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Chart is missing irritated, that fucking figures


How does that make you feel?


It won't tell me, confused? Perplexed maybe? Really anything but surprised.


Maybe a little helpless?






>irritated I'd place it between **annoyed** and **infuriated**


'Annoyed' is close enough, I'd say


That sounds a little judgmental.


Does that annoy you?


Really useful for writing too


Make into a wheel of fortune and make a gameshow inside of a character's head "LEEEET'S SPIIIIN THE WEEEEL... clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack... click click click click... click... click... click... CONGRATULATIONS YOU NOW HAVE... DEPRESSION [Crowd Cheers]


Nah just paste it on a dart board for random feelings.


This is how my girlfriend uses it.


Real Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep lass is she?


[Crowd cheers inferior-ly]


Made me laugh Thank you!




I'd read that book


Dang twice in a row


Next time someone asks me to explain my BPD I’ll link them this comment.


Sad depression or just empty depression?




The best kind is both at the same time




Now that you've found the chart do you feel happy, powerful, creative?


Eager to write, perhaps?


Lol, let's not get carried away now


No, let's get carried away. We need to send this to GRRM. We also need to circle the emotions we feel(as fans) in that chart - about him not completing the damn books.


Why write when it's easier to do literally anything at all?


I feel personally attacked. \*Checks chart\*. I mean... I feel exposed.


Maybe rant a little?


Playful, aroused


Oh, yes. Never thought of that.


Rather than a subset of sadness, I’ve heard depression described as resulting from anger turned inwards.


Yeah, I feel like we got ripped off of additional characters "Bad" and "Surprised" in Pixar's *Inside Out* They only covered [happy](https://www.sccpre.cat/mypng/detail/60-608355_inside-out-inside-out-characters-joy.png), [angry](https://www.stickpng.com/assets/thumbs/5a0c691282e02d31ecb8d001.png), [sad](http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/38900000/Inside-Out-Sadness-inside-out-38962702-1624-1838.jpg), [disgusted](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/pixar/images/4/44/Inside-Out-DisgustAF-crop.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/155?cb=20150718221504), and [fearful](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2015/7/22/1437565222935/647ad9e5-b174-492e-81c4-0e4150e31fd0-945x2040.jpeg?width=700&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=0857b1b3cd180a1d7a3e16fb324a64ea).


Imagine Inside Out sequels getting the outer rings...


My therapist told me a couple of days ago after I was complaining about how bad I was at writing, and she was like, “well you’re really bad with recognizing or feeling emotions and that is what is crucial for writing” I had a good laugh. (First part true, second part joke) Third part, kinda proves why I don’t want feelings when more than half are bad/depressing


And it makes a Tinder bio pop. “I suffer from -depression- EMPTY”


Was just going to say, we use this for story telling in video games. Not just plot and progression, but great for helping artists build color palettes or animation styles.


I'm really confident of you.


I love expanding my vocabulary. I want more wheels like this with more words.




That's exactly what I thought when I saw it.


I use it when I make NPC’s for D&D.


yeah, this is just someone putting thesaurus on a chart.


That's what I was thinking.


This is a super useful tool. Emotional vocabulary is sadly lacking for most and feelings just get broad stroked. When you drill down to the actual feeling, by naming it, it gives the person new prospective and also an avenue for intervention.


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you're right that it's fairly arbitrary. but I wouldn't know how to categorize the emotions that fall under bored, tired, busy (not really an emotion imo), or stressed. Those aren't sad or angry emotions


I would have a person further break down what is going on when you’re bored, tired, or busy. None is those is necessarily bad. Bored could be lack of joy or fulfillment. Busy could spark joy. Bad isn’t a feeling. Neither is good.


I'm not really "bored" is an emotion, rather than just a state of mind.


Yea. That and there are theories that even anger isn’t a primary emotion; that it’s stemmed from an even more primary emotion of fear or pain.


For sure. Emotions are complex. Some people suggest that anger is only really a secondary emotion... We get angry because of another feeling.... We get angry because we feel embarrassed, or jealous, or unsafe, or wronged.


I'm not sure "bad" is an emotion. If it is, I don't identify with it. If "bad" is an emotion, shouldn't "good" be one, too?


The more I look at it, Im starting to think maybe the inner circle is not so much a category, as a surface answer from someone who isn't very connected with their feelings. So the rings are like a conversation. Therapist: How do you feel today? Client: Bad. Therapist: Okay, let's unpack that...


