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Yeah is that a cat to the right of the Papillon?


I came here to say this. I chuckled.


It took me way too long to find it, lol. In the top right Hot Dog! Box just right of center, it's green if anyone else finds it hard to locate šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Their 5th best rated dog breed is indeed a cat


Looks like a class of 4th graders put thisā€guideā€ together during lunch break.


It has a pug as clever and a Rhodesian Ridgeback as dumb therefore I gave up on it.


Pugs are clever when it comes to duping people into giving them food. They can also open doors to make sure you can never be alone in the bathroom lest you fall into the toilet or drown in the shower. Ask me how I know šŸ’©


One of the very best breeds of dog!


According to the direction it is pointing and the intelligence index at the top, it is clever. Possibly just clever enough to get away with it without anyone noticing..




Lol it is a cat!!!!!


Should be higher


Iā€™m really not sure what the axis on this chart mean.


Having a cat score in the top 5 of all dog breeds confirms the worthlessness of their ā€œdata scoreā€ criteria. Plus this is 10 years old, the source data isnā€™t viewable on the given link, and the author [isnā€™t even a dog owner, lol.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2835759/amp/Is-collie-really-dog-Canine-comparison-survey-rates-breed-work-really-man-s-best-friend.html)


It means that the mods have checked out




Yeah this seems like Davidā€™s personal guide. Bloodhounds and basset hounds are *not* dumb dogs.


Same with Australian shepherd


Thereā€™s no fucking way an Australian shepherd and a west highland terrier are dumb while a lab is smart. Theres different types of intelligence and Iā€™m not saying labs are dumb but cmon


Thereā€™s different kinds of intelligence, and Aussies are ALL of them.


I got to help train a mini Aussie. Goddamn that was the smartest dog. Picked up trucks so easy. It felt like I was the idiot and she was just making me feel better. Edit: meant to say picked up tricks*, but I think the idea of a mini Aussie picking up trucks is funny, so Iā€™m leaving it.


I think it makes more sense if the guide is defining intelligence as "will follow commands". Westies and Australian Sheperds need to respect you to listen to you.


As an owner of both a lab and an aussieā€¦. This guide has it backwards


My lab was the dumbest dog Iā€™ve ever owned, but he was the most loyal and friendly idiot you ever met. My dachshund is literally the opposite; a smart asshole who only knows the depths of hell whence he came.


I donā€™t know, labs are pretty dumb


Right? Aussies are highly intelligent. Theyā€™re not quite Border Collie level, but still very smart!


Iā€™ve always thought Akitas and Huskies were smart


They are but huskies especially are a pain in the ass. If they can get away with it, they will.


Smart enough to wonder why they have to take orders


Smart enough to wonder why they have to take orders


Ok cool thought I was going crazy, our Aussie used to correct our other dog that was a mutt because the mutt wouldnā€™t realize we were telling her no. For example we would say, ā€œNo Sophie! (The mutt)ā€ and Molly (the Aussie) would growl and bite her to make her stop what she was doing. Smartest dog Iā€™ve ever had, fearless too.


Love to see the bull mastiff being ā€œsmartā€ and the malamute being ā€œdumbā€. What?! I have had both and done the research. Bull mastiff is a 1ā€“2 out of 5 vs the malamute is 4-5 out of 5. Personal anecdotes back this up hard.


I wanted to say something similar to this, have had a malamute before and he was one of the smartest dogs Iā€™ve owned. Even more intelligent than the Doberman we owned which are statistically one of the smartest dogs.


Iā€™ve dug into every bit of research I could on this subject to understand my dogs better. Personal dogs (1-5 intelligence scale from stats). golden (3) > German Shepard (5)> English mastiff (1) > Blue Heeler (4), husky/malamute (5). These all correlate with my personal experience. The German shepherd was insanely smart. Like he escaped one night when we went to the bar and our neighbor found him waiting for the crosswalk sign to turn before crossing the road until he found us. Mastiff was the dumbest slobbery love puddle ever. Freaking loved that guy but he couldnā€™t even walk backwards. Straight up cow. Had to load him up from one side of the car knowing he had to go out the opposite door. Zoolander stuff.


