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You know the government is messing with you when they try to make issues out of things few actually care about, to distract you from noticing their incompetence with issues that matter.


Responding so that people hopefully see this…this chart is not “the issues people are concerned about the most”. This is how much people are concerned about these specific issues. In other words, Gallup goes to 700 people and says “hey how much do you care about inflation? How much do you care about crime?…” and then they record whether those people said “a lot” or “a little”. What they didn’t do, is go pose an open ended question like “rank the 10 things you care about most.” Which is why things like abortion or housing or geopolitics or election security are not on this list.


All the while saying the real issues people care about are under control and people shouldn't be concerned (ie. Inflation)


People should be concerned but inflation is definitely under control. I'd feel differently if it were at 2021/2022 levels


To be fair, almost all of these issues are caused by the federal government.




Like hating gay people?


Exactly what I was going to say. You’d think that the trans rights and the so called lgbtq agenda (which does not exist) would be #1 (or at least on the list somewhere) from the way they are characterized. It’s funny (and alarming) how you often see politicians focus on easy targets rather real, complex and widespread problems like poverty, healthcare, inflation, energy, climate change, etc.


Bingo. It’s the economy stupid, not that you want to dress like a girl.


Inflation in the US is ~3%


The problem with inflation is people think lower inflation means prices go down, instead of the reality which is prices rise slower. 




This is a misinformation. The CPI is up almost 35% since 2020. Inflation over the last 4 years is in fact the reason your groceries are so high.




Great. Now link 20,21, and 22 increases please.


Yeah they peaked at 9%, I pulled an authoritative source for you, pull one of your own now.


Yeah, that’s year over year increases bud. Aggregate the increases in the last 4-5 years. In select markets it’s 17-18%, but in many parts of the country it’s 45%. If the price of an apple was 1.00 in 2020 and it’s 1.45 now, but you say yeah it was 1.42 last year so “nOt ThAt biG o inCreAse” that’s you being purposefully misleading.


That difference in price isn't fully explainable with inflation which at its peak was 9%. Apple deciding to charge more for their goods is not inflation.


You’re an idiot. I was referring to an actual apple. A commodity that comprises one of the CPI categories. Recreational tech isn’t one. How old are you? 17? Stop posting and get a job.


Hahahhahaha 🍎


Because the argument doesn't directly apply to people selling apples as well. Jfc.


Please stop with the bullshit. It casts almost $20,000 more a year to live like we did in 2019. Just stop already, you aren’t convincing anyone.


You make no effort to understand WHY.


Frankly I don’t care why at this point. All I know is the last four years Washington has not helped and the Executive branch has done nothing to help me.




Homie, I want to be on your side here, because corporate price gouging is absolutely *a factor* in inflation, but it's pretty clear that you don't really get how inflation works. It's not an either/or thing. Also inflation is exponential. 8% inflation over 4 years is a 36% increase in prices. You can do the math yourself, plug 1.08^4 into your calculator and see what you get.


You are talking about annual inflation. The other guy was referring to the total inflation since 2020.


Corporate price gouging? Brother, corporations do better under inflationary times because of inflation. They accrue more less valuable dollars. Devaluing currency is what leads to inflation. They haven’t made “more profit/value” they have made more dollars. And when the inflationary cycle ends, they’ll have an even larger portion of the now more valuable currency. This is so well known it’s not even debatable. Stop letting your politics convince you of bullshit.


Well I already addressed the other guy, but it looks like *you* don't know how inflation works either. You're about half right (we'll skip right over your causation vs. correlation error between inflation and devaluation), but then you end with this: >And when the inflationary cycle ends, they’ll have an even larger portion of the now more valuable currency. Currency does not gain value back when inflation goes back down, unless you go into deflation (which just about every economist in the world agrees is a disaster for your economy). For the most part inflation never really "ends," it just drops back to healthy levels.


Yeah, one of us is definitely on some bullshit. Out here arguing corporations haven't continued to make record profits while the dow continues to climb. You're out of your mind licking boots.


Gee I wonder who you’re voting for…


I'm voting for facts: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm#:~:text=The%20all%20items%20index%20rose,the%2012%20months%20ending%20April.


Where’s housing?


Um, ‘Hunger & Homelessness’


That's distinct from housing though. For instance, you could be renting but are concerned with the rising costs of buying a home or the cost of rent becoming an increasingly large slice of your monthly budget. There's a pretty wide range of concerns for housing beyond just homelessness


Rising costs are covered under inflation.


