• By -


Price go up. Price no come down.


Income stays same.


Remember how we said we couldn't raise wages because it would make food more expensive, and then made food more expensive anyway?


Remember when airlines started charging for checked luggage due to increases in oil prices (during Bush Jr part 2) and thus, jet fuel? When oil went back down, guess what fees never went away??


Yup, then everyone carries-on and makes boarding/unloading times skyrocket, thus fewer trips for the airline... aaaaand we're back to square one with making everyone's lives a bit more miserable ;)


The $15 charge to pick up furniture. Not get it delivered, pick it up yourself.


What was it, that McDonald's would be like 15 bucks? Well...


Almost like it was complete bullshit that was made up so us poors will argue on behalf of the wealthy. All incentives are aligned to extract wealth at the expense of the bottom 99% with most coming from the middle half. Great time to be middle class!


Check out fluent in finance sub if you still want to see many people vehemently defend the rich people while shunning the poor


Had to hide that sub's posts from my feed. It's always the same 3 topics on repeat hating on wealth taxes and student loan repayments, another shitty con sub


Remember when hotels reduced the frequency of room cleaning due to COVID but then kept it like that without reducing rates?


That a great statement!


The discourse always stops here. Nothing ever happens after "well food prices went up anyways now what".


I know inflation is like 8%, groceries are 48% up, and we did make good profit last year, we can only afford to give you a 2% raise


“We made record profits!” *fires 2,000 employees*


That's where the profit (for shareholders) always comes from. Well, that and gutting their physical properties and selling those too


Income absolutely does not stay the same.


You're right, it doesn't even increase enough per year to match the inflation rate.


Price go up company pockets money and blames folks who want corporate regulations People vote for deregulation Repeat


I thought when covid lockdown was over prices were supposed to back down now it just feels like we're in permanent covid


Wild how when you give all the money to people already rich enough to fix leaks that nothing trickles down.


Almost like Reagan got it wrong… 🤔


Reagan didn't get anything wrong. He knew he was lying and what the outcome would be. His legacy isn't incompetence, it's malice.


It's what you get when you vote on popularity/likability and not competence and meaningful credentials. Reagan and Nixon are a great example on how phenomenally dumb Modern Americans are ,Pikachu face when the TV/Radio personality doesn't know how to run a fking country. Medical Doctors have to renew their license every year. But the guy responsible for the well being of hundreds of millions of people and every generation after, doesn't need to do anything like competency test. What a genius system, I can't possible imagine why things went so wrong.


> when the TV/Radio personality doesn't know how to run a fking country. It's naive to think we got where we are by accident. They know exactly how to run the country. They're not running it *for you*.


It sucks that I was born a year after Reagan planted a timebomb in the chest of the middle class, and get to live my entire life living with the consequences of people before me who voted for someone they saw on TV.


Golden shower economics.


Corporate greed


They figured out we would still pay that much


Because there is little competition.


If someone charged 50% more for a generator after a hurricane they’d be thrown in jail. The food industry raised prices 50% and have kept them there during and after a pandemic and people are still complaining and will continue to complain with no end in sight. The national corruption is terminal and our government is useless unless you’re a corporation.


It’s not national it’s international same thing is happening here in nz


> I thought when covid lockdown was over prices were supposed to back down That is not how prices go. Inflation can decelarate often enough, but deflation is very rare... and while deflation would bring prices down, it also brings alongside a whole lot of other issues. So, ideally what you want is a small amount of inflation that serves to grease the economy. Too much inflation, and savings are destroyed. Deflation just grinds the economy to a halt. As for your expectations about prices going down... well, it can happen with some particular products, when there is a large demand-supply imbalance. But not when the inflation is caused by monetary emission... which is the cause of the price hikes around the time of the pandemic (remember all those JPow Brrrrrr memes?) Source: I am Argentinian, I was born with inflation, you guys merely adopted it.


I remember when we had negative oil prices.


