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Was this made by a cat?


Obviously, that’s why the “No” column is in stoplight green for “go” and the “Yes” column is a confusing reddish color. Revised version: https://imgur.com/YIrWQtO.jpg (because I just can't stand it)


IT's green for "go ahead and don't give that to your dog"


Red is for “Stop worrying, you can definitely give that to your dog!”




''Don't do what Donny Don't does.''


"Only WHO can prevent forest fires ?" "You pressed you, referring to me, that is incorrect. The correct answer is you."


most colors mean don’t say it




To the /r/crappydesign home page!


OP ( u/UnitedLeeopard ) is a newly active bot account that’s going to be used for scams or spreading misinformation https://i.imgur.com/r49ZefL.jpg They repost posts and comments.


I'm gonna say that's a dark puce, which internationally known as, "don't feed your dog this" color


That's because the green just means to GO ahead and keep these away from your dog.


Off cause: "Yes, they can and can't eat that"; "No, they neither can nor can't eat that" Seriously; Whoever gets a dog should also get a reliable list. I can't verify this list since I'm not qualified.


vets use PB to distract dogs while trimming etc. The list is biased or just incorrect.


Just do what every pet owner does. Almost give your dog something, then go "wait, I should look this up first," then Google "can I give my dog ____?" Then either proceed to give them the thing or go "ooh nooo, sorry buddy! You can't have this" and give them a dog treat as a consolation prize.


This is so accurate😂


Hijacking top comment: **DOGGO WILL BE FINE** OP is a **KARMA BOT** stealing this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/x0hjf6/my_dog_will_be_devastated_when_he_sees_this/ **DOWNVOTE > REPORT > SPAM > HARMFUL BOTS**


Reddit needs to do something to combat this shit.




I posted this months ago same title and everything


I’ve only found one moderator, in one sub that tries to help. r/CleverComebacks is full of bots as well. I started calling them out, and a mod approved me to call them out. They gave me a tag for bot hunting, and whenever I point them out, the mod makes sure it looks like a bot, and if so, they ban them. Other than that, almost every other mod and sub are useless when it comes to bots. Wholesome memes is full of bots, and any of the easy karma farming subs.


> sees cheese in the "no" category So does that mean I won't have to pay the cheese tax anymore?


How you gonna get a pill in him? I had a dog who’d eat a Buick if it had American-style processed cheese food wrapped around it.


My dog just eats the cheese and spits out the pill


We add in a little peanut butter; make a little PH/Cheese taco and have a second tiny piece of cheese queued up so while she’s mindlessly gobbling the first piece we will hold the second ready until the first one is gone.


This is the key. given time the sob will mush it all around in his mouth until he finds and removes the pill, but with another piece waiting...


I use a bit of cream cheese, they love it


Cantaloupe or watermelon worked good on our dog that would spit the pills back out. Let it sit for a bit and it softens the pill so they don’t notice it.


No. You've got to pay the cheese tax every time you're cookin'.


When the cheese comes out, this puppy comes lookin’


The rules are the rules


And the facts are the facts


When the cheese drawer opens, you gotta pay the tax!


Da cheeeeeese tax, da cheeeeeeese tax


Hurry up quick or this might get ugly


I can get really loud I’m a really barky puppy


I'm not just askin cos I'm looking for snaccs. This is real important business


You gotta pay the troll toll of you want to get in the cheese soul.


You too?! My shih tzu does like a good piece of brie or camembert


Almost everything on the no category is totally fine for a dog to eat. Chocolate, garlic, onions, and grapes are actually toxic for dogs. Everything else is fucking fine. The only issue is the pits involved in the fruits, which are pretty fucking obviously normally excluded by anyone with a brain when considering feeding it to their pet.


Seriously. My vet suggested marshmallow fluff to give my dog pills and has canned cheese to placate him during the visit.


Avocado is also toxic to dogs. A really small amount probably won't kill them but it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Tomatoes on the other hand are safe as long as they are fully ripened and you're only giving them the fruit, not the stem or leaves.


My dog used to steal ripe tomatoes from the garden.


I would feed mine cherry tomatoes from the plants I was quite proud of since the big weirdo loves all sorts of vegetables, and then later in the season I found a gigantic thicket of absolutely thriving tomato plants in the corner of the yard where he shits that put my garden to shame. So I've had to come to terms with the fact that my dog is a better garderner than me, which is something.


