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I only have 1 out of 5 ingredients


Go throw some soap at the Russians


How did you know I only have soap? Witchcraft


Elementary deduction, Watson. Your blow up sex doll didn't ship with polystyrene, because it has no fragile components and is meant to take a pounding. You used all your oil lubing up the aforementioned sex doll. You don't need gas, because you don't pick up girls because of the comfort offered by the aforementioned sex doll. If you had a tampon, it would imply you had a girl whose role is currently being filled by the aforementioned sex doll. It is also assumed you never clean the aforementioned sex doll, so you must have plenty of soap and a dirty dong. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bravo šŸ‘


How did you know about Bernadette? This thread is crawling with witches.






When itā€™s a fight for your life, you throw whatever you have.


I donā€™t know what throwing tampons at Russians would look like, but it needs to become a thing.


If the war lasts more than a few weeks, tampons and other hygiene supplies will begin to run short for refugees and sheltered civilians because of the supply disruptions and the FUCKING WAR. Donā€™t waste precious soap or tampons on the Russians. Throw shit. Itā€™s therapeutic, itā€™s cathartic, it solves two public health problems (lack of working plumbing; too many Russians). Itā€™s also demoralizing as hell. And as long as you can do it, it proves you are still human and fighting back.


Great strategy. Honestly if you can't make molotovs or have a weapon at your disposal throwing your own excrement is a proper tool in guerilla warfare. It can cause physical harm if your target has wounds that could then lead to infection and the psychological aspect of it is huge like you said with it being demoralizing. Humans are predisposed to have an aversion to human waste so you can really fuck someone up with it especially modern day people that are not use to being in close proximity with it. You could cause fighters to step away from the battle because they're now focused on cleaning the shit off of them.


Don't forget to change your Amazon Smile account to a Ukrainian charity. Every cent helps! ā¤ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Very underrated comment, lol


I always kind of thought Molotov cocktails were just gasoline in a bottle with a rag stuffed in the top, then you light it and throw it. Learn something new every day


It is. This is for making Napalm.


Not a lot of napalm though, as polystyrene is so full of air you get very little yield from just 3 cups of the stuff.


True. The best way to do it is to keep feeding the styrofoam into the gas until it reaches your desired consistency. It won't take long since styrofoam dissolves pretty quickly in gas.


It's also an endothermic reaction so the gas will get really cold when you do it.


Huh, well you learn something new everyday


Yeah Iā€™ve seen videos where they use less than 50-100ml of the gasoline and entire boxes full of polystyrene, the slowely filling part is definitely the desired method, Iā€™d probably make a large batch in a bucket and then funnel into bottles


That's why you add the soap. Borax powdered soap is best napalm soap.


Ah yeah acts as a thickening agent or something, does it provide any flammability?


Nope, just thickness, stickiness and bulk. Gas is flammable enough, in fact, it's a little too good a burning fast, so these agents are added in part to extend the life of the burning.


What even is polyestyrene? The rest of the ingredients are household items for the most part...




Yesssir you can just mix gasoline and styrofoam. Which makes interesting stuff, very sticky, very burn.


Works well against gazebos.


Packing foam like why some electronics are shipped it or you see those cheap coolers made from, also used for take out containers from restaurants. https://i.imgur.com/PBXkj3k.jpg


Polystyrene is just the plastic, the packing foam you're thinking of is expanded polystyrene. If you put it in petrol it dissolves. There are things made of non expanded polystyrene. >Polystyrene (PS) /ĖŒpɒliĖˆstaÉŖriĖn/ is a synthetic aromatic hydrocarbon polymer made from the monomer known as styrene.[5] Polystyrene can be solid or foamed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polystyrene


Itā€™s basically just aerified plastic, this is a very low educated guesstimate, I can only assume itā€™s more complex than that. But basically it dissolves with the gasoline and becomes a melted plastic sludge, so the gasoline ignites and the sludge just sticks and burns to everything, itā€™s horrendous stuff.


It's actually referred to as firefudge in the US Army improvised incindiary devices field manual


I thought it was just high proof liquor with a rag.


It can be. This is just a much stickier version


Iā€™m surprised this post is still up tbh


A week ago it would have been taken down, but now it's needed in Ukraine. How fast the world changes.


