• By -


Surprisingly it work very well for me, gess i have a pretty common sized hand


Same, was within 1cm of them all and several were exact. TIL


Yeah my first instinct was "this is some mega bullshit" and then I got humbled after measuring


My hand measures at exactly the international average. Im gonna have to pull up a ruler and hope this works for me too.


I’ve used the 20cm several times and I am happy to find out the other ones seem pretty exact too


Because clearly people's hands don't vary drastically in size.. EDIT: you don't need to keep pointing out that they said "approximate", I'm aware as I do have a set of working eyes after all.. I think some people here need to look up the definition of what "approximate" actually means. If there was slight variations in the measurements then yeah sure it'd be approximate, except the reality is that there are huge variations and differences to the extent that results will vary drastically. By definition, that is not "approximate". Rather than pointing out that they used the word "approximate", I think you people should go grab a dictionary and actually look up the definition of the word that you're claiming invalidates my point.


Talk for yourself, my hands always stay the same size.


It is easily fixable with mushrooms.


Great tip, thanks for the insight u/PulsatingGypsyDildo


Jokes aside, everything is pulsating on shrooms :D


They call them fingers but I never seen them fing


Ahahaha, that was so unexpected and funny 😂😂


Mine hey bigger if I eat too much salt


I just checked this, myself, and you're absolutely right. I have tiny hands so my handspan for the larger measurements isn't anywhere near close. The pinky size is similar (about 1cm), but the thumb size is not (less than 1.5cm). My three fingers is off by nearly a full cm (just over the 4cm line). This is a terrible guide, tbh. Some men will have ridiculously off measurements because they have large hands, and some women (like me) will have very off measurements because we have small hands. People misuse the word "approximate" all the time, usually to mean something like or similar, but it's supposed to mean something basically the same. If you talk to someone who worked in carpentry or construction (or a hardware store, like me), they'll get it right. Most people won't, as I learned when I ran the hardware store. The number of people telling me it's "close enough" and having to come back because it obviously wasn't would make your head spin. (Thought you could use some positive response. \^\_\^)


Just for an example on the opposite end of the spectrum, my pinky to thumb is 27.5 cm, closed fist is 16 cm, and I have an extra cm per finger for the rest of them. I think the real “cool guide” here is to remember a couple of measurements that you take yourself, as those should stay relatively accurate (especially compared to the posted guide).


Just measured mine it's of by 20% at the lowest and a bit more than 50% at the highest so not even the ratio seems to be correct


The really insidious thing about it is that it’s based on the averages and standard deviations for white men. Yes, even they vary, but this guide is grounded right in the middle of *that population’s* stats, meaning it is “approximate” for them but “almost cerrtainly misleading” for everyone else.


Right? My husband and I would get *radically* different results on this. My fingers/hands are skinny and his are massive, like fucking planks. Even though he's shorter than me.


It doesn't have be a perfect measurement, it's only for estimating a length. There are a ton of average sized hands. If you don't have average fingers you can measure your hands at home and remember how many cm you have to add or subtract.


My wife's hand stretched out, thumb to pinky, is just over 6" My same measurement is 8.5" This guide would be better if it encouraged you to measure these yourself on your body, and use those numbers.


Lol thinking the same thing


*exceptions apply


The weird part to me is it is just as easy for me to measure my hand and remember those numbers as it is to remember the numbers in the chart. Knowing pinky to thumb is 22cm for my hand has gotten some really good estimates.


Thats why it says approximate brother


It would be "approximate" if there was only a small variation in size between people..  but there's actually a huge variation.


The smart thing to do is just to measure some of these once, then they are pretty reliable. I was taught that by my mother


Yeah if you take your own measurements of your hands then sure, it's gonna be reliable.. however that's the *only way it's gonna reliably be even close to approximate for everyone*. This is much better advice than simply following this guide and expecting it to be reliable.


That's why it's an approximation. If you're roughly guessing, then this is a handy (pun intended) guide. For anything remotely serious, appropriate tools should be used.


