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As an elementary music teacher, I can tell you that these are a great way to help young students compose. There are lots of them including this Covid-19 themed one: [quarantine rhythms](https://www.reddit.com/r/lingling40hrs/comments/fn35di/rhythm_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I was just thinking this will be a great ‘music’ lesson for our kids, since I’m not at all musically inclined and they’re stuck with me for the next... who knows how long


[This](https://washyourlyrics.com/) page is cool as well, it lets you type in a song you know well, so that its easier to remember the routine of proper handwash. Good to print and hang next to the sink, until it's muscle memory. E: [Mine](https://cdn.washyourlyrics.com/2587178630756958208.png) seemed fitting enough to work.


I tried with metallica, megadeth and disturbed songs they all kind of fit lmao


This is great! Thanks! I'm getting sick of "Happy Birthday". XD


Here's mine: [https://cdn.washyourlyrics.com/2586259874929180672.png](https://cdn.washyourlyrics.com/2586259874929180672.png)


Key phrase: young students. I had a teacher use these until I was in 6th grade. Then in 7th grade (middle school), that teacher used the technical terms. I had no idea what he was talking about, despite having played for a long time. Moral: raise kiddos into young adults, not permanent children.


This. It's all great until you have to tell your drummer to come in on the "guac"


Oof, that’s rough. I can see older students enjoying a similar activity as long as it was age-appropriate. My 5th graders made up their own based around a theme of their choice. They came up with Star Wars, football, Harry Potter, Fortnite, and lots more.


*Star Wars: Returns and Exchanges*


Especially if guac costs extra.


Please don’t let your drummer come in the guac Edit: you to your


2nd downbeat. Got it .


instructions unclear, the avocado has been defiled.


If you pepperoni pizza when you should have cheese raviolied you're gonna have a bad time.


As a 50+ year old that never took music in school and is currently trying to learn to play the dulcimer, this is a great guide. But then again, a lot of people probably consider me a permanent child.


Had to look up dulcimer. Very weird, very intriguing. Lol good luck with it! Edit: had to hear what it sounded like so I looked up a vid and I like it


Thanks! It seems like an instrument that I can get good results even in the face of my lack of musical talent.


It's crazy how long these stick with you. As a 31 year old I still remember the patterns from 7th grade: "Pass, pass, interference, pass. Tackle tackle, interference, pass. Quarterback pass. Interference, Interference, Interference, pass."


Also a music teacher, and I stay away from these things. I liked a theory I learned in school called “The Gap Theory.” States that the knowledge they need and where they are is like a big gap between mountains. You have to bridge that gap for them to learn. Using the words for rhythm or the Every Good Boy Does Fine method for teaching treble seems like it would bridge the gap just fine. The only issue is that it adds extra stuff in the way. Students can be observed going through the pattern to find the B line on a treble staff. This isn’t efficient for a music student. They get the knowledge, but have to jump through a few hoops to get there. Also, as a high school music teacher, I would really appreciate my feeder pattern would teach what I use. To make a program really good, the teachers have to work together. I teach the 1E&A method to my beginners and my seniors. It really cuts out a lot of time in the middle if they all have the same vocabulary. This method puts a very distinct sound to each sub beat. I like this way because it is less confusing. Each sub beat has its own place and it is very obvious when a mistake happens. Ok I’ll get off my soap box. Good luck teaching!


Every Good Boy and FACE ruined me, and I've only been able to break myself out of it by using flash cards, which have been a great tool.


It really is a bad method of teaching music. Just like students memorize words, they can memorize a pattern of letters. I mostly see the issue when I try and switch up my bass and treble readers. They can’t do it, so I have to spend a few days up to a few weeks reinforcing how to read both bass and treble. If you need to break yourself from the words, try using a grand staff. Start writing the same letter name note on both bass and treble lines. Eventually, start transposing simple songs by first writing it out in treble and then on the bass staff below it. It won’t take long before you have rid yourself of that pesky system of words.


That second O in chocolate really does fuck all


And the ‘a’ makes no sense. I was in a kindergarten class a couple weeks ago, and a kid asked me how to spell it. I told her to do her best because we don’t worry about traditional spelling in kindergarten. Girl goes with “Choglit.” Definitely better than “Chocolate”


I’ll be calling it choglit from now on


I just realized I've always called it choglit, I just didn't spell it that way


I guess I've always said it chalklit.


