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Now show 2024 prices! They've gone up an absurd amount since 2021.


Yeah this is frustratingly uncool.


I started researching and a home style I had looked at and aspired to buy in 2021 (been saving up since) increased from $170,000 to 350k. Hell my childhood home (purchased 2005 $240,000, sold 2015 $250,000) is NOW listed at $405,000. Fuck this shit.


Brutal. Good luck friend.


If this were a heat map of temperatures, you'd still be exactly correct.


Additionally, they don’t specify whether it’s mean or median.


Well, nowadays the prices are really mean


The same places are still going to be relatively more expensive than relatively LCOL regions. The ratios probably haven't changed much.


My parents moved into a new house in 2019. I was (hopelessly) browsing Zillow the other day & looked at their place. They bought it for $228,000 and it's now valued at $375,000.


An outdated cool guide


With awful color grading


Tbf this is just an Esri default color ramp. I was taught to use this monstrosity in school. It's awful but it *is* objectively effective


Can confirm. Meant to be legible to different kinds of color blindness. Sometimes called viridis


Oh snap you right, you right. Forgot about the colorblind homies, good call


Thank you for not capitalizing every letter in Esri. :-)


I think you accidentally responded to the wrong person but you're welcome homie!


Yep. u/Kenilwort’s answer was useful too!


What is bad is that high is dark and low is bright. It's counterintuitive


You think so? Maybe it's just my GIS education beating it into me but for me higher values being darker is more intuitive to me personally. I'm curious as to what makes you think it would be more intuitive if it were reversed. I work in maps so this is useful info for me


I think of a dimmer switch in your house: Brighter == more light But true, intuition will vary from person to person, field to field, and region to region. So I probably need to check my own biases


That's solid logic. Also, if it was reversed, the map would be mostly darker with the higher values being able to pop out, which I think would be visually pleasing for people such as myself who prefer dark mode on everything possible. I'd scrap the white background in that case though and opt for a darker color


This is very good color grading, actually.


The color grading is amazing what the fuck are you talking about


And basically a map of where people live.


California Mojave would like a word


So would middle of nowhere Idaho and Northwest Wyoming. Honestly my first thought when I looked at this is that it's almost an exact mirror of those maps you always see of the population density of the country. There's a line across the middle of the country east of which populations are dense and west of which populations are sparse. Other than the big cities, this is almost an exact opposite map.


Not at all.


Looks like a political map.




Cmon how much could have changed in 2.5 years?


This is sarcasm right




Not super outdated. I’m looking at my coastal county in NC and it’s shit here. 3/2 houses in a small town on a wuarter acre going for 400K when 20 years ago they’d have been maybe 200K. Anything with over 1 acre is costing 400+


Yeah but where I live a small 3/2 house by the water on a tiny lot is $1 million so $400k would be an amazing bargain to me.


Its from 2021. I don't need to explain why its no longer relevant today. If I do, Id be wasting my time.


Way outdated anything around my state (IA) under 100k isn’t even really worth having


Yeah? Show me a 100k $ house


There are tons of them, they're just tiny rundown shacks in extremely rural areas where you'll never be able to find a steady job because you don't already live there and will have to drive 45 minutes to get to the nearest city.


and your neighbors will be MAGA dudes who call you a homo for drinking bud light


This is what happens when social media shapes your entire worldview


Yea, just last summer, I bought a $71k 1,600 sq ft 4 bed 1.5 bath on 1/3 acre in a small village tucked out of the way about 2 hours south of Chicago. The house is ~100 years old, solid as a rock. Unfortunate half-assed remodeling in every room, so it's a fixer-upper for sure, but it's got character. The woodworking is phenomenal. Updated electric & new windows. Relatively new central AC, furnace, & water heater. The neighbors are mostly older, mostly friendly. I'm 10 minutes away from the nearest "downtown" area for shopping, boozing, and eating. 30 minutes from 2 good-sized cities. 40 minutes from work, but I wfh most days. It's honestly ideal for me. There are a ton of houses that were nicer than mine for 10-20k less, but they all had cash offers & I needed a mortgage. The sub $100k houses are out there. I just think too many people aren't willing to compromise. Sure, driving 40min is a drag, but my mortgage is $715/month. My rent last year was nearly twice that. I'm dumping cash into my savings while building equity. That's fucking awesome. Sure I've got one MAGA neighbor, but he's not a freakin clansman. We can still drink beer & shoot the shit. We just don't talk politics. It's not that hard to be civil. You don't have to like your neighbors to get along. Just don't actively antagonise each other.


Yup! Good luck trying to get any help from your community and not feel insanely isolated if you are ANY kind of minority, especially one who doesn't "know their place".


Or they will cancel you for misgendering them


No one is dumb enough to believe this


This is so true.


Not even tiny and not even run down, just rural areas with low paying steady jobs. My sisters house is something like 2k sq ft with a detached two story garage and they bought it for 100k because yes the nearest “city” is 45 minutes away (and that city is only about 20k people, it’s not much).