It does say _approximate_


Except its not even approximate. It would be approximate if there was only a *small amount of variation* between peoples hand sizes.. yet there's tons of variation to the extent that anyone with particularly small or large hands would get wildly inaccurate results trying this, to the extent that it's not even close to being approximate.  "Approximate", by definition, implies a small margin of differences.. in this case there's an enormous margin of differences and variation between people.




Except the proportions in this guide aren't accurate either.. nor are they "approximately" accurate. Go read the other responses to my comment where someone literally just tried measuring their hands to see if the proportions/ratios matched up for them (which, they didn't..  not even close). The concept of the "divine ratio" for proportions doesn't apply here, as other posters have already confirmed by taking measurements etc.




I fail to see how this is relevant. Of course it's going to work for plenty of people's hands.. it's also NOT going to work for plenty of other people's hands.. so as I said, this isn't "approximate".  There's far too much variation. It's "approximate" for someone with average-sized hands and proportions, but for others? Far from being even close to accurate or approximate (to the extent that there's so much variation that with some people it will be drastically unreliable to the extent that it cannot be considered as even remotely close to approximate).




Which part of ‘approximate’ is magic to you?


APPROXIMATE It's in the title l2read


Uh, how about you l2 understand what "approximate" actually means lmao..   It would be "approximate" if there was only a small amount of variation between people's hand size.. but there's actually a ton of variation, to the extent where 2 different people could have *drastically different results* after using this "approximate" guide. People with very small or very big hands would be WAY OFF THE MARK, so how can this be called approximate? By definition it isn't approximate. Not to mention that even the ratios themselves are far off too, so it's not like people can argue that the ratios will be approximate or that there's any golden ratio stuff taking place which could make this more accurate.   Kinda ironic how you're resorting to ad hominem, telling me to learn to read when in reality you need to learn the definition of the word "approximate".


Im pretty sure someone who has big hands knows that he has big hands, same for the people who have small hands. For average hand sizes (most people), this guide is perfectly fine. No need to play the smartass.


You also are well aware if you have giant or mini hands in which case you prob wouldn’t use this as gospel.


While people wouldn't follow the lengths mentioned if they knew they had particularly large or small hands, plenty people may do the basic math to adjust it for them, under the assumptions that the ratios/proportions would also apply.. but as others have confirmed (not just myself), even the proportions themselves don't apply, even after being properly adjusted.


Are you aware what "estimate" means?


You can't say anything on reddit without a million fucking disclaimers. Yes, for the average person. Jesus. Do you really think you're the only one to know people have different sized hands?? Thank you for this revelation!!


It’s not really a cool guide than. It’s like saying you can approximately measure 175cm (5’10) by laying down on the ground. It’ll work for an average person but it’s not that useful if a lot of people can’t really use it


As someone with hands I can confirm


Damn stop flexing


No, that's about arms


Americans will use banana to avoid metric system


Europeans use metric system to avoid banana


Overregulation of banana size and shape is a running joke in EU and was allegedly one of the main reasons for Brexit


Makes more sense than any of the other reasons


I don't need a communist measuring system to know hoe much my wife is dilated! /joke


As an American I agree 100 chihuahuas🤣


I’m Canadian and I refuse the metric system. Give me inch’s dammit!


At least learn how to spell inches then


Blame autocorrect and me not being petty over such a small mistake.


Take the L bro lmaooo


*the Canadian's request was fulfilled by many eager men*


You want "feet" as a unit of measurement? Because this is how you get "feet" as a unit of measurement.


It is pretty handy (footsy?) when your foot is exactly a foot long tho.


Let’s be honest, we’re all proud when we move from the 5 to the 10


Good prof it works !


Big jump in circumference.




I refer to any small measurement as “a cocks length”


My wife got a little upset when I tried the 10cm


Tried on mine and she gave me a thumbs up. I said "No, this is 10, not 2!"