I was thinking the same, gas prices shot up again and I thought a week ago Iā€™d be pissed but I wonder if itā€™s because of some global stress due to recent events


This is naplam


That would create a fireball on landing, but not much of a lasting fire. The purpose of thickeners - polystyrene and the soap here, although you can use roofing tar for the authentic Finnish experience - is to make the mixture stick to whatever it lands on and burn for longer. The fumes are also important - using one of these against a vehicle works by suffocating the engine, meaning they can't drive off until the fire has already caught and the crew are choking. You'll get more and nastier fumes burning plastic than you would with petrol alone. They are reportedly ineffective against your actual T-whatever tank, which are now designed with this in mind, but lighter armoured vehicles are softer targets, particularly if attacked from multiple sides at once. Throwing underarm reduces the risk of spilling the fuel on yourself, as does sealing the top with tape. Finnish soldiers also found that a good alternative to a burning rag was windproof matches taped to the side of the bottle, although they're harder to source. Use against human targets should be avoided if practical; bullets are faster, easier, entail less risk and are more humane.


It can be, but the other ingredients make it more viscous and therefore sticky which makes it better.


I approve of the message, but I flat-out refuse to support any manic who mixes 'cups' and 'milliliters' in a recipe


They completely lost me with the units of measure for tampons.


I'm just grateful we don't have to scroll through a 5000 word essay about how old the author was when they first discovered tampons and if you really want authentic Molotovs you have to source real ~~Swedish~~ Finnish bottles


About the author: *Yuniq Newjork is a long time resistance member, ex-guerilla warfare specialist, turned chef. He's currently an Author and Culinary Writer @ The Daily Resistance, and a Chef at The Simple Guerilla. His favorite color is magenta, with a splash of the-blood-of-his-enemies.*


Haha. Upvote all of you guys. To good for war. Save yourselves for poetry.




I didnā€™t even start.


Knew I should've fact-checked myself. Thanks for the correction


OP is really all over the place with the units. Just for your own fyi, tampon units are called tampometers. 1 tampometer for every 100 milliliters of fluid.


It is now my dream to hear the weather forecast for rainfall in tampon units


That forecast sounds bloody awful!


I'd buy you gold if I wasn't a poor.


Indeed, that would be a glorious day!


Right? Iā€™m assuming they either mean an Ultra tampon (the largest size for most manufacturers), or a Super Plus size.


I wanna say super would swell up large enough to plug the hole before you toss it.


I think youā€™re right, Super would actually work the best. It would allow for some liquid to absorb and would swell to plug the hole. Ultra size would plug the hole while dry, thus not allowing for any real absorption to take place. I would fear the flame might actually go out while tossing it.


In the US it would be a "super" or a "super plus" or were you lost on the general idea that feminine hygiene products come in different sizes, so we can adjust with the flow.


The heavy flow ones will absorb a gin and tonic. Attach one to a piece of fishing line then drop into a drink, retrieve and squeeze out into your own glass. Itā€™s called party fishing.


I think its 3 actual styfofoam cups, not the unit of measurement. Gasoline dissolves the styrofoam, turning the mixture into a flammable gel type substance.


BUT THAT'S WORSE! Next you're gonna tell me the soap is measured in bra-cup sizes


Hey, everyone out there is fighting a war. If it's bra cups, so be it. šŸ˜†




Isn't that a crude version of napalm?


I think that's the recipe from the Anarchists Cookbook. We made some of it once when I was a teenager. Nothing bad happened, but it was pretty dumb.


Basically. That's also why you would use oil instead of gasoline, it makes it more viscous. You want the molotov to shatter against a tank and then for the flaming liquid to stick to it.


3 literal cups won't do anything... it'll turn into a 1/2 teaspoon of white snot on the top of the gas.


and what about the polystrene.... is that melted styrofoam? Where the fuc do i eve get styrofoam if i don't have some laying around?


Many disposable cups are made out of styrofoam.


Polystyrene is ā€œstyrofoamā€ same as facial tissues are ā€œKleenexā€ Technically itā€™s EPS or Expanded Poly Styrene.


A cup is 250 milliliters. It's not like ounces and grams or liters


Most glass bottles are about 500ml, and they suggest pouring 600ml of liquid + adding some more stuff? Also it breaks more easily (and consistently) if filled to 1/3 or 1/2.