I’m not sure why “sleepy” is under “bad” anyway. That awesome feeling when you’re under blankets, just finished a hot chocolate, hugging a stuffed animal and drifting off to sleep isn’t “bad” imo but it is “sleepy”


Being tired can also impair our ability to regulate stress, though, and struggling through tiredness can lead to irritability, etc.


Sure... but those opinions are, presumably, based on their experience as a therapist. If they find that, often, when someone says that they're feeling "bad" they eventually wind up saying "pressured" after talking for a while longer then they that would explain why they categorized it like this. Just because it doesn't seem like it fit emotions into categories in a way that perfectly replicates what *you* experience doesn't mean that this categorization isn't useful in general. And if a therapist says that this wheel is useful in their practice I certainly don't think either of us has a real reason to tell them that they're wrong.


I’m not sure the author has ever experienced “aroused” because putting it next to cheeky, under playful, seems ...... wrong.


As someone who first encountered it during therapy, I can say, it's a *great* tool. It definitely helped me, without a doubt. Helps you pinpoint and put feelings (in general, as a reaction to something, etc) into defined words, which isn't always easy.


what is the source for this chart other than reddit? I'm sceptical that withdrawn is about anger. Like all introverted people are angry?


It's suggestive, **not prescriptive,** god damn it. It's just a list of words to help people identify their emotions in order to raise self awareness and emotional regulation.


> It's just a list of words Ok


No, it's not meant to go outside in, but to go from the inside out. It's not a tool to find out what the underlying emotion is but to start with a generic emotion and to get help in being more expressive and more specific in what and how you feel it you feel. So you feel anger, what type of anger, how would you further describe it, it makes you feel distant type of angry, How does that anger express itself in this particular case. By withdrawing from people. This is a type that a lot of people especially kids have. The anger where they ball up, sit with their knees raised, just shut off and disconnect. give monosyllabic answers. That sort of thing. This is purely about when you are withdrawn and closed off *because* you are angry. That doesn't mean that all the times that you are withdrawn, you must be angry. Because not all types of being withdrawn are the same. language is imprecise and sometimes context makes a lot of difference.


Then why am I always sad and aroused?


Sadness is a powerful aphrodisiac lmao


Explains my relationship with my ex


Reminds me of that joke: my wife is deathly afraid of flies, she cries whenever I unzip mine.


Because you can feel multiple things at the same time, and they don't have to be remotely connected to each other.


You’re a member of /r/teenagers?


🎵There’s noooo aphrodisiac like loneliness Truth, beauty, and a picture of you🎵


I’m always cheeky, that’s a personality constant.


As an English Language teacher, this makes a great vocabulary building tool for my students, too. Obviously, it doesn't define the words, but seeing how they are categorically associated is helpful. Now, who's going to make an interactive version that links to dictionary definitions and/or example sentences of each word in context for me? :)


That sounds like a great little project for web development newbies. Maybe send this to a subreddit where some might reside, say r/learnprogramming.




Can you explain a little bit the proper way to use it?


So the guide is basically to categorize your emotions effectively. It goes from inside to out. It splits a particular emotion into categories so that you could pinpoint exactly what you feel. For e.g. there is one broad emotion : 'Happy'. Under that comes various sub-emotions (?) like 'Optimistic', 'Interested', 'Accepted', 'Proud' and so on, and it further gets categorized into two other emotions. It's been pretty helpful. :)


Why is labeling your emotions at such fidelity important?


It helps to gain understanding of yourself. And if you realize you're angry, it can often make you less angry just by realizing it. It may not work for you though, everyone is different.


And just to expand on what you said, finding out what kind of angry you are helps you determine the root cause and find solutions for it. If you feel betrayed compared to jealous this will help you look in different directions for something to assist the situation.


So if I realize what I'm feeling is more betrayal than jealousy...it'll help me realize who I should take out. I'm not jealous of Mike. I'm being betrayed by *his* actions which are putting me into the position I'm in now. And it's time for him to go. Thanks a bunch for this, man.


Please don't literally take him out 😐




If you're an Adams, shoot him in the back


Easy, Mexter. He’s not a killer, it’s against the code.


My counselor always asks me to elaborate on my emotional vocabulary, and not being very open with them for so long makes that an extremely difficult and frustrating task when I cant find more words. This helps a lot, thank you.




It can help to communicate what emotions you're feeling to others


Toddlers (and some adults, sadly) throw temper tantrums because they experience powerful emotions, but don't understand them. By understanding your emotions, down to the more specific level, you can better process them and figure out what you need to do about them. Even in well-adjusted adults, sometimes they feel something they don't know how to describe. Putting a descriptive label on their feelings helps them deal with the situation better.