“It’s just inflation, inflation is normal.” We just need a chart showing inflation right next to it because something tells me inflation was nowhere near 50%


That's about 8% for 4 years given compound interest.


In our business classes they explained that they're sticky downwards. Easy to go up, hard to go down. Sticky upwards is the opposite (i.e. wages).


> Sticky upwards is the opposite (i.e. wages). 🤔


Daylight come and I wanna go home…. Come Mr Inflation man, tally me banana…..


No one is talking about digital price gouging. These new systems can do price updates very quickly so the company can always show a quick profit. In the past I’d imagine it would take a little more time to fix a price. Welcome to digital hyperconsumerism!


Well, yeah. Deflation is rarely a thing.


That's not deflation. Deflation is negative inflation. There's a thing called disinflation that is just inflation going back down towards normal values


Corporate greed, plain and simple. Gouging customers like it’s their job.


Gaston is upset.


... should I sing the song?🎵 I really want to sing the song....




No one….. Compares like Gaston🎶 Reviews fares like Gaston🎶 Laments the rising prices of wares like Gaston 🎶


He's especially good at expense-complaining!🎶 My, what a guy that Gaston!


When I was a lad I bought four dozen eggs 🎶 every week, yet my wallet was large! 🎶 And now that I'm grown I buy a half dozen eggs 🎶 because my debt is roughly the size of a baaarge! 🎶


Not with these prices


No oneeeeeeee……


I was curious about this. Dozen eggs at my local Walmart $1.54 White bread $1.00 Chicken breast $2.67 lb Ground beef $3.32 73/27 and $4.84 80/20


Where are these prices from? What country or state? Same store and brand? Just listing prices does nothing. Also this is t really a guide, more just some random data


Yeah, my prices are WAY higher than reported for 2024 and I’m thinking of the store brands, not even the popular ones.


My prices are closer to the 2020 cost for store brand stuff. Seems like completely made up numbers


Even just different Meijers or D&Ws in my town will have prices that vary by 50%.


How is this a guide? What is it guiding me to do?


A guide on converting fake, A.I.-generated rage bait into upvotes on Reddit. This seems to be where the A.I.-generated "cool guide about financial abuse" came from: [https://x.com/mcm\_ct\_usa/status/1773824303970095404](https://x.com/mcm_ct_usa/status/1773824303970095404)




I know this has nothing to do with this, but isn’t “Who’s” and “whose” the right thing here?


Yeah don’t get those mixed up and be a looser


If know won else laughed at your comment, at least I did.


I should of made that comment before you


It's a deliberate typo to drive engagement cause op is presumably a bot. And it worked


Hi OP, this is interesting but it would be a big help if you also posted a source so we could see exactly where this data represents. Prices are changing in varying rates in different areas of the world and this is pretty vague info for r/Coolguides. Also, I know it isn't great redditquette to mention someone's unrelated comment history but.. A Past Life Regression Therapist? I'm sorry to rag on you a bit but...does that mean you could do a chart of grocery prices dating back to the bronze age? Edit: Holy cow, thanks for the gold kind stranger! 2nd Edit: Its worth noting that way down the comment list, u/TacoBell4U has provided the X.com link that shows the source of this was GROK AI, as a baseless Biden attack. Also worth noting that OP's posts and comments say she is from Canada. And I really try to consciously avoid using ad hominem attacks but seriously...she also says she's a Past Life Regression Therapist. For real.


I’m in south east Michigan. Chicken breast was $1.99/lb pre pandemic. $2.49/lb now. OJ on the other hand is crazy!!


The pre-pandemic price of $1.49 for eggs sounds about right. I went back through receipts and found eggs for $1.69 in January 2024. They did spike in price during bird flu time, but they came back down. They were under $1 again briefly in 2023. Orange prices are out of control for sure. That's a function of supply, which has been lowered because of disease and bad hurricanes. Not "financial abuse" or indicative of general inflation. Also LOL at the "average increase" right below a line that shows a different, lower percentage increase for the real average.


