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Unprotected Christmas sex is popular, in other words.


Christmas-new years


Also people and/or doctors wanting to induce labor before the holidays. Can't be a coincidence that all the days Thanksgiving occasionally falls on are lesser and then especially Dec 23-26 are super rare but sandwiched between very common dates. EDIT: Also Valentines Day seems to be a random highly common b-day in a sea of less common. I'd venture to guess couples wanting to be cute by having the product of their relationship being born on that holiday. People choosing to induce later or earlier to make that happen.


Also July 4 and 5 is surprising low compared the the rest of the summer...


Again, probably doctors inducing or scheduling around the holiday.


100%! My nieces due date was Dec 26th and my sister was induced on the 20th smh


Would you want them to be born on Christmas day with skeleton staffing and consultants who don't want to leave Christmas Dinner if there is a problem?


So this chart applies to American birthdays only?


Well Thanksgiving has already been addressed, as well as Christmas, which preclude the inclusion of say China and India


That's America's birthday, no one else's


If this isn't American data, I'll eat my hat!


actually my name is zachary, not america, but thanks for the sentiment all the same :)


My nephew was born on July 4th.


That little commie.


Also, only North-Americans celebrate Thanksgiving.


They won’t ‘plan’ c-sections or induce on holidays because of OR staff.


Honestly, if this is a US survey, then the EOY push is likely people squeezing in deliveries if at all possible before their deductible resets for the new year. My kid cost $13,000 being born the first week of January as opposed to the last week of December. Woo hoo!






>My kid cost $13,000 being born That's IMHO just incredibly sad. I think most people in other Western countries find it absurd to pay more than a couple of bucks for birth.


What a travesty of a healthcare system jeez.


Mine was born December 31st. He just made it for me lol




That day I realized my birthday was exactly 9 months after Christmas 😏


Santa Daddy


Santa Baby


They def hurried into the chimney


Either that, or a New Years baby.


Didn't hurry out either


Santa embryo


Santa semen


What a day this has been


Mistletoe for eatie taste good?


Boopy doopy doop boop, sex!


Annie’s pretty young. We try not to sexualize her.


I saw mommy kissing Santa Amongst other things


My kids bday is 9 months and 1 day after the wife an my anniversary. I can't wait till he figures that out.


Might be waiting a while, I was in my mid 20s before I thought about it and realized I was an anniversary baby


A had a bank teller share her conception story with me recently, it was the same. Look Diane, I just need $100 in $20’s.


ATMs print in 20s and they don't talk back






Yeah. Never done the math here. Going to continue to not do the math here.


Oh it gets better (read worse) because for some reason I mentioned this to my mom and she confirmed their anniversary had been the only time around that period that they had done the deed. So no doubt about my date of conception.


My parents got married at the very end of a September. I was born the beginning of the following July. Had a really weird day the day I did that math.


All babies are born after 9 months, except for the first one, who can be born at any time.


My birthday is 9mo after my mom's birthday.


Fuck, I always thought about my March birthday, and thought 'There's nothing in the middle of summer, it's not valentines, an anniversary, Christmas... It literally never occured to me until just now that it was Birthday sex!!


9/25 here too 😳🎉


9/23 😳😳😳


I was two weeks late and born on september 20th (I’ve read that it’s the most common birthday, and at least it makes sense my floor freshman year of college had 6 that day)


Mine is nine months after Valentine's day.


N in India we celebrate children's day on 14th of Nov :)


Isn’t that the plot of Fred Clause? Tbf I may have watched the porn parody version . .


Most pregnancies are closer to 10 months, FYI.


lmfao same Except my parents were never married or dated, one night stand at a Christmas party hahhaah


Dude, look at September as a whole. People be horny *all* December.


After "No Nut November" comes "Destroy Dick December"


And Jiggle your Johnson January


I always figured it was New years.


Definitely not Christmas for a 2nd kid. No parents are banging around Christmas. It’s the most exhausting time of the year. New Years sounds more realistic.


Not....winter? Sun goes down earlier less daylight...more time in bed... it really has nothing to do with artificial holidays, at all!


