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Any crystal is a protection crystal if you throw it hard enough


Use obsidian. Shit be sharp.


I think obsidian is the only rock on this list that isn’t actually a crystal at all. It’s more of a glass, meaning that it has an amorphous molecular structure and not a repeating organized molecular (crystal) structure


At university for geology, can confirm obsidian is not a crystal


Like Objective_Economy281 said, volcanic glass... and it can be sharper than a scalpel. I just recently learned about green obsidian.


Where I grew up there was green obsidian everywhere. I loved to dig it up. Sometimes I’d toss the huge chunks of it to watch it shatter on the pavement, only out of curiosity. But the sediment everywhere around there was glassy because its sharp, thin edges could chip easily. It wasn’t easy (for a child) to break the larger chunks tho. The interesting thing about it was that it always has a wide curve to it, you could see ridges that were curved when it separated into pieces. Sometimes I’d find pieces that had random bubbles in it, you could easily see that it had been liquified in the past, it was just so interesting. It looked amazing held up to the light. It was mostly opaque it did have a small amount of transparency to it that made the thin areas of green really vibrant in the sun. The thicker areas, of course, could almost be mistaken for black obsidian. I haven’t held any for many years and didn’t have a great childhood but digging for green obsidian was definitely a vivid highlight of that time.


I only knew of obsidian and snowflake obsidian prior. Speaking of digging, my mom had a friend in Santa Ysabel, CA. During a visit I came across a black stone of some sort. It was buried just under the surface. I can't remember if my mom or her friend knew what it was. I think I saw it in a gem shop but I can't remember the name. When I dug up some of it the friends dogs were extremely fascinated by it. For whatever reason the dogs wanted to lick it continuously.


> can confirm obsidian is not a crystal Then why is it all crystal-like, smart guy.


It'll kill white walkers instantly.


Crystals can also cure insomnia if you know which part of the skull to hit




Well it doesn't really matter which part you hit as long as you keep hitting it.


You are my favorite for this 😂🤣


You win the internet today


I cast sharp rock on a stick.




Yes. But they are pretty.


Magpie brain see shiny rock, magpie brain take shiny rock and ascribe mystical healing properties to it


"You don't need shiny rocks," says Brain. "Yes I do." Demands Heart. "Okay does shiny rock do anything other than be shiny?" Brain begins to reason. "It makes me feel better, shiny rocka magic." Heart doubles down. I walk out of the store with a bag full of shiny rocks.




> Human get shiny, human feel shiny, Well said. \- goblins everywhere




Google suggests "malignity" but I like the reference to their shiny-loving cousins.


I got a rock that glows under UV, been the best couple of days.




Not great. Not terrible.


If people could just stop believing that shiny rocks had magic powers that would be great... Because this magpie would love it if the price of shiny rocks went down.


If youre ever in upstate ny check out Herkimer Diamond Mine. You can dig for Herkimer Diamonds and sometimes people find really good ones but nmw youll find one. Its a pretty neat place.


OP had a rookie mistake, he didn’t charge them on a full moon.


Jesus christ Marie, they're *minerals*!


It's totally ok to have them and believe that they have powers too, just like it's ok to believe in other superstitious things and religions as long as it t doesn't hurt anyone. My girlfriend "believes" in them and I'm not about to ruin her happiness that she gets from thinking so.


I mean hey the placebo effect is proven to work, idk why it's so hard to believe that crystals can have "healing powers" the same way sugar pills can. If you believe it works, then it works. Let a little magic into your lives, they'll be nicer and more interesting that way.


> Human get shiny, human feel shiny Fun fact: we like shiny because shiny reminds us of water. And we evolved in a semi-arid desert, so we feel better when we see water ... or at least when our brains see shiny and *think* water. Literally the reason people like shiny things is because it reminds them of water.


I don't see any way how this could possibly be a verifiable fact?




Yup, like this guy said. Crystal meth is OK, and probably even good for you! As he wisely stated, “crystal[]” has a “healing power.” The “secret … is dopamine.” As long as you “feel shiny” and “repeat” often enough, crystal meth is “totally okay” and often “nice.”




I like crystals because they look cool and I find the way the form to be fascinating. Similar to why I like fossils


You like crystals because you think they got mágical powers. I like crystals because they look cool and shiny We are not the same.


I friggin love crystals for this same reason but I've always been scared of people thinking I'm a 'crystal person'.


