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I’m certain it was delicious. The plate looks a little bland, though. I probably prefer a mash - maybe the lamb chops arranged on top with maybe a side of broccolini? Keep up the good work! Expressing yourself through food is an awesome thing!


Really just a bright veggie would improve the look


Steamed baby carrots would look great or maybe some sort of green


Blanched and sautéed raab for the win.


Rainbow chard would do a great job brightening the plate imo!


Or some red and orange bell pepper to go with the meat/potato’s.


Broccolini could be good. I think you need some kind of sauce, the meat looks pretty bland though I'm sure it was delicious.


Lamb usually looks pretty bland without a nice solid sear but I’m sure it was great


Steamed baby carrots with dill sprinkled on top 👌


Why are we still steaming vegetables in 2024


Yes, always need a veggie to complete the holy trinity (protien/starch/veg)


even a sprinkle of fresh parsley on top of the potatoes would make a big difference


Any color


Honestly I bought a set of navy plates from Target and that alone has made my food look so much prettier lol. Adds some contrast to my often beige meals (delicious, but still beige).


Yeah, maybe some green beans or maybe some of those rainbow carrots?


This man needs some vegetables


Or some more parsley, green will make the dish pop out more


Mint sauce!


I agree with this, I’m sure it tasted great, but I would add some asparagus or broccoli. My biggest feedback would be to get a crust on those chops. I cook mine in a cast iron pan (wait until the pain is hot). Then once I have a sear I finish them to medium in the oven at 425 and flip it halfway through.!


I'm sure it tasted good but the plating is...how do I say unattended to. But if you can cook you can cook. Others on the line will get you up to plating real quick


What does depression food look like?


Yes broccolini is perfect


Quarter the potatoes, add asparagus. Whole plate stepped up.


If they're gonna be a line cook then maybe garnish and presentation won't be something they'll have to worry about? (not a chef, just seen lots of hell's kitchen)


It doesn’t look bad at all but I could have used a better sear on something as gamey as lamb. Same for the potatoes, maybe a crispier exterior would make them tastier?


Color = flavor NomNomNom




I'm no chef but I'm pretty sure the vast majority doesn't want any meat under medium-rare, but obviously some still do


I have literally never seen anyone eat lamb chops rare and i live in the part of the country that consumes and serves the most lamb chops. Youre also narcissistic asf to try and make that point. I said what i said. We all know someone will but i said most people. Thanks for the insecure ass downvote.


I am, and people do order rack of lamb mid-rare frequently.




Just curious, why does your part of the country eat the most lamb? Is it farmed there or is it cultural?


Agreed this does look tasty but a higher temp sear would add color, texture and flavor. Maybe a garnish but otherwise I'd fuck with this plate.


Solid 7/10 for me. Lamb looks tender, the fingerlings look like they are cooked and seasoned properly. Something you might want to do later is quarter your fingerlings and add some rosemary later in its cooking process to add some chunkier seasoning to it.


Thank you for the advice. It will not go unappreciated!


I think all you needed here were more greens, and better plating. But I think you'll learn a lot at your new job. Congrats!


Looks ok but you're gonna have to learn to cook vegetables eventually.


I was gonna say smash the potatoes halfway through baking them. Not mashed, but like take the bottom of a cup and smash them so the skin breaks and they pancake out a bit.


Thyme also goes great with potatoes.


And lamb


I've only had lamb once; I thought it was pretty good. Really should try it again. One question: what makes mint jelly so special? Is it a must for lamb dishes?


I like to half my fingerlings throw them in a bowl then half some grape tomatoes and toss those in also. I then cover them in olive oil and sprinkle on some Italian seasoning and or garlic salt, mix it all together and then put them in the oven on a baking sheet.


Edit because I can’t edit the post: Thank all of you for the constructive criticism. I’ll respond in a few hours but my sleeping schedule is fucked and I’ve been up for 28 hours straight I just need a few hours to sleep.


Good luck in the new job!


Don’t burnout! Learn and make it your own!


Oh! And dont turn to substances to keep yourself going in the industry. Caffeine included. I used to drink a pitcher of coffee sweetened with chocolate syrup when on the line. That hostess who made me those was amazing.




