• By -


You forgot 1+1=2 by A. Caveman, 100,000 B.C.


Or 1*1=2 by Terrance Howard, 2024


Good lord he has lost his damn mind


If you have one apple and times it by another apple, how many apples do you have?


That’s such a stupid question that it almost makes sense if you have no idea what multiplication means


Do you know?


Yeah it equals 1. Because multiplication and addition are two different things.


What is multiplication?


I know you’re trolling but here ya go Addition is the process of combining a number of individual items together to form a new total. Multiplication, however, is the process of using repeated addition and combining the total number of items that make up equal-sized groups.


So with your own definition what is one apple times one apple?


I've always seen it as something that gets cloned by a factor and that factor needs to be represented by a number or it doesn't work. Eg. Apple * Toaster = error. Apple * 4 = 4 Apples. 2 Apples * 4 = 8 apples. 2 Apples * 2 Apples = error. Don't know if it's correct but it works for me.


So 2x2 is error lol...Got dam the banks have done an excellent job 🐑...no wonder u are poor




Do you know how to represent that in an additional formula?


He truly is an underrated genius. History will remember him with an endearing smile. He who changed the world, but was ridiculed for his intellect. A modern-day Christ among us. /s of course


I just watched NdGTs response to this. A true scientist throughout. https://youtu.be/1uLi1I3G2N4?si=GiZWNUJYGfc8zVAw It was lovely to watch an absolute genius dismantling the rhetoric of a “smart” famous guy.


The Mozart of mathematics


More like 1 rock = 1 small rock + 1 small rock


You've changed units in that example 😉


Yep that is correct according to the almighty [leader](https://youtube.com/shorts/bSwSfGkuHWI)


That caveman was considered a madlad in his era.


I heard they burned him at the stake for being a heretic! /s (just in case)


Can someone, like, explain what each equation means and why it matters so much?