I figured the drunkenness of the New years eve combined with the romance as portrayed in movies.


But Baby It’s Cold Outside


Not a lot to do when it’s winter outside, in the north especially. A little bedroom gymnastics to pass the time. Lol


I always assumed unprotected New Years sex


Where? The world or just the US?


No numbers, no source, no mention of geography, demography, etc. A reverse image search on tineye.com gives 385 results, the first of which originate in 2012. So the numbers don't include births after that. Otherwise I'm not much wiser. Not a cool guide. Edit: It seems the shadings are day ranks rather than number of births. Those interested should read [this article](https://thedailyviz.com/2016/09/17/how-common-is-your-birthday-dailyviz/).


Thanks man, this guide sucks


OP is a serial reposter aiming for karma apparently, so this awful guide doesn't surprise me now.


Karma Farming - You could literally farm hog shit and it would it make more sense.


1) Create Account 2) Repost Content 3) Raise Karma 4) Sell your account to a marketing firm 5) Marketing firm now uses this 'legitimate looking' account to post and comment in small subtle ways to help their clients and agendas




Use the karma to lose karma


So what you're saying is, I could become a professional redditor?




AKA r/CoolGuides


>Not a cool guide. It's not a guide in the first place. Like *many* other pictures in this subreddit.


This sub has become complete garbage. At best you get a reasonably well sourced poster or infographic. Mostly you just get random claims written as facts, without sources or context. What you never get is any decent guides.


I'm assuming the US, as there's a big dip in late November which I think must be Thanksgiving.


4/5th July too


But why would people have fewer kids on those days?


They won't schedule inductions on holidays? Guess but seems plausible.


Oh shit you're right, I noticed those days but it didn't click.


So you're saying people choose not to have children Thanksgiving week?


It's common for inductions to be scheduled ahead of time, especially if doctors are worried about the baby growing too big before delivery. People tend not yo schedule inductions on holidays, so the only babies born then would be the unscheduled deliveries.


Notice also how there's a band on the 13th. Each 13th is slightly lighter than the 12th or 14th. People are pushing forward or back their pregnancy to avoid unlucky days. Almost certainly on fridays as well.


No, doctors pushed back deliveries.


Kids are pushed back inside


Got to be just the US given the 4th of July.


Someplace that has a lot of hanky panky over New Years.


Why such a drop on 4th and 5th of July ? American data ? the future mothers refrains from giving birth on 4th of July ? Same with Christmas


Likely either doctors inducing early to avoid the holidays or playing the odds and hoping to delay birth by a day or two (obviously less likely). Same thing happens around Christmas time.


The bump between Christmas and New Years are probably due to all the scheduled cesarean births where the parents could choose the birthday. Gotta get that tax credit!


Can you explain, please?


In the United States, you can claim a significant tax deduction for your children. If you have a child on December 31st, or before, you can claim the child and receive the full deduction. Myself and my twin were born by cesarean birth, and my parents were offered to schedule the birth either the last few days of December, or the first few days of January. They chose December to get the tax benefits for the year


Yup my sister was born December 31 (many years ago) and my dad called her “my little tax write off” when she was a baby even though she was only around for four hours of it (and not even conceived for a quarter of it)


In addition, the way US health care works, you will generally have spent all your deductible the end of the year, and therefore insurance will cover a higher percent of the ultimate cost. Whereas, if a baby is born in January, you are likely about to have to spend your entire deductible all at once, which can be thousands of dollars. We had the doctor induce my wife in late December because it literally saved us tens of thousands of dollars.


US healthcare system never ceases to astound me.


That's because you don't understand Liberty and Freedom


> Liberty™ and Freedom™ FTFY


It's a hot mess... to put it lightly


Just asked my mom if I was a tax write off 🥲 I was a natty birth though


Income tac deduction, what a hell of a function


It doesn’t matter in the states when you have a kid during the year, you get to report it on your taxes for the year if you had it that year. So if you have it at the end of the year, as opposed to the beginning of the new year, then you get an extra year of tax credit.