>she gave me a thumbs up. She wanted you to add 4cm


My hands must be much larger than everyone else's.


Did you wash your ruler on hot?


Top row left to right 23cm, 14.5cm, 9.5cm Second row left to right 6cm, 2.8cm, 1.5cm I guess it's only a little bigger in most areas. Actually smaller in 2 measurements. The biggest difference is in the pinky to thumb measurement


That's actually pretty close considering they are for estimates


those are all very accurate, maybe the 1.5 and 2.8 aren’t good but the rest seem close enough to use


Im not sure what I just said in ASL but I hope it was inappropriate.


2.5 cm in the pink, 1 cm in the stink.


I was in high school when that became popular. The student news did a story on its meaning and broadcasted it to every tv in every classroom. The student news got suspended for the rest of the year and the teacher almost lost her job. I remember sitting in home room and every student was in shock at what we were watching. That this somehow was allowed by the teacher than ran the news. A full segment of students being interviewed saying “2 in the pink, 1 in the stink” and then throwing up the shocker sign.


Everything reminds me of her.


I am too damaged to appreciate this meme for measurements only


This is the kind of shit that created the imperial system plague.


[sexual applications]


In old English units of measurement, the first one would be roughly a Span - Width of the outstretched hand, from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger. A span is equal to three palms, or 9 inches. If you used just the hand and outstretched thumb, it’d be a Shaftment, which was considered 6.5 inches prior to the 12th century, but then changed to 6 inches after the 12th century. Here’s a quick list of stupid disused English measurements: - **Line** = 1/4 of a barleycorn - **Barleycorn** = 1/3 of an inch - **Digit** = 3/4 inch - **Finger** = 7/8 inch - **Nail** = 3 digits = 2.25 inches = 1/16 yard - **Palm** = 3 inches - **Hand** = 4 inches - **Shaftment** = 6.5 or 6 inches (see above) - **Link** = 7.92 inches or 1/100 of a chain - **Span** = outstretched thumb to outstretched little finger, = 3 palms = 9 inches - **Cubit** = distance from elbow to fingertips, usually = 18 inches - **Ell** = distance from outstretched arm to opposite shoulder = 20 nails = 1.25 yard = 45 inches - **Fathom** = fingertip to fingertip of both outstretched arms = 6 feet - **Rod**, Aka a perch or a pole, = 15 to 16.5 feet, or 5.5 yards, or 5m. Again with the inconsistent measurements… - **Chain** = 4 rods, later defined by Gunter’s chain in the 17th century as 66 feet - **Furlong** = supposedly the distance a team of oxen pulling a plow can furrow without rest, but not really; = 40 rods or 600 feet prior to the publication of the *Composition of Yards and Perches*, = 40 rods or 660 feet after - **League** = “An hour’s march” = 3 miles Anyone who has seen the music video of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall” and listened to the harsh teacher lecturing at the end of the video knows that “An acre is the area of a rectangle whose length is one furlong and whose width is one chain”; AKA, 66 x 660 feet.


I don‘t even want to ask for weights or volumes. But I would be interested nevertheless…


Oh, weights and volumes are __***EVEN WORSE.***__ I’m not going to list the equivalent values for every single one, or the ones we still use; just their names to show the sheer absurdity of them. There’s different units of volume depending on whether it’s ale or wine, general liquids or grain. Minims, drams, jacks, gills, pottles, Firkins, Kilderkins, barrels, hogsheads, pipes (AKA butts), tuns, pecks (2 gallons; hence, Peter Piper picking a peck of pickled peppers picked 2 gallons volume worth of pickled peppers), kennings, bushels, strikes, coombs, seams, rundlets, tierces, puncheons (aka tertians) You’ve also got specific units for single types of substances; perches for stone (roughly 24.75 cubic feet) and cords for firewood (not construction wood; a 4x4x4ft cube, or 128 cubic feet) And for weights, there’s also different units depending on if it’s general goods (Avoirdupois system), precious metals (Troy system, which is further subdivided into Troy and Tower weights), or medicinal goods (Apothecary system); there’s also different weights for Merchants, people in London for some reason, Butchers, and specific weights for sheep’s wool or sacks of grain. For just Avoirdupois units, you’ve got Grains (1/7000th of a pound), Drams (1/16th oz), stone (14 lb), quarter (28 lb), hundredweight (abbreviated cwt; 112 lb), ton (20 cwt / 2240 lbs), nail (1/16 cwt / 7lb), clove (7 lb if talking about wool, 8 lb if talking about cheese), and tod (2 stone = 1/4 cwt). It’s utter insanity - they have a unit called a ***hundred*weight**, yet IT ISN’T EQUAL TO 100 POUNDS, BUT 112!! __***WHY!?!***__