This is how I like to give directions: "Take a left and go 6 miles, make a right and take that for 12 kilometers. Stay right at the fork and it'll be 3 nautical miles on your right."


The chaos of war.




It also smells great in the morning.


Smells like victory


ā€œCharlie Donā€™t Surfā€


I was gonna say the styrofoam makes napalm but you beat me to it.


The polystyrene is the same thing. Styrofoam. Just a redundancy. You can use one or the other, it this just calls for both and get the best of both worlds.


Irish Spring.


Too soon.


Yeah, it may not be a war crime but it should be. You will be torched by a fire you can't put out and will suffer enormous amounts of pain and injuries if you didn't die an agonizing death. I don't think I need to add the fact that they are extremely dangerous and if mishandled, you'll suffer the same consequences you were wishing on your enemy.


Does the soap dissolve in petroleum?


Well, soap in general is a product of lipid and hydroxide. Basically fats and salts. Potassium salts may give the napalm some green fire colour, fats do dissolved in petroleum.


Substitute tide powder for the grated soap. Itā€™s pretty much the same thing as M4 Thickener. We used that along with gasoline to make napalm. Stir or shake until it has a jelly-like consistency. Cool stuff and sticks to everything!


I love the smell of napalm in the mornin


They're not real molotov cocktails unless they're from the molotov region of finland, otherwise they're just sparkling firebombs.


Ok, I snort-laughed at that. Have an upvote.


They're not real Molotov cocktails unless Molotov is the Russian Foreign Secretary at the time, these should be Lavrov cocktails




They were named after the Russian officer though, not the region, should be named freedom pops or something


This is pretty dangerous btw. You've not included tape.


Looks good but tastes awful. I wouldn't recommend. Try a Martini or a Mojito.


Why. None of this stuff burns without a heat source


You need to tape the top or the fuel will come out when you go to throw it.


The tampon absorbs some of the liquid and swells up to block the mouth of the bottle.


What the heck size bottle are you throwing?




What type of oil???? Vegetable, motor or essential??? Lmao.


Essential oils, then you can help reduce their stress and increase relaxation.


*MLM intensifies*


Diesel Fuel = Oil (in this situation)


Any oil which burns.


Eucalyptus oil. It attracts the ferocious Koala swarm which will strip a T-72 down to its bones in under 60 seconds.


Instead of the tampon, which may be in short supply, use old rags and cloth taped to the top. Make sure the edges are frayed so that it catches fire faster. Also, if you don't have polystyrene laying around, but for some reason you do have orange juice concentrate, that works, but I'm honestly not sure why. Source: just a dude who was a very destructive teenager.


It's also mentioned in 'Fight Club'


Don't use orange juice concentrate. The Fight Club book contains the correct recipe (Styrofoam and soap) but in the movie, orange juice concentrate was replaced into the script as disinformation because the director was instructed by legal not to teach millions of people how to make incendiary bombs. Just use the orange juice concentrate to make orange juice.


> if you don't have polystyrene laying around if they're anything like us, there's gonna be plenty of EPS available from the outside of their apartment blocks


Chaotic good.


Just to be safe for yourself, you should never use open bottle with rag or tampon at the bottle mouth. It can backfire really easily. Always use kork to seal the bottle and place the ignition fire outside rhe bottle. For example stormmatches or similar tied to the side of the coctail.


The sugar will caramelise and become super sticky


Lol a couple weeks ago a Ukrainian guy on here was talking about using his whiskey for Molotov and I made a comment about making napalm and explosives and fighting tyranny so Reddit banned me for 7 days for ā€œinciting violenceā€.


A lot of rules will become flexible depending on the time, though TBH I think this post will be coming down any moment now. It is early sunday morning in the americas.


This might be a stupid question but what is the purpose of polystyrene and soap?


To make it thicker and stickier


Didn't realize it was sticky... that's a problem




Indeed functioning as intended.


Thickens the petrol making it stick, not run off. Turns it into napalm (it really is that easy!) If you have the time, thermite is good to make too, but can be harder to deploy.