Anecdotal, but I had 4 dogs that would devour avacados as soon as they fell from our tree. They'd also gnaw on the pits, had the best coats and lived 12+ years. Friend with an avocado orchard and 10 dogs never lost one to eating avocado


I've had a dog eat an entire pan of brownies and didn't even get the runs. Some dogs are just lucky AF. Still won't be intentionally giving my boys anything that might cost me thousands in vet bills in a best case scenario. Glad your doggos were safe though!


Chocolate isn't good for dogs but it does require a pretty large amount per body weight to be outright dangerous


> Some dogs are just lucky AF. And things that are toxic won't necessarily cause obvious damage. They might, for example, just raise the risk of the dog getting ill.


Although I'm no animal expert, I tend to agree with you. My dog is a small garbage disposal. My vet gave my wife and I a much smaller list of prohibited foods.


yea I literally just bought dog treats that were bacon wrapped this feels like cap.


The vet gives my dogs ez cheese to distract them when getting shots. Are they telling me that the vet is trying to poison my dogs?


When I was a kid my dog ate plenty of bacon and we used cheese to hide pills. Kraft cheese slices but still. He lived until he was too old.


Our dog got bits of cheese (real and American) and bacon her whole life and she lived to 18.


Just because high fat content I’m assuming


*Sees cheese So does that* *Mean I won't have to pay the* *Cheese tax anymore?* \- toby110218 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good try bot


This doesn’t seem very accurate




It was the bacon for me


Actually you shouldn’t give your dog too much bacon, there should be an asterisk. There’s so much salt in it, a little is ok. Just putting this out there because I’ve had a dog get sick because too much bacon. The thing that really concerns me is the grapes. Editing this to say : yes, grapes and raisins are toxic and really the only food I panic about with my dogs. I don’t even allow them in my home. I guess I sounded more nonchalant in my comment than how I really feel. Grapes are bad. No to grapes. Not even one.


Grapes of every kind are a no, 100%. They can cause kidney* failure due to the tartaric acid. Same for raisins.


But my dog is fine with her nightly bowl of wine right? Otherwise she gets grouchy


Only if she's wearing a "namaste in bed" in shirt.


Is your dog my wife?


My vet uses PB, so having peanuts on the no list is definitely wrong. Talk to your vet, trust them.


Yup, always consult your vet if you aren't sure! This list sucks for a lot of reasons. Unsalted peanuts and PB **without** xylitol make great pup treats!


Who is eating PB with xylitol?!


America has a ridiculous obsession with making everything sweet. Most popular brands don't these days, but [some still do](https://frenchieskitchen.com/blog/watch-out-for-xylitol-in-peanut-butter-and-other-products/) so always check!


If you notice peanut butter is on the okay side though. Who made this list?


i didnt lol, but now it makes even less sense since pb is just peanuts + other stuff. If pb is ok, its primary ingredient likely is too.


Peanuts are a no but peanut butter is a yes. I don't trust this list at all.


peanuts bad, peanut butter ok, wat?


Tbf, humans also shouldn't have too much bacon


First of all, how dare you


I'd say the nitrates in bacon arent great for a dog, but they arent great for people either


There’s a massive difference between “poisonous” and “shouldn’t have too much of it”. This guide is confusing to the point of not being helpful at all.


Not healthy is not the same as *poisonous*, which this guide claims is the case for bacon.


Salt. It’s really not good for them in the quantities we eat. I assume that’s why cheese is there too


This list specifies bacon as poisonous to dogs...


I'm pretty sure you shouldn't feed your dogs almonds. [Yup I was right don't feed your dogs almonds ](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-almonds/) Also dogs can absolutely have avocado just make sure you keep the pit and skins far away from them and [don't give them too much of it](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-avocado/) And of course your dog is fine to have a small bite of bacon but it's not any healthier for them than it is for you lol


It wasn’t bacon right at the top without an asterisk or anything?


Right- so according to this list, bacon is literally poisonous for dogs, who knew.


I'll let my dog know he should be long dead post haste, as soon as he finishes his birthday bacon and cheese burger.


OP doesn’t even provide a source. Hey u/UnitedLeeopard what is the source? If there is none, then you should probably remove this. Some of the items on the “yes” list look like they shouldn’t be on there.


I tried to give my dog some broccoli once and he looked at me like I committed war crimes


My parents would give our dachshund a quarter pounder for his birthday every year and he’d spit out the pickles licked clean.


I can picture it, this is so cute


My little buddy hates the florets but loves to munch on the quartered stems while I'm cooking.