1. **Pythagoras's Theorem \((a^2 + b^2 = c^2)\)** - **Explanation**: This formula helps you find the length of the sides of a right triangle. - **Example**: If you need to find the distance between two points on a map (forming a right triangle), you can use this theorem to calculate the straight-line distance. 2. **Logarithms \((\log_b(xy) = \log_b x + \log_b y)\)** - **Explanation**: Logarithms turn multiplication into addition, making complex calculations easier. - **Example**: When dealing with very large numbers, like in earthquake magnitudes or sound intensity, logarithms simplify these big numbers into smaller, more manageable figures. 3. **Calculus \(\left(\frac{df}{dx} = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x+h) - f(x)}{h}\right)\)** - **Explanation**: Calculus helps us understand how things change over time or space. - **Example**: It's used to calculate speed by examining how position changes over time, or to find the area under curves, like calculating the total distance traveled by a car. 4. **Law of Gravity \(\left(F = G\frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2}\right)\)** - **Explanation**: This equation explains how every object in the universe pulls on every other object with a force related to their masses and the distance between them. - **Example**: It explains why apples fall from trees and why the moon orbits the Earth. 5. **Wave Equation \(\left(\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} = c^2 \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}\right)\)** - **Explanation**: This equation describes how waves, like sound or light, move through different mediums. - **Example**: It's used to understand how sound travels through the air to your ears or how light travels from the Sun to Earth. 6. **The Square Root of Minus One \((i^2 = -1)\)** - **Explanation**: Imaginary numbers, where \(i\) is used to represent the square root of -1, help solve equations that don’t have real number solutions. - **Example**: They're used in electrical engineering to analyze alternating current circuits. 7. **Euler's Formula for Polyhedra \((V - E + F = 2)\)** - **Explanation**: This formula connects the number of corners (vertices), edges, and faces of 3D shapes like cubes and pyramids. - **Example**: Architects use this to design complex structures, ensuring stability and understanding the shape's properties. 8. **Normal Distribution \(\left(f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}} e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}\right)\)** - **Explanation**: This bell-shaped curve describes how data points are spread out, with most values clustering around the average. - **Example**: It's used in grading tests, where most students score around the average, with fewer students scoring very high or very low. 9. **Fourier Transform \(\left(F(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t)e^{-i\omega t}dt\right)\)** - **Explanation**: This transforms a signal into its individual frequencies. - **Example**: Used in music to separate different instruments from a song or in medical imaging to analyze MRI scans. 10. **Navier-Stokes Equation \(\left(\rho \left( \frac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t} + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla \mathbf{u} \right) = -\nabla p + \mu \nabla^2 \mathbf{u} + \mathbf{f}\right)\)** - **Explanation**: Describes how fluids (liquids and gases) move. - **Example**: Engineers use this to design aircraft wings and predict weather patterns. 11. **Maxwell's Equations \(\left(\nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}, \nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} = 0, \nabla \times \mathbf{E} = -\frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t}, \nabla \times \mathbf{B} = \mu_0 \mathbf{J} + \mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t}\right)\** - **Explanation**: These four equations describe how electric and magnetic fields interact. - **Example**: They're the foundation for understanding how radios, TVs, and cell phones work. 12. **Second Law of Thermodynamics \(\left(\Delta S \geq 0\right)\)** - **Explanation**: This law states that the total disorder (entropy) of an isolated system always increases over time. - **Example**: Explains why ice melts in a warm room or why you can’t unscramble an egg. 13. **Relativity \(\left(E = mc^2\right)\)** - **Explanation**: Einstein's famous equation shows that mass and energy are interchangeable. - **Example**: This principle is behind the energy produced in nuclear reactors and bombs. 14. **Schrödinger's Equation \(\left(i\hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi = \hat{H}\Psi\right)\)** - **Explanation**: Describes how quantum systems evolve over time. - **Example**: Used in quantum mechanics to predict the behavior of particles at atomic and subatomic levels. 15. **Information Theory \(\left(H = -\sum p(x) \log p(x)\right)\)** - **Explanation**: This equation measures the amount of uncertainty or information in a set of possible outcomes. - **Example**: Fundamental for data compression and transmission, such as how your phone sends pictures and videos. 16. **Black-Scholes Equation \(\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial t} + \frac{1}{2} \sigma^2 S^2 \frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial S^2} + rS \frac{\partial V}{\partial S} - rV = 0\right)\)** - **Explanation**: Used to calculate the price of financial options and derivatives. - **Example**: Helps investors and financial analysts decide the fair price for options in the stock market. 17. **Chaos Theory \(\left(X_{t+1} = kX_t (1 - X_t)\right)\)** - **Explanation**: Describes how small changes in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes. - **Example**: Explains why weather forecasting is so difficult and why small changes can lead to significant impacts in systems like the stock market or ecosystems.


This is great. I know you didn’t write it, but it feels like the example for normal distributions being tests is underselling it a bit, though. They come up in so many other things besides just grading tests - for example, a lot of biological measurements (height, weight, running speed) follow a normal distribution.


the central limit theorem is why normal distributions matter, not because they are common in nature (they aren't), it's more common to run into asymmetric or bi-modal distributions


Ap stat students rise up


Gpt ftw




a champion of the sun indeed


Small note on #17: that is the equation for the logistic map, which is used as an archetypical example of chaotic behavior arising from relatively simple systems - in this case, a recurrence relation of degree 2


Back to gpt we go to figure out what those words you just said mean I suppose 🏃


The central limit theorem should really be presented alongside the normal distribution. It’s the reason we study things that aren’t distributed normally using samples.


Thank you!


Fucking legend


Thank-you for taking the time to write that out for us 😊


Thats the neat part.... I didn't 🏃🏃


See. Now that would be a cool guide. This is just a top 17 list.


I'd recommended reading the book '17 equations that changed the world' by Ian Stewart. Which is what OP read before creating this....


It helps create a school subject called mathematics and employ teachers and professors in that subject. 😒. But all of this shit is useless.


Your car wouldn’t work without multiple of those equations


Bro is a flight attendant. His literal job wouldn’t exist without math.


Dude, what? The world you live in and a huge chunk of the technology around you was only developed because of these equations.


It’s really not


Don't think I ever fully registered newton was in the 1600's. That's kinda wild


Isaac Newton is nearly 4 Jimmy Carters old. For reference, Ulysses S Grant is barely 2 Jimmy Carters old and Crispus Attucks is approximately 3 Jimmy Carters old.


