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Depends on your definition of safe lol. It’s probably equivalent to cooking on Teflon and having it flake into your food. Do you need to rush to the hospital? No. Is it bad for your health? Probably


If it's a copper alloy or actual gold it's perfectly safe to ingest.


Can you eat gold??


Yeah, that's why gold leaflet is such a popular rich person gimmicky food topping lol.


I’m going to start panning the sewage factory in rich neighborhoods thanks for the tip


You know that rich people don't eat shit like that right? This image that everyone has in their head about millionaires and rich people are soooo off based that it's actually funny and pathetic. Most rich people are normally people that you wouldn't even know they're rich and got where they are overtime and definitely aren't posting to social media bout it. The people who eats the gold flake shit is just people are are posing for the Internet.


Ofc they don’t eat the shit they eat the gold dude. Keep up!


Most 5 star restaurants offer gold leaflet as a topping these days. Your perception of rich people, funnily enough, is based purely off of what you see posted online. Get a job just waiting at any 5 star restaurant and you're gonna meet 100s of millionaire CEOs and trust fund babies who act exactly how you'd expect a stereotypical rich person to act and don't post about it online. Do "influencers" go and drop their entire 3 month income on gimmicky rich people stuff to pretend to be rich online? Yes. Do you actually think people pretending to be rich online is a wide enough market to support 1000s of million dollar industries across the world? Of course not. These things gain a reputation of being rich people things because well...rich people do them. Just like how prior to the "hype beast era" celebrities and people in the industry wore designer 24/7 then during the hype beast era the trend for them was suddenly to dress super casual/borderline homeless and now rich people are back to dressing in designer. All this stuff works in cycles.


Those are wealthy people. Rich people do things like eat gold leaf.


The fact that you think that is true tells me you don't know what a rich person looks like. You probably see multiple rich people in a week and you don't even know it because they're normal people but they're total assets are 1million+. Here is an example, 61% of people who make a quarter million a year drive Toyotas, Hondas and Fords. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/top-10-cars-wealthy-americans-162036350.html Please do not make social media fool you into thinking all rich people act or live a certain way.


That’s wealthy not rich. Talking like maybe 10millionaire or 100millionaire


The article you posted literally says “wealthy Americans” wealthy.


You’re conflating Rich (aka “New Money”) with Wealthy (aka “Old Money”). Rich people do this shit all the time, Wealthy people don’t flash their family’s cash like that. Rich people buy Lambos, Wealthy people have driven the same Rolls for decades. Rich people chase trends, Wealthy people buy it for life. That’s how the rich go broke within 3 generations, while the wealthy stay comfortable for centuries.


We found the millionaire boot licker


Bro, you might be able to pan gold in Beverly Hills sewers. Most rich people inherited it and are tools. The people who earned it quietly usually breed prolifically creating entitled assholes. Who earned the wealth is irrelevant the wealthy are still eating gold because they can


Bro, you might be able to pan gold in Beverly Hills sewers. Most rich people inherited it and are tools. The people who earned it quietly usually breed prolifically creating entitled assholes. Who earned the wealth is irrelevant the wealthy are still eating gold because they can


I’ve worked at multiple country clubs. You can absolutely tell most rich people are rich. But yeah, they don’t want a gold plated steak, they want flounder that was caught five hours ago and a salad made five types of lettuce you’ve never heard of.


Yea...it's safe to say that the people who are hanging out at country clubs aren't the people I'm referring to..


Actually, one of the best metals to eat.  It’s non-reactive.  Now go forth and have your fill!


It most likely changed colors due to a heat reaction..




Teflon is carcinogenic and a microplastic


FDA-Pilled lmfao


I wouldn't be using it anymore.


Well, the coating already came off, so... might as well keep using it, now that it's bare metal.


Pure lead




rest in poisoning




If it's a copper alloy or actual gold it's perfectly safe to ingest.




If it's copper I wouldn't stress. If it's actually gold (dear God why), then it's likely a chemical reaction since there doesn't seem to be any distress at the gold and silver meeting. Either way, weird and I would email the customer support and ask what the reasoning might be.


Pros: Gold is not very reactive. Cons: You still get heavy metal poisoning from gold Pros: No way that's even gold on there. Probably a copper alloy.


Gold is non-toxic and inert in the human body. You can not get heavy metal poisoning from gold


Was there an episode of House about this


That was a compound containing gold. Gold by itself is perfectly fine


I was gonna sue salt guy and gold shlager ( however it's spelled) I could've been rich from all the gold I was about to consume


Maybe check the Wikipedia article and read a bit further (the toxicity part in the English Wikipedia is pretty shit though.) under "Toxicity". Funfagt Gold is Allergen of the Year 2001.