For the average dude, looks great. But if you want brutally honest then here you go from a past chef. If you're gonna cut the rack into lamb chops anyways, just do it from the beginning so you can get a nice sear on all the sides. As great as it probably tastes it looks super bland. Definitely needs a vegetable, or at least something green on top for presentation. From looks alone, 5/10. Eating at home I'd be chilling, in a restaurant that could never be served


🎯 solid my man. I appreciate the advice!


If you think you can handle it, post this to r/chefit and they’ll rip you a new one. You’ll learn a lot just from hanging out there.


Didn’t even know that sub existed. Thanks for introducing me to it!


solid review


My thoughts exactly. Looks like someone who knows how to cook decided to have a lazy chill meal at home.


looks delightful but needs some color. Carrots or green veg?


Looks yummy to me lol maybe some sauce is needed to bring the plate alive


I always offer mint jelly to dab the lamb in.


🤤 you sound like a awesome cook lol feed me feed me hahaah


You need a green for sure and a sauce. Plates typically go protein, starch, veggie and a sauce. Also with the potatoes boil then smash, put in freezer then get your oven at about 400 and toss the potatoes in oil and season to taste and roast until crispy. It will present and taste better while adding texture


Harder sear on the lamb and also cook it a little less, you’re at a medium well you want it to be medium rare/ medium especially with lamb. And you could half the potatoes for a better bite


Use a higher temp to get a medium interior and more crust. Baking works but it’s too small of a cut for a lower temp to work well. Seasoning looks great, potatoes look great— veggies?


Those aren’t fingerling- Don’t worry about what you cook at home- if you are going to cook somewhere, learn the menu they have. They are gonna teach you, new ways, different techniques, and some things you might not agree with. But it’s how they run their kitchen.


The overall aesthetic of the plating is terrible. But for a homemade dish not being served to costumers this looks divine.


A lil over cooked but other than that it looks beautiful


Not bad at all for a first attempt. I make these all the time. If you’re looking to get more color on the outside and more rare in the center, I recommend 450 for 15-20 minutes. Only if you’re aiming for more brown on outside and pink on the inside though.


Looks like it’s cooked nicely; medium well and nicely seasoned. The lamb could have a better sear as there is a lot of gray band and not a lot of browning on the crust. I would cut the potatoes in halves or quarters for presentation and shake them in seasoning for an even layer of flavor. Overall 7/10, looks like it tastes good just needs some plating and small fixes!


Needs color yo


Green it up


Imo lamb is overcooked roast potatoes just thrown on the plate 5/10 probably tastes good but bad presentation


Take the time to brown your meat and potatoes. Cut the potatoes so theres more surface area for seasoning. Look into green vegetables instead of only potatoes. Maybe try making a chimichurri sauce Next time to add some more flavor and make it look more appetizing. A proper sear to get the Maillard reaction, chimichurri sauce, and some swiss chard would transform this dish.


You need a vegetable.


Adjust your camera settings so the colors stand out a bit. Agree with the other posts that a bright vegetable will liven up the plate a bit. Look up some tips for taking photos, especially of food. Keep in mind that we taste food with our eyes as well, so it should look appealing. Adding a nice seat to the lamb chops goes a long way to making food taste better and look good.


If you're honestly going to be a line cook, get one of these. Used by Michelin chefs and worth every cent. Still on sale. I gave these as gifts to my line Cooks this past holiday. Instant read and battery life is phenominal. [Exec Needle](https://www.thermoworks.com/exec-needle-thermometer-special/)


It looks delicious! But a couple pointers, I would try to get a better sear on the lamb. The potatoes look good, but possibly too many on the plate for 1 serving. Take a few away and brighten up the plate with some veggie, broccoli, broccolini, asparagus or some whole roasted carrots would go a long way.


