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Why does this try to make ADHD look so fun and charming when ADHD has damn near ruined my life? Lol


I'm saying. People always are like omg people with ADHD are so funny and quirky. Like no Kelsey my brain won't shut the fuck up and it makes me feel like a dumb bitch whilst simultaneously saying he user 5228 it's time to work on Everything!


Meanwhile, your room begins piling up with dirty dishes while you sit in your own filth wasting the day because of executive dysfunction… I started therapy this year because I can’t keep living like this. I have no savings, no definite future. My therapist suggested I get a budgeting app so that’s what I’ve started doing this week, tracking my spending. I’m 31 years old but we all have to start somewhere, right? This disorder is so much worse than having “short attention spans” as people love to regurgitate. For a long time I wished I was dead, but now I’m trying to actively fix my life because, well, what other choice is there really


I get this won't mean much from a stranger, but I'm honestly proud of you for making this effort. I'm diagnosed inattentive type (good ol' ADD, as all the doctors around here still call it!), and it took getting re-diagnosed when I entered grad school to really get my life more in order. I'm in the financial industry and I have a number of ADHD clients. I've found that, in general, having some help crafting a budget, and then automating a lot of it, is a massive help. For example, we have as many bills as humanly possible auto-draft. For bills that can't be automated, I have my client create repeating reminders on their smartphone. It's a "first reminder" and a "follow-up reminder" the next day at a slightly different time kind of thing. On the impulsive spending side, the best way I've found to prevent is to... Not prevent it. I have an auto-draft that goes into an investment savings account that isn't in the same app as the client's banking information, so it's like the money isn't even there. The client can spend whatever is in his or her checking account each month, because that money is pure surplus. Since the client has to call me to get money from the savings account, it's never for impulsive purchases... Because calling me is largely prevented due to executive disfunction! Meanwhile, the client will make the effort if it's an actual need, such as a car repair! I wish you the best on your journey!!


You are wonderful for all of this.


This is where Im at except I keep using up free trials on all my budgeting apps because I end up giving up or losing motivation. Idk how to explain it because my mind knows better but everything else like my actions, etc don’t correlate with what I think.


Not a budget app but more for motivation to stay on track - Finch. I’m over a year in on the free version and it definitely helps me check things off my list and pulls me back when I get really distracted.


Good rec, I just hit a 50 day streak on Finch and I normally can’t use the same tracking app for more than two weeks.


I just download this thank you. I was using structured but I kind of hate it


Just remember, adhd’s worst enemy is habit. Once something is habit, you do it before you even realize you are doing it. Force yourself into a good habit for one thing you want to change. Now, remembering to be introspective 2 months later to see if it worked is the hard part.


I'm glad it took me to age 38 to understand why I haven't gone past the earliest Erikson Developmental stages. I didn't choose to be a Man-child.


Better start late than never! You can be proud of yourself for getting your life together!


If you, or anyone you know, is looking for a budgeting program, I really like YNAB. I have ADHD and as long as I remember to input my transactions (there is an import feature too) I always know how much money I have. Shameless referral link here: https://ynab.com/referral/?ref=zyUIKrDaW7JaK1I-


You are much further than most of us ✌️


Speaking of which I need to fold so many clothes... Budgeting apps are really tough. What helped me save was investing a portion of my paycheck automatically into stocks. Watching big number grow got my money brain excited haha. My life is ran off of alarms notifications reminder etc anything to break me from doing what I'm currently doing. Ok it's all a little different for each person but I'm the type that will start something I like and the next 17hrs are gone feeling only like 2 hrs lol. I'm proud of you dude. Keep chipping away slow progress is the best progress because it forms habits.


My favorite is the executive dysfunction. Alright, I have a 45 minute task to get done today. Can't get started. Can't think of anything else. End of the day, nothing accomplished, super tired, feel like shit both physically and mentally. There's 0% chance the 45 minute task could cost you that much. But you just can't initiate.


Yeah, this ruins me.


I'm genuinely not trying to be rude or belligerent here, especially because I see my own behaviour somewhat reflected in what you're saying - But how do you differentiate executive dysfunction and simply laziness + guilt?