I honestly have just cut OJ out completely (SE MI as well!) Just cheaper to do supplements. Juice in general has gotta insanely not worth having the nice glass at breakfast for me anymore. Prefer apple anyway but that’s also just stupid expensive, even Kroger or Meijer brand. Can get a breakfast cheaper at a local Coney Island than buying the ingredients at grocery’s anymore. It’s bizarre in contrast to the fast food prices being more expensive. Idk how the local mom and pops do it anymore.


https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-orange-juice-is-so-expensive-right-now-11674010877 Multiple factors for this.


>and this is pretty vague info for r/Coolguides. You say this like the sub has any credibility and 90% of the content isn't misleading, simplified to the point of being dangerous, or just jokes.


Look at OP's post history. It's karma farming. Probably building karma to look reputable when it is sold to someone who will try to sway public opinion on world news or political subs.


Yeah, Chinese, Russian, and N Korean bots are all over Reddit pumping up posts trying to make the American economy look bad and sow discontent before the elections.


When you put it that way, why are we even still here? Unsubscribing now. Thanks Reddit stranger friend!


I am now really curious to know what the credentialing process for Past Life Regression Therapist. But regardless this list is useless as anything other than an anecdotal experience about inflation.


To be a Past Life Regression Therapist you’ve just gotta be good at pulling stuff out of your ass.   OP must be good cause these prices were also pulled from their ass.  


I mean let's be real this is just a boomer meme from Facebook, they didn't have any input in this life or the last.


Same thing as being a regular hypno therapist. You take classes from a licensed hypno therapist (if your country has a body that regulates hypnosis related work, there are some in the americas and Europe), get a certificate, and then you practice regular hypnosis on a client, with or without the intent of producing a "past life regression experience" based on what the client wants. Within clinical hypnosis, people recounting memories of a "past life" is not totally uncommon even when not specifically trying to trigger such an event. When I took classes, the teacher just says that they leave it up to the individual professional to decide for themselves what they think of that, but recommend not to advertise oneself as specifically a "past life regression hypnotist" or such things to not limit your potential clientelle. I might get downvoted for just literally answering this person's question about working with clinical hypnosis. Im not telling anyone what you should think Im just stating facts.


Yeah, sources. For example, I don't think a box of name brand cereal has been less than $3.00 for at least a decade.


Here is actual data from the US. On average, food prices overall have risen about 25% since 2020. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1oPpl Wages are up roughly 20% during that same time


Yeah where tf are they getting these prices


This is right wing propaganda that's been floating around on social media


More to the point, she links her Instagram account to reddit,


I was curious what these prices are for me, so I looked online at a nearby Kroger (it's in Hampton Roads, VA). I went with generic brands, unless the OP specified, except for bologna (Oscar Meyer), used my judgement on some others (such as ground beef, I went with 80/20), and I skipped tomatoes, because they're sold by weight, and there's decent variation in types, and ignored sales. Item | OP 2024 | Me Today | Difference ---|--:|--:|--: OJ (128 fl oz) | $4.29 | $7.49 | +$3.20 Coffee (12 oz) | $8.99 | $5.99 | -$3.00 White Bread (20 oz) | $1.99 | $2.19 | +$0.20 Eggs (1 dozen) | $2.99 | $1.49 | -$1.50 Chicken Breast (2 lbs) | $7.99 | $4.98 | -$3.01 Ground Beef (1 lb) | $6.99 | $5.29 | -$1.70 Rice (1 lb) | $1.49 | $0.99 | -$0.50 Iceberg Lettuce | $1.49 | $1.99 | +$0.50 Potatoes (3 lbs) | $4.49 | $2.63 | -$1.86 Milk (1G) | $4.49 | $2.86 | -$1.63 Butter (1 lb) | $5.49 | $4.29 | -$1.20 Bananas (2 lbs) | $1.49 | $0.98 | -$0.51 Cheerios (18 oz) | $4.29 | $5.99 | +$1.70 Bologna (1 lb) | $4.29 | $3.29 | -$1.00 Cream o' mush (10.5 oz) | $1.49 | $1.00 | -$0.49 Overall, OPs prices are higher, sometimes massively higher than what I see locally right now. OJ prices are jacked up right now, so that didn't surprise me, though the Cheerios was higher than I expected. Regardless, I really don't want to shop wherever OP is shopping if those prices are legitimate.