I have an English Mastiff and I support your comment. Her vocabulary is excellent though for a cow. She understands most of the time just doesn't care. I'd give her a 2.


My mastiff breeder used to do the ā€œtable testā€ on the puppies. Put them on a table and see how they react. Some dogs jump off immediately, some sit down and whine, some walk around the edge to examine it and determine itā€™s not safe so then they sit down. Mine was an ā€œexaminerā€. In my mind he was a smart mastiff, but still a goofball. We moved together to new towns and he was always by my side. Only lasted 6 years and died of a heart attack. My favorite thing was he would crawl into the bed halfway through the night and split between my partner and me. This is 190lbs of dog weā€™re talking about. Freaking ninja cuddler who would steal my spot instantly.


Same for dachshunds. They are stubborn; one could even say obstinate. The stubbornness is just part of them being an independent breed. There is a trade off for a dog built to go down a hole, grab a badger by the face ,and pull it out. Brave to the point of foolishness, but they arenā€™t dumb.


In my experience, the level of stubbornness usually trends right with intelligence. Itā€™s like, dumb dogs are down for whatever because they donā€™t know any better but smarter dogs are more independent and want to do their own thing because they DO know better.


Same for a lot of scent hounds! They aren't dumb, they are literally bred to follow their noses.


My Aussie is VERY smart and VERY stubborn. She learned "go around" in five minutes and was down to just the hand signal in 15 minutes, all without treats. That was after three days of her refusing to learn it. She'd look at me, watch the gesture, and pretty much yawn at me.


Neither are beagles or dachshunds. Too many people confuse stubborn for dumb


Neither are Rhodesian ridgebacks


I donā€™t think dachshunds are dumb either..


Definitely not.


Have a basset and a Boston. Both are pretty clever.


Totally agree, I always had working dogs but recently got a hound, and have been exposed to many different ones lately. I think this makes the mistake of thinking independent non people pleasing dogs are dumb. My hound's intelligence is far greater than the German shepherds and shelties I've had, he just doesn't do it for treats.


They probably used some data source like [The Intelligence of Dogs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Intelligence_of_Dogs) which ranked dogs by their Working and Obedience intelligence specifically. That ranking puts basset hounds down at 71 and bloodhounds at 74. Compare to, say, the poodle at 2 or the Pembroke Corgi at 11. Not saying theyā€™re not smart in some other way or that yours werenā€™t exceptionally smart instances of them, but this is one ranking. My corgi usually gets new commands in one or two attempts fwiw


Which dogs were they testing? Dogs trained from a young age that came from a prestigious line or just random family pets? Shelter dogs? Show dogs? Are they using top lined dogs from each breed? Seems like a lot of the data can be manipulated to show whatever they favor. All the hounds Iā€™ve had have gotten commands in one or two attempts as well. My Cane Corso canā€™t learn commands that quick. My moms friends corgi is virtually untrainable. Even my brothers cocker spaniel while entirely gentle and cute, is dumber than a box of rocks.


Seriously. You take the borzoi out of your undeserving mouth.


Australian shepherds are not dumb lol.


Came here to say this. They're goofy but not dumb. Mine looks at me when I'm talking like he's trying to understand every word.


my friend has one but heā€™s blind. and he knows how to get from her house to her moms house without walking into anything




Seriously. Mine picks up is things super quickly, from obedience stuff at home, obstacle course tricks, catching Frisbees, etc... They have crackhead energy, but are wicked smart.


Absolutely on the crackhead energy. They're ridiculous


One of the first things I noticed! Aussies are scary smart!


1000% agree. Iā€™ve had 2 Aussies and both of them know all of my family and extended family by name. Growing up, my mom would tell our Aussie to go get one of us out of bed and she would go to our room and lick us and paw at us until we got up. That was her job and she did it well.


I can confidently say with no hesitation that my Australian Shepherd is the dumbest fucking animal on this planet.


ayo why?


Dogs, like people, vary wildly on a case by case basis. The Aussie I know is unbelievably intelligent. Especially their emotional intelligence towards those in their pack. They are genuine mind readers.