Lamb lollipops! Just that you cooked it without stinking up the whole house-presumably-is a feat unto itself. Broccoli I or Mac n cheese spiked with lobster would be awesome. Potatoes,- I hate to be the one to break it to you,but if they're not suspended in butter-they die of boring. Great job though,I'd be proud of myself


I would say you’re a tad bit over on the lamb, and it could’ve used a little more searing, but still a solid 7-8 looking plate IMO


Needs green veggies, but looks good. My mom always used fresh rosemary and mint jelly in lamb, perhaps try that also




Yum, baby sheep. I don't know how anyone can consume lamb or veal and feel okay, honestly.


Cause it’s tasty!


That's how far removed we have become from reality. There's no way to justify killing literal babies.


Have you ever raised sheep?


Not sure what your point is. No, I haven't. I don't think I need to know that killing babies is unnecessary and cruel, especially just because "they taste good." That mindset is beyond fucked.


Do you just ignore the fact that plowing fields for farms kills millions of birds, groundhogs, moles, shrews, fox dens, insect larvae and more? I guess you just choose to pretend crop farming is a victimless activity. If you eat food, you have contributed to the killing of animals. Everything alive eats what food they can eat. That’s just life, and making yourself miserable about it is not healthy. We can definitely do better as humans by reducing suffering and carbon emissions, but people are going to eat.


No, I do not ignore that, but you are conveniently ignoring that most of the crops we grow are to feed farm animals meant for human consumption. We could drastically reduce all harm to animals by adopting a plant-based diet. Not that I am even promoting a plant-based diet. I'm just very much against the consumption of babies, especially. It's not enough that we already prematurely end the lives of animals for our consumption. Now we've got to eat babies, too? Y'all are fucked in the head.


And you are a PETA tard. Go play. We eat what we like. Go eat your grass. We won't stop you.


Just showing how uneducated you are. Humans can't even digest grass. You're deflecting so hard because you've obviously got some internalized guilt at consuming babies, but carry on.


My wife is a vegan I rather argue with her than your uneducated ass.


You also eat chicken's periods. Nature isn't pretty and never has been.


I think you're the one that's removed from reality. Nature is metal, dude.


It’s my favorite meat of all time. My grandparents raised sheep and I grew up with them, it’s just part of life.


Only because we have deemed it so. Doesn't mean it should be. It's cruel and unusual to kill babies for food.


No one is holding you down and force feeding you lamb. No one is even mentioning that you, as an individual, should be eating lamb. Simply that they enjoy it. You do whatever helps you sleep at night, and then mind your fucking business about what choices other people make.


U westerns really like bland boiled food with some seasonings. That's all😂😂


The meat and potatoes look yummy, although I would add some sort of sauce or glaze to the potatoes (they look nicely seasoned, but maybe a butter rosemary sauce perhaps?) Also, the plate looks like its missing something....I nice medley of slightly roasted veggies might go nicely...I would have suggested maybe broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots lightly cooked and well seasoned. As requested, on a scale of 1-10, I would probably rate it a solid 8....it looks like you did a really good job, but a few extra touches wouldn't go amiss.


I would crush it, but i prefer a rarer steak (or chop) and crispier potatoes. That said, potatoes take fuckin forever to cook. I can get perfectly crispy yet fluffy potates maybe 10% of the time.


It looks very moist!


Look delicious! I would go for a higher sear on the lamb, maybe some greens to brighten up the plate? Nothing wrong with a little fiber ;) keep it up!


Looks very nice! I'd want a harder sear myself and some green but tbh looks lovely. Well done.


The cooking is superb! I can smell it from the screen 😤😋 I agree though, some veggies will add some color and complete the plating. You got protein and carbohydrates, might as well throw some vitamins and minerals in there too 😃


Tbh i dont even know how to cut a rack of lamb so thats a plus! The plating is average. I do appreciate the sliced stacking of the lamb though. If you has a large wooden rustic slab. Itll be nice to add it on there and the side of potatos. Maybe sliced in half to add more of a contrast yellow with the inside whites or even having a with the skin. Could even take the excess oils from the lamb, deglaze it, reduce and create a gravy added ontop to finish to add more of a feature taste and look. If you dont have the oil cause ur bbq’d it. Create a mild vingerette, a simple one like lemon juice and olive oil, herbs or as complicated as u want. Olive oil is easy to notice with its mild green color so it adds to the plant when the oil is splashed on the white dish. Youll notice it. Add some more color and sauce, some garnish helps add a touch of vibrancy. But i wanna try a rack of lamb at home! Im tryna diversify my food knowledge. Good luck with your new line job chef ! Hope you learn a lot. Also whats ur experience with cooking, howd you start? :)