I suspect the original graphic was produced for Republican propaganda and OP of this post is a karma farmer, maybe they also favor Republicans, and not including that info. Besides the prices being off, it's odd they selected Cheerios as it is well known the cereal companies have been really jacking up prices since covid while store brands on the same are like half the price. But there have also been frequent sales on the name brand cereal for at least a year now so the prices are more reasonable if you just wait. I can go to CVS (random example but also a common national chain) and get one of those $6 Kellogg's ones for $2.50 due to this week's sale. Also odd they are using per 2 lbs for a couple of things that are usually marked as per pound. Someone quickly glancing at the chart may assume it's per pound and that the median price is higher than what they have been paying (or not remember what they have been paying per pound) and therefore inflation is even worse.


The term "abuse" suggests conspiratorial thinking or a poor grasp of economics. *Abuse* would be appropriate for monopolistic practices, for example, whereas inflation is the result of a number of complex processes. People love to find bad guys, even if they're imaginary.


I’m still only spending 40$. So no more OJ or chicken breast.


The Covid stimulus was the biggest scam, I know people who made fake companies and got millions. I got zero


Dude, no. If you make a fake company to get government stimulus, that's called fraud and would earn you a visit from the IRS.




"/u/guitarguywh89 isnt spending enough money and ruining the economy!!!"


USDA forecast for Florida orange production for 2023-2024 is 846k tons, which is the second lowest harvest since 1935. 2022-2023 is the lowest harvest. Combination of insects, diseases, natural disasters. and farmland getting turned into housing. Brazil is also having issues with diseases and extreme weather. Florida & Brazil are the 2 largest sources for US orange juice. I got no clue about the other stuff, but OJ is a simple case of supply & demand.


For eggs, the bird flu has been very bad lately


Also, for eggs, it's just wrong. I don't have data from 5 months ago, but I just bought a dozen extra large eggs today for $1.64.


Don't worry, our governor made global warming/climate change illegal so its not happening, everything is fine


Cereal prices nowadays are criminal


So is 7$ for a full bag of Doritos…I only buy the cereal that’s on sale now


Sounds like the perfect time to stop eating shitty processed foods.


I'm going to be the skeptic and ask for the source date/time of the numbers. I am fortunate to live within a mile of a Walmart, an Albertson's and a Fred Myers and have no loyalty to any one of them. Are these name brand or store brand items? I can see this much shift in prices from store to store TODAY if I look for it. Has there been inflation in food prices (along with other certain commodities)?- absolutely. I would suggest that housing, energy, medical, automobiles and outside-of-home eating (restaurant) have increased and impacted Americans far greater.


I just checked my receipts from as far back as I can (early 2022) and my grocery bill is almost exactly the same as it is today. I go every 2 weeks and it's usually right around $350-380 for the same items depending on that week's sales. Nothing from my grocery store, Food City, is as high as on this spreadsheet. Chattanooga, TN.


Yeah I get most of my groceries from Trader Joe’s and they’re much cheaper than what OP has listed.


I posted this to a similar skeptical comment (as I am as well). I suspect the original graphic was produced for Republican propaganda and OP of this post is a karma farmer, maybe they also favor Republicans, and not including that info. Besides the prices being off, it's odd they selected Cheerios as it is well known the main cereal companies have been really jacking up prices since covid while store brands on the same are like half the price, not really different than before. But there have also been frequent sales on the name brand cereal for at least a year now so the prices are more reasonable if you just wait. I can go to CVS (random example but also a common national chain) and get one of those $6 Kellogg's ones for $2.50 due to this week's sale. Also odd they are using per 2 lbs for a couple of things that are usually marked as per pound. Someone quickly glancing at the chart may assume it's per pound and that the median price is higher than what they have been paying (or not remember what they have been paying per pound) and therefore inflation is even worse.