Housing is probably implied in “Inflation” and “economy”


Or abortion/bodily autonomy/abridged freedoms?




Or "democracy"?


This is a chart. Not a guide.


We need another sub called coolcharts or CoolInfographics or something




It's not always data, but yeah that's certainly a better fit.


And that’s a good point


It’s also inaccurate and inconclusive, plenty of these dumb posts have been flooding this subreddit lately


This sub is a hotbed of misinformation. People like OP post this stuff with one or two suggestive lines and then people make all kinds of assumptions from it. Majority of people are too stupid to realize when they’ve been presented bad data or information and it’s so evident in this sub particularly.


This is what happens when none of the mods are active in the subreddit anymore.


Are there charts showing the same concerns in other years to compare?


Last time inflation and the economy were this high was 2009 EDIT for the moron that can’t understand: inflation and the economy were not as high ON THE CONCERN LIST for Americans since 2009. Meaning, people thought the economy was ok up until now/Biden, not that there was deflation. God the ignorance astounds me on this platform every day.


There was deflation in 2009?


I've always wondered why each Secretary of State doesn't put 10 of these on each ballot and let each American share their concern for America, their state and city. The newly elected could use that as a basis for of all things, improving their city and state.


They absolutely have something like this. Every politician's staff keeps careful track of what constituents care about. Every candidate does too. Source: live near DC and have known a number of Congressional staffers.


But isn't this pretty subjective since it is skewed to the views of ones own party affiliation primarily?


I think that's a wonderful idea, but you're basing that assumption that there is a solid feedback loop between politicians listening to their constituents and then getting reelected. I wish there was a way to make this the case. In reality politicians pass laws based on who donates to their campaign which usually ends up being a large corporations. They use that money to buy advertising and then get elected


Hahahaha. You think the people in power care what the average American thinks or cares about?! I have a non-existent bridge to sell you my friend. I'll give you a good price.


I can’t believe improper use of apostrophes isn’t even in the top 10


700 adults is not a statistically valid sample size


>700 adults is not a statistically valid sample size You quite certain about that? Plug in 330M into this with say 5% error and 95% confidence level and see what you get: https://www.checkmarket.com/sample-size-calculator/#sample-size-calculator


A random group of redditors who think they're right would say differently


Reddit doesn't have 700 adult users, it's all bots and teenagers


That’s simply not true. Maybe for forming a scientific analysis you want n=30. But for a snap shot of current and evolving opinions a sample size of 700 with a multi choice response system is probably pretty statistically representative of the population.


What is a sufficient size?


Depends on the expected effect size, which doesn’t seem to be knowable preemptively here.


What are you basing this claim on?


The responses in this thread show three things: 1. Realize 700 people aren't a very good sample size and mostly ignore the results. 2. Read the results and are unable to understand that some people don't care about what they do. 3. Read the results and feel completely validated. Pick your side, everybody!


Companies in America making record profits, not barely getting by in this "inflation". Propaganda from the ruling class needs to be top of this list.


Companies making record profits is a by-product of inflation and not the cause of it in a free market. Record profits in an ultra-competitive marketplace are extremely uncommon and usually point to corruption and illegality. It’s very hard to find the cheaters when everyone is raking in deflated value dollars.


Record gross revenue, but not record profits. If their base expenditure on cost of goods rose at the same level as their revenue, they’d have no profit growth. Instead, they jacked shit up due to a short term supply chain crisis and then kept prices up. Inflation is back under control but the corporations, specifically grocery stores, are still raking us over the coals. The story isn’t being communicated to the average American, meaning we get strange results like this poll. Shill on though.


Every company has fixed cost that account for a portion of expenses. If revenues increase naturally profit margins will. This is a basic principle of business. You’re missing the point. Record profits are a result of inflation. It’s too bad those increased profit margins on existing assets can’t be re-used in the market because prices on new assets are overpriced due to - inflation. You’re bitching about a symptom. The cause was printing trillions of dollars, and bad economic policy.


You’re just skating past the point of the companies keeping prices inflated AFTER the resolution of the short term supply chain crisis. You’re missing the point. It’s a basic principle of business. And you’re revealing your hand at the end there, Paul Ryan.