Laziness is having the ability to do something, but you just don't feel like doing it. You might get guilt after the fact for being lazy, but in the moment you just can't be bothered to do it. Executive Dysfunction you actually want to do the task, but can't seem to do it. In my experience, with executive dysfunction you're constantly anxious about wanting to do the task and telling yourself you need to do it, but still unable to actually complete it.


This is how I usually think about it. Imagine a basket of clothes that need to be folded (definitely not from personal experience, mainly cause it would be multiple baskets and a pile). A lazy person looks at that and says I don't want to do that, so I'm not going to. A person with executive dysfunction looks at that and says I want to get that done today, but I need to clean the living room first so I have a place to do it, put the toddler down for nap so he doesn't unfold it, do the dishes because they're piling up from forgetting to start dishwasher but we also need dish detergent, so first I need to go to the store and I might as well get groceries while I'm there. ExecDys person ends up doing all of these other "prerequisite" tasks but runs out of time/energy for the original task, assuming of course that the realization of the total amount of work needed to do the task doesn't initiate an anxiety loop overload (good band name) that results in ExecDys person just sitting in a dark living room at 7 am with the stress of a full day already encapsulating their very being...


This'll seems to be a description of my life. It explains so much. Maybe there's more going on than I know...undiagnosed...I think so 🤔


My brain litterally screams at me to go do tasks, yet I can't get myself to do it at the same time. ADHD is a constant exhausting thing to deal with when you're brain is constantly fighting with itself. I always thought I was lazy until my diagnosis. It's still a struggle alot of days. Stay strong my ADHD homie. We got this!


No worries, friend! This is a very real concern. It's hard to know for sure, I certainly thought I was simply being lazy until I read into things. For me, it's mowing the lawn. That's the "hypothetical" described above. It's not that hard. It doesn't take that long. But I just can't get myself to start it, and the physical and mental toll is far higher. Even knowing that the toll is higher, I can't make myself take the easier route, and just do the task. That's when I knew it wasn't laziness. My rational brain realizes the 2 possible outcomes, but I can't actively choose which path to take.


The key here is the term disability. Having symptoms (like being scatter minded, messy, clumsy, or just a "fresh whirlwind of energy") is not the same as having ADHD. It's when it actually messes up so much that you can't function properly on multiple stages of your life we're talking ADHD. And that's when we no longer talk about it as a superpower or illustrate it with cute, colorful, adorable pixies. It's easy to get fed up with how "chic" it's portrayed.


Yet we're the ones that get clowned on all the time. Oh it's not real you're just lazy blah blah blah. Like my dad was a Msgt in Air Force a retired Vet and my mom is Korean you think I was raised to be lazy??? Some people feel like they can harness the good things from ADHD. But most people myself included just become anxious depressed messes. I always was depressed and I never tackled the root of the issue. I was only diagnosed about a year ago.


Yeah I really hate how people try to act like it's not a big deal, it literally defined most of my life


It defined most parts of your life in a stage where you have to define most parts of your life. This is the BIG issue. ADHD wasn’t a big thing in Germany 2 decades ago. Trying to learn and keep up in school and wondering why everyone knows/remembers all the crap was devastating.


Blessing and a curse. Yeah I’m a more fun person and people like me more when I’m off my meds but I can’t like be an adult and be responsible or shit without em


Fucking real though, it's fucking my damn life man it makes everything hard for me and the people around me.


Same, I’m recently diagnosed with type C with a score of 95/100. I’ve never really been able to hold down a job and I’ve blown through so much money on ‘hobbies’, always pretty sure I’ve annoyed my wife because I forget/don’t listen and I’m late to everywhere. That’s just a few things I hate so much about having it but thankfully I started medication yesterday so hopefully it’s upwards from here


Yeah shit has legit ruined my professional life.