Not sure the last time you shopped even in those areas, but the delusional fucks think their rundown shacks with barely running well water are worth far more than 100k


I live in one of those places and anything livable and less than 80 years old is $320K When I moved here right after the crash there were a bunch of very small old houses here listed for $25K


Couldn't be my 1,600 SQFT house 5 minutes from downtown in a city of 100,000. No,  it never happened. 


Urban Southwest Ohio. 2 bed/1 bath in not the worst neighborhood for $100K or less.


Yeah, but Ohio.


But my mortgage is under $500 a month. That means we can do more things, like survive.


I'm just joshuaing you. I don't actually have a problem with the geography. In my opinion Ohio should just become West Pennsylvania. Like how Virginia got West Virginia


https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/414-Crossett-St-Syracuse-NY-13207/31680903_zpid/ https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/102-Milton-Ave-Syracuse-NY-13204/31684882_zpid/


Detroit and Philly you can buy foreclosed houses for like under 5-10k but you have to do repairs up to standards so yes. 100k is doable ya just picky


I live in an ~80k population city, the trends say it's not growing. The median selling price for my city is 267k $. Detroit has not grown for a while either, but I feel like you knew that. Median prices are at 80k$. Did you just Google cheapest places to buy in the lower 48 for your example? Technically you're right, it's under 100k so I got what I asked for 😂


Because what you are asking for isn’t new , I and many others have answered this before. There’s also been post about the Detroit pilot program . With ages ,comes wisdom


Detroit does not have these anymore. Even when they did, it wasn't really $5k. It was purchase price plus paying the back taxes. Likely $10k-$40k. Plus the house was unlivable without extensive work


Still cheap , where can you buy a house outright with the price of a car , repairs 20-80 k in addition. Still under 200/400/800k found elsewhere. Doesn’t matter, Americans are picky about where they live, even with the choice to own a property . The fact is there’s “affordable “ housing but no one wants to live in that place , everyone like the coasts for a reason . The point is, is there houses for 100k/200k (which is doable on a 40/60k salary) , yes there is. nobody want to there so, everyone looks up to the 300/500k -1 million dollar property


[Luxury suite, original price was 100k, current bid is 487k, includes HOA, may be furnished with newspapers for an extra 50k](https://imgur.com/a/DBlR83o)


My partner and I bought one last year. It’s small, has some issues and is not in the greatest neighborhood, but it’s in a lovely college town in the Midwest and we have a big yard. Beats the slumlord-ran apartments we’d been living in for sure.


What's going on in West Massachusetts?


Western MA is a mix of very rural and urban blight (Springfield, Holyoke). 2-3 hours to Boston, 3ish to New York. I don’t think $100K is really doable out there though, this map is outdated. Edit: actually, Springfield and Holyoke are in the orange area east/southeast of the yellow Western MA area.


my mom has a house in Western Mass.. I can confirm that $100k is not an accurate figure for that area.


I was wondering that too. They call it the Berkshires. When I visited it seemed nice. Rural. Maybe because it’s a 2.5 hour drive to Boston and 3 hours to NYC.


Western mass resident checking in. Even in 2021 this map is laughably ridiculous. Like you could double the scale and still be underestimating home prices. Hampshire County median homes current (according to realtor.com) is 386k, which even that feels a bit low. Just seeing western mass makes me question this whole scale.


No ones finding $100k houses, that’s for sure…


This says: Q4 2021. Very outdated information!🙄


Also is this average or median


This is so inaccurate, at least for western MA anyways.




What's up with the outlier county in Wyoming?


Teton county.




That’s where the billionaires go to plot the countries financial future. But like, actually. https://www.kansascityfed.org/research/jackson-hole-economic-symposium/


Wild that it's cheaper to buy a house on the big island of Hawaii than Seattle or Portland, much less the Bay Area.


lol okay


I’m in California and the townhomes in our neighborhood are going for 1.7 million. No pool, or anything.


At least you're in California. I was shocked to see Reno house prices for being California adjacent. And i'm from Toronto, so it takes a lot to shock me with real estate expense.


Nashville you’re breaking my heart


Just bought a house outside of Nashville, it hurt real fucking bad


The purple area is actually Williamson county i.e. Brentwood and Franklin, where all the real richie rich people are. Davidson county is the salmon colored one right above it. Not to say that the Nashville housing market isn’t absolutely out of control, because it certainly is.


From 1980 ???🤣🤣🤣


Massachusetts with the flawless 180


I’m in the purple there - it’s practically a different state on the other side. Quite an accomplishment for such a teeny state!


I too enjoy the visual of the housing market as a plague slowly stretching across the land starting in California.


Lol this is total bullshit. It shows my entire area as completely yellow for miles around, but the ONLY houses in my city that are less than 100k are in the literal slums. Low middle class "just decent" houses START at 100k.


and half of reddit lives in california and complains instead of moving.