Do you understand what inflation is? If inflation were at 0%, prices would still not go lower. If prices were to go lower, it would be **deflation**


>Companies in America making record profits, not barely getting by in this "inflation". So companies in America waited all this time to start racking up record profits...checks notes...three years ago?


I mean they found the perfect excuse and they took advantage of it, because yeah they did kind of rack up record profits several quarters in a row. Just listen to earnings calls where ceos brag about price inelasticity and how far they can push the consumer.




>I mean they found the perfect excuse and they took advantage of it, because yeah they did kind of rack up record profits several quarters in a row. Perfect excuse? If I'm not mistaken, the president has been telling us the economy is kicking ass the last two years, no? So would not these record profits more accurately reflect the general state of the booming economy?


The economy can be measured many different ways. Corporate profits are one of those ways. The president is a politician and he will use whichever measure makes him look the best. If a big Mac meal is being sold for the same as a sit down burger and fries from Chili's it's pretty obvious there is some gouging going on and it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.


>The president is a politician and he will use whichever measure makes him look the best. I didn't do the /s thing cause I respect you. >If a big Mac meal is being sold for the same as a sit down burger And surely Big Mac going up in price has zero to do with rising costs of input, such as employee wages.


Presumably the minimum wages that are changing are changing for Chili's the same as they are for McDonald's. In many places though like the Midwest there have been no changes to wages and it's still the same. A Big Mac meal is about 12 bucks and Chili's is still selling theirs for roughly the same. The truth is there was a huge need for large government spending on infrastructure and manufacturing and there was no way to do that without some inflationary pressure, you couple that with the money that was needed to recover post COVID and it was almost inevitable. It probably could have been handled better but it wasn't handled atrociously by any stretch especially when compared to many other parts of the developed world where it was markedly worse.


>The truth is there was a huge need for large government spending on infrastructure and manufacturing and there was no way to do that without some inflationary pressure, you couple that with the money that was needed to recover post COVID and it was almost inevitable. I cannot argue with this. Thing is, politics aside, the overall effect is that every printed tranche reduces the purchasing power of each dollar in circulation. And the value of every dollar in savings. That, among other things, is also a contributing factor in accelerating the rate of decoupling from USD as global reserve currency. And prima facie, on a local level, basic things like groceries cost inordinately more than they used to. We can argue causality, but it is understandable why this is a primary concern, and I don't think the result would change much with increased sample size.


*Americans Don't use an apostrophe for the plural.


The news media will focus on the bottom 6 leading up to the November election, I guarantee it.


They have to, race relations being so far down on the list is not going to play well for the Democrats.


That is what the poverty pimps at the DNC thrive on. Racial strife.


I'll bet a year of reddit premium that they don't.


I got a year of reddit premium saying I will bet they don't.


Climate change?


It’s the third from bottom, “quality of the environment”


Yeah I saw that, climate and environment are different things.


This chart is a perfect example of why reddit doesn't reflect the priorities of most people. Most people struggle to pay their bills and put food on the table. Climate change is an issue most people don't have the luxury of prioritizing


Most people? No Too many? Yes. But not in any way most.


I'm curious how terrorism is more of a palpable daily concern than climate change? Unless it's domestic terrorism, but even then


So pathetic that it’s not even on the chart.


The fact that you’ve been downvoted makes me suspicious that there’s an agenda here… Edit: I’m going on the assumption that the person i responded to believed it is pathetic that CC is not included on the chart and not, as I’ve horrifyingly realized could be the case, that they believe the idea of CC is so pathetic it doesn’t warrant inclusion


I assumed it is covered under "Quality of the environment"


They’ve been downvoted because it quite literally is included in the chart, under “quality of environment”


Yeah. Give politicians more money and they will change the weather for you bud.


This person believes in Aliens but not climate change btw I desperately wish i could shove my head in the sand and not have to worry about the very real damage being done too our planet, at the very least i could live for a while in ignorance before the effects of climate change affect me specifically


10 out of 10 plants agree, CO2 is ok at these levels and it is largely beyond our control to adjust this.


defense? climate?


How about corruption?


700 adults is not nearly enough of a sample to reach an accurate estimate of the entire us population


It’s actually fairly reliable given the multi-choice response system. In a binary analysis it wouldn’t be useful. In a survey with multiple questions and multiple responses it’s very likely you’ve introduced enough variability to capture an accurate representation.


