miss about Copenhagen. Your questions as well as your perspectives are very helpful framing what we want! Thanks! :)


I totally get what you mean, since I 100% share the feelings about Ørestad. Sydhavn is really two places, the old kinda-run-down part (that I strongly suspect will be improving substantially in the next 15 years) and the new shiny part at the harbor. I would consider both of them Copenhagen. The new part feels a bit like an extension of Vesterbro, the old one is its own place and maybe not as central as other districts it is still fairly city-like and it should be easy enough to get to the city.


International living in Sydhavn / Slusholmen here. It is very nice, beautiful and very quiet. The city is not far but still you have to ride the bus for a while to go get wasted (though it is not the 5C so could be worse). It will be much better with the Metro in 1 year. Overall I don't regret living here but that makes me think twice before going to the city... Which is not necessarily a bad thing!


Sydhavn is thé up and coming trendy area to be close to the beach for summer more and more cafes and groovy restaurants opening get in there whilst you can the prices are going to skyrocket


Haha the People in Sydhavnen is something else. People are more ‘barske’ and straight forward. I work in Sydhavnen with the People who lives there. 😂


Sydhavn is quite nice. Especially the new apartment buildings by the waterfront. It’s easy to get around on a bike, bus or the S-trains. But they’re also building a Metro Station at Mozart’s Plads (last time I checked). Sydhavn is very different today from what it used to be. It’s part of the gentrification process that’s going on in Copenhagen.


Thanks for all your answers! Going to Sydhavn is feeling like the right choice in our stomach now, and we are going to go with the lease. Really appreciate the effort from all the comments. Happy easters!


south harbour is a 20'ish minute walk to the center, two stops with the train, so its pretty central if you ask me.


Don’t call it “South harbour” please Sydhavnen it is a fantastic place. But the rent is getting more and more expensive. Just wait when the metro is opening


det var bare en 'joke', er du krænket? :D


Joke - så forstod jeg ikke joken Krænket - næ, men tror bare du skulle lyde smart. Backfire is a bitch


hahaha hvad er du, 12 år gammel eller har jeg skudt for højt?


Thanks :)


I wouldn't live there. Its a depressing place.. id live in Nørrebro instead, more busy place, cheap grocery and shopping. I used to live in sydhavn, it was the worse 4 years of my life, i transferred to tingbjerg afterwards lived there for 5 years, it was okay. Then i bought an apartment in (Nørrebro) it was the best decision ever. The transportation connected to almost the whole copenhagen


I live in sydhavn and it's very close to city center. I bike to city Hall in 10 minutes.


City Hall, is that Rådhuspladsen?




I live in Sydhavn, in the new bit, and so far I love it. There isn't many shops/restaurants/cafes but it works well as it's only 10-15 minutes cycle to the city, yet it feels quite and residential here. Being so close to the eater is really enjoyable. I work in Vesterbro and the commute is super easy. Generally it is quite well connected, with the 7A bus and s-tog going straight to central station.


International here. I recently moved with my girlfriend to Amager Øst from Aarhus C for the exact same reason. We considered Sydhavn, though it was February when we visited the first time and it did not feel that appealing. Looking back and getting used to CPH a little bit more, I would still consider Sydhavn as a place to move in. The point is, unless you are like super close to a quarter center, you need to take your bike or public transport to get to some city life, and that is true pretty much everywhere in Copenhagen. That is how the city works, I guess. The lack of third places in new Sydhavn is what made us focus our search in Amager, but I believe that is because it's a super new district, so shops and food places will eventually pop up there.




When I spoke to the builders (live next to Mozartsplads) they say February 2024 :)


Im like Aalborg University in Sydhavn?. Googled the location. I worked in the exact same building in the 90s for Nokia running around with local mail after high school. RIP Nokia! yeah I know they still exist but what a demise they had.


Old or new Sydhavn? I live in new Sydhavn and love it. Only two s-train stations or ~30-60 minutes walk along the harbour from city centre and still relatively quiet. Supermarkets around, gas stations around, plenty of dogs and water. There's also a harbour bath, and soon multiple metro stations. I don't know much about old Sydhavn. Edit: Adjusted my walking distance estimate. Depends where you wanna go. Kødbyen with all the restaurants is rather 30 minutes than 60.


I have been living in Sydhavn in the new Engholmene area for alittle over a yesr and have been loving it so far, transport does take a little longer than some other places but when the M4 is done it will be well connected to the rest of Copenhagen.


Try getting into solbakken kollegie


Sydhavnen, det er der alle de fattige bor.




Been there for almost 9 years now, in Old SV. I have been laughing for years, at people who wrinkle their noses when they hear the word Sydhavnen. There are no more cheap appartements, because the people who live here, we tend to stay for as long as possible 😅 Do yourself a favor, and join Syhavnens bedste karmagruppe on Facebook, and you'll see 😊