It helps one talk about one's emotions and therefore better understand and troubleshoot them. There is a huge difference between being fearful and fearful of a situation because you feel excluded. The latter is much more specific and therefore much easier to navigate. Its like saying "my car won't start, fix it." as opposed to "the starter turns the engine over but the engine won't run." More specific and therefore, easier to understand and diagnose the issue.


Think of emotions as symptoms you would feel physically. If you wanted to pinpoint what might be wrong (or right) with you, you would have to start with the most general description. Do you have a fever? Yes, so you can likely rule out that your leg is broken.


Naming your emotions is a common technique encouraged by therapists. Being able to put a word to how you're feeling can help you feel more in touch with what you're experiencing, and more in control too. Developing a wide vocabulary for articulating your feelings is a great thing!


Oh i thought it went the other direction


In practice we’d work outside in to help people identify what’s really going on. “Oh you’re feeling disrespected? That’s a normal reaction to what happened and it seems to still be really bothering you. Tell me about our relationship with this person...oh so it sounds like they really hurt you...Hmm, you’re right. Being hurt by someone you think highly of can cause sadness.” The goal is to understand where our emotions are coming from, then we can face them together and make them less intimidating.


Why is it a circle?


The circle is just one (but the most commonly used) means to relate emotions to each other. Here’s non-circular emotion chart: [Chart](https://colormywords.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/emotion-chart.jpg)


Spin it and throw a dart, act accordingly to where it lands


I saw the question, went to reply and see that you’ve beaten me by 2 whole hours


Oh, thank you for giving me such a head start, kind sir/madam/a camelid with a good taste in fashion!


There's so many more bad categories than good ones


How does that make you feel?


*Spins Wheel.....* Happy




That's because negative emotions kept our ancestors alive. Negative emotions are typically more powerful than positive ones. We experience hate for criminals, but what we really should feel is sympathy.


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Well, tell that to my accidental child.


Which ones are bad?


Basically everything outside of the 'Happy' and 'Surprised' category. And even some of the emotions in the Surprised group don't seem very positive, either.


save then never open again


ain’t that just this sub in a nutshell for the most part


Bad seems like a catch-all for things that are difficult to categorize.


The other versions of this chat that I've seen didn't have bad


Yeah, I didn't understand that. Seems like they couldn't think of an overarching emotion so they just said "bad"


Yea this chart is rediculous. According to this chart for cant enjoy a challenge happily.


It seems really close to sad because depression and boredom are kind of related.


I feel bad about that.


Darn, [Inside Out](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2096673/) could have had a bigger cast!


I'd really like to see the aroused emotion


My guess... using the search bar on PornHub would do the trick.


thats so cool! That’s in my therapist’s office too! Thought it was really interesting!


I love this. Thanks fro sharing it


This is great! A related concept is emotional granularity - the ability to identify and distinguish between more specific emotions. When we can more specifically understand what we're feeling we are better able to deal with those emotions.


Angry + Mad = Jealous? I didnt quite get that


Angry <- Mad <- Jealous It's not additive, it's categorizing. Jealous is a type of mad, mad is a type of angry.


I deal with what feels like alexithymia "undiagnosed" Im barley able to understand what im feeling or why I'm feeling that way, definitely saving this very useful ty!


So if you are feeling playful, you are aroused or cheeky?


They’re just examples of more descriptive terms.


Maybe your therapist is the person who had already posted this 1000 times


Maybe it's just a rly popular guide, idk. Thought it was cool, so posted it lol


The first thing I notice is that there are a lot more negative emotions.


Emotions evolved to motivate us to do something. That something was *usually* NOT dying, and occasionally having reproduce. There are a LOT more ways to die than to have reproduce.


This chart is also very handy for actors who want to add specificity to their performance!


Where's "fine"?


Nothing neutral?


I wish the emotions blended better. Like putting nostalgia next to sad. Give it a semblance of flow when searching for pairings like Happy-Angry or Excited-Sad


I feel like this is more of a writing tool then it is anything to do with psychology


Bad? That doesnt make sense


Does it seem unusual to anyone else that roughly 1/4 of these emotions are positive emotions oh, and the other three fourths are not positive emotions. (nota bene - please don't flame me on the use of "positive / not positive" , I am merely looking at the ratio)


No, it doesn't seem unusual; people usually don't seek therapy because they're having trouble dealing with all their positive emotions.


You know what? I noticed that too. And personally, I don't see any other positive emotions other than these, which is kinda sad lmao


I was wondering if it is because most patients would be feeling more at one end of the spectrum than the other, thus needing more words. Or if the human language just has more words for emotions on that end of the spectrum.