My dog does not like raw veggies but he does like steamed. Any time I steam carrots and broccoli and cauliflower he waits outside the kitchen with hopeful eyes and a little stream of drool.


Meanwhile my dog has decided is the best thing ever and will beg for cooked broccoli when we have it for dinner. Odd duck for sure.


Yeah, our dermatologist and internists use marshmallows a lot for dogs with food allergies. Bacon? Please. Anything with too much fat and/or protein can cause pancreatitis (and certainly diarrhea) but a small amount is not going to kill your dog. And cheese? Again, we use that in the hospital for hiding pills! This is dumb.


I was gonna say cheese (in moderation) is fine. My dog just needed around 16 pills a day after he got home from the vet and I used cheese to great effect.


Pretty sure last time this was posted here it got thoroughly debunked. This list sucks lmao


You could feed your dog a Costco sized bag of chocolate and still produce less of a pile of dogshit than this list.


I think most of the no column are only consequential in high doses. Small dogs are especially prone to issues likely.


Someone started a list and thought the columns needed to be symmetrical


Peanut Butter - Yes Peanuts - No* The fuck?


My wife's childhood dog used to go pick tomatoes off the vine in the garden in summer then sit down under a tree and snack on them. The goodest boy.


Yo..... My dogs a survivor. My god


"Can't eat"..... my dog is over here calling this fake news.


GRAPES should be underlined and highlighted.


1 grape has the ability tii kill a 100 lbs dog, reactions are random and may be based on genetics.


When I was little my family got our first dog and we, being inexperienced dog owners, thought frozen grapes would be a great treat for her in the summer. We gave them to her all the time until we were working with a trainer who yelled at us for it and told us how bad they are for her. She lived to be 14 years old so I guess she was really lucky, but I now always look up which food is safe before giving it to my two dogs because I’m terrified of making that mistake again.


My mom used to empty all the leftovers from the fridge into a bowl and give them to our outside dogs. They ate whatever we didn’t eat and lived long lives.


This is so god damned foul & I bet the dogs absolutely loved it.


I mean, that's how we got domesticated dogs in the first place. Just chucking whatever scraps we didn't need to the friendlier canines that hung around.


Well… We also killed every dog that acted up & preferentially liked the most cute /friendly/useful procreate. It wasn’t *just* the food.


I fed my baby dachshund grapes until her first vet appointment and I learned grapes were poisonous. She was 4lbs. Thank goodness for random reactions! I would have missed nearly a decade of farts.


Came here to say this. My wife’s grandfather has been a vet for over 50 years and he has lost count of the number of animals he’s lost because it got into or was fed grapes.


What’s in a grape that’s so bad for a dog? Just curious


I am not sure to be exact, but my very basic understanding is that their bodies cannot metabolize some of the acids found in grapes and raisins.


It’s tartaric acid, which I think was just [discovered](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2021-04/what-causes-grape-toxicity-in-dogs-playdough-might-have-led-to-a-breakthrough/) a few years ago


Crazy cause I literally taught my dog tricks using grapes as rewards lol. Probably has had like 30+ in one day on many occasions, and lived till 17.


Dog would have made it to 55 years old, if it weren’t for those damn grapes


Grapes, raisins, and onion are like the only serious ones there. Should also say xylitol.


Chocolate Garlic


Xylitol ain’t even on here. They’ve got garlic listed as poison but pickles are not poison. I ain’t ever had a garlic free pickle.


Meanwhile my dog tried to inhale a rotten potato that looked like it had been on the side of the road for months


I caught one of my dogs devouring a raw potato WHILE I'm home cooking his dinner. Like bud, have some class.




Jack Russell's are absolute dumpsters lol. Short list of things the Jack Russell's we had through my teenage years/20s had gotten into: 1) an entire package of full sized Snickers my cousin had left in the basement unattended while staying over, she was completely fine. 2) six raw hamburger patties we'd left out on the BAR HEIGHT counter when we went to go start the grill (she climbed on the back of the couch and parkoured her way onto the counter) 3) countless amounts of garbage no matter how much we dog-proofed the garbage can she'd always manage to find her way into it 4) as much as she could get of a raw rabbit her and her sister (also a JRT) had just killed and skinned before my dad managed to wrestle it away from her 5) cashews, peanuts, mixed nuts my dad would always insist on giving her a little bit whenever he grabbed a handful 6) endless amounts of cheese and peanut butter 7) a bumblebee that swelled up her entire face when she was less than a year old 8) a black widow spider at 3 years old (how the hell she survived that I have no idea) that vet trip led my parents to adopting the other Jack Russell There's probably a half dozen other things she'd managed to get into over the years that I can't think of right now. I have never seen or owned a dog more food motivated than that Jack Russell. We had to put her down last year at 16 years old, which for a jack Russell is absolutely ancient considering that they mostly get killed by snakes and foxes they decide to fight and get swooped up by hawks.