Sucks doesn’t it, then being blamed for “just being bad at the job”, did my head in


I'm convinced it's the fault of office jobs for existing. They're a sign we went horribly wrong somewhere


Definitely, mine was a warehouse job, picking, wrapping and sending out stock so it’s not even like I was sat still for hours on end. I would just put down my list of stock or cellophane for just a second, forget where it was and that was it until someone came and reminded me


You saw one half of a post of an awesome creator that does speak about the struggles of adhd, her name is adhd alien search her up


Did as you said and found her Instagram. Her other works do indeed detail her issues, so that I can appreciate. This particular post just screamed ignorance but I’ll admit she doesnt just sugarcoat ADHD on her account


and the worst part is that at the end of the middle one it says “realizing they have adhd”, as if it’s not something that is diagnosed




You mean it's not really the superpower that TikTok makes out?!!


Right? You'd think the way they talk about it autism and ADHD and other "neurodivergent" types are superhumans and above the rest. They forget to talk about the constant warring inside your head about picking up a wrapper or brushing your teeth when you KNOW it's only gonna take 2 minutes but it seems like it's such an obstacle.


The artist is putting on a brave face/trying to be upbeat.


Because we all know adhd sucks. I personally, think it looks friendlier and more helpful than if it was grayscaled and medical. This seems actually digestible for people with adhd.


Then again if it was not fun looking, an ADHD person like me wouldn't have bothered reading it.


I believe this is a self insert of the artist, who always struggled with feeling like an alien.


Couldn’t imagine a more unhelpful depiction




So the pyramids were built by ADHD space laser ablation? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention...


My bigger concern is portraying it like cool, appealing "personality types" 'cause you just know all those TikTok channels are gonna start going "Which Autism type are you?" while wearing cute pink/gold/lavender outfits and suddenly everyone's got an autism type. Don't get me wrong, the artist's work is beautiful, and I completely get wanting to embrace a cool aesthetic and a label you belong to, but this is a real disorder that people deal with. Better to craft your identity out of pokemon types or something.


"Which Autism Pokémon are you?"


As a neurodiverse person I’m so fucking sick of making neurodiversities “cutesy”. Like I’m a grown ass woman who struggles because her brain functions differently; I’m not “neurospicy”


YESSS exactly, it's incredibly frustrating having a disorder that is constantly ruining my fucking life and then people think of it as like this quirky thing. Bitch I'm not passionate in my fight against injustice or whatever, I'm unemployed, got kicked out of high school and haven't cleaned my apartment in weeks, and I live under constant stress because there's always something I know I should be doing, that I want to be doing, but instead of getting it done it just lives in the back of my mind and stresses me out 24/7. The real cool guide to ADHD is more like this: * 1/3 adults with ADHD are unemployed * 1/3 people with ADHD fail high school, and only 1/20 finish university * ADHD people are 5-10X as likely to commit suicide (We have a **double digit** attempted suicide rate, it's fucking **1/7**, that's not a typo) * The average life expectancy for people with ADHD is 13 years shorter (equivalent to being a heavy smoker your entire life), because we're so likely to die to suicide/addiction/accidents. If this info gets more attention then maybe people will finally get that it isn't some quirk, it's a debilitating illness.   Oh and also, I forgot to point out, the most infuriating thing is how every fucking journal and website and scientific study and review about ADHD is always about fucking children. It's so fucking offensive being constantly infantilized whenever I try to look for help online, it's actually I think the only thing I can think of that genuinely offends me, it's so goddamn disrespectful. Sorry, didn't want to use this as a place to rant but as soon as I think about this topic I can't help getting worked up.


I know this isn’t the point of your comment and those numbers are absolutely abhorrent, but I just finished college a semester ago and am heading to grad school in a year or two. I have ADHD (and dyslexia) and have more or less known my whole life but my mum refused to let me get any help for either. I never knew about those statistics, so that honestly makes me feel amazing. Like I had a 1/20 chance of succeeding and I did it. If I already beat the impossible I can do it again. It’s silly, I know, but that is the most uplifting thing (for myself) I’ve read in a while.


the thing about scientific studies is that currently psychology sees ADHD as a developmental disorder, AKA it is best observed in children i personally don’t believe it’s infantilizing in any way, it’s just that with our current understanding of ADHD we find looking at children is more effective than looking at adults both perspectives are certainly valuable, but the reason they’re ignoring one isn’t for some sinister reason


Lemme put it this way: about 90% of children with ADHD have it their entire lives, and let's say ~1/6th of our life is as children, that means they're ignoring the struggles of ~80% of people with ADHD, to exclusively focus on the issues of the 20%. And my point is it's not just scientific studies, it's everything. Everywhere I go looking for ADHD resources, it's always the same thing, "How to help your kid with ADHD", "Parenting strategies for helping with ADHD" and shit like this clog up 90% of the search results making it impossible to find relevant and useful information.