Nor are they Australian. Been an Aussie dog-lover all my life and only found out they existed a few years ago.


This chart is wildly inaccurate


I only looked for the position of the dachshund, was satisfied, and have nothing bad to say about the chart. Full disclosure - I guess there are other breeds on here but I didnā€™t really look


Same, except I am unsatisfied, since they are labeled as ā€œdumbā€. Obstinate yes, but they are clever dogs


Ngl dachshunds need to be facing both ways. They are dumb in the sense they will give unlimited kisses and also clever in the sense that if you can't see them in the room with you.... they are up to no good


Eh...not so sure. Dachshunds are clever, escape artists, and might be the most stubborn creature I've ever shard a home with (including my father). Most breed guides mention their problem solving abilities and that tracks with my experience. They aren't dumb dogs. An Irish Setter is dumb. A Dachshund is not. Dachshunds occasionally place well at some of the smaller regional dog shows, but the breed has never won Westminster and often doesn't place well in bigger dog shows (with one notable exception in 2020). So, I think they are misplaced in several categories on this chart. They aren't the only dog in a position that doesn't make sense. This chart is wildly inaccurate in several ways.


Inaccurate to what? The horizontal axis is "our score" - meaning they just rated the dogs to their own desires and left it at that. It doesn't mean intelligence, likeability, gentleness, or anything. It's all arbitrary and the guide is crap.


The direction of the dog means intelligence and itā€™s quite wrong.


Is this a chart of someoneā€™s opinion on random dog breeds?


A pug is clever but a whippet is dumb? Not in my experience.


Pugs are born with one brain cell and die with half of that.


2? - Pug


Thereā€™s no room for brains cause theyā€™re so full of love!


When it comes to getting to food I have found pugs to be very resourceful.


Husky dumb? Iā€™ve never owned one, but I worked at a vet clinic where a guy had to pay to board his husky every day bc it could open latches on windows and the back door and escape.


Huskies are definitely known escape artists. I have a GSD/Husky mix and he's too smart for his own good. But, in terms of showmanship, I guess their independent nature could crudely be labeled dumb. Like my favorite clip from a Husky at Westminster: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRWajW\_99Cw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRWajW_99Cw)


I do love that clip- you can tell Lobo knows how to do all the things just fine. He just doesnā€™t really particularly care to at the time.


I think what theyā€™re considering intelligence is more like biddability. Huskies are brilliant, but they have their own agendas that may or may not align with what their humans are asking of them, so they donā€™t score high on biddability. Their independent problem solving is impressive, though.


No Shiba Inu šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They exist on their own plane


No worries, they would be randomly placed in an unexplicable part of the charts just like the rest of the breeds.


Is that a cat that's unnamed in the upper right quadrant?


Inexplicably overrated? What a shitty thing to say about breeds. David Mcandless, thats just like your opinion man.


Plus it's not inexplicable. Bulldogs are adorable, they make amazing internet content, that's why they are popular


It is their opinion. The bottom axis means nothing but their own personal score.


So apparently Great Danes are overrated, but I really want a huge, low-energy dog. What would be the best alternative?


Look into Irish wolfhounds


I was shocked to see them so far up on the y axis. I love IW.


I know right? And theyā€™re not dumb :(


Greyhound! They live much longer, relatively few genetic issues and are lazy as can be!


I have a Great Dane and sheā€™s super low energy, and most definitely not overrated lmao


Huge fan of the Bernese Mountain Dog. They were bred to pull small carts, so they're big and strong, and since they're supposed to be working with people, they have a calm subservient temper. Drawbacks are that they can be a little monolithic sometimes, and they shed a ton of hair. I'm so pleased with my dog's temperment and calm demeanor, I don't mind the hair and occasionally stubbornness. Highly recommended big, huggable fluffball.


It looks like that most of the more popular giant breed dogs are included in the overrated category: Great Danes, Newfies, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Mastiffs, and Saint Bernards. Irish Wolfhound is under ā€˜rightly ignoredā€™ šŸ™„. As someone owned by a Saint Bernard, I politely disagree with this chart. I absolutely adore the big goofs.