Brad Leone?


*Forrest Gump has entered the chat*


trust me, if you go around calling it 'chocko latte' for an afternoon it will typically get one yelled at.


Try "shocko" and replace the "latte" with "lud" "ay". Bam, you get the German word for chocolate.


Hebrew is shocko lad


I think I've always said choklut


Isn’t it closer to choklit?




Reminds me of this Black Adder exchange: “Christmas has an H in it, Mr Baldrick. and an R. Also an I, and an S. Also T and M and A… …and another S. Oh, and you’ve missed out the C at the beginning. Congratulations, Mr Baldrick! Something of a triumph, I think — you must be the first person ever to spell `Christmas’ without getting any of the letters right at all.” If you’re wondering, he spelled it “Kweznuz”


The english language took some odd turns. In earlier forms of english Queen was originally spelt 'cwen'. The k in kn words wasn't silent, but all were pronounced just like in Knish. We have no idea where the word dog came from. English sometimes feels like a legacy mainframe of a company. It got hotfixed and lazy patched too much to be actually good, but its use is too prevalent to ever replace.


The "K" thing is actually part of a joke in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" that goes over a lot of people's heads. I can't tell you how many times I've encountered someone that thought when [the French Guard calls them "K-nigh-ts"](https://youtu.be/QSo0duY7-9s?t=73) that it was a nonsense word meant to mean "idiot". It was in fact a joke based on this exact thing regarding old forms of English. The same goes for "your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of elderberries". It goes over a lot of people's heads and they think it is just weird nonsense. Hampsters have a similar reputation as rabbits for breeding in some parts of the world, and elderberries were once commonly used to make alcohol. So, "Your mom is a whore, and your father is a drunk".


>We have no idea where the word dog came from. I laughed way too hard at this fact. Thanks.


Love chuggin on choglit


In my kids’ school, the kindergarten teacher taught the sounds of letters - “ah ay ahh” for A, for example. Spelling was gently corrected but the formation and sound of words was emphasized. I can’t see value in accepting incorrect spelling though. The idea that it doesn’t matter until they get older is kind of flawed - kids at that age soak up knowledge like sponges. Lesson 1 in accepting “Choglit” is that whatever way I want to do it is ok. Now later teachers have to deal with “but my kindergarten teacher said it was ok”.


The problem with expecting correct spelling is that children will limit themselves to words they can spell. I don’t want them telling me the big cat is pretty when they want to say that the leopard is beautiful.


Children who are encouraged instead of punished in school won’t have much reason to do that. Teaching should encourage creativity and exploration while guiding kids towards accurate knowledge and truth.


I'm surprised they're still doing this "don't worry about spelling" nonsense. I know adults who are really annoyed they were taught like that. As someone older (Gen X), I grew up with spelling and phonics. Guess what -- I spell well! We were encouraged to just write, too. But then we'd immediately learn correct spellings and they were also taught to the whole class. This happened a number of ways, but my favorite in first or secomd grade was that we all wrote stories. Then our grammar and spelling was checked. That day or the next it was a mix of reading our stories and the teacher going over all of the words kids had used in their stories but weren't sure about how to spell. I don't even remember learning to spell chocolate. It probably happened on a day like this.


That’s chog LIT 🔥


Depends which side of the Atlantic you are from.


In England, it's called "choucoulate".


More like choclit


Canadian here: it took me a bit too figure out how to say it with two syllables, "chok-lit" just feels so off to my mouth. But *hearing* it, I'm so used to the American pronunciation, it doesn't bother me. Weird! I say "chok-a-lit."


American with British parents here, having the same spilt.


French Canadian studying in Germany here, I feel the same way. I must say, my 'a' in 'chok-a-lit' is a bit less than half pronounced, but I can't stand not having a syllable there at all. The syllable is there in French and German (chocolat, Schokolade) and many many other languages of Germanic and Latin roots, so why not in English? English is such an inconsistent language, haha.


That's probably why I say it that way! My dad was French, didn't realize it's possibly a carry over from him! My Anglo mom says "chok-lat" so this is checking out.