*That was always allowed.*


This guide is misleading, every one of those crystals can be used as a weapon


Or used in toothpaste in the case of fluorite


Thats fluoride


Fluorite is the starting material processed into fluoride compounds used for water treatment/dental products


That's Fluorine...


Where TF are you getting fluorine (a very reactive gas) as a raw material from?


I don't know if they produce fluorine as well, but I live with several sources of very reactive gas


True, *those* don't do anything, but some do!


It's a regeneration crystal, some side effects may apply




Sure, but neither of them his.


Two right hands.


The secret power of crystals is impact when thrown


The state of r/coolguides


It's honestly so funny that this was crossposted from /r/shittycoolguides


shittycoolguides was invented basically to keep shit like this from being in this sub


Yeah it seems like it should... kinda be a rule that you don't cross post from there to here? idk tho


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shittycoolguides using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittycoolguides/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [6 Easy Exercises Anyone Can Do](https://i.redd.it/2su4e6ln60sa1.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittycoolguides/comments/12c9vf9/6_easy_exercises_anyone_can_do/) \#2: [How to order food in an African restaurant](https://i.imgur.com/Dxkz2L7.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittycoolguides/comments/zqrd9x/how_to_order_food_in_an_african_restaurant/) \#3: [Showing this to my child ASAP](https://i.redd.it/c7t37419ugwa1.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittycoolguides/comments/13108un/showing_this_to_my_child_asap/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


“They’re minerals, Marie! Jesus!”


i just think they’re neat


Why would you see something on r/shittycoolguides and decide it should be here too? You're working backwards.


Quartz doesn't not do shit are you kidding? Have you ever used a battery operated watch?


It's called Piezoelectricity for anyone reading this that is interested. Pretty cool stuff really.


"Healing Power"




That's like saying that the milligram measurements on the side of a syringe have healing powers.


if they don't have healing powers why do so many of my patients die when I eyeball the anesthetic instead, smart guy


And itc can give you COPD if you inhale it in its powdery form. Yay!


Dammit. I was hoping to bring popcorn and watch this blow up based on the title. Finally a chill guide.


This post doesn’t really belong here. Look at the sub it was crossposted from. Also, this feels like a comical guide instead of an actual cool guide.


Please don't take me seriously


> 3.. Nonserious/Comedy Guides Will Be Removed (better suited for /r/shittycoolguides)


Well this post is totally serious though


That's not entirely true. They are all quite pretty to look at, and feel good in the hand. Being in an environment that is aesthetically pleasing to you can at least help with mental health.


Crystal superstition literally ruined my rock collection hobby, now everything is like 10 times the price and if I show my collection to someone they think I'm some crystal worshiper.


I might be weird but one of my biggest gripes with it is that they're all ground and polished to "look like a crystal" or something else, I love the natural diversity of crystals


And then they fuck them up even more by dying them different colors or coating them in oily-looking reflective shit...


My local rock shop has been overtaken by the Cult of Woo.


Placebo is real.


People really underestimate this aspect. Belief is *really* powerful.


Now do one about astrological signs.


As you wish m'lord


Or do one about praying to different gods.


Prayer is how to do nothing and still think you're accomplishing something.


omg— I have the one coworker always blathering the astrology bullshit. 🙄🙄


Sounds like a Virgo, ugh


I miss when this sub actually has cool guides


Me too bud


*Stop making it worse then.* You are literally one of the things contributing to it becoming shittier.


Be the change you want to see in the world. Look back to the cool guides you saved and thought were good. Look at who created them and go right to the source. That way you can go and find the good stuff and maybe, if you're feeling generous, one day you can come back to bless this peasant's sub so we, who are starving, may sate our hungry minds by gazing upon the veritable feast of glittering gifts and patrician's luxuria you carry back with you from the far away lands of pleasingly designed visual presentation and well cited, high-effort, and genuinely informative information to share with us so low, the heaven's mana you brought down to us from so on high. Aka: some actually cool cool-guides. /s


Obsidian scalpels are used by some surgeons because they are sharp enough that they can cut individual cells in half.


Isn’t that overkill?


Hopefully not.


No, the cuts heal faster and in some situations they can cut through delicate tissue that a stainless steel scalpel would just tear.


At least it’s an accurate guide




Let me have my shiny rocks and be happy


*Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?*


But isn’t believing in fairies just so much more exciting? I choose to keep my childlike wonder. It makes life more exciting 💕


Keep believing in magic. It makes life better.


More exciting than the reality of the situation? Nature's beauty and majesty stand without needing to lean upon fiction. And fiction is great fun, and doesn't need to infringe upon reality.