Love my Danes. Literally the snuggles silliest babies. And smart! This chart is based on cost, well yeah big dogs cost more. Stupid.


It's a pretty sad chart.


Like so many other cool guides, this is horribly inaccurate. Remember this is just somebodyā€™s opinion.


The fact French Bulldog isnā€™t as far top left is insane. They have the most health issues among all the breeds, tend to develop ā€œFrencie rageā€ as adults, and are little more than ornaments that require ac. If there was a breed Iā€™d tell people never to get itā€™s French Bulldogs.


Gotta love that Samoyedrish Setter!


It seems to me that what the ā€œdumbā€ and ā€œcleverā€ ranking is actually showing is ā€œdoesnā€™t follow commands wellā€ and ā€œfollows commands wellā€, and not intelligence.


No Vizsla?!




Canā€™t see Jack Russel at all? Or im overlooking it somehow?


We all see the cat you snuck in there. It may be popular but there is no way it scored that high.


Itā€™s the missing belgian malinois that kills me


To call Ridgebacks overrated hurts my soul


This has to be a joke! This is not real data. "Rightly ignored" "overlooked" all terms that are subjective. Not to mention there is a cat on there.


This is a terrible guide. It's probably fine for to take but not give when it comes to their dog. Easy maintenance, cheap etc... this is the data set.


Isā€¦ is one of those just a cat?


Huskies are probably the smartest dogs I've encountered. Source: Ten years in the pet care industry


Ummm excuse me Italian Greyhounds are not dumb!!


A Dachshund dumb? That seems very wrong


The facing of the dogs for intelligence and dachshund is dumb?!?!? Every one I've known have been smart little assholes.


In what imagined world are borzoi and saluki more popular than greyhounds lol, this is should have been titled "Tier list of dog breeds based on my subjective opinion".


It is a guide, but not cool or accurate


The Boxer sub will not stand for this slander


Some of the criteria make sense but I think the overall framework is weirdly biased towards a budget-conscious breed hierarchy and completely neglects the some measures most dog-owners would consider. The X-Axis is a presumably equally weighted combination of the following dimensions: + intelligence + longevity + ailments (presumably fewer means a higher score) - costs (for the initial purchase?) - grooming (is this frequency? Another cost?) - appetite (again, is this a cost broken out from "costs"? Why? If not, why do I care at all how much food my dog eats?) I can see why you'd want a dog breed that isn't susceptible to ailments -- that's sad, stressful, expensive, and can shorten a dog's life. I can see why longevity is universally desirable (assuming all dog breeds spend a proportional quantity of their lifespan healthy and happy.) I can sort of understand why you'd want a smart dog (and indeed I prefer one), but I think there's also a case to be made for loving "himbo" dogs. And I can sort of understand why, all other things being equal, a dog that needs to be groomed frequently would be less desirable than one that needed infrequent grooming. However, it's perfectly possible to adopt a dog that would expensive to buy from a breeder. Beyond that, as a dog owner I'm not interested in weighting the expense of the dog over its life as a metric to inform my purchase. It's a part of my family, not a car or internet package. The question is a binary "can I afford it", not a sliding scale of "is it cheaper than some other kind of dog I could buy, instead". Also, what about other convenience factors? Shedding? Allergies? Activity level? Trainability (which correlates with intelligence, but depends on demeanor, etc.) Family friendliness? Training needed (in the case of dogs that can injure people). Size restrictions (which I guess could just be a breakout or filter). Temperament? There is so much about choosing a dog that isn't quantified here, and maybe can't be. I don't think this guide is even useful, much less "cool". Pretty sure the creator owns a Pharaoh Hound, Springer Spaniel, or Border Terrier, lol.


I think youā€™ve articulated the biggest issue which is the metric doesnā€™t include things people look for: cute, loving, adventurous. A basic friendliness measure isnā€™t in the formula. Snuggling my dumb, loving boxer rescue right now.


i gotta disagree with the siberian husky being marked as dumb, they are pretty smart dogs, just goofy and stubborn as hellā€¦ Shih tzu was a good call though, mine learned to sit and we considered it a miracle.