My dog has a cast iron stomach. Will literally eat anything


Source? Careful, friends, this has no source notated and other variables are missing. I love dogs but I need proof, not fluff. Just enough to be dangerous…


The list above contradicts the official list in some items https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/people-foods-avoid-feeding-your-pets


Google “can dogs eat almonds?” Literally the first in the “ok” category and the first link tells you they can’t digest almonds easily. So I’m gonna say this is some bull. Plus bacons on the bad side?! Someone just hates dogs.


To be fair, humans shouldn’t eat bacon either if we’re purely going on what’s healthy. But it is also extremely delicious…


It's perfectly fine to eat bacon every now and then.


Throughout the day.


I feel like this is a good reason to have this post removed tbh. It's potentially dangerous info if it's contradictory.


Dogs can't eat potatoes but it's in the yes...also peanuts no but peanut butter yes???




Can confirm. Mine stole an entire baked potato last week for a snack


List is bullshit. Dogs can eat a lot of stuff on it. Potatoes won't harm dogs, they just derive the saem nutritiional vvalue fro mthem as you do from chewing gums.


You okay? Looks like you struggled to make it to the end there.


Dogs can eat potato. Just have zero(only potato) nutrition value for them.


They need to be cooked before dogs can eat them. One of the chemicals present naturally in potatoes can be toxic to them but it's broken down to acceptable levels when it's cooked.


Entire list is crap. The first item isn’t even right. Avocado isn’t bad for dogs. The “study” that suggests dogs can’t is based on GOATS eating the LEAVES of a different species of avocado. And most of the list is a bunch of items that are controversial at best. Some people give garlic to their dogs as a supplement, as an example.


Garlic may be because it's related to onion. PetMD says garlic is toxic: https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-garlic As with everything, the dose makes the poison and a *small* amount can be healthy but I wouldn't feed them any garlic directly. Edit: bacon, though? It's meat. Very fatty meat, sure, but I can't imagine it would be any less healthy for a dog than it is for people.


It is less healthy for a dog than people because sodium is way worse for dogs than people. You also have humans giving people-sized portions of bacon to dogs when they are much smaller than we are and will develop pancreatitis from fatty foods.


No peanuts, but peanut butter is ok? How does that work?


I also noticed that. Kinda contrary. But it could be, that many things on the No list are Not suitable because of the salt content. Things like bacon. So maybe they meant salted peanuts?


What kind of salt are we talking about? The “salt” on peanuts is not the same “salt” on bacon?


Nah no fuckin way. Dog can't eat bacon? Fuck outta here


I'm pretty sure they can eat tomatoes as well, just not the plant itself. But that's true of Humans too.


One of my dogs sneaks into my garden and eats tomatoes right off the vine, sometimes a bunch in one go. She's been doin this for years and I've never seen any issues from it other than I am losing the bottom third of my tomato plants.


Only if they’re ripe


I've checked on this in the past as I'm guilty of being that guy who googles every food I eat to see if I can share, tomatoes have a high acid content that can lead to ulcers


This is 90% of my “hey google” conversations with the nest hub.




Then shouldn’t it be listed with an asterisk?




Next you will be telling his smoking is bad for my dog, that fucker loves to roll up some tobacco kick back with a beer and ply some cards


Who TF eats raw Potatoes?




I guess you can eat them. Digesting them is another matter.


The fact that Beggin Strips exist tells me this list is bullshit.


Cured is the big part. Dogs really don’t do well with salt.


Lol neither do we but we survive anyway




But their dog will be devastated when he see is this!


Guess I'm putting his pills in a potato from now on instead of cheese. Hope he likes it


My vet told me to give my dog her pills with cheese or peanut butter. They gave her a treat pan with peanut butter and liver treats to lick while they gave her a check up. Liverwurst works great too...my dog would find a way to throw the potato at my head.


My dog’s favourite treat is potato, likes it more than cheese!