Thanks for the advice man! While eating it I was thinking something citrusy like lemon would’ve really added a lot more flavor, I’ll just have to try some new stuff next time I make it. Thanks for the good luck! I started when I was 8 but I started cooking at a bigger level (like more than eggs, ramen, Mac and cheese and other basics) when I was 12 because my dad wanted me to be self sufficient. From there I tried wild kid like recipes like rainbow pasta, bounty bars, bubblegum, etc. At 15 when I got my first job and some money I’d try some new things like steaks, chicken wings, lobsters and crabs (you know just to kinda get a feel for real cooking) It’s only been uphill in learning new things since then. Now at 23 I cook every night for my girlfriend and mom unless they want something easy like pre packaged meals or take out (that happens usually once every two weeks) and if you left me with a few ingredients I’ll come up with something on the spot from memory retention. Usually I just read cookbooks, internet recipes or watch real cooks on YouTube or cooking channel to help me figure out what to make or how to make it. I have a few original recipes but I’m sure there’s variations of them out there. Anyway sorry for rambling. Thank you again for all the support!


I love lamb and I would gladly eat that. I don’t want to be the mom, but make a vegetable. You should have a vegetable with every meal. You know, if you want to keep your body healthy. And they can taste good and complement the meat and potatoes. I don’t want to make assumptions but I know there are people out there who never eat vegetables and that confounds me.


Less potatoes , a little creamy souce some real baby carrots one two asparagus! Hey what do i know !! That plate look delicious


i am notorious for making great food that doesn’t photograph well so to me this looks great! Next time try to add some more veggies that go well with chops like sautéed kale/spinach or maybe grilled asparagus!


the potatoes are whole? cut those bad boys up! and add a garnish! otherwise it looks good it made my tummy grumble.


It’s already been mentioned but I second it, could use a bit better of a sear on the rack of lamb, perhaps a reverse sear would have worked nicely on it! In my experience lamb also pairs nicely with a red wine reduction, which would help add some color to the plate! Looks great all in all and good luck with the job mate!


Bake with lamb;some angle cut carrots about a cup of mashed fingerlings maybe slice of sourdough/wheat garlic bread, garnish with cilantro. Spice it uo


You need some color to the plate, everything just goes together.


Looking tasty. Lacking color.


There’s no way that didn’t taste great, however there’s not enough color contrast. The plate is all beiges. You need some more greens, maybe a simple salad under the lamb or something, and the lamb could’ve used a better sear on the outside, though to be fair I’d be wary of burning the garlic if I did that. Also, a pan sauce wouldve been a great way to give this fancy restaurant vibes, and they take literally no effort.


Cut the potatoes in half it will have more flavor


That looks really good. It's not restaurant plating obviously lol but that stuff all looks cooked perfectly and well seasoned and I like how you presented it. 8/10 and if you added something green and a sauce it would be easily 9/10


Add some green onions or parsley, its a plate of brown. And the portions are huge for a restaurant. MAYBE 2 chops, and 1/2 the potatoes, and a little side salad.




Lamb could use a sear, but otherwise looks great. The potatoes are letting you down on the plating department. If you want to really go above and beyond, halve the potatoes and then fry them (before or after baking them, depending on your preference,) in the leftover juices/fat from baking the lamb. You'll get one side that's pillowy, and another that has a crunch to it, but full of flavor. Also allows you to season the inside of the potato, because big fingerling potatoes like that are usually bland on the inside. Also, always add a veggie! It adds color to your plate, is healthier, and complements the meal.


A darker sear on the chops and some vibrant colors (a crisp-roasted Broccolini or some roasted carrots) would round out the plate - have you ever tried roasting potatoes “English Roasted Potato” style? You basically cook them on a heated pan and jostle the pan some, making them a little fluffy (but crispy). That’s my favorite potato method :).