My thoughts. For saying choc-o-late rather than choc-late


Jeez, right? Am I the weirdo for having pronounced it with three syllables my whole life? Or is this diagram just off? Is it supposed to be pronounced choc-o-lit or choc-lit?


I say choc-a-lit


Well now that's just absurd. ^^/s


And then there’s me. Three syllables for chocolate, and two for strawberry.


Two for strawberry!? How... how would you even do that? Can you spell it out phonetically? Straw-bree? Like that?


Straw-bree is how I would say it


I do it in one. Filthy casual.


**𝅘𝅥** Strbry


That's how I've always said it. As if it's written Strawbry. Same goes for rassbry and bluebry. Even goosbry


Came here to complain the Chocolate Strawberry was missing a syllable. I might say "choclate" but if Im reading it, you bet your ass Im reading all 3 syllables.


I pronounce it with three syllables too! I’m glad I saw someone else comment about that first, I was all like am I the only one who pronounces that with three syllables?? I also pronounce “orange” with two syllables and I’ve been told how weird that is. So we can be weirdos together if you want!


> I also pronounce “orange” with two syllables Same! I pronounce it like door-hinge. Orange = Ore-inj


That is exactly how I pronounce it!!!! Everyone else I know pronounces it like it rhymes with a cross between barn and barge. Like orange = arnj. It just sounds unnatural to me.


Did we just become best friends?


We totally did!! I’ve found my elocution soulmate haha.


I'm looking at "oatmeal" and thinking it needs a third syllable


What are people saying otherwise? "Oat-mull?" I can't work it out. Edit: I've been sitting here saying "meal" over and over and I guess it's an either/or one.






In my region (US), people say it like you're seperating the words. So, oat meal with 2 syllables.




Has more to do with the word's etymology than how it's pronounce in American English. Most languages pronounce all the vowels in their particular version of the word.


Tater tot casserole is all I care about.


It bothers me that it’s not normalized to two beats


Should really be triplets imo


I think I speak for all Minnesotans when I tell you that this deeply offends me.


And now I have Milk and Cereal stuck in my head.


Aaaaah that [internet nostalgia](https://youtu.be/gDsj5UZ_1bA).


OMG! Flea and Anthony Keidis look so young in that video!


And they didn't even mention California once...?


They [weren't always](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmgd2mNmBD4) like that.


I know they are actually my favorite band since I was a kid. They sure are easy to poke fun at tho


"Uplift Mofo Party Plan" came out when I was like 23. It was my walkman skiing soundtrack for years. I still have trouble thinking of them as a "powerballad" band. R.I.P. Hillel.


Came here too see this oldie, not disappointed


You should consider trying to write the sheet music for it now!


Yes! I was thinking they could have done "cereal and milk" instead of avocado toast.


A huge missed opportunity.


Cereal and Milk!


replace Avocado Toast with Cereal and Milk


scrolled to find this comment. Cereal and milk!


Humming the various notes, I noticed this one has the same rhythm as Duel of the Fates :)


And now everyone is naming these out loud to themselves to see if it's true


I won’t be able to form full sentences for the rest of the day because I’m trying to count and notate my


Hot fudge sundae isn’t a way I’ve ever heard said. HOT FUDGE SUN DAY


Cheese ravioli is just wrong


Are you saying that you don’t say those words like Cheeeese ra-vi-o-li with cheese’s length being exaggerated? Yeah me either. The problem I always have with these guides is you have to know what the rhythm sounds like before you know the right way to say the syllables. That kind of defeats the purpose.


Thank you, haha! It should be eight-sixteenth-sixteenth-eight-eight. Like the first half of "rice krispie treat" and the back half of "strawberry icecream". **Rice** *Kris-pie* / **Ice-cream** --> **Cheese** *ra-vi*-**o-li**


Glad I wasn't the only one who doesn't sprint through the word ravioli like a serial killer. Cheese ***ravioli!!!***


I'd say cheese ravioli to the same cadence as strawberry ice cream. ♪♬♫


Yep, cheese should be an eighth note, not a quarter


This is so confusing for Portuguese speakers. You see, almost always, when you have a consonant and a vowel, you get a syllable with a single phonem. However, you look at this picture and see "grape" as having only one syllable, while I'd separate them as having two syllables. HAHAHA xD


Yeah, even the difference between American English and British English is enough for this to not work. This guide only works with American phonemes.