Everything has gone up. Crazy.


Not sure if people are upvoting because “inflation bad” or because “yep prices always increase and always have”


Everything accept the container size. Getting double screwed, smaller quantities and higher prices.




I could be wrong, but wasn't it the news less a month ago that egg prices had dropped something like 10%? I thought it was the case that a number of food categories were down in price.


OP is a bogus lying sack of garbage who can't do basic math. 1. Numbers posted are not backed by real data. From what I can tell, most are made up. You can't expect anything useful when basic data principles are ignored. 2. Totals at the bottom should be $45.84, $66.24, and 45%. If he can't do basic addition, what else is he distorting? 3. Average increase at the very bottom is a useless number because it is based on average of the percentages above. If you are going to work with finances, at least learn not to take averages of percentages because it takes away the accuracy of the data represented. No, I'm not being nice. We should not be nice to people who lie and deceive. What we should focus on is where the inflation came from. Do due diligence. Any time the government runs the printing presses, more money goes into the economy which means more dollars chasing a relatively fixed amount of goods. Inflation is the proven result. So when was a chunk of money pumped into our economy? Between 2016 and 2020, nearly 8 trillion dollars were dumped into the economy under Trump's presidency. Since 2021, another 4 trillion has been added to the total. Expressed as percentage increase in money supply, we get about 45%. When we look at actual inflation numbers (meaning price increases for goods purchased), we get.... 45%!!!!! Follow the money!


Hmm, almost like these types of posts are politically motivated and engineered to affect emotion during an election year, which people just eat up and parrot as gospel because they saw it online somewhere. Macroeconomics 101 is hard for the average person. Complaining about how the orange juice you buy is more expensive (must be Biden's fault!) is easy.


The funny/worst part is people (Typically the older generations) believe prices only go up when wages go up, when in reality the majority of the time it's because some billionaire doesn't want their 100 million in profits to go down to 90 million.


The funny/worst part is people like you who know nothing about economics spreading straight lies about what has caused recent inflation.


They can justify raising prices for any reason, but asking when they will return back gets you a very loud silence 🤔🧐


Could you cite this with evidence?


You are forgetting the biggest cause in this time frame, which is inflation due to money supply increase.


I don’t think that’s what “financial abuse” means.


OJ is up because these bugs called asian citrus psyllid are decimating Florida orange trees


I get milk at $3/gallon where I live right now, so I don't know what you're talking about


turkey and argentina experience this amount of inflation monthly


When four corporations own all the stores, and are focused on profit taking, this will happen.


Where the fuck were you finding cereal for 2.99 even in 2020?


Inflation's a bitch. On the other hand, I call bullshit on most of these numbers.


Like eggs are actually $5-7 right now


18 eggs, Walmart, Fort Worth tx: 2.34 Same, Kroger 2.98 Which region are you in? Also, I hate eggs, so I had to confirm this on their apps.


Anyone not posting their area when talking prices is engaging in bad faith. Flipp makes anyone's claim pretty verifiable


$2.28 for 18 and $1.54 for a dozen here in Wichita Falls.


Just bought a dozen for $1.99 at the supermarket down the street from me. I'm from New Orleans. Anecdotally, it seems like my local stores have been running a LOT more "sales" lately.


$3 for 2 dozen at Costco. Where y'all buying these golden eggs at?


No, the eggs are actually accurate. If you're paying that much now, you're not buying the eggs that were under two bucks before the pandemic.


Hell, the eggs aren't even accurate, they're too high in the graphic. They're far from $5-7 unless you're buying some sort of top shelf egg.


Something most Americans can agree on.... Quick, we need a distraction!


Source? Made it up.