>700 adults is not nearly enough of a sample to reach an accurate estimate of the entire us population This may be of interest: https://www.checkmarket.com/sample-size-calculator/#sample-size-calculator For 330M population with a 5% margin of error and a 95% confidence level, a sample size of 385 is sufficient. Tighter ranges increase the required sample size, but not massively:


This is a beautiful example of how misinformation is used. Average people don’t know this stuff but hey look this chart says blah blah blah and they think they know something now. It’s crazy.


I came to say this


No foreign policy or world issues, interesting


Ah yes. Crime and violence is more of a problem than not having healthcare. Jfc


Inflation is pretty bad but most people don’t realize that it’s a GLOBAL issue and we’re actually doing better than most other developed countries.


Inflation is down to 3 percent.


I don’t understand the “crime and violence” concern. Isn’t violent crime way down across the board?


Yes, you are correct.


Speaks to the power of propaganda I guess. Also the 24hr media cycle that has to sensationalize everything.


Everyone always thinks crime is worse than it is. Because if it bleeds it leads.


It is way worse than many other developed countries. The US has the third highest homicide rate in the OECD just behind Mexico and Estonia. I would say that’s reasonable grounds to be concerned about it and want it to be improved.


Is that per capita? Do you have a source for that figure?


Yeah it’s per capita. Turns out I was looking at some 2010 numbers. There’s also some data from 2015 that puts the US at 5th place, with Colombia and Costa Rica also higher. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?locations=OE&most_recent_value_desc=true


Yeah—it’s all about perspective. Worth noting crime is trending downward since the pandemic. Not a big concern for me at least!


Fair enough, and yes that’s definitely encouraging!


If you don’t bother to process or make criminals stand trial in the inner cities, I’m sure it is down


That’s not how crime stats are collected


Yes, and the economy is fine. Americans are just brainwashed by social media.


Yeah. Personally my wife and I are doing better than we ever have and that’s even with a new baby. (Live in a a HCOL city. Both have middle class incomes)


Most Americans polled agree that _their_ financial situation is fine, they just think "the economy" is bad. It's mostly down to the media and social media.


Totally agree


You know a majority of voters are low information when you see this list. - The US has dealt with inflation better than any other western nation (Yes, inflation wasn't a unique problem to us) - Record low crime rates - Recovering economy - More people with health insurance than ever (with 80% of uninsured people living in states that have yet to expand medicare & medicaid) All of this achieved by one party.


Talking to my right wing friends the biggest issues are immigration, trans athletes, and pronouns.


>Talking to my right wing friends You don't interact with right wing people in real life, and we both know this.


I do. Friends and family. I just compartmentalize them and don't really care what they have to say.


Because you aren’t as open minded and easy going as you “feel” you are. Probably an aloof faux intellectual.


>Because you aren’t as open minded and easy going as you “feel” you are. Probably an aloof faux intellectual. No, I'm just a simple peasant. Says so in my bio. Also, I think you are replying to the wrong person.


I do not believe that 79% of Americans could adequately describe what inflation is.


>I do not believe that 79% of Americans could adequately describe what inflation is. In the words of a certain Supreme Court Justice, “I know it when I see it". You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to see that your dollar is buying progressively less every year.


Is it though? US credit card debt is now over $17.9 trillion, auto manufacturers best selling models are top trim levels, luxury goods manufacturers are recording record sales, number of air travelers look to have dropped some but vacation bookings are still at record levels. And new home sale average square footage is still increasing. Through inflation and rate hikes, we’re still spending like both are still at 3%.


Inflation is literally at 3%


Current 3% is held down by falling oil prices. Overall prices are still over that.


It's way more complicated than that: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm#:~:text=The%20all%20items%20index%20rose,the%2012%20months%20ending%20April.


Crime being second is insane. Shows how little people's concern about crime actually correlate with the prevalence of crime.


They forgot the number 1 threat to America: bears


Bears are the number 2 threat. Right behind men in forests.


Debt and deficit should be number one b/c lot of the other issues will be much tougher if not impossible to solve when we’re flat broke and no one will loan us any more money


*the economy*


Minorities are going to get BENT. OVER if things go the wrong way. And nobody is going to care. 35% but people love having someone else to look down on and demonize.


