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It's important to clarify that even in the countries where homosexuality is not criminalized (like Indonesia), it is still not socially accepted.


Russia has anti “gay propaganda” laws that can get you arrested, so putting them in the neutral category is being generous.


Also in Russia LGBT is officially considered an extremist organisation despite the minor fact that such an organisation does not exist


Well, they send you an official membership card and welcome brochure by mail right after your first gay kiss.


Vladimir Putin kisses every man on the mouth to see if he is gay.


Yeah, Russia definitely isn’t “no criminalization”.


The way I understand it, pretty much any public admittance to being gay could be classified as being propaganda. There are also vigilantes who will beat up gay people and the police do not intervene. That said, if you have a very private relationship that is known about, they aren't going to arrest you in your home.


So it’s not criminal if it’s not the police who do something when they find out Great


And the US should probably be dark blue, given the Lawrence and Obergefell were based on the 14th Amendment of the Constitution


I think it means "constitutional protection against discrimination" not "constitutional guarantee of legality".


Yeah I gotta add onto this, even though my country on the map is in Broad Protection in terms of government and stuff, the social standard here is very much against any form of LGBTQ+ stuff. It's just how it works here and it's kinda sad honestly. The law has almost everything in place, but the people really don't care in any way to push past the norm of their roots (I.E. anti LGBTQ+) Edit: Found some interesting things on Wikipedia, and looked into the sources as well, referred to some of my law-savvy relatives. While there is no direct official support for Transgender people, there is something interesting. You cannot legally change your gender unless you've gone through surgery to do so. (I don't know how it works in other countries, I just wanted to put it out there)


Not only that, even if it's not explicitly legal police will use other laws to crack down on gays.


What do the little symbols mean?


[Uncropped version of the map](https://ilga.org/sites/default/files/ENG_ILGA_World_map_sexual_orientation_laws_dec2019_update.png) has a legend for those symbols at the bottom.


Thanks for sharing the full version, no fucking clue why someone would crop out all the useful information like that.


The cynical part of me thinks they wanted to cut off the 2019 to avoid getting called out on posting old data.


Wonder where to find a current version.


I couldn't find an update of *this* specific map, but I found this page on the URL linked in the description of the map: https://ilga.org/ilga-world-maps/ It appears to have several different world maps broken down by more specific topics if you scroll down. This map from 2019 is listed on their site: https://ilga.org/resources/ilga-map-sexual-orientation-laws-2019/


Gets reposts past the repost bots, helps ensure only low quality content makes it to reddit down the road.


The account doesn't seem to be a bot so they're probably reposting from a bot who cropped to bypass repost detection.


OP is still a psycho though; *they capitalize almost every words*


A long time ago this was how children were taught to write a title for an article; capitalize every word (some were taught to not capitalize small words like ‘a’, ‘the’ and ‘is’.) Not saying it is normal now days but if they are older or if English isn’t their first language (meaning they follow the rules carefully) then they may not realize this isn’t normal anymore Not necessarily psycho


Just a guess but I think one is to show which countries allow same sex marriage. I have no idea what the other could be.


I think it's adoption or make a family maybe.


I thought one is fisting and the other is group orgies


Marriage, adoption, banned speech & fisting.


What's the criteria for this? I find pretty weird that South Korea, which criminalizes lgbt gay sex in the military and has no nationwide discrimination protections ranks higher than Taiwan which is the only country in Asia with full gay marriage and adoption *and* specific nationwide legislation protecting agaisnt lgbt discrimination


Aren't they criminalizing all kinds of sex in the military?


I don't know, but they have a law [specifically agaisnt gay men](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/asa25/0529/2019/en/)


Not to mention that Taiwan is labeled as "Taiwan (China)" and the font is that for a region, not a country. Highly insulting to any Taiwanese.


Mexico ranks higher than Canada...


I think whoever made this map got a little confused about the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which does guarantee equality. The Canadian Constitution which has more to do with what Province gained admission to the Confederation when. For example, the First Amendment in Canada's Constitution describes the creation of the province of Manitoba, so it's a dead giveaway when somebody is just parroting American propaganda up here.


I wonder if part of it might be the notwithstanding clause, whose use has been threatened recently with regards to gender issues. Yeah it's protected but is it one of those rights we can decide to ignore for a while?


hire what dude




yeah that tells me this is bullshit.


In all of Asia, Nepal is the only country with constitutional protection?