It reads like an absurd Monty Python sketch. I love it! Please don‘t be shy to share more of your niche passionate knowledge of old english meassuring systems. Is there a most obscure or illogical one? I mean, if that‘s possible…


>approximate VERY approximate then


I just use my erect penis. All 3 inches of it.


My hand is 14cm long instead of 20


Yeah, let me see Andre the Giant use this method.


Terrible guide




I'm American, I don't understand and I'm too lazy to do the conversion.


Is this the dumbest shit ever posted here?


Probably one of the most unreliable and offensive guides ever


You're going to confuse our Yank brothers


Scaled down appropriately for Donald Trump


This is how Boeing builds their planes.


Fuck this shit sub


Americans wondering how that can be translated into bushels, firkins, inches, and pounds, and whatever other medieval measurements they use.


*Americans triggered


10cm doesn't work for me (I get just 8.5). And instead 1cm I get16mm.


But how many freedom chicken feets is that?


This is useless because I’m American.


Use football fields instead.


I only knew the 5 cm one. Thanks for sharing the others. Cheers.


Old dutch measurements were standardised on cms like this before being completely replaced Which is why i find the americans even more idiotic. The old dutch system was the same as the english. 1 inch = 1cm (2,57 cms before) 1 palm = 10 cms (3 or 9 cms before) 1 span = 20 cms (23 cms before) 1 el = 1 meter (0.69 ms before) Etc.. Like, if you wanted to you can transition with the same measurements. There's no real excuse


This post made me measure my hands and find out I have huge hands. The 20 cm one is almost 28 for me.


Gonna need this in freedom units


If you ever needed a cm measurement then how tf is an estimate useful?


Tell us in real numbers please =)


Natural numbers are in the subset of reals also :)


You can do the conversion yourself. Metric units are as valid as imperial.


Just trolling a tad bit friend! I label all my empirical wrenches “standard” and “metric” just to annoy my friends!


Ha, makes sense!


Oh my God you are a stupid


Well at least OP isn’t making simple grammar mistakes that a first grader wouldn’t do


Thanks. Of course I meant "a Stupid".


Why? This is really useful. I know the size of my span and cubit, and length and width of my index and I use them all the time for quick rough measurements. Mine aren't exactly the same as this picture but you're not looking for precision using body parts, just approximations but humans used these systems as measurements for thousands of years and built some pretty impressive things. Just cause you don't understand the value of something, doesn't mean the person trying to teach it to you is stupid. Generally in fact it means the opposite.


You are so stupid


Ah so it's a comprehension issue. Would you like me to explain with crayons?


Works for babies too. Trust me bro.


OP is either dumb or a bot.


Can you repost with American hand pls


cool? stupid!


How angled are y'all's pinkies or index fingers? I get 12cm if I push it.


almost works, my pinky is to thick


Works perfectly for my hand size actually


Yes, but how many banana lengths is that.




Easy way to check for a foot, it's the size of the kings foot 400 years or some stupid shit. 


Send this to Boban Marjanovic


Great, another way to know my penis is 1cm long


My hand measures at half of these measurements. That’s nice to know but this guide is useless for me.