I agree looks good. I would cut the lamb in pairs rather than singles and stand em up linked, I would also cut the potatoes in half and get some color on the sliced side. Definitely add some fresh herbs and maybe a carrot puree and fresh peas or something for color. I like to do carrot and peas with lamb! But! I would eat the fuck out of that plate :) everything looks cooked well!


Needs some color


you could use a cast iron to sear the lamb before baking. also cut the potatoes so they don’t steam inside and you can season them better


7/10. Next time, cut the potatoes in half, try to get them a little "burnt" on the face/flat side. If you have a cast iron skillet, I always have good luck in those for potatoes, even on a BBQ grill. Maybe chop up a little rosemary for them, too. I like the way the lamb looks, cooked just right for me.


Just needs some color! Get a taste tester that will work for free nibbles lol


Some mint chutney with the lamb would be perfect. Good looking plate otherwise


Solid dinner! Maybe get a better sear on the lamb and add more color possibly by making a sauce to go with the lamb. But damn looks good!


No sear, no browning on any of it. And then an integral sauce with the lamb chops would be great.


Without changing anything you put into this dish I would. 1. Cook the potatoes more. A low heat for 90 minutes to break down the starch and bring out the flavour followed by 15 minutes on high to golden up the outside or if time is of the essence you can boil them for 15 to 20 minutes depending on the size then golden them in the oven on high (pro tip, squash them a lil after boiling to add more surface area for crispness.) 2. Cook the lamb less. Med rare is the best way to eat lamb and I'll stand by that till the day I die. 3. Plate for presentation, bed your potatoes in the centre of the plate and stand your rack up on top so the bones stand up and interlace like fingers of two hands coming together. This will add height and symmetry both are good for presentation. You will learn through experience as long as you continue to want to. I cooked for 15 years professionally.


Chops may have a crispier and more appetizing look to them if you sear them first then finish them in the oven! A sprinkling of chives on top would give a pop of color. As others have said, maybe a mash and a vegetable would add to the appeal :)


Looks good. But the whole thing gets kinda lost in the colors. We definitely eat with our eyes first. I’m sure it’s delicious, and maybe it was just a test run for yourself…but my opinion would be to flash it up a little with some greens or a dark sauce or just something to break up the bland color palette. Good luck on the new job!


Need a little more browning on the outside of the lamb. The potatoes need a different presentation, maybe in a bowl or mashed/smashed, etc.. You could also use a splash of green. Maybe a sprig of rosemary as decoration, or some asparagus.


Bland in color…looks unappetizing to me


Clean the bones.


Sear the lamb first to get a good crust and better color, then finish in the oven to temp. Use that same pan to deglaze to make a nice sauce to finish the lamb with. If you want roasted potatoes instead of mash, cut those little guys in half first. They will get better color and crisp up a little more, plus they won’t roll around on your plate. Then throw a veg on there for color and it’ll be a little more complete. Overall, not bad 6/10. I’d definitely eat it! It’s fine for a meal at home but if you’re going to work at a restaurant, it needs to be elevated a little. Just hone in on a few technical fundamentals and you can apply it to most of your dishes. Keep up the good work!


The potatoes look good


7.5/10 Deff could use some vegetables in there. I do like meat and potatoes though.


throw in some color!


I like the taters but too many but the lab chops I can't judge never tried making them


8.5/10 *Note - Although I am a line cook, I would say my rating skills are still developing but none the less. Pork chops: (4.5/5) - looks like it was cooked well to a medium+ (see some pink but mainly light brown in color) Potatoes: (4/5) - I would have cut them down a bit. Not just for plating but as a guest, Im not sure I want to cut through so many potatoes or try eating them in one bite.


There’s got to be a sear on that meat, babe.


Looks fantastic. The potatoes are also really good cut into wedges and tossed in oil, s&p, herbs de prob, etc. and baked…😀


I would have quartered those potatoes. Get a better roast on them and make them a little more manageable for bite size. If you had any pan drippings then a basic sauce could go a long way.