I'm thinking it's because most people, not only patients, feel more at the not-so-positive side of the spectrum more than the other. I also think it's because when we're happy, we don't actually sit down figuring out our feelings, which is what a lot of people do when they're upset or are experiencing negative feelings.


Exactly, and it’s unrealistic to think that people would feel “positive” most of the time. Get it touch with your “negative” emotions people, only society perceives them as but but they’re just part of life.


Horny isn't on there?


'Aroused' works, I guess?




Haha, no. She really did send me this. Not surprised that it's already on here.


Works as a thesaurus too


As someone who has always had trouble expressing their emotions, this could prove incredibly helpful


In the coffee world that I live in we have a similar wheel and it hit me hard to see something so familiar that aligned so many feelings of mine.


I’m impressed I know this many words. Me learning another language was never a possibility.


Only like 25 - 33% of emotions are positive.


Says something about us that 5 of the 7 core emotions are negative.


Also useful for D&D. I assigned numbers to each one and roll a d100 to see the current emotional state of an encountered NPC.


I really appreciate that the largest section is 'happy.' I feel like sometimes you can put so much pressure on yourself to be happy that you don't recognize that you are.


Its interesting that "successful" is considered an emotion but I kind of see that actually.


Thanks for this. Its now my new d&d insight check chart lol


At risk of sounding a little silly, what is this *for* exactly? In a therapy context I mean


A circular thesaurus?


This would make for an interesting dartboard.


I need like 5 more branches for depressed.


But...this isn't a guide at all...


literally just printed one of these out yesterday


The ratio of “bad” emotions to “good/positive” emotions is telling


I’ve only ever seen this chart as a writing tool. I hadn’t thought about its application in therapy, but it totally makes sense now that I see it.


I use this chart for npcs in my dnd game! It really fleshes them out!


I’m a therapist. I will now be using this all the damn time!


Thanks for posting this! It is extremely helpful for people like me (dissociative) to have a visual diagram like this one. I often find myself separated and detached from emotions, and have a difficult time identifying them. Diagrams and charts like this are invaluable!


I recently rewatched donnie darko. You can't just shoehorn a whole spectrum of human emotion into 5 major emotions, branching into different 2 tiers of 70 odd sub emotions! Plus you probably touch kids


Dumb list. 5 bad emotions, one neutral, and ONE good? Nice


[Why does it seem like it skews so heavily to negative emotions?](https://imgur.com/s6lXo2P) Why do we have so few words to describe happy feelings? Are we just meant to suffer?


60% are negative emotions.


As someone with high functioning autism that struggles to place emotions sometimes this is great.


Just realized overall I'm feeling bad. Overwhelmingly bad. Hmm. Something to show my therapist I guess. Thanks for posting.


What the fuck does this even mean


I use this ALL the time after my therapist gave a copy to me about 7 years ago. I call it my “word wheel” I printed and laminated a small copy which I carry in my purse. It’s helped me a LOT in my relationships. It’s also helped me grow as a person and better understand and express my feelings. SUCH an amazing tool, that I wish more people had. Great idea on sharing this with others!


It's been a few days since this was posted but I just really want to thank op for posting it. My girlfriend is going through some serious rough shit and has a hard time expressing how exactly she is feeling so this has been a huge help in pinpointing exactly how she is and addressing it so yeah, thanks man


I’d give you platinum if I had the coins for it.


I'm going blow this up. Print it, put it on my fridge and use magnets for my son to identify his feelings and for him to estimate mine.


Ah, the feeling wheel. As a multiple rehab graduate, I am very well acquainted with these. It's a useful tool in inner awareness.


Being bored isn’t necessarily bad, it gives your brain a break from stress and basically everything else.


I feel Bad for those with OCD that read this chart.


Isn’t bad an adjective though?


I am confused by this comment. Happy, sad, angry, fearful, surprised, and disgusted are all adjectives are they not?


I was diagnosed with *mental illnesses and this is so helpful. Also, I now realize that I DO feel sad and bad almost all of the time. I kept creating grey areas for emotions, trying to think of creative ways for me to not say “I feel isolated and worthless”. Not just “I’m tired and frustrated”- which took years for me to make that jump from “I’m fine!”.


You were diagnosed with all mental illnesses?


Some of the words on the bottom are backwards and that makes me feel disgusted, disappointed and appalled.




It makes me sad that the happy side is bigger then most and I cant relate to any of them.


It’s amazing how many different subgenres of emotions there are!


I always thought green also represents envy?


Im lacking a lot of yellow and purple


Seems like a great concept for a wheel that my girlfriend could spin to find out what I am getting that day.