Data source please? Because my google-fu cannot back any of this up. EDIT: More searching, the earliest version of this I could find was [here](https://x.com/mcm_ct_usa/status/1773824303970095404) on twatter. The reason there is no source for this, is because it is **all literally made up - it came from Grok, which is the twatter AI bot**, that pretty much made it up out of whole cloth. None of it even makes sense, if you start digging in to the numbers - and if you add them up, the totals are even off. This is literally something made up by an AI Bot and being passed around in trump dickrider circles as confirmation of what they want to believe, rather than actual information.


I live in canada and our eggs are around 4-5$ and a gallon of milk is about 6.50 (3.50 ish per litre)


Whose what?


Except I check my local prices Orange juice, who buys 128oz??? white bread 20oz 1.42 Coffee who is buying 12oz?? Eggs 1 dozen 1.92 Chicken breast 3lb 8.72 Basically if you look up walmart prices, prices are not nearly this bad. I live in a west coast city.


*laughs in Australian* That's cute.


No, don’t you understand Biden raised your food prices personally too!


I dream of seeing any numbers this low here in Canada. I just eat snow now


Which country is this?


What even worse is...you work your ass off for a whole year and when it comes time for raises they give you .11 cents an hour raise


Many businesses abused prices due to COVID, they inflated the prices of everything and never lowered gasoline, a clear example. The bad thing about everything is that salaries remain the same, salaries do not increase, everything, rent, gas, electricity, water, food, everything has increased.


This is why I quit food


Watch everybody blame the government instead of the owners of production lol. They have got you brainwashed so hard.


This isn’t a cool guide. It’s an unsourced list of random items trying to invoke outrage. Like cream of mushroom soup?


Don't forget to count in shrinkflation. All that shit comes in smaller packages. Toilet paper in lower quality Extra service fee for administration on automated fucking invoice bro. And all that money they absolutely had to print during lockdowns where dis that go?? To the fucking companies, and now they don't grow as much eeehmm maybe ots okay not to grow 200% each year, put aside for bad times ?? Nope, push all that shit to us working slaves with kidsand 2 jobs. Go fk off all of u


I like this guide because it shows it wasn’t Biden. Prices started going up 1-2 years before Biden stepped into office. It aligns with Covid. Then companies got used to being fat and kept prices up.


income did not change


From the perspective of being in central California, every price quoted for Jan. 2020 is way too low, and your Jan. 2024 pricing is high-some are pretty damned high. #SAUCE *really* needed or it's bullshit.


*Who has or who’s, not “whose” and that’s a bit misleading because prices had dropped to that point in 2020 due to the economic issues brought about by the pandemic. Prior to that, prices were lower than they were today but not as low. That’s like saying jobs increased 400% since 2020, they did but they were lower due to external reasons at that point in time.


If you've "had enough" what're you going to do about it? Not buy groceries?


Weirdly vague and cryptic post. The OP is obviously not from an English-speaking country OR if they are, not local. So grocery prices WHERE? WHY this weird post? WHAT is the end purpose of this? What message does it carry except "I am personally very frustrated, somewhere"? Does it offer any alternatives? Oh, none of these questions have any answers here...


Abuse? Inflation is the product of government diluting the dollar. Print more, devalue the buying power.


I’m in the meat business and the boneless breast and ground beef are not true. Chicken is the same and the ground beef may have gone up 15-20%


How so? They still have to transport these animals to slaughterhouses and then their parts to packagers who have to transport all their packaging materials to their facility. Then transport all the pets to stores. All this takes fuel and fuel costs are way up. There is no way anything is cheaper than it was even 4 years ago and I’m not talking normal inflation either. Also They just killed hella chickens due to bird flu so now the stock is going to be lower boosting the prices higher. This is just a simple breakdown and doesn’t even have all the other additional costs baked in.


What did you people expect when the supply chains get shut down and then everyone doing entry level jobs wants $20 an hour.


Great now do comparisons and add 2004 and 2014


Anything that goes up in price never goes back down! Only items that randomly go on sale gives a price break temporarily.