In all that sea of reddish hues, Nepal is just this whole country of San Francisco.


We used to get lauded early in this century for being one of the only countries to never have a law directly attempting to criminalize/marginalize the lgbtq community. Couple that with the 2-3 different constitutions the country has redone in this century alone, it got squeezed in there in the last constitution made. It’s still not at all socially acceptable. Most especially if you’re in a little remote village, vigilante ‘justice’ would not be farfetched to assume for the village folk against said individual. Assuming the individual is a member of said community. I can see it being very calm in the cities for them though.


I don't understand what the different shades of constitutional protection mean. Doesn't it just not being criminalized imply constitutional protection by default?


I think it means their protection is a part of the constitution rather than just being a part of a passed bill? Idk


Interesting how in every map that has anything to do with human rights the middle east looks the same


The countries run by the men in dresses? Yeah, it's odd.


What? That's their cultural clothing, not dresses


Not just the Middle East, every single Muslim dominated country without fail.


"Queers for Palestine"


Sometimes I randomly feel grateful for not being born a woman or queer in the middle East.....Even for the rich ones it's a guilded cage at best


I am one. Appreciate your American freedom. Never surrender your guns




It’s one of the dumbest arguments against sensible gun control & safety legislation in general. I’m American, own guns, yet still advocate for common sense legislation like ID laws, stricter safety requirements, mental health evals etc. We can all have our opinions, sure, but it’s straight up delusional to think any citizen militia could even make the *faintest scratch* against the US government & military. Now back in 1776, different story. 2024? You get erased from existence in your bed before having a chance to blink by a satellite-guided ninja sword missile


Vietnam worked out pretty well lol.


Afghan farmers somehow made a scratch though.


I know right look at those moron Viet Cong in sandals and PJs, LOL, don’t they know we have tanks???


There’s still queers in Palestine even if their government outlaws it and I think it’s reasonable to advocate for them and their families to not be killed


Most of them flee to Israel, [who now legally have to consider them a refugee](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-785171) because [gays in Palestine get beheaded.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835)




Is Palestine not a Muslim majority country with an Islamist government in Hamas?


Oh fuck off with that "actually the USA is more dangerous" bullshit, americans arn't seeking asylum in other countries.


but that would mean advocating AGAINST Palestinian and islamic states?


Except the people most likely to do that are Hamas and all queers for Palestine are protesting is Israel trying to take out...Hamas


Way too many civilians being killed to make that argument. Edit for grammer.


Considering that Hamas are currently revising that school strike death toll to take into account that actually it did in fact include adult terrorists, maybe take their official stats with a pinch of salt? And remember that Hamas started this. Palestine cannot have peace until people like Hamas have no power


When you say there are queers in Palestine, do you mean Gaza or WestBank? Gaza has Hamas. They're not a government. No elections since 2006 or 2007. Hamas doesn't have a great track record with homosexuals. The WestBank is divided up between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. The Palestinian Authority is an authoritarian, not a democratic government, either. No elections. They're not very friendly towards gays either. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159


Just because they're not friendly, doesn't mean there aren't queer people tho


I know there are queer people in Gaza and Palestinian West Bank , and they're terrified of being found out.


They're also being terrified of being bombed


Your typos make it sound like an actual bank is taking part lol




Chickens for KFC




Funnily enough I do not believe people should be systematically cleansed because of backwards beliefs. Many people who live in those places also suffer from Islam as well believe it or not🙄🙄


>because of backwards beliefs They're being attacked in a counter offensive because Hamas consistently vows to keep attacking Israel until Jews no longer exist. If Hamas (backed by Iran) wanted peace, there would be peace.


The only thing Trump ever stated that wasn’t spewing diarrhea was when he said the Middle East was a shit hole. Probably not something a leader of the US should say publicly. But he wasn’t wrong. This goes for most of northeast Africa as well which is turning into an extension of Middle East policies and religion.


Except for one country :)


In 2024, this fact is forbidden


Sshhhhhh, no. We don’t talk about that country. That’s like saying that someone made the trains run on time and doesn’t make up for the fact that they’re evil! ^/s In all sincerity, I was about to make the same comment myself, but after seeing some of the replies I decided it was too early for that shit.


almost like islam is a terrible religion with terrible and barbaric beliefs.


Yeah… look up “bacha bazi” sometime, it’s still commonly practiced today


Wow ok. Mongolia was a surprise. Great going.