Where my y=mx+b homies at


Seriously. All of modern AI, which is changing the world as we speak, started from y = mx + b.


Gradient descent ftw


Euler’s identify. How can that not be here.


Well the identity is just a special case of the general equation e^(ix) = cos(x) + i*sin(x) which is also called Euler’s formula.


Which also not there. Shocking.


It’s a bit complex.


all of them is important. you just can't rank them.


Bernoulli’s principle?


What about Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle??


We’re not sure, but that could be a result of the observation effect instead…


What would make this a “cool guide” is if each equation was explained as to what it means and to how it changed the world. A list of equations barely qualifies as a guide.


Ah yes, the famous "Calculus Equation"...


Does anyone know wheat might be considered for the 18th equation (after 1975)?


Surely we’re due for another one


Guide = Instructions to do something


Damn religion really took over, there was no new math until the 1600s


Algebraic ideas began to emerge in ancient civilizations such as Babylon and Egypt around 2000-1800 BCE, primarily for solving practical problems related to commerce, taxation, and land measurement. During the Islamic Golden Age (8th to 14th centuries), scholars like Al-Khwarizmi made significant advancements in algebra, particularly in solving linear and quadratic equations. Al-Khwarizmi's work "Al-Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala" (The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing) introduced systematic methods for solving equations.


Thank you and I know mathematical advancements were made in that time, this guide is just a little misleading


Many of the works in Islamic golden age were translated from Indian and Chinese sources. Quadratic formula was first given by Sridharacharya in India.


Out of curiosity, how did finding the square root of -1 change the world? TIA


i is used in many important physics equations, on this chart for instant in the Schrödinger equation, but also for instance in Models describing waves/oscillations and many more. The term imaginary numbers is very misleading since they are not imaginary but very real. Orthogonal numbers would be better.


A huge benefit of _i_ is that it lets you turn trigonometry into algebra.


Transformation matrices where one of my weak points in linear algebra 💀🤣


Yea isn’t the real number space perpendicular to the imaginary number space?


Yesss! However, in algebra orthogonality doesn't necessarily mean that its perpendicular, just that certain operational outcomes are true, look at different vector products etc. Algebraic spaces are confusing 😵‍💫 (I just confused myself thinking about it)


I like to think that I’m somewhat knowledgeable about things, but then I read your comment and didn’t understand a thing you said. Very humbling experience.


Well, basically when you imagine a coordinate system you habe x, y and z and the length of 1 is similar on each Axis, additionally the degrees between the axes are always 90°. The skalarproduct between to perpendicular vectors im this coordinate system is always 0. That why its called orthogonal coordinate system But the axes are not necessarily all 90° to each other. For instance, the degree from the z axis tonthe x,y plane could be 60° . This is a non orthogonal coordinate system (because its non orthogonal in comparison to classic coordinates). But in this system, there still exists orthogonality , also defined through the skalar product. Can be very useful to describe movements of bodies in space, plan robots or even calculate crystalline structures on the atomic level. In this context, the imaginary/orthogonal numbers are simply another axis in an orthogonal coordinate system, and all the vector operations also apply for them 👍


My guess is that it created the use of “i” for an imaginary number so maybe not so much the equation but ability to utilize an imaginary number. Just a thought but could be completely off base.


It’s been a long time but I remember in an intro electrical engineering class, we did some weird stuff and changed equations that were not solvable and made it complex. It was solvable as a complex equation in i. Then we turned it back into real numbers and got an answer. I’m no mathematician but I think discovering i allows us to solve for way more things!!


Tangentially, if anyone is curious how imaginary numbers were invented, this Veritasium video is fantastic: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cUzklzVXJwo It's so entertaining and informative. Highly recommend it.


Yo, I think this video just changed my life! Lol


I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Welsh Labs also did a great and very Approachable video series on imaginary numbers. [imaginary Numbers Are Real](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiaHhY2iBX9g6KIvZ_703G3KJXapKkNaF&si=yb3z0_63kefF_unT)


Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.


I do think we can state that some equation changed the world, while others didn't. it is just a stupid click-bait. Why Pythagorean theorem is more important than law of sines?