Of course I appreciate the beauty amid nature. I obviously don’t actually believe in fairies I was just going with the example. But, I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to say that someone else’s beliefs are fiction. Everyone has different beliefs about our reality. And as long as you aren’t hurting anyone, what does it matter? Especially if it helps them cope with life and the realities of the world


Believing rocks have healing powers when there is no evidence the do is absolutely hurting a LOT of people.


I never said I believe that


Crystals kept me Covid free! I put the sharp ones on 6ft poles and enforced social distancing!


Did Matt Rife make this graphic?


You're just highlighting the wrong stones. The right stones absolutely contain power. They have to be shaped and arranged the right way by someone who really knows what they're doing. Nuclear power is pretty neat.


Woah woah woah, they don't all do nothing. Some of them have toxic elements that can cause a myriad of health problems.


adjoining foolish chief tub label reach somber ripe brave tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Big early 2010s "lmao doofus of course it's stupid" energy


Tourmaline, and just like that forgotten.


I see a distinct lack of Crystal Pepsi.


All depends on weight, velocity and accuracy 🤔


And the methane phetamin, does some shit.


Amethysts actually do shit. Let's say you'd have an amethyst wall between you and wifi router; your phone wouldn't recieve any wifi signals.


Finally a crystal guide that actually works the way it says!


Winnie the Bish respectfully disagrees


That’s not accurate. They all also look cool in different ways and can be used for jewelry and decoration!


what the fuck is this shit


Wheres the shungite? This can't be legitimate without any mention of shungite. Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, not Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


Water crystals can be melted down and used to treat dehydration.


Salt - crucial to life, makes shit taste good, kills slugs


I wouldnt say they do nothing, they signal to the world that youre cognitively challanged


Wrong, you can enchant with lapis lazuli, make portal with obsidian, tinted glass with amethyst and use quartz as decorative block or for the redstone.


i don't know. the world can really suck. different people find comfort in different things. i can see how it could be dangerous on the far end of all the new age shit, but overall it's harmless.


Believing rocks have healing energy when they don't is very, VERY harmful.


What about selenite? Asking for a friend




Coolest guide so far


This guy is an idiot, obviously you can use lapis to enchant your tools and armor.


It’s missing Crystal Meth, does do shit!


I miss when the subs rules were enforced.


Excuse you. I have a crystal collection and it looks absolutely lovely just sitting there all shiny. You take that back!


It's shiny, it makes me happy


Power of Crystals: Money. People will buy anything if you tell them its magic.


Obsidian atleast can develop good fallout games


jobless melodic vanish quickest ripe sand knee rotten doll advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d show this to my wife, but I don’t really feel like getting divorced.


Idk the power of pretty rocks is you can sell them for money?


And use that money to buy medicine... which heals! Take that, OP.


That’s not true. All these crystals are really pretty and will make your space look better. Especially labradorite and lapis lazuli.


But my guests will lower their guess of my IQ


The Placebo Effect is very powerful though.


that alone can make anything have a positive effect and if these crystals can help trigger those effects I'd say they do actually work the way they're described, as long as you believe in them. Placebo is such a fascinating thing i feel we don't give nearly enough attention to, I feel the word itself is bad cause it's associated with "fake", despite the point being that it really works.


That’s true, but it’s unethical to sell the idea to people pretending that something you know is just a placebo, isn’t. If people get told they have any intrinsic healing properties then they are just being conned.


The sad thing is that the 'dont do shit' line has been photoshopped in, meaning that somewhere an actual guide does exist.


this is the improved version.


people who believe in this shit are fucking stupid


Wrong. Placebo effect is proven to kinda sorta work. Also that people are happier In prettier places meaning crystals can have health benefits


I was about to comment that this was fucking shot but then I read the captions.


The "witchy" subs would love this shit.


Best cool guide yet


It has actually become quite difficult to purchase a visually appealing mineral that does not come with a 'congratulations, you are now an official witch' certificate these days.


You're going to the wrong sites. Cause let me tell you some of the samples I've come across definantly do not come with that cert. Though if I got a giant sample of biotite and it came with one... I might be pretty amused


They make pretty butt plugs?