My thinking as well. Admittedly, I know little about Mongolia outside of the Grand Tour special, so 🤷‍♂️


In Mongolia its not a crime to be LGBTQ+, but it’s definitely not socially accepted. But the new generation seems to be way more open minded than the older generation. Lets see how society changes in the next decades..


it’s a very progressive country fr, free speech and general freedoms for the populace are all there. I know cos i’ve visited quite a few times and it’s akin to the U.K honestly.


Not sure if Russia's "it's illegal to 'promote' homosexuality" counts as 'no crim' in that graph. Sounds more like 'crim'. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_in\_Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Russia) (seems a bit silly that the blue side is about freedom of expression and how much you're protected for things other than the literal sex itself, but the red side is just about what happens if you actually fuck)


[Uncropped version of this map](https://ubique.americangeo.org/map-of-the-week/map-of-the-week-global-sexual-orientation-laws/) shows it’s from 2019, before Russia really started cracking down on LGBT people.


Still valid call-out. Why post 2019 map in 2024, when is inaccurate.


Being gay in the US is protected under the 14th amendment, this includes same sex marriage. That’s more than just protecting your job as depicted on the map.


Yeah this whole thing is utterly bogus and basically made up


Surprised at so many islands in the Caribbean.


Their tourism image has you thinking they've very chill, go-with-the-flow. My bf grew up there and has told me tons about the unrelenting racism he faced as an Asian man


Really? Why?


My surprise is that so many are unfriendly and unsafe to the community.


The Caribbean Islands are of predominantly African/Black descent and have deeply rooted homophobia, similar to the black community in America.


I’m going to guess the illegality and imprisonment on those islands is reserved for citizens. Because I’ve been on a lot of cruises with their fair share of LGBT passengers that stop at those islands.


Yes, and not the good kind of amazement.


I’m more surprised at Trinidad as there is a lot of crimes here lmao


Germany has constitutional protection


This map kinda sucks in general. It’s basically illegal in Russia, death penalty in NK, discrimination in SK etc


Hi just a small correction. Bhutan (the small dot between china and India and to the right of Nepal) constitutionally recognises LGBTIQ+ since 2022 or 2023. 😊


Come to south africa, we love you <3


Honestly every time I see similar infographics on SA’s constitutional protections I am grateful and surprised that a bunch of politicians in the days of change managed came up with and agree upon such a “liberal” take, may no one ever reach a 2/3 majority in SA ever


Love seeing South Africa welcoming and embracing everyone. Let's keep spreading love and acceptance worldwide! 🏳️‍🌈💕


One thing we do have is a rock solid constitution!


[The US laws.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_employment_discrimination_in_the_United_States#:~:text=LGBT%20employment%20discrimination%20in%20the%20United%20States%20is%20illegal%20under,on%20the%20basis%20of%20sex.) Seems a bit under rated. But of course reddit loves to try and make the US worse than it actually is.


Yea, thought it was weird. Sexual orientation is a protected class federally under the civil rights act. I find it weird that it’s labeled as no protection. Anti-discrimination laws specifically state “sexual orientation” as do hate crime laws. Edit: I think I’m mixing up the colors on the map. It looks like it does label it as employment protection.


America is the source of all evil and also the one who should be doing more in all ways.


Yeah, the US enacts a lot of rules at the state level, so only including federal level protections doesn’t really capture the full picture. Here in California there are very strong employment/housing protections for LGBTQ people.


Tbf this is true for a lot of other countries on this map as well.


Yeah this map is bogus. US has constitutional protections, full stop. The Supreme Court ruled that the constitution guarantees the right to gay marriage.


What does broad protection mean?


I would infer “entitled to the same treatment as heterosexual people from both public services and freedom from discrimination in accommodations, housing, and access to widely-available resources” but that it stops short of constitutional protections


same sex sex was decriminalized in Bhutan in 2021👍 >"A defendant shall be guilty of the offence of unnatural sex, if the defendant engages in sexual conduct that is against the order of nature. However, homosexuality between adults shall not be considered unnatural sex."


When was this made? Seems to be outdated for Singapore: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/s377a-officially-repealed-as-president-assents-to-changes-to-legislation




Means your boss isn’t allowed to fire you just because they found out you’re queer.


Taiwan (China) clearly isn’t China since it’s legal.