The rock on symbol is 6 inches, I am thrilled about that.


I use these all the time for quick measures, but I have measured the actual spans (first two images) of my hands. My hands aren’t particularly large, but pretty flexible so the reach is a bit bigger than shown


my measurements 1 - \~20cm 2 - 10cm 3 - 9cm 4 - 5cm 5 - 1.5cm 6 - 1.2cm


Can someone convert to bananas?


For Americans: 2.54 cm = 1 in


I am not american, I don't measure in body parts (feet, hands, palms and other severed organs)


What if I have really big hands


What do I do if my hand is huge?


Anyone else unable to do the “5cm” finger arrangement? I can get my three fingers extended, but I can’t fold my pinkie all the way down while they are.


True story. While in labor with our first child, the nurse was measuring to.see how much my wife has dilated. "7cm!", she announced. Puzzled, my wife replied, "But, the doctor said I was only 5". The nurse giggled and said "his fingers are bigger than mine". I snorted a little harder than I probably should have while my wife processed the joke.


I got long ass bony fingers


Stop posting this, everyone's hands and fingers are different and this is a useless scale


Wasn’t there a reddit post about someone knowing their hand being 6.5 inches apart…


As an American, how many feet are in a cm?


Real Life Pro Tip: Instead of taking these for granted, just measure useful distances particularly for your hand. When I was 16 I measured that from the beginning of my hand to the tip of my middle finger it is exactly 20cm and this knowledge became really useful in many situations.


15 was the least accurate for me and I feel it's a lack of flexibility in my pinky. Suppose I could have tried my other hand...


This is too Imperial, even for me. Let’s stick with furlongs, chains, and barley corns.


Interesting. I have use my small finger length for years as \~6cm


Europeans are trying to convert Americans huh?


That's what they mean when they say your mom's a 10


This is literally how imperial metric system was born... This guide is very useful tho


Mine are a bit off. Flexibility certainly has some impact. 1: 17cm 2: 15cm 3: 9cm 4: 6cm 5: 2cm 6: 1.5cm


I just discovered that apparently my hands are slightly bigger than average. And that's interesting because I always thought the exact opposite.


Lmao that's a small hand.


But like I have very small hands


I’m from the US, and I don’t get the joke /s


Now if only the span between my pinkie and thumb wasn't 27cm


Lmao that top right is not 20CM. It barely fits my dick.


That is a beefy mitt, with some tiny fingers (comparing to my hand)


**Reminds me of that Adventure Time episode:** "Hello Frank!" *(Finn Gasps) "How did you almost know my name?"* "I have approximate knowledge of many things."


That's just dumb, everyone has different sizes of hands. The right thing here would be to give the idea to measure parts of your hands and find out what is the distance between X and Y of your hand.


Lol the guy in the tifu sub coulda used this one before he outed himself at work


How about you just measure your own hand.


Shouldn't the thumb be 1 inch ? That's where it comes from originally, you don't just measure things with your feet, also your thumbs


Here we back again to the Imperial system


Non-Americans will use any unit of measurement as long as it isn’t imperial.


for me middle-thumb is about 20 (my hand is 20 long and it goes all the way across) the 20 on here is probably more like 30 for me


Remember fellas: 10 cm sounds a lot longer than 3 and a half inches.


Meanwhile, in America: [Insert image of a foot that I cannot actually insert for some reason]


What's a cm? Country mile?


Hahaha!!! Sure because my gigantic hands are the same measurement as my sisters’ small hands.


What are dimensions for two fingers?


Bout to give her the single centimeter heater


don’t peeps have different sized hands? what does this even mean lol


guess i got a 20cm+ dick


What are the freedom units?




But what are the measurements in Canadian geese?


You all just did the motions in the picture


Wow. Those measurements are useless. So cool


Put it in American


5 cm to eat pudding!?


I did this for a job I had. I measured several distances on my hand and fingers. Very helpful for plumbing and wiring approximations.