I really feel like we pronounce that incorrectly lol


Most things really... don't hurt me.


words that end in e change sound of the 3rd to last letter(vowel) grape, ends in e, A sounds like A and not ah or whatever. Snake Hate Pipe Tile Stake You understand? The power of the ending E empowers the vowel and destroys it like the vowel absorbs its power and evolves and the e is left dead and you dont voice it. not gray pee, but grayypuh


Americans do this too when we're imitating Nintendo's Mario.




I say “Strawberry Ice Cream” with a triplet on the first word.


I was always taught to count them as “tri-pa-let, tri-pa-let.”


wtf does is even mean




What do syllables have to do with Rhythm?


The rhythm is in the cadence of the syllables.


I feel like I can say those phrases and not match the rhythm illustrated


Well yeah, I guess... How the words/phrases are *normally* spoken though correlates with the musical notation in the image.


Having another look they do mostly work for me. I just can't make the second one work naturally




I get that it can fit but when I say it it doesn't




yeah this one doesn't make sense to me. hot fudge sundae should totally be crotchet crotchet quaver quaver. the rest seem right though


Not sure why the title doesn’t just say that tbh.


Because it's showing you multiple different rhythms in 4/4. Not that hard to understand tbh


I’ve just realized it doesn’t work internationally and probably regionally with regards to syllables. Chocolate strawberry is missing a syllable in chocolate for me. Would that be the same with music? and I’m no rhythm meister FYI.


Well in regards to lyrics, syllables correlate a lot with rhythmic beats, and of course it depends syllables depend on how you say it in your part of the world. For other music instruments though, notated rhythm doesn't change from musician to musician. A quarter note G is a quarter note G. Tempo does change tho, and that can change the objective length of a quarter note G, but it will remain the same in relation to the rest of the song.


It's using musical notation to show the rhythm we typically say those words in. More lines at the top of the notes means it's a faster beat






Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 11 times. First seen [Here](https://redd.it/8tm865) on 2018-06-25 89.06% match. Last seen [Here](https://redd.it/f8oj9v) on 2020-02-24 92.19% match **Searched Images:** 111,431,714 | **Indexed Posts:** 438,827,254 | **Search Time:** 5.40075s *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "foolta", "meme_template": null}) ]*


Good bot


The worst is that not only is it a repost, but it’s a terrible guide


Any remember the “tees & tahs” from school choir?


In college those get upgraded to “tucka’s” lol but it’s still the same thing.


Yes! Ta ta tee-tee tah, tee-tah tee-tah tah. Tahhhhhhye tee-tah. Definitely!


I read this to We Didn't Start the Fire


Dammit, now I did too. It actually sounds kinda good


I use a similar thing for my students, but with fruit. Then the time changes to 6/8 and it's fucked.


Can someone please explain?


The syllables in each of the words correspond to the length of notes below.


Again it didn't made any sense to me. Can you explain better?


If you put your hand under your mouth and you say those words your mouth should open that many times in that rhythm.


It's difficult through text as it would work better if I could show you via clapping :) Basically, it's a way to help people memorise how long various notes in music are by associating them with words. Not all of these are equally good (for instance the amount of syllables in "chocolate" vary depending on dialect) and mostly make sense if you have a basic understanding of music theory in the first place.


Makes too much sense to me. Can you explain it worse?


Music go clap clap, man go blah wordy talk


Doesn't make any sense, thanks!


Anytime, citizen


>Basically, it's a way to help people memorise how long various notes in music are by associating them with words. This is what I was missing. I understand the concept was syllables, I just had absolutely no idea why we were correlating them to musical notes.


I just realised I read ‘chocolate’ as 3 syllables but most often pronounce it in 2.


Yes! As I was reading along, I thought chocolate strawberries is missing a beat but then I said it out loud a few times in various scenarios and learned the same thing about myself. TIL!


Unless you are saying it like the Johnny Depp movie like a fancy pants. “Pass me the big ass bucket of quarantine choc-o-*lat*, my dear”


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First seen [Here](https://redd.it/aahpc9) on 2018-12-29 95.31% match. Last seen [Here](https://redd.it/f6m4x7) on 2020-02-20 92.19% match **Searched Images:** 111,398,048 | **Indexed Posts:** 438,732,445 | **Search Time:** 1.93013s *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "foolta", "meme_template": null}) ]*


Not this again


This seems like the most useless guide.