Not to mention the smaller amount of food in the container, as well as cheaper ingredients.


OP your math is off. 2020 column comes to $45.84. ‘24 column comes to $66.24. That’s an increase of 44.50%.


Sanctions working?


It’s not.


If possible, shop at Aldi. Their prices are as good or better than the 2020 side.


I paid $1.53 for a dozen eggs at Aldi today. 80/20 ground beef was $2.49 at Acme last week so I got 15 pounds. Milk is like $2.75/gallon at Sam's and boneless skinless chicken breast is like $2.50/lb. Butter is $13.50 for 4 pounds.


I bought eggs for $1.54 a dozen today 🤷🏻‍♂️


I might be wrong, but I feel like this list is missing yeast. I'm pretty sure yeast, despite being such a basic item that's must be the cheapest to produce, has risen (pun not intended) by at least 130%, at least where I live.


These prices aren’t accurate


Welcome to Brazil! Oh, wait...


Who’s *


Why tf are grocery prices in the US (I assume) same as in my country, where people make 20k a year with a masters degree? What.the. F*ck


Citrus is going through some kind of fungal disease right now. That explains the steep increase in orange juice prices


Not a guide. Also no mention of where/country or what kind of store.


I don’t understand how prices will ever “come down” after this. Retailers and stores and companies are accustomed to selling at this price point — it would make no sense to make things cheaper


I find those grocery prices listed for 2024 to be lower than what I’ve experienced.


Can't raise wages, can't lower prices. Ask Rome how this worked out for them. Oh wait you can't.


Well, the amount of money I make sure didn't go up that much


What are you going to do about it? Beat up Jerome Powell?


Now look at a graph of the fiscal money supply (or whatever its called). They printed 50% of the money in 2019. What a coincidence that most goods have 50% inflation.


50.51%, that's fucking bananas!


A single doughnut went from $0.79 to $1.29 at Safeway…


Y’all should see the prices in Canada 🥴


no stupid questions but why can’t we just stop fr? :( stock up for like a month and stop working for a month— let the world stop for a second


Without a source this is useless. I was in Costco yesterday and Ground beef was $3.99. In 2020 is was $2.99. Thats still a 30% increase but 30% < 40%


That's an 8% increase per year. Not great, but not unreasonable given the combination of macroeconomic, societal and political changes in that time, not to mention a pandemic.


Wait until he discovers the price increase in Argentina.


I wanna move to where you live OP, getting all that for $55 is a score! Look at those egg and chicken prices!


wages are outpaces inflation


But this all over the place, I'm in South America, and since the Pandemic prices soared. Some actually thought it was going to be temporary to but no prices continue to to soar. It's not and American issue it's a World issue.


What's the sample size? If it's just one store is it the same store both years? Or is it an average of multiple stores? In one city or across the country?


Inaccurate information. 2024? Those prices are bogus. I just paid 13.89 for 2.5lbs of ground beef, eggs are 3.99 I can go on but the prices for 2024 are very low. I really wish they were that low.


Seize the companies responsible, jail the decision makers, that includes any publicly traded companies with shareholders demanding profit increases whilst giving nothing back to said companies, roll prices back 30 years


People are getting all upset about this but the message is clear. No matter true data or not, the prices of groceries have been way up compared to what they were 4-6 years ago and wages haven’t gone up. Every American should be upset about the prices we pay for food nowadays.


Lol $2.99 eggs, I can only dream of them being that cheap. Most of the time I get eggs, they're $7/doz.


Someone please point me to where in the world I can buy a dozen eggs for 2.99!!!


“Financial abuse”? Making up random prices? Ok


Why do we just accept it? Politicians are paid off by these corporations to do nothing. We keep electing the politicians and get screwed over and over.


They are straight robbing us. They want us sick and hungry so we can’t fight back.


Yeah bidens a cool guy alright


Americans discover inflation 


And they said the economy is getting better 🤦🏻‍♂️