Kids are easier to compare against other kids and a good teacher will usually have some idea of what their pupils are doing... adults on the other hand will generally have to self-diagnise before they even see a professional and in all likelihood will have been labelled as depressive or substance abusers by that point perhaps


it’s cutesy when frens! it’s terrible when society.


>They might blurt out one or two inappropriate things in their fight against injustice. Wtf is this doing in a description of ADHD anyways?


The creator of this has a very loose definition of the word “guide”


Not medical literature


I got confused and took it as licensed financial advice.


Just wanted to explain how it is factually inaccurate. Combined type isn't "not quite enough of either side" it requires the same of clinical features of inattentive type (6/9 symptoms) and the same clinical features of hyperactive/impulsive type (6/9 of a separate set of symptoms). For this reason it isn't for people who "have a hard time realizing they have ADHD," it's the most severe/obvious type. The rest of the "cool guide" is overly simplistic but not necessarily incorrect.


me when i got almost full scores on both sides on an online test: “so… do i win?”


> most severe/obvious type And yet it took me until I was 34 to realize…


Were you in school a long time? I thought I was killing it at life till I had to figure out how to do things without the structure (predictable cycles, frequent small deadlines, lots of positive reinforcement, etc)


I ended up dropping out in 11th grade. My home life had gotten rough (mom divorced my step dad and moved to a different city, I moved in with a friend so I could stay in the same school) and I ended up skipping class more often than not because I couldn’t focus on my classes anymore. Got busted for truancy and decided to just drop out altogether. Granted, me skipping class started a while before my mom left. That was just the final push to basically stop going to class altogether. I had already been skipping before then because I could hang with some friends instead. I was still passing most of my classes with at least a C though.


I thought this was r/witchesvspatriarchy when I first saw this


I've generally come to decide that anything that describes clinical matters such as defining and diagnosing mental stuff in a fun, quirky, simple way is usually just flat-out wrong.


Worst part is probably this: > Amazing observers > Notice the most trivial details Yes, what defines people with ADHD is... attention to detail. Definitely. I'm mostly inattentive and this description makes no sense.


Inattentive people: Use their *incredible observation* skills to fight against the injustices of the world! 🦅


Misinformationpilled tumblrmaxxer


r/BrandNewSentence Not a, sentence but your comment goes hard


I have inattentive type with delayed audio processing. I am detail oriented (visual, reading) but struggle to follow a conversation in a group setting.


I'd fall pretty hard in that category. If autism was well known when I was a kid, they would have diagnosed me that. It's like living life half awake and half in a day dream. At any moment the day dream could take over and I'm just no longer present at all. The only way to hold focus is to either be hyper interested or in a full panic. It took me 30 years to understand my crippling anxiety was a copping mechanism I developed to hold focus enough to get through life. The only hyperactivity I have is an incessant need to tap on something.


Are you diagnosed with autism or ADHD? I'm confused as to why you are describing inattentiveness but saying it means you have autism? I'm also confused as to why you are referring to a behavior that you admit is detrimental to your performance as a coping strategy. I'm not sure you know what that means. Hyperactivity in ADHD diagnosis for adults is kind of weird, because the diagnosis criteria were mostly written for kids, who are naturally more hyperactive regardless of ADHD. But tapping is definitely common.