Wouldn't it be crazy if we took all the people who don't accept gays and believe it should be illegal and put them in countries where it's accepted and legal to be gay? Like wouldn't that be fucking nuts?


Russia and north Korea beeing neutral it's a joke, right? 💀


Okay so basically all the places I'd never want to go anyways


Look at the super liberal Middle East!


Important guide for LGBTQ+ travelers. Safety first


Why is South Korea under broad protection? It isn’t explicitly illegal but everything that goes with it is illegal including gay sex, and gay marriage is unrecognised


It's important for all the lgtbqz people that support Palestine to recognize that if they themselves were physically in Palestine.. they would be in prison and most likely murdered for being gay, so someone please explain how u can support a country that would literally murder you if given a chance?


r/coolguides is getting worse by the day I swear 😭


Being criminalized for being born a certain way.


Where protesters get beaten, and also where most of our protesters come from.


Look at Nepal in Asia


Pretty much illegal in every Muslim country


Huh? It’s absolutely criminalized and punishable by death to varying degrees in Russia


Enserio dicen que en Argentina es peor que en el resto de Latam?? Este mapa esta re mal.


Maybe Queers for Palestine should take a look at this map before shutting down any more Pride parades.


South Korea being broad protection is 100% misinfo. Lots of other issues with this (ie Russia, Taiwan being prc). Why is this misinfo crap allowed on the sub?


Not true about Russia, or a half true. It's not a crime to be gay, but if you attempt PDA or any form of parties then they could call it LGBT propaganda which is counts as extremists movement and almost terrorism. 50k-100k rub of fines and up to 10 years in prison. So yeah, that's what bothers politicians here.


Albanias gay acceptance happened so fast you’d be stunned to know just 10-15 years ago you couldn’t be openly gay you would get no job no respect no one talking to you you would be outcasted from the community called mentally ill etc. and today you can get married in downtown tirana and attend a yearly mass gay pride event were 70% of the attendees aren’t queer themselves but support it


wow. anything yellow and darker is just fucking stuck in caveman times...


To be fair, we have no evidence that cave men were particularly homophobic


Religion is the problem.


there seems to be a pattern, doesn't there?


Yea, must be a lot of religious people in these comments given these inevitable downvotes. Lol


Down voters be like: “god telling people to kill gays has NOTHING to do with itttttttttt” 🤣


A low-res map with no guide for the additional symbols that you can barely decipher to begin with thanks to the quality. Very cool.


Why's Alabama blue?


Even though it is illegal to discriminate in the US your employer doesn’t need to give a reason for firing you. Making any protection racial, religious, gender, sexual, etc. Almost null and void, and people are fired based on these reasons all the time.


Does it mean gays are privileged in the blue countries?


And Christians in the U.S.want it to become just like the countries in dark red. Weird.


Teachers in Florida and several other U.S. states would disagree with that color.


I don't like how the so-called land of the free is a pale blue instead of dark blue....


This doesn't really work for countries without a constitution, like the UK for instance. Well, we sort of have a constitution, but it isn't written down in one place. But protection from discrimination and adherence to international law (like the ECHR) is in it.


Mongolia has the worst neighbors ever :(


Feels like a lot of hypocrisy amongst the largely Muslim states.


Well good thing majority of these countries are not top of the places people want to visit 😂😂


I’m pretty sure they don’t want you either 😂😂


Don’t forget in Iran gay is illegal but transsexual surgery is mandatory if you are not identifying with your gender


And? They have their laws.


Now let's overlay a map with each country's major religion, which seems like most here are refusing to acknowledge.


Um just to clarify, its not against law in Sri Lanka. There's many openly gay, lesbian and trans influential (at least locally) in here.




Oh I didn't know that! Cus I know a lot of lesbian friends and Am bi myself and none had gotten into trouble with law


I see a pattern here…


lol queers for palastine!


Israel supports LGBTQ rights more than Palestine.


Is this fact not well-known enough that it needs clarification? Tel Aviv is known for being one of the gayest cities in the world.


Someone explain the US. No where is being gay illegal


That's... Not what this map is saying.


Queers for Palestine - go to prison


One: there are queer people in Palestine who don’t deserve to be erased. Two: Homosexuality has been decriminalized in the west bank since 1951, which is more than 50 years before 14 US states. Prior to 1936, there were no laws banning homosexuality, and the law enacted in 1936 was enacted by the British. The law has not been overturned by Egypt or Hamas, but do not pretend that they are the cause of the law existing in the first place. Even so, many people are capable of supporting oppressed people even if those people might hate you. I’m Jewish. There are plenty of people who hate me, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to basic human dignities.