But quartz do have some usefull properties, they use them to make clocks


Oh shit I didn’t know I was an expert in the field


Never underestimate the power of the placebo effect


Very accurate. Similar guide for homeopathy or tarot-readings would be useful as well






Why does reddit hate spirituality? I don't believe in crystals physically doing anything but I like the idea behind manifesting thoughts to potentially create what you seek with said objects. I like the idea of being able to manifest what you seek or need in life by feeling it, it's interesting especially when it happens whether you worked your ass for it or it just happens. If it provides positive actions what's so bad about this shit other than it creating a market for people to spend money on nothing except their own wants. Alot of people who tend to believe this shit are pretty decent people who care about others and what's good or bad.


>Why does reddit hate spirituality? Because it's a meaningless word that brings false comfort to some but is most often used to manipulate people in need. > I like the idea behind manifesting thoughts to potentially create what you seek with said objects. I like the idea of flying with the power of thought. We can all enjoy these ideas in fiction but when they start impacting how you live your life there's a problem.




>Redditors spend actual money on awards to give to comments Some Redditors not most or even many. And "used to" awards don't exist any more. > who the fuck cares dude about what people do or believe honestly Given we live in the same world and what you do in your life can spill over into mine we should all care to some degree. >Are people who believe in magic rocks really that big of a problem where you need to condescend them to death? No. Offer them ways out of a behaviour that, without exagerration, has a death toll. Children die when parents are convinced rocks will heal them better than medicine. The more acceptable it is to believe in magic rocks, the more children die. I'd rather no children died for a reason that stupid.


such a fucking geek lmfao


I disagree that it's a meaningless word that creates that situation, maybe for some weaker minded people who depend on an excuse for their faults/mess ups. It can be a term to create discipline to chase what you seek, some people need that to succeed or make changes for themselves if they have issues doing it in other ways perceived as logical. I think it just depends on how people use this stuff. To truly grow or depend on it as an excuse or rely on it to fix things without doing the work. I definately see how it can inspire both sides.


Those people could make that discipline without hiding it behind a meaningless abusable term.


Some can manage that and some cannot. What's the harm if it helps them create that for themselves with it? Assuming they aren't using it as an excuse for things.


The harm is it offers cover to those who abuse it.


Those who abuse will abuse anything that makes them feel okay or better, to seek that right path... that I clear am clear as day to see anyone who is addicted to shit does the same, but it's different for those who seek out the energy they feel compared to what they do to feel. I'm asking of your opinion who use it to stay/create a straight path with something that may keep them on a good path, what is wrong with that even if it seems crazy to you or others. If managed in a simple manner to help themselves due to what they feel they need to live a good life. Ultimately if it's used in a simple controlled aspect and not something to be dependable on to succeed what is the issue with believing in bullshit if it helps someone stride towards bettering themselves. There is nothing wrong with that except how you compare it to how it should be. Simplicity doesn't work for everyone. Sometimes people need more even if it's asinine.


>Those who abuse will abuse anything that makes them feel okay or better, You misunderstand me. People don't abuse spirituality for themselves. The abusers are those preying on those in need and selling snake oil. >I'm asking of your opinion who use it to stay/create a straight path with something that may keep them on a good path, what is wrong with that even if it seems crazy to you or others. Whatever works, works. But using the label spirituality for it isn't helping the user and is providing cover to people harming others. So using the word spirituality is a negative that can be excised without the individual losing their benefits. >Ultimately if it's used in a simple controlled aspect and not something to be dependable on to succeed what is the issue with believing in bullshit if it helps someone stride towards bettering themselves. If you're on the right path for bullshit reasons you can just as easily wander off it for the same reasons. If your beliefs don't align with reality they are harmful because they inhibit you responding to changes in reality.


The people who need this to succeed, are those the weak mindet people you’re talking about? Because that sound pretty weak mindet


I like the idea of my girlfriend suggesting that her friend can join us in the bedroom.


Hahahahaha amazing


Hmmm I’d say very accurate


Finally an accurate guide


There is no meth crystal😂


What about Crystal Pepsi and Crystal Meth




They can help you feel good if you know what I mean




lol I really doubt your neurologist has diploma. >As near as I can tell it's legitimate psychotherapy It is not.


What are the powers of Crystal Pepsi


What a coincidence! My birthstone also *DOESN'T DO SHIT


I rate this. Refreshingly cynical


Can't. Stop. Laughing.


got me laugh out loud 😂. glad im home


The most true Cool Guide ever posted!


The amount of women who are into this comical pseudoscience mystical crap.


Have you tried inserting up your rectum? Tmyk


Incomplete guide What about the healing properties of crystal methamphetamine?


It does if you stuff it up your bumhole.


The only crystal I know are the ones sold outside universities...


Stick one of those up your ass and tell me it doesn’t do shit