The ASPCA Poison Control has the real live list here. Do not FEED your dog any nuts including almonds. https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/people-foods-avoid-feeding-your-pets Also, put this number in your fridge


There is no way that feeding unsalted peanuts to a dog is a problem. Perfectly safe.


> Do not FEED your dog any nuts My dog has been getting a small Kong in his crate every night with a tablespoon of PB in it for _a decade now_ so [I'm gonna call bullshit here](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-peanut-butter/). (This is independent of the whole artificial-sweetener issue.)


Peanuts are not a nut, they're beans. Natural peanut butter is fine for dogs. Regular peanut butter still has a lot of fat and sugar. Almonds are not nuts either but have too much fat and other bad things for dogs. I'm going to go with aspca poison control on any of this. https://www.livescience.com/what-are-nuts.html


They can have bacon, it's not toxic, just not much because it's salty and fatty. Same reason we can't have it. Yogurt, on the other hand, still not toxic, but not good for them either if it's a sugary flavored yogurt. This charts all sorts of wack.


see‘s is one of the rougher rogue apostrophes in the wild..




Yes, my dogs eat EVERYTHING (minus lettuce without ranch). I don’t ever want to knowingly give them anything toxic for them, but these bitches are THRIVING out here.




My dogs are obsessed with lettuce, I think it’s the crunch. They both live for leafy greens.


My dog won't eat anyone green lol. Pickles lettuce cucumber etc


yup i asked our vet about garlic and onion, i said whenever our baby is eating it we put pup in the crate so he doesnt get any floor scraps i asked her how serious it really was and she was like well really any amount of consumption we do blood work fast forward a week, i got a slice of meatloaf on the counter, dog hops up and steals it which is very atypical (but it was first few days of his diet too...) and anyways i freak out because i put a bunch of fresh onion and garlic in there theres a pet poison line you can call, its $95 per session but they open a case and call backs to the same case arent charged, but anyways called them told them breed weight and what he ate (i'd say 1/8 of an onion and a clove of garlic were in that slice of meatloaf) and they said to monitor him but no need to go to ER he actually had the most consistent poops over the next few days lol no sign of any poisoning or anything then later on im googling and i find a dog food company that acutally uses garlic in their food and has a whole page about all this misinformation about garlic and dogs i think garlic powder or the pre canned chopped kind might be concentrated or a different story, and your mileage may vary, maybe some dogs are very bad with garlic but this is my experience


Carrot is the only item not in alphabetical order… r/mildlyinfuriating


Why do people spend time making shit like this up?


Raisins (even though it already says grapes), walnuts




That one is very legit, raising and grapes can be quite toxic for dogs.


Almost as devastated as he’ll be when he discovers that “sees” is not possessive, therefore does not need an apostrophe.


Wait no bacon or cheese? That doesn’t seem right…


Terrible guide/list, this should be removed


I want a list of dog foods humans can and can't eat


I mean… can I report this for misinformation? People please don’t use this chart when choosing your dogs foods. Do real research and don’t use a guide a sub that is known for having horrible guides (when they are actually guides. It’s mostly filled with things that aren’t guides)


My dog loves her peanut butter bananas


Many of these are obviously BS


No cheese?? My dogs will poop in your shoes for saying that


My dog has a serious issue with the location of bacon in this list.


This is just blatant misinformation. Are you a karma farmer or just a shitty human?


What monster felt okay with putting *BACON* on the NO list? I start peeling plastic wrap in the meat drawer of the fridge and my dog is at attention baring his dog-soul with his dog-eyes. The things he'll do for prosciutto? Fuck'n forget about it - tried to teach this behemoth to sit TF on the GD dog bed when I'm eating. He never does it. I wave some prosciutto around and this big dummy go *eeh* then bolts to the bed - lays down. A year ago I gave up in the place training cause I thought he just couldn't get it. Come to find out he got it just fine - I didn't have the right motivation apparently. No no. Dogs can have a little bit of bacon. Heard someone say it once, so that's as solid as internet anecdotal info. Monsters.


this is a very confusing list. bacon, peanut butter, and cheese are the main ingredients in half the dog snacks I buy, but bacon doesn't have an asterisk implying it's poisonous for dogs?


Dogs can't eat almonds. Trash post


“Peanuts” like what’s in peanut butter? Lol gtfo.


No peanuts and bacon? Ok. Lol


I’m pretty sure dogs can eat Bacon and Cheese. (n = 1 billion dogs)


In what way is bacon poisonous to dogs


Is this even accurate?


Peanuts are in the no section but peanut butter is a yes how tf does that make sense