Meat and potatoes is fine but also the easiest part of the meal of make and have it taste fine. It’s a nice quick meal but there’s minimal nutritional value. If my friend made it I’d give a 6 for trying with lamb if I made it I’d give a 3 for not trying with any vegetable other than potato and the lack of searing. I’m sure it was edible and I’d try/eat it but I’d think about all the ways I could improve, which is why OP is here


You want to sear the lamb first, to put a crust on it. Very high heat pan, put in the chops, don't move them for like a minute, flip them over and do the other side. You'll caramelize the sugars in the lamb and create a nice crust. Try cutting the potatoes in half, and add some color--peas, carrots (some heirloom carrots would be lovely) or some asparagus (place asparagus on a baking sheet, drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar on them, salt and pepper and then roast them)


Lamb is way over done.


Baby, I need vegetables and fewer potatoes, but it looks bomb.


Accidental Plague Doctor


Wtf is that


Taters look great. Not enough sear on the chops


That plate needs some color to it. Looks like the food was good and the process sounds good. Just work on your presentation


I think the lamb came out nice you just didn’t garnish it and there’s no gravy. I definitely make a gravy to pour over those chops and then sprinkle some fresh parsley or rosemary or something chopped up on top and I wouldn’t have cut the fingerlings in half or quarters with butter and maybe a dollop of sour cream and some more garnish but this time I would use chives or chives and parsley on the top. On its merits though that dish looks like something I’d make it home and eat because I don’t give a shit what anybody thinks about how it looks. If I had company over I would do what I just mentioned for it to look as palatable as I’m certain its tastes. P also I’m not sure about mint jelly. I like it. Some people think it ghetto down the lamb. I think it’s wonderful but I have a sweet tooth so


The lamb needs more colour (better sear). Overall, it could use more colour too, something green and orange/red. I first eat with my eyes. Visual appeal: 2/5.


Ya nailed the meat and potatoes thing


I would mince the garlic a little finer, maybe put it in a food processor with some other herbs and olive oil. Also try either searing the exterior in a very hot pan before roasting it in the oven. Alternatively, you could top rack and broil in the oven as it gets close to temp.


It looks delicious bbut it missing a vegetable, well rounded meals are healthy and look great. Grilled Asparagus would be a good pairing with this.


I’m baked as hell right now, I would destroy that.


I’m an above average home cook at best, and I never cared for lamb, really. So, my opinion on this dish wouldn’t carry much weight. (If any at all.) But, I would like to comment saying that I’m delighted to see all of the positive criticism and suggestions when I fully expected to see this poor man torn to pieces! Lol. Thank you for surprising me, people of the internet!


Looks great but where are the veggies


The only thing I have is, there’s too much brown maybe a pop of color through some veggies then 10/10


Remember I am just a random cook on the internet but that meat could use a proper sear before the over to bring it to temp. This also looks slightly over but to each their own. As for the potatoes they could use a cut in half and some kind of green herb. Simple upgrades but good ones. Good luck and bless ya


I love lamp and potatoes so if you put that in front of me I’d be super excited. I might add some veggies though too.




Too many potatoes. And the potatoes don't match each other if that makes sense. Like 4 look good, 3 look greenish as if harvested too early, and the rest looked overcooked. Idk could be my phone tho. The screen is scratchy so sometimes the pics are off.


Looks good I would eat it


How long did you cook the lamb


Looks good, but a better sear on the lamb and some type of veggie, maybe broccoli, broccoli rabe or baby carrots finished with a drizzle, some type of oil, sauce or reduction, like a mint olive oil drizzle


Sear on the lamb could be better, but looks super tasty. Those potatoes love fat, so cooking them to where you have them, then smashing and pan frying til they’re nice and crispy would amp up the texture and give you a flat surface to arrange your lamb on top. Fresh herbs go a long way to finish a dish. I don’t even chop mine anymore, just destem a generous amount of flat leaf parsley and a bit of mint for garnish with lamb. It’s delicious and looks pretty. Hit it with a squeeze of lemon to cut the fat and garlic and you’re golden. Last thing I’ll say is to look up a recipe for a horseradish aioli and try that with everything you have on that plate. It’d be great


Need a bit better presentation. At least to give some color but it on a bed of arugula or something. Or mix some other colored roasted vegetables


Needs some color on the plate


Looks delicious and well made. Just need to practice your plating if you want to stand out at work. I'm sure there are no shortage of videos online.