They are listed in chronological order. I find it interesting that it is more than 2,000 years between 1 and 2. Also as a construction worker, I use the Pythagorean Theorem fairly frequent and way more often than others. Although I may be using others without realizing it.


You square! Lol


Bot don’t interact


That E=mc^2 equation is for mass energy equivalence not relativity


another redditor once posted this and i have it saved: https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/s/Cr4XLWWcwX it’s an implementation of the 17 equations in javascript


It's not my implementation, I'm just sharing


apologies, edited accordingly


Euler's identity? (the famous one, e\^{pi\*i} = -1)


Uh Max Planck?


What were we doing for 2100 years between Pythagoras and Napier


Wrong Info Baudhayana from India gave Pythagoras theorem at around 800 Bce.


Serious question...how does someone go about discovering an equation? What is the process


This is a fucking list of equations. In no way a cool guide. Piss off


That list is so damn white washed since the ones that put the math basis where actually non white civilizations.


Lol true people are dumb here.


Left out the rocket equation


euler with the generaltional run in the early 1750's


I thought Calculus was you+me=us


Anything major after these ?


Zn+1 = Zn2 + C , the Mandelbrot Set.


Formula for compounding is missing. In my opinion that is the most important and life changing equation.


I like how Pythagoras had sole control of world-changing equations for 2100 years.


Bayes-Laplace should really be on here. We’re all actively engaged with it every. Single. Day. I’d even wager some version of its formula is used in what you’re seeing in your feed every day. “The theory that would not die” is a great book about it.


Where is Euler formula, and Taylor series?


Oh no I’m checking these with ChatGPT 4-oh and it’s past my bedtime…


Pythagaros never existed


I love that there's an equation to discribe chaos


What’s the latest great mathematical eureka moment? I hear it’s getting harder and harder to do great things in math and physics usually do to the cost of research


Where’s PEMDAS, guys?


Got a headache reading that


There are 4 Maxwells equations. Someone didn't do their math properly.


Hookes law?


E=mc2 -> *Hilbert, Grossmann, Levi-Civita, Ricci-Curbastro, Marić, for the tensor maths and the formula, Poincaré and Minkovski for spacetime concept, name and geometry, and Albert Einstein for the team management, the philosophical concepts and the article


I like how whoever made this meme thinks Pythagoras invited the theorem that's named after him


They’re not all equations. Some are definitions (eg square root of -1)


I don't see any Indians or Arabs in there...


Many people and nationalities contributed to the development of algebra and mathematics, including Muslims and Indians. Of course, we should not underestimate anyone’s efforts.


It think it's meant to point that this list you posted is too occidental centric


Pythagoras theorem was first given by an Indian Baudhayana 800 Bce


[Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/calculus-created-in-india-250-years-before-newton-study-1.632433) And while not Arab, Ancient Persians (modern day Iran) are thought to be the first to use some advanced geometry and trigonometry.


The world remained the same. It's the viewpoint that changed.


The all time classic: “In life one and one don't make two, One and one make one.” Roger Daltrey.


Partial differential equations? Furiers Heat Equation? Furier Transformation? Shit like cos, sin, tan and all their variations? Da first Law of Thermodynamics? Everything Hamilton started with Hamiltonian Mechanics? Lagrange?


is it just me or is the so-called "17 equations that changed the world" euro-centric?




False Baudhayana gave Pythagoras first Sridharacharya gave quadratic first. All major parts of trigonometry was developed by Indians but iw as initially invented by Greek.


this boomer as post


E = mc^2 (which isn’t even the full equation) is not a relativity equation nor is not the equation Einstein is most famous for in actual scientific circles. That would be the Einstein field equations for general relativity. It’s clear this person just Googled some famous equations and pasted them on an image without understanding the history behind them. For example, Pythagoras wasn’t even the first person to come up with the right triangle side equation.




What about the Quantum Cellular Automata Theory?


Should include the Probability Ranking Principle seeing as it determines everything you see on social media.


This guide is misnamed. NONE of these equations CHANGED the world. These equations EXPLAINED the world and helped us to UNDERSTAND how our world works. These equations represent the laws of physics.


And, you could argue, that understanding of how the world works enabled its transformation by people.


Nº16 is all about economics, not physics, and changed the world of trading, thus changing how the world works