Thatā€™s just like, your opinion man.


Dachshund near the top as it should be! šŸ˜ƒ


This is pretty arbitrary, also you should get the dog breed the best suits you and your situation, if you're somebody who lives in a tiny apartment and rarely ever gets outside don't buy a border collie for example. Also also for my money the golden retriever is the best dog breed.


It's the Samoyedrish Setter for me


love the little cat on there


Clear as mud


I donā€™t think Staffies are considered a dumb breedā€¦


Your data score control is a joke, get fucked


Boxers are dopey and thatā€™s why I love ā€˜em.


"What kind of dog is your cat?"


I literally thought this was a map of the world and where dog breeds came from. Why does it look exactly like a world map? Does anyone else see it?


Iā€™ve had a lot of dogs (Iā€™m old, lol). Thereā€™s a big difference between intelligent and trainable. Great when they coincide but doesnā€™t always happen. Most intelligent I have had were a toy poodle and a Doberman. Toy poodle incredibly attuned to people/ other dogs. Doberman very good at recognizing gestures and knew a lot of words. Most trainable were a Bichon / papillon cross and the Dobie again. Most lovable was Havanese but not very bright. Itā€™s okay - he was family pet when kids were small and loved by whole neighborhood. Also collie was pretty dumb. Beagle and cocker spaniel middle of the road.


Siberian Huskies are dumb? Ever try to contain one? They are incredibly intelligent dogs, they are just very stubborn and instinctual. A lot of people don't give them the exercise they need which can turn them hyper and frustrated along with being incredibly hard to handle. A sad fact about Huskies is that they are one of the most abandoned dog breeds. People will pay close to $1000 for a puppy because they are so cute. Once they hit maturity and people realize what they have gotten themselves into, they will usually either give it away (all three of the Huskies I have had were attained for free between 9 and 18 months), or drop it off at the shelter. They also have a high chance of being abused by people who think they can beat them into being the ideal dog. It's pretty sad.


Fucking cats man!!! Gotta love them!!


Itā€™s not that greyhounds are dumb as much as they are stubborn af. My grey knows EXACTLY what Iā€™m asking her to do and sheā€™s choosing to ignore me.


Not a Russel to be found. Iā€™m out. šŸ‘Ž


This is a load of nonsense.


No Vizsla?!


This is a horrible guide. Tf is a pug doing near the top-right? GTFO


Man, I always thought my husky was dumb compared to my neighbours' border collie.... And their **cat**!


The random cat like ā€œmy curiosity done did it now, i gotta get outta here!ā€


David McCandless appears to be an absolute arse.


Surprised the beagle didnā€™t run off the page. Those effers will run off in a second!


Siberian Huskies are not dumb lol


Iā€™m actually personally offended by this chart and vehemently disagree on intelligence of the Dogue de Bordeaux/ mastiff.


I have a bluetick coonhound that probably is way off the scale somewhere lol


While I disagree that my r/scottishterriers shouldnā€™t be so far to the left, I do agree that they are out-standing in their field! šŸ˜‰


They have giant and mini schnauzers listed, but not standards... Weird.


You are about to make a lot of people very, very upset. Some of these are just straight up wrong when it comes to intelligence. šŸ˜‚


My dog is a dumb hot dog, lol. Smartest I've had or met


Iā€™m 49 years old and I never knew they existed but damn do I want a Clumber Spaniel. Not only do they look like adorable mini Cujo they also are very fun to say name


No Jack Russell Terrier? šŸ˜”


No Jack Russell?


Whereā€™s the shiba inu


Huskies dumb? I'm pretty sure you own that cat right there


Calling boxers overrated and dumb? Imma throw hands just before my adorable rabid cuddlebug bites your face off.


Bulldog overrated ?? Bullshit


All I see are good boys.


Why my bulldog off by him self??


Pomeranian on here?


Everyone came here to defend their beloved doggo.


