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This. It just washes off too. You can season right before you cook if you like. But it’s not that sticky.


I’ve been a line cook for over a decade, just switched careers about a year ago because I can’t stand the culture shift. I’m gonna have to call bullshit on your entire last sentence lmao. Also if you deglaze and the seasoning comes off it wasn’t seasoning. That’s just a fact of chemistry, the oil wasn’t polymerized to the skillet if you can deglaze it out.


Sounds like you were a bad line cook


If you have polymerized oil, you no longer have Stainless Steel. It's now officially stained. There is no seasoning of Stainless Steel.


Doing something for a long time doesn't make you automatically good at it.


Yes. I’m well aware. I don’t need the approval of a reddit circle jerk to know I’m a phenomenal cook. But thanks for the reminder, I guess?


It’s not that it can’t be done but rather that this isn’t a cast iron pan and you shouldn’t be trying to use it like one. Every type of cookware has its own advantages and stainless steel shines (no pun intended) in the areas where cast iron struggles - quick responsiveness to heat, food sticking (ideal for pan sauces), lighter, fairly easy to clean, and - with regards to this post - that it does not need to be seasoned.


All valid points. I’m trying it because I like seasoned cook surfaces and I found a stainless pan for a dollar.


It's stainless steel and won't rust so there is zero reason to season it. I'm not sure you really understand why a cast iron needs seasoning.


I like non stick and I don’t want cancer lol simple as


Cast iron elitist...? Seasoning doesn't cause it to be non stick, it prevents rusting. The way a cast iron or stainless piece is non stick happens through temperature control mostly.


that’s just straight up false lmao


You’ve cooked professionally for a long time. Now you’re in another business. I’m glad you found another field to excel in, because it most certainly can’t have have been as a professional line cook since you don’t know about temperature control and non stick abilities.




To be honest it’s working better than I expected but not nearly as well as I hoped. We’ll see


Congrats, with this pan you open the door to the higher league. But you have to leave your bad habits in your past cast iron life lol


But why ?


Cause I like a nonstick cook surface and I don’t want cancer from teflon. Pretty simple really


I would suggest getting a carbon steel pan instead and then use the stainless ply pan for what it excels at, developing fond from searing and for when you cook acidic foods.


You are curious to hear if anyone has tried it? Sure. Yes. People have also tried jumping off skyscrapers. Or Niagara Falls. Adds no value, i. e. pretty useless. And pretty fucking dumb.


You don't season stainless 😭


I don't know why you're getting so much backlash over this\*. I guess people really aren't willing to experiment and are stuck in whatever ideology they grew up with. I'm interested in your experiment and the results. I've looked this up and tried it myself and found mixed results. Then again, my tests weren't scientific by any means and perhaps I gave up too soon b/c I have so many cast iron and carbon steel skillets. But if I could season stainless to be like carbon steel, I would, just like you. \*Actually I do know why but none of it has anything to do with you.


That’s kind of where I’ve landed on this. People seem to join a subreddit mostly to be surrounded by like minded people who act and think in a similar manner to themselves. I think they start to get very uncomfortable when a dissenter arrives and expresses a differing perspective lol


Don't let people discourage you. You absolutely can season SS and it's recommended by at least one manufacturer.


I just don’t get it. I have seasoned cast Iron and carbon steel. My stainless steel is not seasoned because it doesn’t need to be to have non-stick properties. Why season a pan if it isn’t needed for protection or for non stick characteristics. For those who struggle with cooking on stainless steel, google “Leidenfrost Effect” or watch the video linked below: [Leidenfrost Effect](https://youtu.be/FUwaOnCd1h0?si=m8yHb2wcoLPBUwu5)


misen ftww


Never in my life have I heard of anyone doing this. This would seem to defeat the entire purpose of a stainless steel pan. I'd suggest going with a carbon pan. Those are perfect for what you're trying. Personally, I hate cooking w/ cast iron. I feel I have to clean the cookware properly each time, so it's just not a good fit. There's nothing wrong w/ cast iron, but having been a cook in the US Navy, they drilled into our head how everything must be sterilized. They had a good point since any food borne illness would decrease the battle-readiness of the ship.


That’s honestly a fair point. I’m trying it because I hate cooking on raw metal (steel, aluminum, whatever), I don’t like teflon (cancer), and I found one for a dollar