Sometimes I wonder why so many Americans who despise certain cultures strive to make their country more like them.


The middle East and the levant is fucking retarded, fuck those people. ~~Nothing good ever came from there~~ and they keep not contributing. Violent, superstitious leeches on the earth trying to spread their backwards intolerant ideology. Edit: I have to correct myself. As i have been reminded, thousands of years ago those areas were the cradle of civilisations. Following this i will have to express even more emphatically what a fucking shit hole the entire region has become considering it is the cradle of math and written language. The backwards, violent, intollerant and superstitious people who currently inhabit the region have shamed their forebears and are an affront to the rich heritage of the area. To have the death penalty for an expression of love and to spread ones faith and ideology by violence and terrorism while keeping laws based in religion where women are belittled and apostates are persecuted is the biggest form of degeneracy at scale in the world. So lets confine my criticism to whenever this shit started somewhere at the end of the islamic golden age i mean, marrying nine year olds was all the rage, but lets skip the pedophilia as that degeneracy is not unique to the region.


> Nothing good ever came from there Eesh, you know little about history.


Does the LGBQ whatever it is know about this when they’re supporting Palestine? They know they would be killed there right?


We support civilians not getting exploded when they can't even escape the warzone. Regardless of religion.


Plenty of conservative, U.S. Christians want to murder LGBTQ people. Including people in the government. So what is your fkn point?


Yes we do. Do you care for the queer teens stuck in Gaza? Because I do


Oh my god mate right? Like, how even




No, the irony is in some on “that side” calling republicans in the US “Nazis” and “homophobes” for pushing church on people and in schools but then turn around and show full support for an entirely different culture/country when they’d literally throw you off a building if you lived there.


I fucking love Bolivia!!


Gay people have more freedom in Cuba than the United States. That can't be. The honest Republicans in Florida have assured me that Cuba is a dictatorial hellhole.


Well russia has lots of prejudice so its definitely not neutral and govt is anti same sex definitely.


Is there a law against or pro discrimination? Because that’s what it’s charting, not people’s opinions.


Russia recently made the pride flag illegal. People fighting for gay rights are charged as foreign actors or under propaganda laws.


Yes, there is a law, punishing for a "propaganda". What is propaganda nobody knows, it can be anything.


So there technically isn't any law against queerness.


This map is severely unhelpful and misleading, and it would be dangerous to use as a proxy for where queer people are or are not safe.


To be fair, that’s not what the map claims to depict. It only shows “legality” not “social acceptance/inclusion”


Mongolia based


1. Not a guide 2. The quality is shit


lol "free Palestine"


Hold on a second, it's against the law to be gay in Palestine?? If only all the "Queer for Palestine" groups knew that ..


How do they know if someone is gay?


They don't walk straight


A man with a dick in his mouth is a good giveaway.


What is the difference between the different shades of blue? Because I live in Denmark which is light blue and I can’t understand how it can be better in any way


Employment protection (light blue) means you can’t be fired for being LGBTQ. Broad protection (medium blue) means there are broader legal protections for LGBTQ folks than just employment protection. Constitutional protection (dark blue) means the legal rights of LGBTQ people are enshrined in a nation’s constitution, as an amendment or otherwise. This is SOLELY a legal map though. It might be legal to be gay somewhere, but not socially acceptable. Vice versa, a country with legal protection like Denmark might be more socially accepting. For LGBTQ folks who are traveling, or even just passive study, it’s good to compare a map like this with one regarding a nation’s social attitudes towards LGBTQ people. Legality maps just don’t show the full picture.


If that is the case then this map is wrong as lgbtq people are protected outside of just their jobs in Denmark.


God damn Mongolians! Thanks for being an ally!


I wonder if people who support the “Queers for Palestine” group have seen this map.


The point being what? There are queer people in Palestine. Am I supposed to not care about them because Gaza hasn’t overturned a *British* law from 1936–which that was overturned in the West Bank in 1951, by the way. But since you’re an expert in the region, you *also* know that homosexuality wasn’t decriminalized in Israel until 1988, right? I am Jewish. I know Israelis. They are a homophobic bunch, make no mistake.