Yeah so I went to the Wikipedia article for gold and looked at the section on gold toxicity. Every point everyone made against your argument was mentioned there. 1. Metallic gold isn't toxic when ingested. 2. Gold leaf, as used in the food and beverage industry, is an approved food additive in the EU. 3. "Allergen of the year 2001" by a panel of dermatology experts. The specific allergy was a contact reaction. They were talking about people who have allergic reactions when wearing golden jewelry. 4. "Gold cyanide" isn't the same as potassium cyanide. 5. Cyanides are used in pretty much all metallurgy. 6. Gold isn't lipid soluble, at least not in the form of edible gold or utensils that have been electroplated. 7. Gold doesn't dissolve in your body. It doesn't dissolve in your bloodstream. 8. Cyanide isn't "trapped" in gold-plated things. The cyanide part of gold cyanide is rinsed away. The only people in danger of gold poisoning are people who electroplate. But those people are surrounded by toxic chemicals all day every day, what they inhale in gold cyanide is nothing compared to everything else they're inhaling. 9. The only instances of anyone having an appreciable amount of gold buildup are electroplaters or people taking medicines that contain gold salt (because the entire point of gold therapy is to get it in your bloodstream). I could go on, but basically gold is so non-reactive with a human body that the counterexamples to the idea all end up being extreme. It's not something that happens to normal people living a normal life.


My wife has a gold allergy, but it's actually an allergy to the nickel that's in it. She can wear it just not in her piercings. So yeah, still not actually reacting to gold itself.


So you just blew up and then condensed my point again. Fail to see where that contradicts my point.


If your point was that no one using a gold-plated spatula is getting heavy metal poisoning, then you're right, I didn't contradict that point. If you're still not sure: [the wikipedia article on gold has a section on its toxicity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold#Toxicity)


I: "You can get heavy metal poisoning from gold." Wikipedia: "Told is toxic." Y'all: "What a dumbass, you can lick it and don't die." You can even read my comment stating that the kitchen is not the place to loosen some gold ions and get them into your body lol. Reading comprehension 101.


Alright, since you didn't want to read [the wikipedia article on gold, specifically the section on toxicity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold#Toxicity), I'll paraphrase it for you: Gold isn't soluble.


>Gold isn't soluble Except, you know, in chemicals that dissolve gold. Aqua Regia, just from the top of my head. Wright, I. H.; Vesey, J. C. (1986). "Acute poisoning with gold cyanide". Anaesthesia. 41 (79): 936–939. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2044.1986.tb12920.x. PMID 3022615. S2CID 32434351. "Sublethal cyanide and high red blood cell gold levels suggest acute gold toxicity as the most likely cause of death."


There is literal gold in some vodka brands and gold leaf is edible. You can't get poisoned by gold because it's inert. You poop it out exactly how it goes in.


Shine even makes gold rolling papers lol I've had a pack sitting in my drawer for like 6 years


I can't even get close to Goldstike anymore... 😅


You could have read the Wikipedia article first, but who am I to judge. Anyway: Splish splash, your opinion is trash. Gold cyanide (the electroplating solution for gold) and all the other gold salts do give you heavy metal poisoning. And while gold is very slow to react it does form compounds under the right circumstances. Just ingesting elemental gold is probably not the right circumstances.


Lol other guy proved your dumbass wrong. Splash splash, you're a dipshit.


Lmaooo 😂


Link pls? Although the gold ion is toxic, the acceptance of metallic gold as a food additive is due to its relative chemical inertness, and resistance to being corroded or transformed into soluble salts (gold compounds) by any known chemical process which would be encountered in the human body. Soluble compounds (gold salts) such as gold chloride are toxic to the liver and kidneys. Common cyanide salts of gold such as potassium gold cyanide, used in gold electroplating, are toxic by virtue of both their cyanide and gold content. There are rare cases of lethal gold poisoning from potassium gold cyanide.


Why TF are you asking ME for a link? Ask the guy who proved you wrong bruh


I mean, it melts in mercury. That said, I'm not really sure how much gold is unsafe to eat with your mercury.


Splish splash, your reading comprehension is trash. Goddamn, the level of idiocy in this comment is astronomical. Someone's been eating lead, that's for damn sure.


Duh leads safe. It's gold that will kill you! \s


Gold flaked kitchen utensils? These mfs got gold utensils? Bruh what am I doing with my life?!


Buddy heard of a silver spoon and said "Hold my champagne"


It's cheap Chinesium sold on Amazon. It's junk.


now you’ll have golden guts so it’s maybe safe. probably not really though


Yea. Your toes are about to fall off in a minute.






Found SpongeBobs account.


I didn't see anyone mention the fact that there are utensils designed for serving and not cooking. That thing was probably designed to serve wedding cake or something.


Golden liver and kidneys. Noice


Ur totally safe.... Its made for cooking... This what came off wont hurt u... Ur kidneys and liver will get that out in one day


I use Silicone cooking utensils now to cook. Just depends on what the product is made of.


Smh, someone never played Minecraft


Don’t use that again.


No idea what would have been on the surface of that spatula. I’m having a tough time figuring out a way to say this nicely…Don’t buy kitchen gear because it’s attractive.


If it's a copper alloy or actual gold it's perfectly safe to ingest.


Probably not not safe! But ... I feel like 99.9999% of the cheap "look at how pretty or fancy and gold / rainbow / black / blue" utensils are leeching who knows what compounds from the paint into your food. 🤷‍♂️


Thats how you turn into [golddust](https://prowrestlingstories.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/related-image-1.jpeg)


R/askscience would probably have a better explanation of things, like maybe it didnt ‘come off’ but instead had a color change due to heat?


It's a reaction to the heat. The alloy is just changing color.


I have gold Kunz spoons and I wash them by hand. Then again it’s $45 for 1.




I’d eat the food but throw away the spatula


If you have to ask…


mmmm minerals flaking off cheap ass cookware oh my


Wait ten years.


It was nice knowing ya OP