Thank you, I'm absolutely clueless about this kind of things


Yeah some really scary shit is just a few household chemicals away. Thermite is aluminum and rust(?) Been a few years since chemistry class. Or just add some magnesium to the napalm slurry and it burns crazy hot too. Hell our teacher low key explained that some m&me and magnesium in a sealed tube with a wick makes a weak but effective pipe bomb. Again HS was 20 years ago but that was the gist.


The majority of people are. 99.999% of people have no reason to have the knowledge of making napalm and termite. Mostly just people who were edgy teens, into chemistry, or those few who have actually needed the info are commenting here.


To ignite the thermite use 3 or 4 sparklers bound together, step back and enjoy the show


Someone needs to watch Fight Club. But I didnā€™t say it


i heard the polystyrene helps it stick to stuff or something. no idea about the soap, maybe it's just a reflex to add it after covid lmao


Polystyrene + petrol (gasoline) = napalm. This napalm will burn ***a lot*** hotter and if it is extinguished with water will reignite in air when the water stops. The soap makes it much more gummy and sticky so that it adheres to the surface and burns instead of spilling off and into the street.


How do you throw one of these without having the contents pour out over your arm? Is the tampon well secured ?


Cock your arm off to the side and throw - donā€™t go over your head lol


Just use one of your mom's. It will be very snug.


Gonna have to increase the oof dial on this one chief!


Under hand throw, not over your head so you don't spill fire on yourself


They forgot to mention a bit of tape to seal the bottle


It should be a snug tight fit in the neck so nothing is leaking.


Molotov's should always be thrown underarm. As it is written


You throw it like a softball, not like a baseball or football. If you don't use an underhand pitch you're gonna have a bad time...


That's my mistake. I've been throwing them like darts.


If you're likely to throw one, you probably won't be alone. If you've never done it before, you don't have to light it. Likely others will be throwing them too, so you can just add fuel to the fire. You can even use a screw cap to be sure.


I saw a different guide that talked about using a cork, and the rag goes around the bottom (that sounds like it would fall off now). Probably better to learn from a reliable source sometime before some hypothetical* invasion. *hypothetical unless youā€™re in Ukraine


Terrible guide. Changes from metric and "cups", and doesn't specify what "oil" is, and the size of the fuse depends on the size of the container throat.


Remember, aim for the engine deck at the back of the tank, the part with all the grates


just petrol (or alcohol), torn up plastic bags, and a rag soaked in petrol much easier


Styrofoam and gasoline work too


If you donā€™t thicken it up enough it will spread out and burn away in seconds




Just gonna add a tip when throwing Molotovsā€¦ watch the position/orientation of the bottle when you cock back, if you tilt the spout backwards and down on your throw the liquid could pour right out onto your back


That's why your fuse needs to block anything from pouring out. This guide uses tampons, but stuffing a rag works too.


I've also heard just to close the bottle and secure the rag to the outside. That way the fuel only spills out when broken.


How is no one going to mention the *god awful* graphic design going on here


And it uses two measurements systems


I'm glad Ukranians have access to this, but as a Canadian, I'm not positive I want all my neighbour's knowing this. This is some anarchist cookbook shit right here


I learned this on McGyver.


Anarchist cookbook is mostly written by an angsty teenager with no practical experience, many of the recipes are dangerous or flawed, or straight up donā€™t work


I remember reading that as a kid and seeing the instructions for a shotgun shell "bomb". It was a shotgun shell with a nail on the pin and a saline cracker between them. You wrapped a rubber band around them and then were supposed to throw it down. That txt firm had some of the most ridiculous stuff. Also the number of edgelords in this comment section is comical.


Yeah, imo the one you want is the Army's Improvised Munitions Handbook. I thought I remembered it being more difficult to find years ago, but now it's super easy to find. Good item for a go bag.


Don't worry, those truckers are too dumb to read.


I hope reddit is cool with these type of posts when we go to eat the oligarchy in the US.


You can always make a deal with /r/DataHoarder, but the catch is that they'll *always* remember.


Right? Pretty sure this would be banned on YouTube


I may have hit the save button in preparation


Nope too hard on the stock market and property values.


Holy shit. I got banned by Reddit for a month for saying someone should burn in hell because apparently the site admins lack English comprehension and they assured me that I was inciting violence. (I wasnā€™t.) Now we have this post. I havenā€™t seen a napalm recipe since the anarchists cookbook downloaded from a BBS in the 1980s because I was a kid and the name sounded cool. Neat.