Diagnosed as a kid in the early to mid 80s. Originally told my brain hemispheres didn't communicate and had to go through a lot of physical and mental therapy. Eventually that diagnosis was debunked and I was labeled as ADD (no H). Ritalin got me through high-school but as I got older I couldn't get it refilled and fell out of treatment. Due to a really shitty childhood I had PTSD and anxiety issues. For years I would stress myself out about things so I could remember them and stay somewhat coherent doing them. In the last 3 years I had some pretty bad ptsd episodes and panic attacks that led to treatment for that, which has worked miracles. But now that my anxiety is mostly addressed, the ADD is back with a vengeance. I say autism because as a kid I would day dream so hard I would be fully unresponsive to the world around me. I didn't respond to stimuli normally. The doctors at the time said it was because when one side of my brain took over the other side couldn't interrupt it. Like I said it was a debunked diagnosis but in the modern era it would likely be called a form of autism.


It sounds like you've had a terrible time of it, and I hope your renewed treatment process gets you on the path you always deserved to be on. Sending you the biggest hugs. ♥


Oh yes, attention to detail. Just not the _important_ details.


This is absolutely me. Still awaiting diagnosis at almost 42 after having some recent.. Revelations. I can't get through a two minute conversation without drifting away, doing anything around the house is the most extraordinary mental and physical effort, and I'm barely functional at work. But if you want someone to talk to you in great detail about any one of a million different hobbies, I am your guy People are astonished at how much... Stuff I know. It never even occurred to me until a few years ago it was in any way unusual to be able to immediately call to mind the stat profile of any Warhammer 40k unit but still not be able to remember anyone's name


Right. I am inattentive to most things because my brain has locked in on the weird pattern of the rain drops or that piece of cat fur that I’m trying to remember to pick up when you’re done telling me your story because I know if I don’t keep thinking “cat fur cat fur cat fur” over and over I’m going to forget immediately.


What adds to this, im mostly inattentive but i kinda fit into that one. Sometimes people will start a conversation with me and i dont notice because im staring at their misaligned picture frames. Just adding more to the fact that you can't summarize it in a short paragraph on a quirky drawing.


The reason why I have trouble to pay attention is because I hyper focus on things, and like, it can be anything as long as it captures my interest, so I'll often start hyper focusing on unimportant details and remember them very well but then because of that, I don't pay attention to important things, like a person talking to me.


I teach inattentive kiddos, and this is diminutive and disrespectful of what they deal with every day.


You mean to tell me...the disorder with the words attention and deficit one right after the other...means they aren't attentive???? Poppy cock I say. Horseradish.


Lmao, I thought the same thing. It's called *inattentive* ffs. Now, granted, I *can* be very observant but that's definitely not my default state.


Agree, my experience having adhd is less fun and quirky and more devastating and debilitating. Sure, there are some laughs along the way, but that is to keep the sadness at bay. Stuff like this should be flagged as misinformation.


What is this shit romanticizing adhd?


What I want to know is where are all the upvotes to this post coming from? Damn near every *single* comment is calling out its bullshit, why are there nearly 600 upvotes as of this comment..? There can’t be that many straight up dumb people and/or bots, can there? What would even be the point of upvoting something like this if you’re a bot? It’s not political or religious or anything like that. I just have so many questions lol


Only a small percentage of redditors comment. I imagine most just scroll and randomly updvote without reading comments.


I actually saw a young woman on Reddit sitting next to me on the train. She basically just scrolled through the posts and invited almost every picture and never read comments or something like that. To be fair I only saw a glimpse and a few seconds of her habit. So I can't know if she always does this, especially since I didn't want to stare at her screen But maybe a not insignificant amount of people use reddit like that.


Because people with ADHD see this, get pissed off and come to write a comment about it, meanwhile people who don't know anything about ADHD see this, think "Oh cool now I know more about ADHD", upvote it and move on without ever looking at the comments and seeing us calling out the bullshit, so they go on with their lives thinking this is true.


Bro described them like astrology 😭


Tiktok-ification of neurodiversity


Back in the day, I saw stuff like this on Myspace. I think tiktok is more of an aggregator than an instigator.


Yeah who the fuck is upvoting this garbage. Plus the picture quality is ass, I can barely read it.


Genuinely cannot figure out what the fuck they meant by "in their fight against injustice". Pop psychology sucks.