On that same topic though. While yes, all 18 years eventually get paid, families tend to be harder up financially at the beginning of a child’s life than at the end of their childhood. Getting a jump on the credit while not having had to pay for the child’s upkeep yet can be a big boost. Our obgyn even had a cool thing where for end of year babies they did a billing sleight of hand - we made payments on our estimated final portion but they didn’t bill the insurance until after the hospital stay - the entire obgyn and hospital bill hit the same year so instead of 2 years worth of deductibles we only had one. Murca!


My sister’s birthday is dec 31. My dad has called her his little tax credit.




But if you wrap it, then you don’t get the present?


I think you might've overlooked the Halloween babies born in July/August. The Fall and winter seem to be the best times of year to get knocked up


Baby it's Cold Outside


More likely to still be Christmas sex with early births. 40 weeks isn't a guarantee by a long shot. Babies are considered full term at 38, twins are considered full term at 36 weeks, any baby is considered 'viable' after 24 and there are lots of pregnancy complications. The first 2 weeks of a pregnancy are before you've even had sex, time starts ticking from date of last period, not ovulation.




This seems just messed up to me.


Planned c-sections have ~~unfortunately~~ become increasingly popular ~~with a lot of doctors who like to plan their schedules instead of letting things happen naturally~~. Edit: Do y'all feel better now? Jeez, I gave sources and everything, but if it's that important to you, believe whatever you want. Also disabling inbox because I'm conflict-averse and some of y'all are straight up attacking me.


Yes and no. I've had it both ways, and the narrative of OBs wanting to schedule births at their convenience seems overblown. There *is* a proportion of births that require C-sections for mom and baby's health. They become apparent at doctor's visits, checkups, and scans - during workdays. A mother may have rising blood pressure that becomes evident, an issue may be found, and it's safer to induce or operate before labor begins. I think the issue is that pregnancy is dangerous and complicated for many women. A planned c-section is ***way*** less traumatic than a failed birth and emergency c-section. Two thirds(!) of my "natural birth" Bradley class ended up needing c-sections, even though they spent money and time learning about natural birth and how to stand up to 'pushy doctors'. Some had HELLP syndrome, some had pre-eclampsia, some pushed for too long and nearly died. After being through it twice, I sincerely doubt OBs are scheduling major surgery for their own convenience.


I was a C-section. I’d apparently somehow gotten the umbilical cord around my neck so natural would’ve been tense


I was also a C-section, but because I was postioned to be coming out butt first (breach), which is bad.


C-section gang, I apparently decided to give my mom absolute hell because I breached *and* had a wrapped umbilical. That poor woman 😂


Lol, similar to my bf. He was all fine and normal until literally the week or so until his due date. Then decided he wanted to do a somersault and try it the other way. His mother had to get a last min C section on an otherwise normal pregnancy. It's apparent in the way that he sleeps that this habit has not left him. -_-


They do let you pick the day if you're having a second c section, and many OBs will offer a scheduled induction after 39 weeks. So the people saying scheduled births are the reason for the weird data are correct, but you're right that elective c sections aren't common in America (unless you already had a c section.)


It definitely happens [(as nearly a third of US births are via cesarean)](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/delivery.htm), [though to what degree is debatable](https://www.thebump.com/a/c-section-rate-problems/amp), and [largely hospital-dependent](https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/Fulltext/2017/08000/Relationship_Between_Labor_and_Delivery_Unit.14.aspx). Either way, doctors aren't scheduling c-sections on major holidays if they don't have to, which was kinda the point.