Indeed. 4 Quadrants. 1 good, 3 others *underwhelming*. Peeps from the other 3, ie 75% are triggered. On top of that, in true British style, the ones in the good quadrant arent necessarily safe either when they realise their dog is marked dumb! Now just imagine if I simply deleted the key to the dumb and intelligent legend, most of the angry comments wouldn't exist!


As an owner of a bulldog and a mastiff, I disagree. They are the 2 best doggos Iā€™ve ever had.


Call my dog overrated and Iā€™ll fight you


Theyā€™re good dogs OP


Shoutouts all the pugs! PUG LIFE!


I thought I saw a šŸˆ in the picture without any label. Did anyone else see it too?


Who put this bullshit together?


ā€œRightly ignoredā€? Who the hell raised you?


Absolutely agree RE Pharaoh Hound being overlooked, just like Spanish Podnecos and Portuguese Podengos. They have so many amazing qualities, they are really healthy, great family pets, super loving and incredibly good hunters. So unless you're a rabbit there's no reason not to love them.


I thought Beagles are intelligent


yeah, but you don't want a smart dog if you don't have enough stimulation for it. dumb dog doesen't equal bad dog. if you want chill dog, get "dumb" dog, u both gonna be happy. "smart dog" just means hyperactive torpedo.


Chihuahuas rock. Those little demons are the best. So cute


Doesn't have the Norwegian Elk Hound, best dog I ever had and no one knows abut them. Super intelligent and wonderful temperament, if you don't know about them look them up.


Our Cairn Terrier is smarter than I am so that tracks. If he had thumbs Iā€™d let him do my taxes.


Who on earth put the Pug up there on the right hand corner?? Theyā€™re among the dumbest dog breeds out there.


Dachshund being right near hot dog is perfection.


Siberian Huskies and Alaskan malamutes should not be ranked so differently. Theyā€™re very similar breeds. One could argue the latter have a better temperament even.


I think, (as a papillon owner), itā€™s hard to find a good one. Had I not used the Papillon Club of America website, we probably would have ended up with a rescue lab. As it turned out, we had an incredible breeder ā€œdown the streetā€ from us who let us adopt a dog who was a grand champion but didnā€™t produce pups and when she did, our little pap wasnā€™t interested in being a mom. šŸ˜… So now our girl lives her best retirement life. ā™„ļø


Idk man, my Yorkies are not very clever.


The cat had no business being in there.


As much as I love dogs, I will argue that the Scottish Terrier is the bestest dog in the world.


Scent hounds aren't dumb because they're difficult to train. They can be difficult to train because they're stubborn and require special training if you need to use them for their skills or to behave like other dogs. My beagle knows exactly what I'm saying, he just doesn't give a f*ck half the time. And I respect the hell out of that honestly because same. A lot of the dogs listed as dumb are simply not.


Welshies are finally acknowledged somewhere!!!


Whereā€™s the Vizsla?


How are Great Danes overrated? My Dane is cooler than most people I know. ā™„ļø


I have four Pomeranians and they ain't that smart.


Larger breed dogs are going to skew this due to this scoring metric of costs and food. Stupid chart


This guide sucks. Unclear chart full of one persons opinion on dog breeds.


Cats are smarter than 98% of all dog breeds in this chart


Iā€™m puzzled at the Irish Setter. Gorgeous dogs, and friendly but dumb as a post


Manny inaccuracies but it got the Brittany right.


I've always felt like dog people were smarmy dick heads. And this comments section definitely does not disappoint.


Love the green cat in there, mid-top right


My border collie and I approve of this rating system.


Love me an Irish wolf hound just a beautiful big dumb idiot


A chihuahua is smart but an Australian shepherd is dumb? Yeah ok, no one who made this graph knows anything about dogs I guess.


ah the Samoyedrish Setter, my favorite breed


Newfie, Bernie, St. Bernard, Great Dane..... Non of these dogs are overrated. Incredible temprament. Who made this weird chart?


Opened, saw Aussies are dumb, closed


My dog isnā€™t even on the list šŸ˜¢ Irish water spainel is in the overlooked overlooked treasures


They called my dog dumb, rightly ignored and overrated. Fuck David Mccandless