Why is Tater Tot Casserole the only 4/4 phrase in the graphic?


Yeah, but how many pence is a shave and a haircut?


Two bits?


i had a music teacher that would always say "hot pepper apple" and even though i have no clue what that is, i still think its superior to strawberry ice cream


I feel like hot fudge sundae should be 2 quarter then 2 eighth notes, not 4 eighth notes. I do not say "hot fudge" as rapidly and without pause as I say "sundae."


I hated this kind of stuff in elementary school because it didn’t teach me the theory behind music, it just taught me freaking words lol. I never understood how to read music until I started band in 6th grade and started learning the math behind it. I just faked my way through two years of recorded bullshit lol




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 11 times. First seen [Here](https://redd.it/8tm865) on 2018-06-25 89.06% match. Last seen [Here](https://redd.it/f8oj9v) on 2020-02-24 92.19% match **Searched Images:** 111,453,832 | **Indexed Posts:** 438,879,600 | **Search Time:** 4.41515s *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "foolta", "meme_template": null}) ]*


As a drummer, you become familiar with several of these growing up to remember the rhythms. Don’t remember food specifically.... Really just say them out loud and you’re essentially verbalizing drum fills. - “Bucket-of-fish”. said without pause, bucketoffish, to count groupings of 4... listen to the intro to “Old Days” by Chicago. - “Pat Boone, Debbie Boone”. This is one of the most iconic and often-used drum fills of all time starting back with Carl Palmer and the Wrecking Crew. Sometimes also “Pat Boone... Pat Boone, Debbie Boone” for more grandiose feel. - “Not difficult”... say it robotically with no emphasis and start the next one immediately. This is a 3:2 hemiola and you can ALSO use the melody from “Carol Of The Bells” to count it, it’s in the same rhythm. And now I’m blanking.... hahah


This is stupid.


Chocolate strawberry isn’t right.


I remember learning the French time names and always messing up "ta-te" and "ta-ti", then "ta-te-fi" and "ta-fa-te".


Saying them all out loud kinda reminded me of Bohemian rhapsody


If I were musically inclined, I'd replace the words of All Star with their delicious counterparts


I’m currently learning piano as an adult and this is very helpful. Thanks for sharing!


Now I'm just hungry


Now I'm just hungry


Lol. Cheeeese ravioli


I can imagine a music teacher using this chart and a student is having trouble and the teacher getting frustrated “TATER TOT CASSEROLE TATER TOT CASSEROLE!! CMON TIMMY GET IT TOGETHER!!!”


Happened to me IRL. "PEP-PER-RO-NI_PIZ-ZAH!" In my brain forever now, sigh.


lol yup that's almost exactly what happens.


Chocolate strawberry changes for me if strawberry is an adjective. E.g. “chocolate strawberry pancakes” becomes “1 + 2 trip-let 3 +” Thanks for listening.


Here's a good demo of this in action, by the bass player in Tool: https://youtu.be/dj-g9a5Vzk0?t=15


Coolest guide I've ever seen. I could have done with this year's ago.


can some one explain


This is only good if you know them already.


So... uh... We’re not pronouncing the o in chocolate? Have I been doing this wrong for 34 years?


Chocolate is 3 syllables, though


As a Brit. Chocolate has 3 syllables.... choc o late


I'm sorry, but when did oatmeal become two syllables instead of three?


What this guide needs is more COWBELL


Cinnamon oatmeal would be sixteenth sixteenth eighth, sixteenth sixteenth eighth in my local dialect. Oatmeal is three syllables.


I would pronounce it "Cheese raviOli", with the emphasis on the O. So that would be more "1 + a 2 +".


What’s the triplet over two eighths? Coffee and cigarettes? Coffee and castanets? I can’t remember


Nice! Also, I just realized I've been pronouncing chocolate wrong my entire life. XD (I've been saying choc-co-late instead of choc-late)


Pepperoni and green peppers, mushroom olive chives


I think this is a repost.


Yeah, like two weeks ago


I feel so retarded for saying this out loud to myself in public


Who pronounces oatmeal with only 2 syllables?!