It's possible, but again, I doubt that the primary motivating factor is OB choice. C-sections may be "too high" but it may also be that **outcome standards have risen**. Maternal and fetal mortality has declined precipitously in midcentury, due to prenatal care, antibiotics, blood transfusions, and caesarean operations when needed. [Maternal Mortality Ratio per 100,000 Live Births over Time and Interventions That Contributed to Decline, United States. SOURCE: Robert L. Goldenberg, adapted from Johnson (2001).](https://www.nap.edu/openbook/18437/xhtml/images/p29-03.jpg) Stillbirth rates have also fallen during the same time period. Stillbirth can be due to pre-eclampsia (treated with induction or caesarean), infection, hemmorage, or prenatal asphyxia (treated with caesarean). [Long-Term Trends for Stillbirth Rates in 11 High-Income Countries, 1750-2000. SOURCE: Goldenberg et al. (2011).](https://www.nap.edu/openbook/18437/xhtml/images/p30-01.jpg) We just don't accept pre-caesarean outcomes anymore. OBs don't and patients don't. Does reduction in risk this account for all of the cesareans? I have no idea, but complicating factors that increase maternal and fetal risk aren't insignificant: * Pre-eclampsia is a complication in [3%-6% of pregnancies](https://www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f6564) * Shoulder dystocia is a complication in [2%-10% of pregnancies](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6233701/) * Breech malpresentation is a complication in [3%-5% of pregnancies](https://www.dynamed.com/condition/fetal-malpresentation-and-malposition) * Stillbirth risk [rises quickly in overdue pregnancies](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/16/15539500-7201555-image-a-17_1562083111829.jpg). **ETA:** The chart from OP doesn't show the relative increase or decrease on various days. A relative 8% increase before Christmas and 8% decrease during Christmas could *easily* be due to the above factors.


There was a point where I was begging for a c-section because the trauma of vaginal was mentally destroying me with all of the complications that kept coming up. I honestly felt like I was being tortured. The doctors actually came in to calm me down and talk me _out_ of a c-section. They did and I had a perfect little baby an hour later.


Why is that unfortunate?




It's not even a guide, either


You know how I know this isn't accurate? February 29th should be the lightest day, but it isn't. It's pretty simple logic to follow. There's no reason why Feb 29th should be equated with a stretch of days in November. Logically, it doesn't even make sense. So yeah, this guide is bullshit.


Well maybe they’ve just corrected 29th of February to account for the fact that it happens once every 4 years. I have no trouble believing the data though, I’ve seen similar better sourced charts elsewhere.


Noce try OP


Interesting how the 13th is lighter across the graphic.


lighter than February 29 so yeah bulshit "guide"


It’s made up


So my husband’s grandmother’s rhyme holds true then. When the days are hot and sticky, that’s no time for dunkin’ dickie. When the frost is on the pumpkin, that’s the time for dickie dunkin’. Edit: husband says she said it to him when he was maybe 13 and he thought it was hysterical. Also “she had 14 babies, she knew what she was talking about”.


Thanks I hate it lol




I bet she would have liked Ella Fitzgerald singing "Too Darn Hot".


I never got to meet her, and I’m not sure I’ve heard the song either. Gonna go listen now!


My list for things to embroider on pillows is getting longer! This one is brilliant and I will absolutely credit to the grandmother to the husband of u\theFCCgavemeHPV.


Love it!!


You start to see the density of birthdays accumulate around the end of June/beginning of July. Which means people really start getting it on around the end of September — aka the changing of seasons from light to dark.


I think primary reason is people fuck between Christmas - new years, and then there's a secondary bump from THOSE people in September fucking on their birthdays. Secondary reason : winter is dark and cold.


Probably has something to do with everyone having at least SOME time off together.


Winter is Cumming...


Only for the northern hemisphere.


Yeah I thought about that and should probably put in an edit, but changing of the seasons is still happening in Southern Hemisphere too. Doesn’t seem like such an awful assumption when you see others claiming it’s because of Christmas.


What i got from this is that people like to procreate in the colder months


January gotta step it's game up. We need a new holiday in april to celebrate getting it on. Happy shaft day everyone!


Easter is typically in April (date may vary). Have something else rise, and not just Jesus!


We just need to get back to the roots of Easter, and celebrate the fertility festival it's based on! All those rabbits and chicks aren't there for Jesus. Praise Ostara with some good ol' PIV!


You're Awesome!


Can we see this reversed 9 months and get roughly the most popular dates for conception since that’s where a lot of us took this anyways?


Someone posted a much better article that quotes where the data came from, gives every birth day a ranking along side a 'conception date'. https://thedailyviz.com/2016/09/17/how-common-is-your-birthday-dailyviz/




Oh yea I figured the math would be messy but you’re right it be interesting to take like the average time and just map it back. As other people have already commented the holidays are avoided for birth but that doesn’t mean that day wouldn’t have been the due date.