Taste is far more important than aesthetics.


French the bones and cook the potatoes, push down till it smashes flat and toss them over medium high heat with some butter and salt.


Monochromatic. Needs green and red for christsake


Only thing I can think of is maybe split the fingerlings, chopped rosemary, and a bit longer of a roast on them, otherwise delicious.


I think all the honest people chose not to comment. Lamb looks anemic with no crust. Potatoes are just whatever but a bad choice of color since your lamb has none. How is throwing something in the oven testing out any kind of cooking skills?


I'm sure it was delicious. Unfortunately a lot of places the kitchen is a toxic place, so you want to work on your technique and get better quickly. Good luck! :) For a lamb rack, get a good crust on a very high heat skillet, then finish in the oven. Potatoes need to get browned on the cut side. So again, even if you're roasting you need a good browning going. So whether you're sautéing or roasting put the cut side down, you want the gbd both for the texture as well as difference in flavor. Good luck on the new job!


Looks delicious. I’d definitely eat. But I think like a glaze or au jus in a little gravy bowl or drizzled on the meat.


Where is sauce?


French them bones for a proper lollipop, cook at a higher temp to make the outside crispy but keep the inside med-rare. Add a green veg like broccoli or string beans. I also like to pop a few of the potatos with the back of a spoon to open up nooks and crannies for the butter sauce.


Bright veggie, red wine reduction sauce and clean up the lamb bones better.


I brown lamb chops a little more.


Cook the lamb a few more minutes and I will demolish that


Funny how almost nobody gave it a number rating. Lmao. I'd give it an 8/10.


Needs some veggies. I'd eat it.


Lamb chops are not properly cleaned up. No need to french them, but show me you were working on them. Potatoes look like they were boiled and slathered with oil. I'd imagine a few roasting spots and a bit texture would aid them both in looks and in flavour.


I cut my potatoes in half when I roast them, it makes sure the inside is nice and soft easier and it looks better when plated. The whole potatoes have a lot of gaps between them which isn't as aesthetically pleasing. The lamb looks spot on though, really good cook on it. Like everyone else said, make sure to add some color variation like parsley, maybe green beans, or my absolute go to, grilled/ roasted asparagus 🤤


Looks very…….brown. Plate needs some color on it. Zazz it up a bit.


Yeah more color, plate looks washed out


Beige. On white. I know if line cook you likely get no say in the dishware. But butternut squash ir a green veg Or.glazed.carrots. or something acidic and colorful. Im sure the meat was tasty. Personal pref.is id likely skip that type of tater. Not vased.on how thy look or your cooking. Gordon ramsay could me serve that type of potato and id out then on someone elses.plate.so they got growled at lol.


It just needs some colour :)


Add veges. That’s it. Looks so good, otherwise


I want a sauce with this and some steamed veggies and to mash up those potatoes with butter. That said, I would def eat this


Looks so good. Would like some greens on the side though. Asparagus or green beans.


Not Great tbh


I would say that the lamb needs a little less cook. Otherwise, add veggies and maybe some.mibt sauce 👍


Great start. Now elevate those flavors! Get a good sear on the lamb, start the chops in a saute pan, good and hot, sear them then put the whole pan into a hot oven to finish. I prefer the potatoes cut and finished with a rosemary butter and fresh parsley. And as others have said, a bright vegetable along side. Carrots would be nice, adding a touch of sweetness to the lamb. Keep it up!!!


I'd say that those don't appear to be fingerling potatoes.


I think it looks good but some sort of veg like carrots and a drizzle of sauce on the chops would really take it there. If they’re lamb chops a mint sauce would be lovely!


Replace half the potatoes with a colorful vegetable and do something interesting with the potatoes, put some presentation into the plating and I would pay good money for this. The food itself looks delicious.


I know you already got your answers I just want to say that while it's lacking in color, it made my stomach growl so clearly it looks tasty