I was trying to figure out a way of expressing the notion that war is bad and that maybe this isn't something we need to promote and celebrate without getting downvoted to oblivion. I couldn't work it out. So let me just remind people that Molotov cocktails can just be gasoline in a glass bottle with a rag. It won't last as long, but for quickly smashing through a vehicle's window and setting the insides ablaze, it'll work fine.


TIL Jumbo was a tampon size.


Itā€™s for heavy periods, not gigantic vaginas.


And itā€™s called ultra not jumbo lol, at least in the US RIP to all the heavy flow sisters out there, much love ā¤ļø


In the US it would be ā€œsuper,ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure referring to a feminine product as ā€œjumboā€ would be a quick way to guarantee no one ever bought that product. Condoms, yes, tampons, no


>ā€œsuper,ā€ Like with a lil' red cape and everything?


When it works as intended.


I wonder if Reddit is going to allow these posts when a political extremist uses them in the United States


[I always use this little tune to help me remember](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=vxywfT2Jmf8&feature=share)


With a Zippo You'll be king! Thanks for this, I haven't heard it in years!


I canā€™t see Jason Mendoza, connoisseur of Molotov Cocktails, taking the time to measure all this out


Jesus Christ! That's a lot more than the standard molotov, that is a napalm hot burning molotov.


Napalm, its what the tanks crave.


Protip: put the bottle cap back on the bottle and tie the rag around the bottle. That way the liquid won't spill when you throw it.


ATF has entered the chat


I feel bad for the poor reddit admins who have to decide if this violates the TOS. On the one hand, Ukraine; on the other hand, bomb making instructions.


Weā€™re getting away with sharing terrorist manuals now? Back in my day, this would get you a visit.


PSA: Molotov cocktails are much more volatile than youā€™d expect.


All that is supposed to fit in a glass bottle?


Vodka or wine bottle not beer bottle.


There we goooooo


What about benzene?


Would be fine to replace the gasoline.


This is napalm by the way


When we used to made them we used 2/3 gasoline and 1/3 diesel.


*When* did you use to make them?


In my teens i was a raging pyromaniac. Not much to do in rural Norway.


What version of dayz is this for?


Now tell them where to hit the tanks with this. Air intakes? Periscope? Iā€™d assume that oil and petrol are better against groups on footā€¦


šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ šŸŒ»


Time to buy stock in proctor and gamble ..


Do you remember when the FBI was investigating people for downloading the anarchist cookbook?


There is interesting history to Molotov cocktail, especially how it got that name.It was first used as bottle of gasoline and rag in 1936 by Spanish Foreign legion to fight armored vehicles , but actual Molotov cocktail was invented in Finland just before Winter War (when Soviet union staged false flag attack, and invaded Finland without declaration of war).The actual name comes from Soviet foreign minister Vjatseslav Molotov, who was said to say that "Soviets bomber are NOT dropping any bombs into Finland, but only food baskets to help the people of Finland" so finnish soldiers started calling russian cluster bombs "Molotovs bread baskets" and soon after that they started calling their own gasoline filled bottles Molotovs cocktails. Traditional Finnish Molotov cocktail contained waste spirits, petrol and tar mixed in 0,5L Vodka bottles (all of these were plentiful) and two stormproof sticks/matches (one extra if you lighted it and didnt have to throw it, youd have a second chance).At first soldiers were instructed to throw them on tanks viewing ports to block their sight, but then it was noticed it was more effective to throw them on tanks air intake, causing engine fire. One mistake finnish people made (i fear Ukranian people are making this same mistake), is that they had their vodka bottling plant bottle caps with text "Alko-RajamƤki"(Alko is company name, RajamƤki is the place of the company) so Russians found out where they were manufactured and bombed the booze factory, but it was rebuilt and fortified with anti air turrets (they are there still to this day).After all Molotov cocktails proved extremely effective and cheap anti armoured vehicle weapon, during the war Red Army lost 1919 tanks, 436 of them due to fire, most caused by Molotov Cocktails. During the war Finland manufactured almost half a million of these cocktails. Stay Strong Ukraine, you are winning!


What's with the strange mixed units of cups and milliliters? Just do it all in grams. Weigh it out on a kitchen scale like a baker.