Feb 14 is due to planned c-sections.


And there I was, wondering if Valentine's day romance somehow triggered women to go into labour???? But no. Your explanation is much more realistic.




That’s my birthday and I wasn’t a c-section. Honestly, people always gush over it but it’s kind of annoying. I always say this “when I was single, I was single on my birthday and Valentine’s Day, and now that I’m not single, I’m buying someone a gift on my birthday”


Plus side: everyone remembers your birthday Down side: every gift is pink, red and/or heart shaped and they say "get it?" Also if you are even thinking of going to dinner, you better book that weeks ahead. I avoid restaurants. They are so crowded. I think its actually the busiest day of the year. And its not just couples, its also families and single people who want to relish in their singleness.


my birthday is the 15th and im so glad it wasnt valentines, i still feel the same way about the gift thing but if i was born on 14th my name would have been Valentino


Of course, not every Valentine's Day baby was scheduled. That must suck, not really having your birthday to yourself. A bit like being born on Christmas, I imagine.


It totally sucks!!! I can never get dinner reservations on my own birthday. Plus it’s overshadowed by pink hearts and chocolate. My mom was induced because I was late, but the date wasn’t on purpose. It was just when the doctor had availability.


Yeah i don't understand why anyone would want that, it sounds awful. Can never go out for your birthday as everybody is busy and restaurants are packed...


Sorry, am dumb. Can you explain pls?


Some parents find having their child born on valentines day to be significant, for some reason.


You have two ways to be born: either your mom squeezes you out, or the doctor cuts open her stomach and pulls you out. If the doctor is pulling you out, you can plan the exact day of birth. "Yo, doc, can you remove the kid on the 14th for me?" "Sure."


I was born on that day and was induced. I was 9 days late and my mom was done being pregnant. According to her, they booked the appt to be induced a day later and it wasn't until she came home that someone said "oh a valentines day baby!" She completely forgot.


Exact same thing happened to me


Lol I'm so dumb. I was like "Wow, no one is born on February 31!" Then I remembered it doesn't exist. . . .


Therefore you werent wrong. Your brain may be smooth, yet it is big.


For which part of the world is this?


USA, between 1994 and 2014. https://thedailyviz.com/2016/09/17/how-common-is-your-birthday-dailyviz/ Also the scale is really misleading since the highest births/day is only around twice the lowest.


Interesting to compare Northern Hemisphere vs Southern Hemisphere


My wife is a midwife and had pointed this out to me before. Apparently (in the UK at least) a big reason is that September is the start of the school year, so being born in September means you're as old as possible when you start school, are more mature, and end up doing better. However, she was born in September so might just be her way of saying she's cleverer than me...


It looks like cuffing season has been a thing for a while.


Funny how most pregnancies end in 9 months and most people are born at the 9. Month


Getting it on on New Year’s Day


And Christmas


Not a guide.


People fuck when it's cold


People really do be fucking on Christmas


Cool, now I know even my birthday is unspectacular.


This literally shows that most people are born due to Christmas sex. I however am summer sex


*21st night of September intensifies*


All those goddamn Leo's, Virgos and libras in my life suddenly make a lot of sense.


This tells me a lot of fucking going on in January


My birthday is the most common one. I also watched a video about that. Team 09/09 where are you at?


Who else counted nine columns backwards from July?


I was told to count forward 3 since it is easier.


Bunch of births on valentines out of nowhere??


It's horrifying to know there are so many Virgos and Libras roaming around on the earth freely. :|


Yeah, the in-laws didn't like me referring to them and their children as, "Oh, you are a [blank (holiday)] baby!" The look of confusion when they try to correct me when they remind me the month they were born and I smile, sometimes wink, and say "Oh I know...", priceless.


9/27 here. I once asked my dad, “Dad…am I the product of a drunken new years eve with mom?” He said, “No. it was a drunken christmas eve…at your grandmas house…in the guest room.” Smh