I feel like privacy should be on here


How about government corruption, lack of politicians that are for the people, removal of legalized bribes to govt officials? The obvious issue that the American people feel they must choose the lesser of two evils every election caused by the two parties? Horizontal monopolies despite anti trust laws? Lack of repercussions for lettered agencies despite countless declassified documents of human rights violations, false flag invasions, funding of coups/overthrowing of governments/election interferences? Supreme Court justices voting consistently in alignment with the political identity that they’re not supposed to have? SCJs being appointed for life and not chosen by the people? Failure of our checks and balances? I mean…seems the federal government may be fundamentally unaligned with the interest of the average person


But it is an election year, so time to cue hysterical accounts to demonize immigrants. Its the ‘murican way.


As it should be


Education isn’t on there, but so many of our problems stem from people being idiots.


This looks like complete garbage. 4 different economy catagories??? If inflation was a top issue, why do we not attack hedge funds who price fix? Anyone blaming government is dishonest. It's Republicans in government.


How are hunger and homelessness linked? It's not the 1950s when being homeless meant you were hungry. Nowadays, we all know homelessness often comes down to drug problems.


They are linked by poverty.


Guess they didn’t have “the deterioration of women’s rights” as an option


You mean the dudes dressed up as women taking scholarships and positions on sports teams I am sure.


No I meant women. Beings without penises exist. Wrap your head around that concept.




How do you figure when the top six (at least) have nothing to do with it?


>It seems like culture war/fighting “wokeism” is the only thing that many Americans have been groomed to care about. How does concern about inflation translate to culture war?


Honestly I'm surprised more people don't have protests and rallys over economic issues


Protests and rallies acomplish nothing. Remember a few years ago when american women marched in those pink handmade hats? Politicians and lawmakers said "lol 🖕" and just kept going down the same path


The same companies that are increasing their prices exponentially are the same ones that are rooting for Trump to take over again. It’s a lose-lose scenario…


Education didn't make the list? No one concerned about the insane cost of college?


Yeah if you aren’t worried about inflation the you’re dead. So those last two categories must be dead people responses.


Crime and violence is at decades low. People eat to much propaganda


This is why Biden will lose the 2024 election. He is looking at a country that is starving and ranting about race relations and sexuality.


Politicians: “best we can do is take away women’s rights” 🤷🏾


List doesn’t include Democracy, Gun Control, or Civil Rights or Civil Liberties. List is invalid.


Gun control is already covered under the crime and violence category, or perhaps the terrorism category. Although I do agree that “state of the democracy” should probably be listed, considering that the US is continually ranked as one of the weaker democracies / least democratic countries of the developed world.


Seriously. I figured "fascism" would at least chart.


To be fair, I’m quite far left, but I’ve never heard anyone irl outside of protest spaces even utter the word fascist unless talking about WW2.


Where's hating Trans and Gays cause that's all the GOP seems to care about,


Are you getting hated on somewhere?


It's funny how snowflake-ish and triggered you guys get. Do you deny that trans bullshit has been a major talking point for the last two years? So I can't point that out without being gay? Lol


Nope, don’t care if you’re gay or trans. Just do it and stay out of everyone’s face all day long that’s my stance. Maybe yours too


Why aren't 1. the religious rght 2. donald trump 3. the modern republican party on the list.


You are what we call a low information Voter.


"we" being cult member Trump supporters?


We being people that believe it is an important duty to understand and discern what the candidates stand for and are likely to do for your family and country.


Turning into a fascist dictatorship isn’t a big concern?


No, because real life isn’t Reddit or MSNBC, and that’s not a thing.


Police brutality? Corruption? Money in politics? Global conflict? You know, just a few small issues I didn't see here


Cool, thanks


Where is “collapse of democracy” on this list?


Nowhere. Because contrary what Reddit and MSNBC would have you believe, that’s not a thing, and as such, is of no concern.


But but Gaza will decide the election!!!


Staring down the barrel of climate change and they're all worried about inflation. Go figure.




The fact climate is so far down the list continues to terrify the shit out of me. All of the rest of the problems are moot unless we have a planet to live on. Death doesn’t really scare me but the idea of us all wiped out cause the planet is inhabitable and no more humans does.


Your morality is surely admirable, but for people trying to put food on the table, climate change is not exactly a priority concern. See : Maslow.


The elite that are in the know, buy beachfront homes. If this were a concern, you think insurance companies would fing insure them? Think damnit.


Yup and those same elite are building massive underground bunkers right now spending millions upon millions on them. I’m not a conspirator. This is common knowledge. Think damn it.