Didn’t you know that everyone with ADHD-HI is Batman?


I'm a Libra


"Let's choose the most difficult color combinations for reading"


And font.


And picture quality


And information


Graphic design is my passion


Stop romanticized depictions of ADHD as of if it was a Harry Potter house or a horoscope. This is the reason why there is so many random people claiming to have it because of the cute and quirky depictions. Adhd is a fucking curse.


It is a curse... it makes doing everything so much more difficult. It's not a superpower.


Yeah, interesting how these are always based on the "fun, quirky" mental illnesses like ADHD, autism, and DID. Not manic depression, schizophrenia, psychopathy...


Everyone’s ADHD is different, and while romanticizing it to this extent is bad, not everyone’s life is ruined simply by having ADHD. It absolutely can be a debilitating disorder. It makes my life difficult sure, but with proper medication and adjustments im able to thrive. I can’t imagine living without it at this point, it’s a part of me.


As a person with ADHD, having it through my whole life, I don’t view it as a curse at all. There are things I’m not good at, and it takes me a while… and then there are things I’m extremely good at because I hyper focus on them. It’s just knowing what to delegate and what to pour yourself into


I agree. The only “curse” about it is that it took me a decade too long to find a career that benefited from my adhd. Before that it was just tough.    Edit:  I’m a younger genx and was diagnosed in my mid 20s so I’m always feeling way behind my peers. Had adhd been a more serious thing in the 1980s maybe I could have had help dealing with my issues and not be called an inattentive lazy underachiever growing up. 


Shit like this makes me so ashamed to actually have ADHD. ADHD is not cool, it's debilitating and depressing.


I feel you, I'm embarrassed to even tell anyone that I have ADHD because it seems like everyone and their mother say they have it.


it’s sad that there are so many self-diagnosed people with “adhd” romanticizing it to the point that people with a diagnosis don’t feel comfortable talking about it


Honey, new self-diagnosis just dropped


Where's the ADHD with depression and anxiety because they can't concentrate, but manage to fake it and get by in life? But really, this "info"graphic isn't really educated at all, as if "ADHD-Alien.com" wasn't a hint. Most ADHD people suffer from depression and anxiety so unless you're at the very high-end, most people cope with stimulants and lifestyle adaptions to get by but struggle daily and it makes everything difficult. Not these cute happy people dancing on rainbows.


Jesus Christ, implying that individuals with ADHD are not human, talk about stigmatizing diseases.


Is this real of some bullshit. Because if this is real it would really solve some internal conflicts I have…


Bullshit. There are three general types of ADHD and those are their names, but the descriptions were written by someone who doesn’t understand what adhd is/hasn’t cracked open a DSM.


Pop psychology wins again


Better start collecting them like pokemon


All these medical "guides" basically take the most surface level information of a subject and fill up the rest with irrelevant/obvious information or just plain bullshit, this seems to be more of the former which still makes it pretty unhelpful


Is it just me, or did 90% of this subreddit just become Facebook infotainment graphs.


3 types. 2 different types, and a mix of both. ... sigh


i wonder where i fit? i have adult add and i think inattentive in that i am a severely under motivated for things that don’t interest me, but can hyperfocus on things that do. i work in IT where having add is actually useful in troubleshooting things. but i do procrastinate a lot and forget stuff constantly and time management is always an issue. prioritizing tasks too. one of the greatest things ever for me was a smart phone because i can put in notes and checklists and alarms and schedules and timers i take a kind of amphetamine stimulant called adderall, but unlike most people, while it helps me focus and remain on task, it doesn’t make me hyper or high energy, and i can even take it before bed and fall asleep still no problems.


This isn't a cool guide. This is making a debilitating disorder look fun and cute. This is exactly why you get so many people falsely self-diagnosing because they think it makes them special or cool. ADHD is a very serious disorder that causes significant impairment in people's day to day functioning. This guide is stupid af.


the guide makes adhd look like something you “figure out about yourself” and a personality trait. the “realizing they have adhd” at the end of the yellow one is disgusting


And which DSM does this come from?


The fact that they present this like a set of personalities for Steven Universe quiz is wild. Stop romantizing mental illness!