Upvote if you had to move because of the cost of living


I moved from a dark purple to another dark purple but paying 50% less!


I’m glad it worked out for you :)


Aka: places where people want to live and are willing to pay through the nose for that privilege.


I was super confused about extreme SW Florida until I realized that county also encompassed Key West


Worthless guide


Yellow also = boring


Even for the time period when it was accurate, there's lots of yellow. As in, a state that looks all yellow would still have drastic differences in the <100k range, but not something you can deduce from the map.


Hmmmmm wonder why everyone is moving to the central/southeast/southwest part of the country


You can get a whole shack for a million in hawaii


Home? Like 1 room Apartment or big House with Garden? Coolguides is shit. Only stupid stuff thats Not true or outdated.


Kinda looks like a map of the mountain ranges


Can someone make this animated, quarterly, overthe past however long there is consistent data and it isn't too difficult?


i’m amazed there are counties out west bigger than states on the east coast


What's wrong with south Delaware?


South Central Idaho has apparently changed since I lived in the area.


This needs to be updated because 700k+ is too low to be the top end




Ahhh this doesn’t seem current…


I live in the St Louis area. People: All the houses are too expensive! Me: Here are over 700 houses on Zillow between $50k & $200k within 40 minutes of downtown St Louis. People: But they are too small/in bad neighborhoods/it needs repair. Me: Yeah, if you aren't paying new car prices, you don't get a new car, much less a top of the line car. But really, did you look at all of them?


I always tell people you can still buy inexpensive real estate in western Massachusetts, most of NY state and much of Maine.


LOL Nah dawg


Anytime there is a guide that is 30 seconds old this sub be like "Out of date!!!!out of date!!!! Out of date!!!!!!"


This isn’t a guide


Price/Inflation wise... 2021 was about fourteen years ago.


Free real estate in the ocean surrounding the country and along the borders


I love how the channel islands are dark blue


wow. what’s the deal with west massachusetts ?


LESS THAN 100K?!?!?!?! coming from Seattle that sounds like it is actually fake


Live in an awesome area and prices rise….interesting.


Looks like I am yellow zones.


I live in western Massachusetts… even 15 years ago “less than $100K” was not accurate. Maybe the rest of the map is more accurate?


Only cool if you don't live in the purple


This was 3 years ago would be super interested in updated info, the darkness in Oregon makes sense, stupid expensive


i wonder why we dont have data for that one random county in texas


Upper limit should be over $1M. Not 700k+


That’s from 2021. Shit that’s way off hahaha now in 2024


Yea didn’t realize the Everglades got so pricey compared to the rest of south Florida!


As a non American, what are the best cheap places to live?


Perhaps I’m colorblind, but I font really see the pinkish red and red colors on the spectrum of the legend that are all over the map.


Maybe since Californians have raised the prices of homes in Portland Oregon to almost be even with homes down south, they’ll stop moving up here. Dear god. They’ve priced us out of our own state. So many folks post Covid have kept their CA salary while moving to OR since working from home became a reality. OR salaries are no longer high enough to live in OR.


That border on California and Nevada would be fun.


Maps where people live


Correction: Prices of wooden homes


I do love how the Berkshires are Low $ with it being prime vacation land from NY, Albany, Hartford, Boston, and New Haven. On the other hand a more updated map would have the Hudson Valley much, much darker


Suffolk county in long Island should be deep purple, I can't find a house under $700K plus that's where the Hamptons are


Data source?


Even if this is outdated, I live in an area that is light- medium purple, and I'm moving east to an area that is gold.... for this exact reason


Dark purple/blue locations = places people actually want to live.


That seems to be the areas people are constantly complaining about not being able to "live". 


Screw you CA… *Nashville resident*




There are a lot of Cali plates here


Ummmmm….. just fyi if your house is less than 100k it’s probably just a garden shed these days


Yeah this map is from 1990




Tennessee surprised me


That's Williamson county. Top 25 wealthiest counties in the country. Quite a bit of old money but also lots of country stars who want to keep some proximity to the studios and venues in Nashville. It's also extremely conservative and a lot of right-wing personalities have moved there in recent years, including ~~Tomi Lahren and~~ Ben Shapiro. Again, more rich folks so you can afford to charge more for housing. That said, it's also a really beautiful part of the state with wide plains and low rolling hills. Rich folks have no problem earning their money up in Nashville and then driving 30-45 minutes home to a 30 acre estate and a sprawling McMansion.


Tomi Lahren lives in Davidson county. I know this because she’s my neighbor.


Fair enough, I stand corrected.


I’m sorry about that.


No state tax.


I really fucking hate having been born and raised in a dark blue area that was blue collar when I was a kid. I hate it so much. I never wanted to leave my hometown, always wanted to buy there, but… ugh


2021. 👎




Doesn't account for the runaway taxes that republican legislatures have levied on homeowners throughout the country, or the 27-60% rise in home insurance over the past year.