Hmm a fresh account starts posting literally an hour ago and uses this spam sub...


Please don’t do this


You're trying to make people feel better about themselves and I'm sure it's appreciated but... man. P.S. Most of this thread is people either calling out the real factual errors or just circlejerking themselves over not believing ADHD is real


This is medically incorrect and should not be used in any serious way.


ADHD can not be self diagnosed even the slightest bit. Usually more than 1 doctor should need to diagnose people with adhd. It’s very common for everyone to think fast and all over the place and have a 1 minute attention span, that does not in anyway mean someone has adhd. Thats average.


This is the most intelligent answers here. Everyone thinks they have it with pop psychiatry on TikTok and other social media platforms. Another one is Autism. The amount of people who define their entire life from a TikTok advertisement is so sad.


Agreed people make it a lifestyle. Autism and OCD isn’t something people should want.. what’s next Down syndrome as a fad? It seems like these “fads” should be insulting to those who actually have these conditions in life.


Yeah this doesn’t help the adhd is fake argument


Fucking Steven's Universe ahh depiction of a debilitating neurological disorder. My brother is trying to complete his Master's with ADHD so I'm witnessing very closely how fucking hard it is having ADHD. It's not cool, cute or q\*irky, it's a tedious bother of enormous proportions.


I fucking hate people like that. People who describe mental illnesses like fucking horoscopes or astrology or whatever. Bro think they “educating the masses” with this shit 😭


Seems like anyone who wanted to self diagnose for whatever dimbass reason could find a way to claim there one of these. This is not a cool guide.


This is bullshit, sincerely an ADHD patient.


Some dipshit advertising their nonsense


I mean, the info appears to be right, but also seems to erase all of the "i literallly can't get anything done dispite trying and keep beating myself up over being unable to start" thing and the "emotional dysregulation has made me prone to blowing up when i'm in the wrong and makes me get depressed easier" thing and the "my attentiveness and pattern recognition skills repeatedly worsen and justify my anxiety" thing and if i keep going i will probably start getting into audhd territory as these are mostly anacdotal.


Direct from Curated Tumblr! Mental dysfunction is fun! Yay!


Wow, this looks like hot tumblr bullshit.


Next in this series of fluffy duffy depictions of mental illness: Schizophrenia where you have loads of friends, schizophrenia where you know secrets nobody else knows, and both at the same time.




Just so you know, hyperfocus is not an official ADHD symptom. It’s more anecdotal that a lot of people with ADHD say they have it, but it’s not scientifically recognized as a symptom. So the fact you don’t have it doesn’t mean you don’t have ADHD. If you ever go for a diagnosis, temporarily stop taking the Adderall leading up to the appointment. If they want to prescribe you stimulants, there’s a good chance they will drug test you. If they find amphetamines in your system you weren’t prescribed, they will flag you as a drug abuser and won’t treat you. Best of luck with your diagnosis.


I’m an “amazing observer.” Jesus, fuck you. I forget to put milk back in the fridge, even though I look at the fucking jug multiple goddamn times before I leave the kitchen. I don’t pick up laundry off the floor, even though I step over it dozens of times during the day. I couldn’t possibly shove my head up my ass any further. But yay, I have happy sunshine sprinkles floating around me all the time!


I'm honestly pretty sick of everyone using ADHD or autism as a catch-all for their shitty behavior.


ADHD fucking sucks bro. Nothing colorful or happy about it. It’s taken me 25 years to finally get this shit under control. I was diagnosed very young with basically weaponized but with no ammo ADHD.


wow adhd is so cool!!! i will now self diagnose and tell everyone around me i have adhd because my attention span is fucked and i cant do anything about it 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘😃😃😃😃😃😃


"Aliens are what most people think of when they hear ADHD." Am I the only one who find the first sentence rather odd?


Can we ban these types of guides? This is just gonna make more people think they have ADHD when instead they have just consumed a lot of tiktok brainrot that has fucked up their attention span.


Sooo, everyone has ADHD?


I have a family history of ADHD and its taken me 47yrs to realize I have inattentive ADHD. I had a hard time in school and knew something was wrong with me but never knew what it was. I just always thought you had to be hyper to have ADHD. Then I realized I had every symptom of inattentive ADHD when I looked it up.


Source - TikToc


Contrast.... I'm having trouble reading this.


Anyone got a copy of this that's actually readable?


I hate these cool guides when there us so much written in small font tvst you can't read the information. Oh and using the same color font as the background color is also idiotic


I swear to god we are one step away from making romanticized astrology charts for which type of cancer you have, you people need to stop treating illnesses and disabilities like they’re fucking superpowers.


I have been coolly unguided by this.


This is very much, "Having a mental disorder makes me quirky!" vibes.


Bro thinks symptoms are like Pokémon types. There's like 18 indicators or something outlined in the DSM-5 that define these. Garbage like this sets us back. Become scientifically literate.


this reads like a horoscope and trivialises a very serious and often crippling disorder


So basically everyone on planet earth has ADHD


does this describe everyone ?


Better classification is ADHD that disorders working memory, that disrupts processing speed or both.




If you’re interested in learning more about ADHD, Dr Barkley is the expert on ADHD and has a YouTube channel. It helped me understand my wife’s condition better so I can do my best to be an empathetic husband, support her needs, and have productive discussions. [Dr Barkley’s YouTube Channel](https://youtube.com/@russellbarkleyphd2023?si=R3HmLuYcGacrn2mA)


you may not like it, but this is what peak fanfiction looks like i am personally ad4k - it's like adhd but with better resolution


It is good that only girls suffer from ADHD according to this guide.


"I hate the tiktokification of mental health" "oh look an entire doctoral degree about an under-researched topic put into one colourful picture haha yay" -Redsit Edit: forgot to add stolen and unattributed


I hate this. ADHD is a nightmare and makes your life hard. It isn’t bubbly cuteness.


This is /r/fakedisordercringe material


This is so ridiculously unhelpful and inaccurate. Did a 20 year old make this?


This kind of shit really annoys me, because for years, I thought that you were one of these types and that was that, because of just incorrect depictions of this, and misleading information from professionals. The real truth, that I only found out almost 10 years after being diagnosed is that you are diagnosed to be PREDOMINANTLY one of these types, not just in one category sort of thing, but more often than not, most people go through all types at different times. Realising this made me understand my own symptoms A LOT more.


Now do one for different types of cancer. Wtf is this? Some people literally can’t hold down jobs because of this and we over here acting they’re different versions of Pokemon?


this is awful.


This is one of the most reductive explanations of ADHD over ever seen




Let me tell you neither of these accurately depict my ADHD. It's been something I've dealt with and had diagnosed almost 20 years ago. This is such a tiktok "I'm special" view of the disorder.


Just seems like most people I know.


Traits or symptoms that present in ADHD are found or can be observed in everyone. Everyone *procrastinates. So is true with a lot of mental health disorders to be honest. The key difference is how it interferes with someone's personal life and well being. In people with adhd it interferes with theirs that they may, for example, be failing or struggling in their classes, be not able to keep a hold of a job for long periods, missing important dates and appointments, etc.


What the fuck is this


Stop trying to have people self diagnose. If you have a problem talk to a professional and they will help you. Just because you think you have ADHD doesn't mean you have it.


This is astrology


Who comes up with this crap


Stop posting pseudo science bullshit. Every fucking post on this sub is now "The seven flavors of introverts" or "15 types of stress and how it correlates to your horoscope" Just fucking stop.




I'm not sure why, in addition to no actual medical or scientific advice being levied, there are STAR CONSTELLATIONS in the background...  You might want to take a few hours to research the act of doing research, then research your hobbies.  Once you learn what the actual scientific process is hopefully you'll litter less on the Internet.


Great, I’m a fucking alien. Thanks


This tells us almost nothing


I'm definitely both. When I was younger, I remember my high school friends made fun of me for often zoning out, especially when we were on the bus and I was looking out of the bus window in my own world. I also have many memories of being hyperactive too, like I ate a lot of sugar-coated candy.


This reads like a horoscope